(2011/11) Nov 2011

Congrats to all mummies who have popped... ;)

I have always been a slient reader...

now when i saw everyone popping, cant help but to chip in too ;)


Mummies who had popped!!

Kiam / Eunice / girl/ 27th Oct/KKH - [email protected]

BabyZel/ 27th Oct - [email protected]

Simp/ Samuel/ 27th Oct/KKH - [email protected]

Julia/sarah/girl/1st nov/kkh - [email protected]


Bluedream/ boy - [email protected]

Mummies still waiting

Shjean / Javier / boy/ 9-11-11

Zannie / Girl / 9 Nov / Mt A


Rebeana / Girl / Avril (TBC) / 11 Nov /TMC

Patricia Tay/ Sheveon/ Girl/ 11th Nov/ KKH

Evelyn/ Girl/13th Nov/SGH

Bunny/ girl/ 14th

esther/natalie/gal/ 18th

twink/ Girl/ 19th NOv/ Mt E

is-elle/ Estelle/ girl/ 20th/ TMC/ West

Jean Chua / Yvette / girl/26th

cyn / girl / 26th / TMC

Fynn/Jaydan/boy/30 Nov/TMC


Evelyn-I am also having some white watering discharge and itchness on and off.My gynae prescribe me a pill to insert,its very effective but only last for afew weeks then will come back again.

Glass bottles from hospital

If we fully latch our bb,can still ask for the empty glass milk bottles? I remb my friend told me if you fully latch they will not give as its meant for bb on FM.

Stretch marks cream

Miost probably will purchase the clarins stretch marks cream.I am using mustela stretch marks cream,maybe i started late and lazy to apply in the day so stretch marks had apperared.When i regretted and applied day and night,its too late.

is-elle-Please help to update mine

Little bb/Boy/15nov/Mount A.

Wokeup about 4 times every night to pee.Whenever i lie down to sleep head facing ceiling,the feeling i dunno how to describe,its like cannot breath like something stuck in the chest.Must faster turn sideways and use a blanket to support the tummy.turning to the sides is a challenage also.

My mil told me that During confinment we cannot drink plain water,have to drink red date,longang & ginger tea.I tot we cannot take ginger during our confinment if we breastfeed as ginger will cause jaundice? I heard its only longang and red dates neverr know need to put ginger as well.Mummies please advise.

Ya I also heard can't drink plain

Water, which I think it could be quite tough. My colleague told me she was craving for plain water last time. It sounds so miserable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but someone told me another version that must drink water to help on milk flow...

As for ginger tea, Em.. I nv heard before. I know moderate amount of ginger cooked in food is ok.

Shjean-My mil was saying no plain water for me.Only can drink ginger,longan and red date tea.I was thinking huh i tot longan and red date tea,how come will add ginger,Shes the one doing confinment for me.My sister told me that can take ginger with meat as it has been fried..Yes i heard some people saying must drink more plain water if we breastfeed as we are dehydrated.First time mum very blur!

Also another silent reader - popping in nov =D

Hi Mrs chong : cos ginger can help to expel wind inside our body can take moderate , cant take too much as it contributes to bb jaundice..

if take too lil - bb can bf ,but mummy cannot expel wind... and vice versa..=D

Hi mummies , sorry that yesterday I missed out your questions about the buffet. Oriental melt cafe serves international buffet. It is nice and I had a lot. I was hoping my boy can engage well after the good food. But seems like still no signs of labour.

For those mummies who have popped, can you pls share if there is any feeling / sign when bb is engaged? I m

Really looking forward to seeing my boy n I hope no need to induce [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cassevonrie chia-Welcome to nov thread.Many of nov mummies had popped now left afew on waiting list.When is your edd?Which hosp you delivering?Regarding about ginger,i am kind of worried as many babies having jaundice,my gf bb also having jaundice and have to stay an extra day.Ginger will cause jaundice,really worried will pass to bb.As you said ginger can expel wind so we must eat during confinment.What is moderate i also not sure.Prehaps ginger fried with meat is fine bt not as my mil mentioned,drink with longan and red dates as tea.She said had bot a big box of ginger.

Shjean-Did you gynae mentioned if your bb had engaged? My last checkup on sat,my gynae told me my bb head is down but not yet engaged means my bb is still floating.He said most probably my bb will be engaged next week.I am having serious cramps last week,cant even walk sometimes.He said i may deliver early.

