(2011/11) Nov 2011

Hi Julia

All the best!!

Went for my gynae appointment today and is very happy that baby is now 2.6kg.. Last week was only 2.2kg and the week before was 2.1kg and I was so worried she will be so tiny when she is out.. At least now 2.6kg, at an acceptable weight.. Happy..

So now, the waiting game begins

Julia jia you and have a smoooth delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jean> I latch her on only 2 times as she sleep most of the time now... But I pump every 3 hr .. My gal love to sleep than eat.. She will drink 30-40 ml of fm on each feeding and only wake to eat every 4-5 hr .. Even need to wake her up to eat loh and she dozed off during feeding ..

I weight myself today and find i still have 5 kg to lose to return my old wt.. Hope I can fit in the old pant during CNy ..

Julia>>> jia you.... Have a smooth delivery.

kiam>> u need to wake ur gal up to latch on if possible. Even they dozed off also need to wake them up. Jia you on your losing weight too...u got engaged any massage lady to massage u?? If u do, get them to massage ur breast for you. Will increase milk flow if u massage often... Jia you jia you.

Rebeana>> congrats that you have a good news on ur check up today. Jia you jia you to pump more weigh to bb. 2 more weeks to go for you. Jia you hor!!!

Julia-All the best! Safe & smooth delivering.

Rebeana-Glad tat your baby had put on more weight & everythings goes on well.

Jean chua-Your bb quite big,will be a chubby baby.Sad to hear that you dont feel good today hope you feeling better.

Went for my checkup this morning.My bb weigh 2.8kg in week 37+.My bb head still down but not yet engaged,gynae said most probably next week my bb head will be engaged.gynae even said that i may deliver early.So happy!

Little_bb> ur bb have gd wt .. Think u need to walk more to encourage bb to turn down.. Soon ur D day will approach ..

Just awaken by my gal loud cry, think mummy can hear her own bb even how .. My husband sleep like the stone while me and his godmother (cl) prepared to feed bb..

Thanks Shjean , jean chua, kiamkiam, little Bb,fion, rebeana,

cyn, finally my gal came out at 659am. It was really tiring waited for 14hr then full dilation thought can push at 6am but gynae said Bb head too big had to csect..faint! So jus go ahead think my bill will cost a bomb anyway upon hearing Bb cries n saw her face the pain of gg tru is worth it. Bb weigh 3.15kg n jia you all mummies!

Hi! Everyone....

Congrts to all who delivered... very happy for you all, please take good care of you as well as baby... i am 37 wks and and my baby 9s 2.6 kg last week, tomorrow is my next appoinement.... dr has told me to come every week now... head is down and set... dr did not comment on the delivery... my first child was c-section... this one i want to try for normal... really wish my 2nd one is normal.... just praying...

i thank whoever is active and updating on this forum, i feel very good to see all your updates... thanks!

Congrats to Janice!


Smooth delivery!

More n more mummies are popping now. Feeling excited for mummies who are next in queue.

I have been latching bb every 3 hrly in hosp n it helps in stimulating my BM Supply. I didn't pump in hosp though. Last night after latching I managed to get 10ml. This morning I got 40ml after 20mins. Milk haven't fully kick in yet cos it's just my 2nd/3rd day. But I am feeling very motivated to pump.

I delivered on 27th oct but my flow is very light not heavy at all.. Dun even need to use the pureen thick pad.. Mummies who delivered, is your flow heavy? I doing massage tmr, hopefully can get the ML to help me clear the blood in my womb.

Meanwhile, mummies do rest more while you can else after u delivered, u gonna been very busy milking n feeding.. Can't rest as much.

Julia>>> congrats to you and your newborn. Rest well kand happy bonding with ur liitle one.

Little bb>> I have been cranky by my migraine this two days, maybe becos my hb is with me, so I need his attention. Hahaha... But I gave in to panadol this morning. Now feeling much better. Dun want to have sulk face when I see my in law later.

Now I worry my bb getting too big and it's hard for her to go by natural delivery. Thinking to control my diet le.

