(2011/11) Nov 2011


i stopped using my babyplus 2wks ago due to the rashes very itchy. sometimes i wonder if my girl kicking becuz she dislikes it haha..


thanks ya really need to jia you..i have tightly grab my hands on something to stop myself from scratching when i scratched too much.

Slept so late ah? me also..was watching hk drama serial with my hubby and lucky no work today. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wow! very detail. i also wondering if i should bring bai mi jiu or just wet wipes cuz my bag very big liao. a fren once told me maybe can wear those kitchen disposable gloves when go toilet. then no need wash hands. hee..interesting but abit funny. haha..


Jean chua-Not sure if Mount A will provide anything for bb but i will just bring a set of going home clothes for bb.Very cute set as i wanna take lots of pictures.Check in with 2 pax on 3days 2nites stay and checkout with 3 pax..How amazing..As for my hubby,i never pack his stuffs as he will pack himself.I dont think i will order tingkat at the time moment as i may pop anytime so just dabao or cook at the time moment.After my confinment then i will order.

Twink-My mil also suggest me to wear gloves but i think troublesome.Just add afew drops of ba mi jiu into a small basin when you wash face or hands,water must be hot.Sometimes after using wet wipes i still feel my hand abit sticky..

My girlfriend mentioned about using wet wipes to clean our scalp during confinment,any advices on this? She said can enduce longer not to wash hair if we clean our scalp with wet wipes better than dry shampoo.

Brand new Singapore set (Bought from mom and babes) medela swing pump with end Oct warranty. Selling $250. MSG 96922155 to deal.. unopened and blank warranty.

hullo all!

I had interrupted zzz last night due to multiple peeing and napped throughout the day. Ohya.. no mummmies popping today. Wish it's my turn soon hee..

little bb & Jean - i bought my breast pump along as i wan the nurse to teach me how to pump. My gf says hv to bring a container to sterilise the pump cos TMC charge a fee for the container.

Twink - hows ur rashes n itch now? Mine got beta aft i tried the cold compress and wear gloves as suggested by Jean [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Esther - jiayou! u hv 1.5wks to ML. B4 i go on leave my backup dun wanna do handover fr me n kept delayin so i put all things on excel n send to her n CC boss then i juz go on leave! Dun care haha.. Let her learn the hard way since when i hv time to teach she dun wanna learn. So dun worry abt the extra work. we juz try our best [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fynn - since u using Avent u can check out Avent storage cups. i tink can hold milk too.


do u intend to bring along mittens and booties? my #1 i bring along a bk, st rem it was "What to expect when u are expecting". now on ad hoc st read from time to tme to anticipate what wld happen.

i wld bring along my own small pillow, w/o it hard to sleep [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


30 nov wld here soon.. time flies. just cant imagine nov is here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] actually my edd shld be in 09 dec but as i opt csection, wld be 2 wks earlier.

strectch mark

dun kw why itches visisting @ tummy area again after 'leaving' me for ard 3 mths..


just inform co going ML on 16 Nov and say how come so fast. i say where got fast, suppose st taking this fri but since i can still dong wld dong a while more. wld take 8 wks only and the rest on ad hoc.

Dear mummies, sorry for being missing for these two days. I am still suffering from c- section wound pain. Yesterday I was lying on the bed for the whole day. When I tried to turn to the side to bf my boy I got pain. So the bf was not so ideal. Today doctor started asking me to stand up n walk. The moment I stand I felt myself very weak n dizzy. Then after that the walking gives me pain oso. Oh no... I did not expect the c- section could be so painful oso.

Any mummies here had done c-section? Do u have the same issue like me?

For those who want to go for natural . Please do try your best unless doc really suggest to go for c- section.

Baby movement

As for my boy, he used to have strong kick during night time. Monday night he was not moving much n same as Tuesday morning. I felt sth was not so right so went to hospital n check. If not , really duno what will happen. So sometimes it's better to be a bit ks. Especially when our due date is so near.but I am sure cases like mine is not so common. So mummies, not to worry n waiting for your good news!! Bless all of you

Last but not least, mums are really so great n same as the father. I would like to say to have a supportive hb is extremely important [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi shjean, did u buy e binder to support ur tummy from touching e wound. If no, can ask ur hb to go to pharmancy to get. Try to wear e binder 24x7 for a month. N it will reduce ur pain by 80%. I just had deliver by c-sec for my gal 2 wks ago.


U finished the lesson on baby plus for ur bb?? Hahaha not to mention bb feel frustrated over it, I also feel frustrated over it. If not it is free on loan by my SIL, I won't be so KS for my bb to start her lesson even before she is bornt. Hahahaha

What hk drama are u in now?? I already putting on hold for the new drama cos they are so slow....better wait till they finished the whole serials then start chasing during confinement period or Bo Liao period..hahaha

I think I will bring one packet of wet wipes...using disposable gloves, very troublesome leh... As what little bb say, can even wipe our scalp.