Hi mummies who has popped,

Why do I feel pain at above my vagina area?? Does that mean my bb head is engaged? I'm having difficulty in turning to side if my head is facing up. Feel liked a upside down turtle struggling to turn back. Sometimes when I on my sides, I can't close my thigh together as it feel pain in between. Pls advise.


For what I know, moderate amount of ginger is fine for us. Drinking plain water are subsitute by red date tea. But some mummies still take warm plain water (as long as it is boiled) while they BF. Need a lot of fluid to produce more milk. Putting ginger into longan tea is to help to disperse our wind, but too much also cant swallow ba...will be too spicy to drink... Ginger in food is ok to eat too.

For what I know during confinement, those food or soup we take must be heaty and help us disperse our wind. And we must eat them while it is hot or warm. Better dun take them cold or too cool. So mummies better to take care of ourselves.

Little bb>> hmmm longan tea with ginger, I didn't try that before, most medical hall told us the red date with seed is already heaty enuff, plus recommend to add in black dates, so I guess that should be ok with longan (also heaty)...

Normally I add ginger to those too cooling drink or dessert liked sweet potato soup, tang yuan, cos they normally cause wind in our body after we drink.

But since your mil is doing confinement for you, then probably u need to talk to her nicely if you dun like certain food or taste. I know it might not be nice if u leave it untouched.... Try talking to her or find out more info from ur gynae about ginger intake and let her know in advance.

Hi mrs chong -my edd is 11 nov , my 2nd bb . (girl)

will be delivery @ kkh .

During my 1st confinement i had to take ginger as in together with food fried is ok , tried to pump out a lil before feeding bb so ginger level nt so high in breast milk =D

Little bb

Think i can understand the cramp you mentioned.. cos i am feeling the same last week.. especially when standing up or sitting down. When not moving still ok.. Just realise you also going to deliver in Mt A, did you go for the hospital tour? Any idea on what the hospital will give upon discharge?

Jean chua-Thanks for your great advices.I also will add in ginger when cooking tan yuan or sweet potato soup,it taste great! i was thinking that red dates already very heaty,she still add dried longan which is also very heaty and ginger somemore.Walau faint lei! Moreever she dont agreed i on air con and wash hair only after 20 days,shower body with herbs bag she said its fine.Sometimes i have doubts if she knows anot.She did not help anyone with confinment before and the rules she set is based on those aunties at the market i think.I dont think i can go according,i will have a hard time with her during my confinment.Sianz..Actually my body cannot take too much heaty stuffs as i get cough or sore throat easily but she said during confinment,our body can take those heaty stuffs no problem de.How she knows that,everybody is different.Guess i have lots to grumble about my mil.In the first place i had engaged a CL but then she gone crazy insist must do confinment for me as she scared gossips i think.Afraid people will say what a lousy mil she is for not doing confinment for me.Why will others said that of her as she commends other people before so she scared otheres will say her back ba.

Pain at vagina area

I had all sorts of cramps.Sometimes at my lower tummy which is most often.Sometimes vagina area too like bb head smashing at my vagina.Esp last week i feeling e most,went checkup gynae said bb head havent engaged just that bb getting bigger so we getting more pressure.

During my previous checkups, I told my gynae that I felt some cramps in my lower abdomen, he felt my pelvic area and told me dat baby was already engaged. Cos of dat, added pressure to pelvic area, thus will cause cramps or pain. Gently massaging e area should ease e pain. Although nowadays I feel dat e pain is getting sharper [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so I try not to walk for too long or over exert. When outside, take more rests in between.

Haiz… aches & pains all part and parcel of e process! So take care mummies!