I was shocked by a very very sharp strain pain at my lower pelvic last night. So afraid my gal decide to come out early. I screamed, but my hb just slept thru it with some mumbling in his mouth. I know le, when it is real act, I guess better have to hit him hard!!! Sucks!!!

Brand new Singapore set medela swing pump with warranty. Selling $250. MSG 96922155 to deal. Giving up as it is a gift from friends. Unused and unopened.

Congratulation Julia! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kiamkiam, does yr baby has jaundice? My boy is having jaundice so I try to latch him every 3 hrs even if he is sleeping. He will continue to suck till he tired of sucking.

Congrats Julia! Aiyo still need to emergency c-sect after in labour for so long, really faintz. But i'm sure everything is worth it seeing your baby.

Thks to all mummies who r still updating here after your babies r born! E rest of us who are waiting will really benefit fr your sharing, esp with rgds to feeding. Jiayou to all!

Went to e Philips carnival sales just now to get spare parts for my pump, only to find out they dun sell there (-.-") The hubby gave me his evil look, cos i forgot to call beforehand to check. Since went all e way there, die die oso must buy something, so bought a blender which can make smoothies n in future, porridge for e baby lol.

In my 36wks now, gynae visit this coming wed. Hope to see a fatter baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi cynn>> how much did you buy the blender at?? Hahaha I can guess how ur hb look....my hb will do the same to me too... Guys are liked that...wat to do!!! Hahahaha

Hmmm...since Julia has delivered , the next one might be rebeana, Shjean, little bb, and yiling.... Jia you mummies...

Happy Halloween night!!!

Just to share..

Spare parts prices at Philips Showroom: (as of 27/10/2011)

- let-down massage cushion $10

- diaphragm $8

- valve $6

- funnel plastic body $40

Opening hours:

Mon-Fri 9am-6pm

Sat 9am-1pm

Close on Sun & PH

Phillis Electronic Singapore Pte Ltd

Tel: 6882 3999

Add: 620A Lorong 1 Toa Payoh

TP4 Building, Philips Showroom

Singapore 319762

Blue dream > mine dun have.. I dun latch her often but I pump every 3 -4 hrs .. But my milk just come in aft 72 hr .. So been giving her fm to sub her diet and latch her once per day .. But pump every 3 hr cos I feel fm not suitable for her .. Hope I can fully supply her bm next week ..

Hi mommies

Good to hear a lot of mommies have popped. I am now back at home since last evening. Bb Samuel came on thursday morning weighing 2.25kg.Thank God i have no complications and bb manages fine for a preterm though there are some tests to be passed and still in progress. He was in observation ward for a day as his lungs for water and blood sugar low. Maybe it is common for preterm. However, i managed to have my csec via epidural and saw his face for once before i saw him on friday afternoon. He was cleared and drank fm well according to nurse and blood sugar stabilized. Dunno i find csec wound unbearable without painkiller. Today is the 4th day and I'm glad i dun have to take painkiller to manage the pain though i must say going to toilet is really one challenge. Maybe my threshold for pain really low. Samuel was cleared of jaundice yesterday on borderline case, went back to kk this morning and he hit borderline case and past it so today he is in kk. Hopefully he can join us back tmw at home. My CL is coming tmw afternoon and i am thankful to have my mom coming over to cook for me yesterday and today. Really feel blessed and loved to have mom around always. Women are really great care takers and nurturing.


Though i am a 2nd time mom, i still suffer the bruised nipple haha. I also have engorged/full breast even now as i type. I usually prefer to latch but now that Samuel is in hospital, I'm forced to use pump today religiously. In fact, while i started to have him on friday, 1st day of latching and 2nd day of life for bb, I'm totally sore. I told nurse to give fm for midnight feed while i can rest from csec wound. I feel liberated and rested on sat morning when i latched bb. So mommies who are bf, dun have to feel that u have no milk or little milk or cannot seem to satisfy bb' hunger. I checked with nurses that bb on fm can sleep while others can keep crying in nursery. In fact all bb on tbf cries very fast like less than 2 hrs for more milk and mommies who just started bf cannot cope as body not ready. The constant sucking will made mommies' boobs get ready very fast full and engorged if u persist through tiredness and soreness.