Little bb

U going to turn ur bb into baby model ah??? Bring one set enough or not?? Hahaha

I also think u should order tingkat after confinement. Right now, is anytime for us to go into delivery ward...where got mind to ask them to stop the order. I order is becos my house nearby is very ulu...no coffee shop or minimart... That y when I need anything, I will ask my dad to help me buy over, then my hb dun want to trouble my dad too much, so he suggest for the tingkat...


U bring a container to sterilize the pump?? Errrr...u use hot water to soak them ah?? Or u bring a container to hold ur express BM?? I tot there are pump in tmc we can use??? Blur blur here...

The cold compress method works for you, it's good....dun give up...jia you...soon is ur turn Liao..


Mitten and booties will be given by tmc ba...they stated in the hospital booklet that will be provided, and incl a diaper bag. So I think I will skip that..

Continue to apply ur stretch mark cream, cos the last stage, the skin stretch the most and fastest...

My pillow is too big to bring... Anyone will bring the rubber buoy (float) to sit after delivery?? My gf's SIL say must bring....if not, will be very painful to sit...

Jean chua-Baby model? haha no la..Just wanna take more pictures of him ma and definely one set is enough.Was even thinking to engage a photographer for my bb photoshoot at home,will see how about it.Since your house nearby so ulu better order tingkat.Im glad my house downstairs got 2 coffeeshop,one of it 24hr and also 24hr shop & save so quite conveniente.I think some one mentioned hospital do rent breastpump wor.

Stretch marks

I applied day and night,my stretch mark cream going to finish,wont want to purchase a new tube so i tried not to apply too thick.My stretch marks had appeared covering the whole of my lower tymmy and alittle at butts.Yucks...Will definely buy a better stretch mark cream after delivering orelse i cant wear bikini anymore.

Baby Bag

I am thinking to buy a presentable big bag which can be use for baby bag as well.I will tell my hubby to buy for me.Any good recommendations?

Hi eid, tks for sharing ! Yes i got the binder but first day I did not dare to wear. TOday start wearing ... I hate going off / on the bed. Very painful

Little bb,

bb photographer...my SIL engaged TOMATOSG to her house to take the photograph of her son when he is coming to 2 weeks. The photos are really very nice and very touching for every shots. But his fee is not cheap. You can check out his website. I think my SIL can't decide which pic to choose, end up buy all and plus 36" canvas and CD rom...i think she spent 1K plus ba.. If im not wrong, his basic fee is already 450. You can check his website for new update.

I think I will ask my hb to take more of the bb pic in more artistic way ba...hahaha...coz no way im going to spend thousand for bb pic...too exp for my budget.

Baby Bag

I have Naraya Bag for it, waterproof interior. my 2nd choice is LeSportac. If not, then get old big bag first, just buy the big bag organiser for holding the bottles...cos I dun think we know how much things to bring when bring them out. Maybe after a few months, then can decide which size and what kind of interior material to go... Branded Bags will be too heavy after putting all the bb stuff...


try to wear ur binder, it will protect the wound and reduce the weight of our loose skin...so won't be so pain for you.

Jean, where you get the hospital booklet of TMC? Did it says what we have to bring in precise details??

I now watching Zhen Xiang (TRUTH).. Cuz the Fa Zhen Xian Feng 3 still stucked at episode 15.. haha!!

Wah... Shjean, you really scare me off c-sec.. I PRAY HARD HARD to go for natural liao... I very scared the pain of wound.. haha!! But my cousin laughed and said I should be able to tolarate as that I time after I plucked my wisdom tooth, the very same day, I at drumstick.. haha!! BUT, still scared sia..

Fion, I am in my 36 weeks now... So, I presumed 4 more weeks at most ba... Always have the SCARED feeling.. Hahaha!! But my hubby keep asking me to be brave... I dunno I can be a brave mummy or not..

Jean chua-Thousand dollar for baby pic is over budget for me too.My girlfriend engaged Episode Photography,their basic package is $380.Actually its all depends on how many photos we choose lor but as you said all the photos so well taken so end of the day will choose alot.Think i will just tell my hubby to take more in a artistic way as well but dont think he can be trusted.Hes the one took my photos throughout my whole pregancy but most of the photos so ugly,angle is wrong.I asked him then he said this is call artistic.Bullshit!

Naraya Bag

I do have afew new naraya bags which i bot at thailand,not open yet.I thinking to ask my hubby to buy a LV neverfull bag,If used as a bb bag quite wasted as what if milk spill inside.Hmm will have to reconsider.

Another day had ended,tomorrow will be a whole new day.I am going to my mum place tomorrow,i told her to cook curry for me,i have craving..Lets see who is the lucky mum to pop tomorrow.