Little bb,

R u staying w your mil? Yah I agree sometimes its very tricky if your mil insists on doing your confinement. Cos not experienced, but cos is your mil so cannot question her. If break e so-call confinement rules will kena nag at for very long time. Nway one of my gf also have a heaty body, during confinement her mil cooked too much 'bu' for her, she ended up w sore throat & cough. So e rest of her confinement she did not take anymore 'bu' stuff, end up oso fine =p

Sometimes I wonder who came up w all these rules haha! Everyone seems to have similar yet somewhat different versions. Nvm, you can always come in here and complain [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cynn-I am not staying with my in laws but i used to stay with them for a year after i married as i waiting for my new house to come.Really had lots of conflicts with her.Everything i do bothers her.When i went to my sisters or mum place,she will not ne happy and will call me that she had cooked my favourite food but too bad im not around.My sisters not happy becoz of that as she will calls and said those things whenever i went to my sis place.She old fashioned thinking that i had married into their family why still always go bk to girl side hse.Really faint lor! Luckily i moved out far far away from her.Now she coming to my hse to help me with my confinment kind of freaks me out again but no choice,i had agreed to let her do so try to endure her for a month lor.Console myself that no matter what my bb with her,i know its safe.How strict she is towards the confinment rules,is still for my own good.Thinking of this way makes me feel better.

SHJEAN: Different ppl hav different sign, i thought might hav to induce at 1st cos it almost 40 week n no sign of cramp or mild contraction.My sign is can't get to sleep a few days ago n on 29th oct i woke up at 5am feeling hungry n get some breakfast. Around 8pm mild contraction kicks in n i knew tat it time cos it getting stronger n it 5 min then 3min interval. I purposely delay the time till late afternoon and arrive kkh at 3pm.

Plain Water

My mum told me can't drink plain water in the hosp so i bought those instant red date tea but i avoid ginger drink or food at all cost as bb latch on and i dun want to risk her having jaundice. But i had to drink water cos it really very dehydrate after delivery esp c sect hav to drink lots of water to clear urine n for bmilk, so no choice i bought my own kettle to boil water.

Welcome Zannie and cassevonrie!

is-elle (iselle): Thks for updating


Mummies who had popped!!

Kiam / Eunice / girl/ 27th Oct/KKH - [email protected]

BabyZel/ 27th Oct - [email protected]

Simp/ Samuel/ 27th Oct/KKH - [email protected]

Julia/sarah/girl/30th nov/kkh - [email protected]


Bluedream/ boy - [email protected]

Mummies still waiting

Shjean / Javier / boy/ 9-11-11


Rebeana / Girl / Avril (TBC) / 11 Nov /TMC

Patricia Tay/ Sheveon/ Girl/ 11th Nov/ KKH

Evelyn/ Girl/13th Nov/SGH

Bunny/ girl/ 14th

esther/natalie/gal/ 18th

twink/ Girl/ 19th NOv/ Mt E

is-elle/ Estelle/ girl/ 20th/ TMC/ West

Jean Chua / Yvette / girl/26th

cyn / girl / 26th / TMC

Fynn/Jaydan/boy/30 Nov/TMC

KKH services are quite good, the nurses are very helpful n taught me the effective way to latch on n they really hav professional to talk to us on different areas after delivery how we can deal with problems tat comes after. Overall it a good experience for me n my hubby but i guesss the bills will be very high too.

My gynae told me should be able to discharge today hope can bring bb home tonite so excited to spend more time with her lucky got my mum to hep me, all mummies pls jia you it a tough one for me and hope all of you have a smooth delivery.

Hi Everyone!

I have just popped yesterday noon at week 38. Finally after 13 hours of labour, Baby Avril is out. The moment she is out an nurse put her on my chest, I teared. It was a magical moment. Anyway I gave in to epidual after 6 hours of pain. Sob. Felt like I failed my mission. But the next 7 hours with epidual was a breeze. While in labour pain, I keep thinking how I should love my mum more. Honestly! It's not easy! My mum was so excited she waited for me 6hrs outside the delivery suite. Poor her.

Oh, here's my update. Funny thing is, I recorded down the process of my labour while in pain. Than my hubb asked why do I have to do that. Than I say it's for my forum friends. Haha.. He say I'm bo Liao. So pain already still thinking about that. Hehe..

2.30am - Water bag burst

3.30am - 1cm 

8am - 3cm

9.30 - Injected Epidural

9.50 - 6cm

12pm - 7-8cm

1pm - 9cm

2.10pm - start to push

3pm - baby is out

Oh ya to mummies who have delivered, understand we can't touch water during confinement right? Than can we brush our teeth? Anyway I feel so dirty now. My hair is already oily after 1 day. Can't imagine days of not being able to wash.