Think depending on weight of bb, each drink diff amy but usually first few days bb on fm drinks abt 20ml every 3 hrs. BM abt 20ml but can only last 2hr since it is so easily digested. The fm that the hospital gave are bottled milk with flavor. I saw that my son has chocolate flavor frisco of 90ml but they give room temp feed so i think he only drank abt 20-25ml every 3 hrs. This wd give mommies some idea on the fm they gave to our bb and how much they drank. I thought they wd use powder fm that we usually buy from store to make for our bb.

I learnt massage before every bf/pump helps to relieve fullness better and get the milk letdown easier for bb to suckle so u can try. I din learn that the tmc the last time but this time the kk nurse taught me this method and i feel it is good. Today since bb in hospital, i try to pump every 3 or 2.5hr to manage the fullness and prepare for growth spurt once bb hit 1 week old. I hope my bb progress his milk intake steadily instead of demanding beyond my factory can handle.

KK and TMC service

Overall service in kk has improved maybe for maternity package. However some of the nurses are still abit rough esp when they clean mommies with csec wound and administering antibiotic via drip. Otherwise the operating theatre team, dr and ward nurses are caring, attentive and gentle.

Gd thing abt kk is that they provide maternity gown throughout your stay so you only need to bring ur go home clothing for yourself. They have maternity pads and disposable panties sufficient for your stay just like TMC. Confinement food only comes in for lunch and dinner whereas for tmc, the food is good. KK has more eateries and children friendly playground and stores which i think 2nd time mommies wd prefer to do delivery there compared to tmc.

On the whole, though i still misses the nurse team and food in tmc, i find kk has improved her standards in maternity packages. Prices are negligible but kk is a place for complicated pregnancy definitely so blessing in disguise for me. In the end, things go well. Hope my bill is manageable, coming through within 2 weeks' time.


I am perspiring even in aircon room esp whenever i take a warm/hot drink or after struggling to bf bb. I feel very smelly and constantly smell my own hair. I hope to be able to shower soon once i feel up to mark on my csec pain.

Hi simp, finally hear news from you. Hope you are coping fine with samuel. Happy confinement and bonding with bb samuel. Huggsssss

Down with heartburn again. Haiz...already taken my dinner as early as possible ard 5:30pm le....still feeling the need to burp out and acid is starting to reflux in my diaphragm....

Hi Julia,

Congratulations! Rest well and enjoy your maternity leave with your baby.

Hi Jean Chua,

Thanks! Same to you. Let's jia you together.

Today went to eat buffet @ Oriental. I got a bit diarrhea today and friends said it might be the sign of labor also. Dear mummies, is it true?

Anyway, I hope my boy will be out by next week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Good to hear fr you and happy to know dat baby Samuel is doing well. Thks for e advice on bf, actually i wonder how do we know how much milk our baby is drinking if we're latching on?


My blender costs 55 bux. Quite worth it cos its quite a big one. Gonna try it out tmr!


Thks for the prices update [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Simp-Thanks for sharing on breastfeeding,very useful esp for 1st time mum.take care & get well soon..

Jean chua-I also having heartburn once in awhile,really hate it!

After pumping out our breastmilk,where do we keep it? I am using milk bottles instead of storage milk bag so if keep at freezer,we have to defroze it before warm it out?

Congrats to more mummies who have pop [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cant get to sleep although am yawning.. bb is turning n turning inside. in my 35th week now and wondering when wld bb pop? if accordigy planned csection, i wld miss out the feeling of water bag burst and contraction which din get the chance to exp w #1


what does Oriental serve? today went for Jap buffet at Kushinbo.. whack quite some sashimi thou i kw its a taboo.. been controlling for a while. today mainly eat the japanese stuff but feel thier std drop a little.

Simp> happy to hear that u and ur boy are fine.. Thank for sharing the moo moo experience .. Cos until now I still need fm to sub my gal diet as my bm just come in .. Each pump I can only get 20/20 ml max but my gal feed is 50ml..