Sorry to disturb... this might interest some of you on the go.

this is what you need to bring along with your baby!


For only $16!!! was $19.90 with FREE POSTAGE

Other designs available too. PM me for details

Hi mummies there...

Really cannot sleep.. so tot of popping by..

The itch on my tummy is killing, just started 2 days back, there are bumps all over..

According to the doctor is rash due to hormone change... Sigh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Calamine Lotion doesn't even work... Any better method?

Hi SHJEAN, i also go tru e csect, the pain was horrible when i 1st started to walk, gg to wash room was tedious too n the worst part is constipation. Try not to walk too much n bf baby is very tedious becos of the pain, tat why i ask the nurse to give FM.

Do any mummies doing confinement here experience super swollen leg, my leg is twice the size b4 i pop, it painful n super UGLY!

Hi Julia,

For c-sect, we will have to get off the bed to walk the next day? or that day itself?

Planning to opt for c-sect next week, but Shjean really scare me... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Julia-I have a friend who just gave birth 2 months ago thru csection,she told me she had serious water retention after delivering as well,worse before she pop.Did you shower or drink plain water? Plain water or shower will cause water retention.

Zannie-Poor thing,must be hard on you.I do not know any method that can help you..When i feel itchy,i used medicated oil to numb it but since yours is whole tummy then prehaps can use cold pad to cool it down? Keep reminding yourself that only left afew more weeks.

Couldn't really sleep so pop in here for a while. Went for my gynae checkup today, was abit disappointed cos baby still weigh around 2.4kg at 36 wks, almost the same as 2 wks ago. But my gynae says he just changed his scanning machine, so the estimation of weight and size might differ. Hmmmm okayyyy....was worried that baby is not growing, but gynae seems fine with everything, so I guess no need to worry too much bah. Now just wait for my test results next week, hopefully everything clear.

I put on 15 kg already! Faintz.

Also had a little exchange of words with the hubby today over something I can't even remember now haha! Grrrr.... very hormonal... But men are so irritating sometimes too =P

Btw mummies who are giving birth in TMC, I happened to take a look in the pharmacy there, actually they are selling quite alot of things - maternity pads, disposable panties, breast pads etc etc. Prices seemed to be reasonable as well, so if forgot to bring anything can always ask your hubby to pop down there and buy. Oh and I remember seeing that they sell the fernugreek supplements for increasing milk supply being sold there as well, I think if got FBI membership should have further discount.

I think I spoke too soon about my baby being cooperative at night haha, now she is just wriggling all over and pressing down on my bladder so I feel like peeing every 5 mins. This is gonna be a long night..... Zzzzz.....

Hi mummies,

Unable to sleep after my toilet call and non stop burping.


Used cold compress method (either put ur face wet towel, put into fridge or use a wet towel wrap cold pack) then place on ur tummy...and endure endure...cut ur nails short...or wear glove when u sleep. It is the last lap le...dun think and dun scratch...

So far twink and iselle tried the above method, it works. So try it


I also heard plain water cause water retention. Try to place ur legs higher with pillow when u bed rest. If this continue, better consult doc.

Little bb

Hahaha I understand the artistic way the guy took the photo...I also dun dare to show my pregny photo out. Hahaha but I think u can let him see how tomato took the pic...then ask him to follow Loh...it is interesting angle.

LV neverful..hmmm... I feel it will be too heavy after putting bb stuff, and the strap will be painful for ur shoulder coz it is so thin. I personally prefer a thicker and flat strap, will be more comfy. Moreover, the strap must be long enuff to hook on stroller. But as treat of giving birth, I think is ok for mummy use only...hahaha...


I'm now on hong wu 32. Cos fa zhen xian Feng is still not finished, so have not started...scared I will be stuck into it. I think I will the current lastest one after popping Liao.


Since ur gynae say is ok, then should be ok. Probably most of his patients also got the same result as u...not to worry so much...

My gal is not pressing on my bladder, but she is pressing on my stomach...not allowing the air to pass down...but up...haiz...now can't even complain about her...she will wriggle here and there...

Little bb and Jean

Thanks so much. It's working! But i am freezing too... ;)

Still got to bear for 1 more week... sigh..


No worries, bb weight should be fine as they tend to grow faster in 37th to 40th week according to my gynae.


Hahaha..jia you...if too cold, then just use wet towel will do...then stay in aircon. Then relax with music, then zzzz.

I just puke out the tibits I ate just now while watching hk drama... Making me queasy the whole night and can't sleep....arrrgggghhhh

Jean chua-yalor i also think neverfull bag strap too thin.Think

I will get the big one as can put more things but the strap so thin shoulder will be pain lei..Since hubby wanna buy for me so just chop him,other than neverfull bag dont think theres bigger bag like this.

Zannie-Glad that you feel better.Endure for another week..


U going to buy the GM or MM size?? The medium size is just nice, too big size very unbalance...