Hi rebeana, congratulating to you and ur newborn. How heavy is Avril? I Guess ur Avril decide to comes out early and asking you to work lesser. Hahaha... It is also good to serve ur cruel boss right, keep pushing jobs for you when u almost gg for ML.

U still got mood to jot down the process...that's cool...hahaha..I guess my hb will say me Bo liao also if I do that... He already saying me Bo Liao y keep coming to forum and not restinig...end up I told him to read up. He is also hooked now and will ask me how is everyone....hahaha.

Brushing teeth and washing face

In hospital we are not given boiled warm water to do that, so I guess no choice but to use the cold tap water...but make it chop chop and fast fast Loh....if not, then use a basin to fill hot water from dispenser then mixed cold water to wash up.

Little bb>> u are welcome to pour put ur sorrow about ur mil in here...heehee...but think about it, she is willing to help u taking care of ur bb for you when u going back to work. So just endure for 1 month Loh, at least u know u and bb will be in good hands....Ren, Ren, Ren....

cynn>> u also feel the pain sometimes now??? Then I think is normal, cos my bb is not engaged according to the gynae last week. Thanks for sharing.

Mummies>> my migraine is getting more frequent recently... My hb is saying I'm behaving more liked a bb when I'm into the last month of pregny.... I told him, I won't be missing this part of pregny....I only will miss her turning inside me, and every gynae appt.... Hahahaha.

Hi mummies,

I am just wondering if any mums here registered their child birth yet? What is the birth cert first four number now? eg T113X ? what is X now?

Welcome all the new mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rebeana>> Congrats on the smooth delivery of your baby. Do enjoy the times together with your Avril. Take care and have a good confinement! Share with us your breastfeeding process soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies, pls do update your particulars according to "Mummy's nick - Bb name / gender - EDD / Delivery date - Hospital - Place of Residence" format...

Will start another google spreadsheet again for the mummy & baby details above when I am free..

Mummies who had popped!! 

Janice/ TMC - popped@2kg

Bluedream/ Brayden (boy) / 24 Oct / Mt A - [email protected] 

Kiam/Eunice (girl) /27 Oct/KKH - [email protected] 

BabyZel/ 27 Oct - [email protected] 

Simp/ Samuel (boy) /27 Oct/KKH - [email protected] 

Julia/sarah (girl) /30 Oct/KKH - [email protected]

Rebeana / Avril (girl) / 31 Oct /TMC - popped@??kg 

Mummies still waiting : 

Shjean / Javier (boy) / 9 Nov

Zannie / Girl / 9 Nov / Mt A 

Yiling/11 Nov

Patricia Tay / Sheveon (girl) / 11 Nov / KKH / Jurong West

Cassevonrie Chia / girl / 11 Nov / KKH

Evelyn / Girl/ 13 Nov / SGH 

Bunny/ girl/ 14 Nov

Little bb / Boy / 15nov / Mt A

esther/natalie (girl) / 18 Nov

twink/ Girl/ 19 Nov/ Mt E 

is-elle/ Estelle (girl) / 20 Nov/ TMC/ West 

Jean Chua / Yvette (girl) /26 Nov / TMC / Pasir Ris

cyn / girl / 26 Nov / TMC 

Fynn/Jaydan (boy) /30 Nov/TMC

Hu1j13 / yishun. 

Nov etolie / marine parade 

twink / sengkang

There are really more princesses than princes, mummies with princes, be careful~ haha..

Congrats Rebeana! Avril is a Halloween baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Oh no, pls dun feel like you failed your mission cos you took epidural, most mummies here are intending to take it muahahahha... How does contractions feel like? Take good care of yourself and have a great confinement. Yup must still brush teeth! Perhaps use boiled water if you can.

Little bb,

Yeah since your mil volunteered to take care of your confinement, console yourself that at least she care enough to do so bah. You saved the money from hiring a CL! And also helps its not a stranger taking care of your baby, lesser worries. Yup what to do, ren ren ren!


Yah, I think its normal to start feeling all these pelvic pains by now, as long as not for prolonged period of time and it goes away. But still take note ah, esp your migraines cos your bp is on the high side. Go for short walks in the park for fresh air if you can with your hubby, can't do vigorous exercises now, but walking does help in the delivery process.