Little bb> bm expressed can storage in 4C if consumed within 24 hr in milk bag or storage bottle.. I heard from my frien who bf for a yrs that freezer can least 3 mth but storage in glass bottle is better cos no smell.. Must thraw freeze Ebm at 4 C and warm up to room temp 40C before feeding bb..

U can take glass bottle from hospital .. Kkh nurse give me abt 20 plus glass bottle with cap that can storage abt 100ml each..

Kiam>> is it true that Bottle storage for freezed BM Cannot fill up too full, might cause the bottle to crack??

Fion>> ur boy is turning inside ur tummy making u cant sleep...hahaha still have more to come. Endure ba!! When would u be csection??

Little bb>> my heartburn is not once in a while, it is quite regular. But anyway, I use ruyi oil..double or three pillows to sleep...asking hb to pat me to burp...walking around the whole house...try all methods to get rid of the gas!!!! Except I have not try medicine liked gripe water, rid wind, gaviscon. Almost I feel liked getting rid of my gastric... Arrrrgggghhhh

Cynn>>> it is a good buy...is it the steamer cum blender for bb food??

Shjean>> what kind of food does oriental serve?? This week is a waiting game for you. U be extra careful yah.... Jia you...

Blue dream,

My bb has borderline jaundice when she was discharged. Following up with pd tmr on her jaundice. Back home we try to sun bathe her in the morning n late afternoon.

I tried to supplement with FM n make bb feed more often to maintain her jaundice level. CL says 100% BM will bring up the jaundice so mix 2-3 feeds FM daily.


Congrats n rest well!

I also got a bit of cracked nipples the first 2 days. I used my own BM n apply on the cracked nipples after each feed n they are now all healed. No need for nipple cream at all.

Praying for some rain today.. Feeling so hot but I can only start washing hair n bathe on my 12th day. Today is only the 5th day.. Sigh!

Hi Mommies! Glad to hear that many of you have given birth to healthy bbies and some of you are OTW to labour =pp

For some of us, including myself, we are still waiting anxiously... I am currently 37 weeks ... so another 2-3 weeks bah.. not sure if bb will come out early =pp

Babyzel, pls bear w the heat! at least u have already passed the hurdle of delivery =pp Btw, why do 100% BM will trigger jaundice??

Woa been missing this over the wkend and there had been more popped stories!

Simp welcome bk n glad to hear from u! Oso thanks Janice, Julia & bluedream for sharing.

Kiam - Ur nurse so nice gave u so much glass bottles! i heard TMC no longer gave glass bottles...not sure how true. Im deliverin in TMC.

Jean - the steamer/blender u referring to cost $179 at the carnival. Comes with weaning bowl/spoon set and 2 Avent cup storage containers. I bought 1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Your gal does seem heavy but i heard gynae's weight estimation is +/- 20% so it might still b a gd size to deliver!

Rebeana & little bb - glad tat both ur bb r gd weight! I cant wait for mine to pop to and hope tat she will be a +20% of her est weight!

She is 2.3kg at wk 37.

Thanks bluedream, Good to hear from you simp.

I started to latch on my baby yesterdae every 3 hrs but she not hungry n refused to drink but todae every 1 hr have to latch her cos her appetite incease suddenly no choice have to give her FM so poor thing keep crying. Hope tat breastmilk will come soon so she can have enough to drink.

Hi iselle, hahaha, I hope my gal is -20% when she comes. Dunno y, her weight start to boom in these few weeks. At 35, she weight 3kg, at wk36 - 3.3kg... Hahaha...end up my nieces who bought her bb clothing from 0-6mths...dunno can fit or not...anyway, I just hope she is healthy and easy to take care.

Tmc no longer give glass bottles le ah??? I'm also at tmc... Haiz...anyway I bought avent storage cups to store milk and mums fairy bottles to store...not sure whether will I have milk or not...hopefully my factory can meet my gal's demand.

Oh that blender is cheaper at carnival than at the bb fair cost 159, but no freebies.

Babyzel>> bear with the heat....u already half way there. Recently has been raining le. Jia you jia you.

Jaundice cure>>>

1) my CL has a cure for jaundice bb. She suggested to use 5 mini bitter gourd (cut half), boil with the amount of water to let bb wipe or bath when is cooled to room temperature. She shower all the jaundice bb with this method, its works after 5 bath.

2) my auntie say can go medical hall to buy the medicine for jaundice, wrap half the amount to put in bb pillow or towel (where used to sleep) to let them smell, another half to shower them. Most of the mummies say it works also.

I just heard from most mummies, hope this might help those mummies with borderline jaundice bb cases.


I tot BM is to let bb drink more, then will let them pass their dirty motion out to get rid of jaundice... BM trigger jaundice is mostly said by inexperienced PD or CL who is not favor of BM. I think is better to find experienced PD to justify this ba...

But I think fm also have their nutrients that will help in the bb to grow without mummies worrying about their food intake. So is up to individual to decide ba.

Actually last time i dun know how much bb drinks until i ask the nursery nurse for update. So for mommies who pop in hospital and supplementing bb with glucose or fm for midnight feed then u shd check with them on bb' consumption before you discharge and from your pumping you wd know. If bb latch a gd 30mins per side, u will have milk supply a lot faster but more and may cause fullness, engorgement. So if u only pump 10ml per side initially, wd be enough for bb less than a week old.

Babyzel>>> yes i used bm for healing on the nipple crack [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now at home exclusive pumping, this time havn't been able to do total latch, hopefully once bb is back can do tbf, easier, no need to keep sterilizing and washing the milk bottle :p

Julia>>> Is ur bb 1 wk old now? If it is reaching yes, growth spurt at 1 week so got to keep latching to get the boobs full faster and earlier to feed demand, else for night feed, supplement fm to get ur body rested to produce more milk. Drink more milk yourself or red date tea, soup to boost milk quality and supply [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope it helps, i just started to pump longer by 3mins per side to up the ss in 2 days' time now that the nurse advised bb is drinking abt 35ml every 2 or3hr from 20-25ml a few days ago.

Thanks for e info of breastmilk storage,still gt lots of things to learn.My lower tummy had lots of dark red stretch marks already,unsightly! Infuture how to wear bikini,i luv gg to beaches vacation.I had ordered the tummy wrap with ginger cream so during confinment i will use it to get rid of winds.After that i will buy a gd stretch marks cream,hope it wil helps to minimise the stretch marks.Any gd recommendations for after birth stretch marks cream? My friend recommented Clarins.

Simp>> thanks for your advise on BM. Really got a lot to learn again...think I will ask u again when is my turn....heehee

Little bb>> so far I also heard clarins is the best for stretch marks. But is expensive. In fact after delivery, the marks will faint off slowly...if not, just got to be proud to be a mummy!!!!


i oso having the same thing as u.. heatburn & cannot slp at night.. i have to bb bean sprout pillow to put below my tummy.. flip here n there..end up my hb say : tat for my daughter y u use!! lolz

today feeling very xin ku.. having this "stomach pain" n my tummy is super tight today..


KKH will give so many glass bottles meh? anyway i still haven pack my bag.. omg..

wow, only a few days never come, and so many posts! congrats to all mums who have given birth!!

i will b seein my bb gal tis thu, so excited! duno how heavy is she now. @ 36wks+, and there was once when i use the nipple puller (cos i got flat ones :<), n there's some bm comin out! haha, looks like i no need to worry abt my bm supply liao :p

nov etoile >> im staying in yishun! we can meet in town, hehhe

Glass bottles @ TMC

i heard they still give out the glass bottles, just tat u hv to request for it..

Hi mummies,

Yes, congrats to all mummies who have given birth!! Me still in waiting list.. hoho..

@38 wks, tomorrow will have gynae app before she left for a wks, go oversea. Sob, If I pop in this week may not able deliver by her.. haiz, see how bar, hard to control for such kind of things..Hope bb will be engaged as tomorrow checkup, so far she haven do the strep B test too. Suppose she will do for me tomolo bah...

Always have lots of discharge and feel itchiness, maybe I not able pass the test..