Rebeana-congras...thanks for sharing wif us your birth story when you are in pain.Give in to epidural definely doesnt mean u failed,nowadays most mummies opt for epidural.How big your bb? More & more mummies had popped,so excited.yes i heard cannot wash hands wiif tap water.there dont have small kettle?? My mil told me to add some rice wine into a pail of water to wash face.I did brought a small pail but i think should have kettle right?

Hi mummies, i just started my ML and havent come into this forum for some time already..the thread is moving quite fast.. think it means that everyone is occupying themselves in this forum while waiting for babies to pop out..

I am in 38+ weeks now, also feeling all the pains and aches like you all. Plus I had a freak incident last week..I had a tear in my cornea in my left eye and i dun even know how it happened! Seen eye specialist at CGH and he only said that it appeared to be healing but will take a week. Till now, my left eye is still watery, painful and sensitive to light, so can't open fully. Have trouble looking at iphone, Pc and tv coz of the light..If I really want to watch tv, I have to wear sunglasses so that the pain can be lessened.. :[

Must take care of my eyes and feeling all the pains and aches..arghh..can't go out and walk walk. Gosh! It's so miserable.

My baby is not engaged yet as of last weekend. Don't know when baby will be engaged. How will we know when baby is engaged?

Hi mummies, I have asked my gynae when will my bb be engaged. His reply is when it is time for labour then consider is engaged. But I think it is common to feel tightness in our tummy and all sort of funny pain that never experienced before.

Cynn>> thanks for your concern. Yeah, now i am always bed rest since my gynae is worried about my BP getting higher. He say if my bp goes up again, eventually might need to csection which i dun wish to have. So now, i very kwai kwai listen to him. Even I go for walk, is only for about 15 mins. Or swimming only max 2 laps, the rest of the time will be soak in the pool, at least feel lesser strain in pelvic.

Now I only go out with hb when I need to fill up fruits and food stuffs for my own cooked lunch. Craving for outside food especially hokkien mee, prata, mee goreng, satay...all the hawker food, but since im having tingkat dinner, so I got to cut off my msg and salt intake by cooking myself. Haiz...

Rebeana, dun feel sorry that u opt for epi. Most mummies in here will opt for that. I feel it's cool that u had endured for so long then opt for that. I think I will start epi at the beginning Liao. My pain of threshold is very mild. Hahahaha...share with us on ur BM experience if possible....

Little bb>> we need to bring pail and kettle to hospital ah?? I heard that rice wine can be added to da Feng Cao or water for us to shower or wash up...but need to bring pail or kettle issit very gua zhang???

Wah ! So many mummies sleep so late [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My bb did not move well since last night . A bit worried so now I am waiting to see doctor . Once step into the hospital, bb started moving ... Aiyo ... Hehe

congrats Rebeana... tk care

i think i will have to start packing tonite... dun know when is my turn... lolz..

stretch marks

i was using palmer strech mark creams den it seems useless to mi den i change to Suisse program stretch marks cream... the marks reali lightened alot.. i buy this at SASA shop $38..

tummy pain

today feeling abit better, not so pain but onli the lower tummy .. i hope can tahan to sat doc appt..

my bb gal is like tking revenage on mi.. everytime talk abt her, she oso move here n there...

esther/natalie (girl) / 18 Nov /KKH/ Bedok

is-elle (iselle)

how i wish i can have bed rest.. tat stupid woman in my office confirm make noise if i go ML now... she covers my job....i still waiting for another colleagu to come back fr ML to do hang over..

Hi mommies

Thread is moving very fast. My CL came yesterday afternoon and given the go ahead to shower or wipe myself with herbs if the wound area is not waterproof. Mine is not so i just wipe myself. Feel so happy. My mom was like huh can wipe??? She cannot believe it.

My bb is coming home soon and hb and CL are now buying herbs at joo huat after which they will route to kk to fetch my bb. I told hb i missed his presence last nights though it was 2 nites. I felt i had rest but missing the presence of a newborn crying. Newborn always have an angelic cry within the 1st wk of their life and u just want to protect them.

I was touched by Rebeana' description of how she teared when bb is brought to her. I always feel like tearing reading her post.

Janice>>>I popped at wk 36 and bb wt 2.25kg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Brushing teeth, washing hands etc

I use tap water last time when i brush teeth, wash face and hands. The nurse in hospital already use wet wipe to wipe the csec mommies for hygiene purpose. If u really want, think no need to bring kettle, just bring thermos flask or flask. Since it is hot water or red date tea, u can either drink it, use it to wash face and hands.