And night time wake up at least 2 or 3 times for toilet running..think it also a training for us to prepare for bb arrival feeding time at night..haha..

Thanks Huj13! Guess i've to b thick skinned n ask for more glass bottles or fr diff nurses ha!

jean - make sure u ask the nurses for it too. I oso hv Avent storage cups but i haven bought the converter cos im using Medela pump.

Little bb & Jean - yep so far i heard for stretch marks Clarins is the best. I had been using it since mth 3 so far no stretch marks except on my thighs which i've neglected to apply (din noe it'll hv stretch marks ther too!) but not sure izzit reali cos of Clarins or my tummy is less prone to stretch marks? 1 bottle costs $82 and lasted me for 4mths.

For effective application hv to take warm shower and apply when tummy is damp in circular motions. then splash cold water and pat dry with a towel. Tats what the salesperson taught me as it maximise absorbtion n it feels less oily too.

Esther - hang in ther! my tummy tightens everytime i walk/stand for >5min these days. I've confined myself to bed rest. Maybe u can try?

Simp, kiam n julia - thanks for sharin your BF experience. i hope i can perserve like all of you!

My gf reco me a website on BF, interested mummies can check it out.


I've reorg the list to see who might pop next!

Shjean - looks like u r next!

Patricia - i've updated my area of residence [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Mummies who had popped!!

Kiam / Eunice / girl/ 27th Oct/KKH - [email protected]

BabyZel/ 27th Oct - [email protected]

Simp/ Samuel/ 27th Oct/KKH - [email protected]

Julia/sarah/girl/1st nov/kkh - [email protected]


Bluedream/ boy - [email protected]

Mummies still waiting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shjean / Javier / boy/ 9-11-11


Rebeana / Girl / Avril (TBC) / 11 Nov /TMC

Patricia Tay/ Sheveon/ Girl/ 11th Nov/ KKH

Evelyn/ Girl/13th Nov/SGH

Bunny/ girl/ 14th

esther/natalie/gal/ 18th

twink/ Girl/ 19th NOv/ Mt E

is-elle/ Estelle/ girl/ 20th/ TMC/ West

Jean Chua / Yvette / girl/26th

cyn / girl / 26th / TMC

Fynn/Jaydan/boy/30 Nov/TMC

Jean, ya really caught us by surprise lol... Lucky I had engaged a CL and she's not bad but then she's leaving this sunday already so next week i'll be on my own. I still wash my hands but only once, i used to wash twice... think i'm juz being paranoid initially. Now i only latch her once or twice a day and the rest of the day will be bottle feed with breast milk as she needs milk fortifier. after latching i'll still pump but super tiring lor. i pump every 3 hrs for 20mins and if latching i'll pump 15mins, maybe i shd reduce to 10mins? but then after latching i pump the volume is still the same as not latching leh, wondering why...

Simp, which week are you when u popped? I popped at week 34+ and baby weigh 2.06kg when she was born. She also has low sugar level and she was on fm too... she too has slight jaundice and when she went home, she still has slight jaundice and she's only 1.925kg when she's home.

Esther> Actually initially the nurse give me 12 glass bottle but I ask my hubby to go the nursary to ask for extra .. Then nurse gave him another few .. Cos Kkh formula milk are storage in glass bottle with cap.. So I keep the bottle and cap aft I cap feed my gal ..

Janice>> not to worry soo much. She will gain her weight slowly. It is common they will reduce weight in the first week, then subsequently increased. That is according to my SIL hb who is a doc. If you dun feel that there is any difference of the volume of BM when pumping longer then stick to where u feel that no milk is flowing. But do remember to massage ur breast before and afer pump. Hope u can increase the BM for ur little one. Rememlber that's the power of MUMMY!!! All the best to you. Huggggsss

Iselle>> thanks for your update of the list. Im staying at pasir ris, delivering in tmc.

The converter can be bought on mums fairy website, but not sure is which one on the pic. Maybe got to enquire them before buying ba.

I actually have been apply buds stretch marks cream since I know Im pregny. I also ask my dad whether my mum has any stretch marks, his reply is no. So I guess it is genes ba. However, I still apply just in case. Clarins is highly recommended on the forum, but I feel too expensive, so I use buds since my gf also recommend it.

I will ask the nurses for the glass lbottles, got to be very very thick skin...hahahaha

Evelyn>> I think all the bb in our tummy are the same, liked turn here and there, making us waking for toilet call... Walk 5mins want to find place to sit down. Endure a while more ba since u are faster than mine. Hahaha... Is the clarins body firming cream good?? I think I have a lot of cellulite thighs,l already got then before pregny since Im plus size mummy...but thinking to reduce weight after birth since has massage auntie.

Hu1j13>> wow so good, u at week 36 already have BM flowing out le...hmmm...I guess I got to worry about mine...dun seems to have yet...got to massage more during shower time Liao.

Good u stay at yishun. Me at pasir ris. Nov etolie at marine parade, twink at sengkang. We can meet at town or tampines for bb shopping, makan, hi tea...hahahaha....Anymore SAHM or mummy having long ML???

Esther>> u got to start packing ur bag le. The bean sprout pillow is good to put on our tummy or breast to let it absorb our smell...then it will give our daughter a sense of security when they sleep alone....that is wat my aunt told me.

I can totally understand ur heartburn and all the pain that we r going thru...even now I am sweating while I'm typing with two big fans blowing at me and plus rainiy day. So warm...dunno how to survive thru confinement.

Have u mummies been very sleepy especially nothing to do?? I think I had two nap this afternoon. Hahaha


My blender not so all-purpose ah, can only blend haha!

Luckily my baby gal is very co-operative these few days, after talking to her, she let me sleep uninterrupted for the past two nights and did not move around in my tummy so much lol. Even wake up in the middle of the night to pee, still managed to fall back to sleep easily. Pls let this trend continue! I'm extremely cranky without enough sleep, so I wonder what's gonna happen when the night feedings come in future. I'm quite worried about the feeding part, more so than the delivery part [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Really appreciate all the sharing here.


I'm also going for my test this wk, hopefully everything is normal and no infections. Wish you the same!

Was raining the whole day, so took a short nap while the hubby busied himself with housework. Poor thing on leave still gotta do housework. I gave up on clearing my spare room for my CL, it's impossible given that there are so many baby stuff stacked all around which I have no place to store properly. Hope she won't mind =P

came bk from gynea, bb 35th wk and est 2.5kg, head enageged in gd position. gynea ask me now to think if i wan GA csection or elective.. i tot elective (awake) more exp but she say abt e same overall charges.

e charges compare to 4 yrs plus i gv birth was so much more ex. e same 4D3N stay increase from $2415 to $2750 and just gynea csection charges increase from $1400 to $2000.

any mummies who happen to have csection, hope u can share ur bill size.

Iselle, thanks for updating. My boy name is Brayden n was delivered in mt a. on 24/10.

Congratulation, simp!

Just done the follow up chk for jaundice for my boy. Will need another chk on Thursday. Hope everything will b fine.

Esther, u need to monitor how long does the tightness occur. If the interval is 5 mins, u will need to b chk by yr gynea.

Cynn>> lucky your gal is so gentle on you. Haiz, mine is liked lion dancing inside me. Keep moving her butt up and down, left and right. And can't even talk bad about her, even now, she is already moving vigorously inside me while I type. But at least she is not so in day time which allow me to have 2 nap time today.

I can understand all the bb stuff are still in boxes and cannot open yet in case they won't be used yet. Hahaha... Mine also, already occupied my spare queen size bed to stack all bb stuffs...my hb is already complaining that I have been making the room with more things, how come is never finished tidied up.

Janice>> dun worry of being alone to handle the little one. Treat it as a full bonding with them. Do remember to pamper urself at times. Jia you hor!!!

Blue dream>> u got to guard your boy too since most of mummies having princesses...heehee hope ur boy is cleared with his jaundice test soon. Take care...


Hi simp thanks for the advices, my baby jus 2 day old already so greedy le, i thought 1st 3 days dun really need to drink anything.