Pelvic Pain

Yes that is the trademark of last lap in 3rd trimester. I also could not close leg on the sides when sleeping, got to alternate with the pillow help. Pelvic felt painful when coming out of bed and walking. At times dun even feel like moving. JUst endure and soon bb is coming and u will feel liberated!

Thanks to the update on the bb list and welcome new mommies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi enivi,

FYI, no hospital gives brand new glass bottles, all is recycled from the FM. Some caps are metal, so after sometimes it will rust, it is best to buy the caps at the hospital phmarcy before discharge.

Simp, thanks for your advise on pelvic pain. And I dun think I will bring kettle, will bring flask instead, since hot water is available there.

So good ur CL give u green light to wipe. I also think we should clean ourselves as it will be more comfy for us and lesser stress when dealing with bb.

Esther>> long time didn't hear from you. U still working and not on ML...u must be extra careful yah... If u feel not comfy, just go ahead and rest. Ur health and bb is more important than anything in this world.

Shjean>> it is ur turn soon ba....she might be joking with you, or she want to see ur handsome gynae that y she moves when u step into hospital. Hahahaha...jia you.

dear all,

have been a silent reader cos was working all the way (actually, still working now, but from home). ML only starting next wk.

very interesting to read all the stories after a hard day's work. now that i have a bit more time to breathe, i shall try to contribute a little more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

congrats to all mommies who have popped.

jiayou everyone :D

Mummies who had popped!!

Janice/ TMC - popped@2kg

Bluedream/ Brayden (boy) / 24 Oct / Mt A - [email protected]

Kiam/Eunice (girl) /27 Oct/KKH - [email protected]

BabyZel/ 27 Oct - [email protected]

Simp/ Samuel (boy) /27 Oct/KKH - [email protected]

Julia/sarah (girl) /30 Oct/KKH - [email protected]

Rebeana / Avril (girl) / 31 Oct /TMC - popped@??kg

Mummies still waiting :

Shjean / Javier (boy) / 9 Nov

Zannie / Girl / 9 Nov / Mt A

Yiling/11 Nov

Patricia Tay / Sheveon (girl) / 11 Nov / KKH / Jurong West

Cassevonrie Chia / girl / 11 Nov / KKH

eeky / boy / 11 Nov / TMC

Evelyn / Girl/ 13 Nov / SGH

Bunny/ girl/ 14 Nov

Little bb / Boy / 15nov / Mt A

esther/natalie (girl) / 18 Nov

twink/ Girl/ 19 Nov/ Mt E

is-elle/ Estelle (girl) / 20 Nov/ TMC/ West

Jean Chua / Yvette (girl) /26 Nov / TMC / Pasir Ris

cyn / girl / 26 Nov / TMC

Fynn/Jaydan (boy) /30 Nov/TMC

Hu1j13 / yishun.

Nov etolie / marine parade

twink / sengkang

Congrates Rebeana,, haha i'm one of the naughty one lah, in hospital oso keep washing hands with the tap water. Nurse oso use the water to wipe for me on the 2nd day when i can't move yet...

Plain water, people say cannot drink plain water and i had asked my tcm, she said pple believe it's liang but nowadays it's not well water. So i drank 2 big glasses, dunno coincident or wat, i had water retention after dat. been drinking red date tea since then... AH!!!! I MISS MY PLAIN WATER!!! after today i'm gonna gulp plain water for revenge hahah...


My gal has slight jaundice but was cleared. I had been taking lots of ginger wor...

Thanks girls for the update. Mine baby girl name is Sonia [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh those delivering at TMC, they no longer use glass bottles. Nowadays they use plastic type de

Mandy jia you!!!

Janice>> u gg to be tuo li KU hai soon... We are still in the waiting zone...how is Sonia coping?? Hope everything goes well for u and ur family.

Hmmmm....so bored at home and got to bed rest...i think I will be growing mushroom on my head by the time I deliver. Hahaha

Welcome new mummies! Looks like quite a few have their EDD on 11 Nov, nice date. I'm so happy its Nov already, within a month everyone will have popped [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nowadays I feel quite self conscious whenever I go out to eat or da pao food home. Seems like everyone likes to stare at my tummy leh... An auntie I dunno just asked me out of the blue if I'm delivering soon while I'm passing by her lol.


Yup I think its about time you start packing your bag! When r u gog on ML?


Oh dear, hope you fully recover soon. I think you better cut down on using your phone or computer to avoid straining again. Take care!


So glad your baby is coming home, gonna be very busy from now onwards. Reading your post makes me really look forward when my turn comes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi moms and moms to be,

I am the husband of Shjean

Just want to update u guys,

She is in ops theatre doing c sect as bb heart beat drop.

Keep u guys updated...

Shjean>> jia you!!! Pray that you and Javier are going to make it through!!!! Her hb>> must stay strong and be with her at all times. She and Javier will be fine...she is a strong and brave mummy!!!

Praying for u and ur family....

Jean, yes today my last day and I'm gonna wash my hair thoroughly tmr morning!! Sonia is doing fine but these 2 days want people to carry. CL said we pamper her already... but think she's having reflux and yesterday can tell she's very xin ku and kept puke her milk out a few times.

Shjean, jiayou...

Shjean's husband, Am sure both mummy and baby will be fine...


I haven tried out the body lift, intend to use it after delivery, now only apply the clarins body treatment oil to prevent stretch mark, as I got sensitive to some other stretch mark cream.

Appointement today :

Just done the checkup this morning, gynae check bb head position not that down and yet to engaged le, too comfortable woh.. Sob, may not so fast for me.. but now start feel more tummy/pelvic pain..

Then my gynae din do the strep B test for me, as she did the other time when I'm around 4 mths woh.. say dun need to do again?? Hm, puzzle me.

Wah, more mummy poping ... Jia You, Shjean. And congrats to Rebeanna..

It just so amazing, we cannot predict when will be my turn. My single colleague just ask me will you be delivered in this week before you on leave, I tell her.. frankly to say, doc also cannot predict, we also dunno lor.. it just anytime from now..

Ha, but doc say, my bb head still up, not that down.. sob, still have time for me.. I guess probably will pop next week or near to my due date bah.

Mummies who had popped!!

Janice/ TMC - popped@2kg

Bluedream/ Brayden (boy) / 24 Oct / Mt A - [email protected]

Kiam/Eunice (girl) /27 Oct/KKH - [email protected]

BabyZel/ 27 Oct - [email protected]

Simp/ Samuel (boy) /27 Oct/KKH - [email protected]

Julia/sarah (girl) /30 Oct/KKH - [email protected]

Rebeana / Avril (girl) / 31 Oct /TMC - popped@??kg

Mummies still waiting :

Shjean / Javier (boy) / 9 Nov

Zannie / Girl / 9 Nov / Mt A

Yiling/11 Nov

Patricia Tay / Sheveon (girl) / 11 Nov / KKH / Jurong West

Cassevonrie Chia / girl / 11 Nov / KKH

eeky / boy / 11 Nov / TMC

Evelyn / Girl/ 13 Nov / SGH / Ang Mo Kio

Bunny/ girl/ 14 Nov

Little bb / Boy / 15nov / Mt A

esther/natalie (girl) / 18 Nov

twink/ Girl/ 19 Nov/ Mt E

is-elle/ Estelle (girl) / 20 Nov/ TMC/ West

Jean Chua / Yvette (girl) /26 Nov / TMC / Pasir Ris

cyn / girl / 26 Nov / TMC

Fynn/Jaydan (boy) /30 Nov/TMC

Hu1j13 / yishun.

Nov etolie / marine parade

twink / sengkang

Evelyn, if u not itchy, then normally they dont do the test, unless u let gynae know u r itchy, then they will suggest u to do the strep test.

Haha, dunno who is the next one yet...but seems liked alot of them are at 11/11/11.... Maybe they are the ones, just to see which little bunny run faster to finishing line...hehehehehe

Can't imagine I'm going to be mummy soon...I guess if my late mum is around, she will be very happy for me...reading rebeana's birth story trigger my thoughts of my mum....my hb say I'm very sentimental especially when I'm pregny...


Think due to our hormone changes, so will be feel more sentimental.. especially to our close/immediate family or those matters more important to us. Yes, even your late mum not around, she will still feel happy when she look on you from heaven [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Though we always feel scare for the delivery process, once we go through it, we are able to forgot the pain and try for 2nd one. Har, my sil just say you really no scare and willing to have no2, actually for the sake of children, think the pain in just a day or can be recover after a few wks rest... We are strong mummy, able to go through it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

elyn-Jiayou! You can see your baby soon..

Shjean-I was just replying her yesterday night regarding signs of labour and there she is at the labour ward..Very happy for her that she can see her baby soon,no more waiting and counting down like us..Jiayou Shjean!Everything will be fine,you will have a healthy and cute bb..

enivi-I am delivering at Mount A,they will give glass bottles just have to ask from the nurse.

Evelyn-Help me update my address tiong baru..Thanks.

I love the date 11/11 but now i just hope can pop anytime,just cant wait to see my little one.

Brought my bb for checkup today at day 6. Her jaundice level is 17 n required phototherapy. I was given 2 options, 1) to admit bb into hosp for 3 days to do phototherapy or rent machine home. I chose the latter cos can't bear to be separated from bb for so long. Now still waiting for the company to deliver the machine to my house.. Sigh..hope after the treatment her jaundice level can go down.

My CL left today cos she is sick. She was recovering when she came in on sat but got worst n I decided to ask her to go. Anyway she kept complaining my bb keeps waking up in the night n if she continues to wake up so often she will definitely fall sick.. Good to send her away too, I also scare she pass the virus to my bb. My replacement CL will only come in tmr so I'm on my own. Luckily my helper quite good else I sure faint..


Jiayou! Hope both u n bb will be fine,

Hullo mummies!

Had been sittin on this price list for somex aft Jean & Cyn last updated it. I had input wi what i've bought n wat i found online. Am not sure for NTUC & Cold Storage whether retail and online prices r the same. Perhaps mummies who had bought/buying can update n we can conclude?

Cant update milk powder cos online doesnt show NB powders. Guess it's due to the same reason some1 in the forum mentioned that manufacturers are not supposed to advertise for NB powders.

All in all medical halls seems to be the cheapest plc to get diapers. i've to check out on medicinal hall ard my plc liao...

Lastly hope the link below works and other mummies can help update too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Mummies who had popped!!

Janice/ TMC - popped@2kg

Bluedream/ Brayden (boy) / 24 Oct / Mt A - [email protected]

Kiam/Eunice (girl) /27 Oct/KKH - [email protected]

BabyZel/ 27 Oct - [email protected]

Simp/ Samuel (boy) /27 Oct/KKH - [email protected]

Julia/sarah (girl) /30 Oct/KKH - [email protected]

Rebeana / Avril (girl) / 31 Oct /TMC - popped@??kg

Mummies still waiting :

Shjean / Javier (boy) / 9 Nov

Zannie / Girl / 9 Nov / Mt A

Yiling/11 Nov

Patricia Tay / Sheveon (girl) / 11 Nov / KKH / Jurong West

Cassevonrie Chia / girl / 11 Nov / KKH

eeky / boy / 11 Nov / TMC

Evelyn / Girl/ 13 Nov / SGH / Ang Mo Kio

Bunny/ girl/ 14 Nov

Little bb / Boy / 15nov / Mt A / Tiong Baru

esther/natalie (girl) / 18 Nov

twink/ Girl/ 19 Nov/ Mt E

is-elle/ Estelle (girl) / 20 Nov/ TMC/ West

Jean Chua / Yvette (girl) /26 Nov / TMC / Pasir Ris

cyn / girl / 26 Nov / TMC

Fynn/Jaydan (boy) /30 Nov/TMC

Hu1j13 / yishun.

Nov etolie / marine parade

twink / sengkang


Shjean & hubby - im sure bb will b fine and you r prob out now. My niece hearbeat oso drop when still inside my sil and gynae asked her to lie on the left and continue labour. They r both healthy now and my sil even had a 2nd girl. So dun worry!

Mandy - jia you! oredi 5cm! it'll b fast!

Rebeana - congrats! finally out and healthy! officially no need work n throw it all bk to boss haha..

Jean, and those deliverin at TMC - guess we no glass bottles to request le. Not sure if the plastic botl can serve the same purpose? then i'll req from the nurse n buy the caps from hosp pharmacy hee..

Janice - congrats! u can wash n bathe normally! btw confinement is 28 days or 40days?