Wow, u so late still not sleep???

Hi mummies,

Apologize to you all about my own experience about c- section. I should have added that for my case I did not expect for the emergence c- sec n perhaps my tolerance level is very low. Mummies who decided to do c- section please do not affected by me. Just keep an open mind about the after pain.

And just to uPdate you all, after the first painful step , I think it gets better in the subsequent walking. I just managed to go toilet twice on my own. My hb was really tired sleeping so fun want to disturb his sleep. I have asked my friends who did c- section before , they all said it will get better day by day. And they said must start walking after the second day to speed up the recovery. Hope the information will help and sorry for scaring some of you here.

Disposable panties

Think need to bring 10 pcs . I only brought 5 n now need to go back n take

Hi shjean, yes u r rite. E more u walk, e better n lesser pain u will hv. Keep up e good work. E worst - 1st step is over already. Rem to rest well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shjean> Thanks for sharing your experience. Hope I don't have to go through c-sec..though i know pain is inevitable after labour..Think you are dealing with it very well already! Jiayou!

Last night, I had cramps and I thought that it could be the D-night.. Think that my hb was more excited than me after I told him that I have the crampy feeling. In the end, the cramps went off and didn't come back. haha..he was like kinda disappointed after that.

I am also looking around for bags..It's the time to ask our hbs to buy bags for us!! Happy..my bag addiction is kicking in already.

Been browsing online but even KS diaper bags are not very nice and they are bulky and expensive. Don't know what other bags are good.

Baby bag

To me , baby bag needs to be light , water proof and with many package. Last but not least, husband must be willi b to carry the design n the colour. I got the lesportsac baby bag from my friend. She bought it for me in the states. It's much cheaper there.

Woke up early just now despite sleeping late =P Think baby telling me I need breakfast!

Thanks Jean/Zannie for the reassurance, yeah won't be worrying so much as long as gynae says everything is fine. From now onwards will be seeing him every week.

Little bb,

Hmmm won't the neverfull bag be quite heavy after dumping all the baby stuff inside? I got a smaller one for work, thought it was already quite heavy after putting all my docs and barang barang leh. But of cos if your hubby wanna buy for you, shall not reject his good intentions hehe! I got a big longchamp bag, lightweight and roomy.


Take good care of yourself, everyday will get better wan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Speedy recovery!


Haha false alarm, but good to alert your hubby that such things could be anytime! My hubby is quite sure I won't deliver so soon, so he dun bat an eyelid when I complain about cramps =P In fact we just made a bet of 100 bux last night on the date of delivery - whoever is closest wins! So terrible....

Dear mummies, pls help to like this page if you wish to sell/buy 2nd hand baby items here. We need more likers in order for this platform to work. I believe most of you sell used items in forum before. This is just an another platform to serve buyers and sellers for this purpose. Please LIKE the page and read more http://www.facebook.com/2ndhandmarketplace


wao wao so exciting! wish all the mummies have a smooth deliver!

enjoy your bb movements inside tummy before popping! it's so precious! yes, i miss those moments!

Shjean> take care .. Ask the nurse to feed ur son with fm until u are better.. I also feed bb with fm initially .. My bb still willing to latch on..

Hi mummies,

Good afternoon...wake up late since didn't have a good sleep last night...

Baby bag

Lesportac is good, lightweight, handy to convert to short trip bag. Moreover is that hb must be willing go carry...hahaha...

I have one gucci fabric tote bag (used to be my working bag), after putting all my basic barang (water bottle, wallet, keys, iPad)..every time i want to carry my bag down when shopping, he already say so heavy...carry for what!!! I think is the strap too thin that y he dun like to carry. So end up my branded bags, even LV hand carry bag...will be left in his car...hahaha

But since is ur hb good intention to buy you a bag...maybe u can choose ur own liking bag, then buy another baby bag for bb purpose...hehehehe..

Wow, cynn, u place on which date?? 100 bucks to win... Jia you...

Shjean>> dun worry that u scare csection mummies...eventually is up to individual to decide the delivery method... But quite good that u share ur experience with us. Speedy recovery with more walking, just got to be careful with the wound.

Elyn>> ur hb is getting excited Liao...hahaha...my hb still dun think I will deliver so soon. So whatever cramp or pain I have, he will still sleep thru it with some mumbling in his mouth....hahaha..

Bag addiction

Hahahaha... I had that urge when i know I'm pregny. End up also dunno which one is good and bad. So I decide to hold till I give birth a few months later then decide which one to buy. I saw my SIL buying alot of different baby bag, end up always see her pull a cabin size luggage bag (only consist of diapers and changing clothes for 2 boys) and big marc jacob bag with milk powder, bottles, thermos, wet wipes, hanky...when she come back to my in laws house...seeing her having so many bags, kind of freak me out, thinking how come has so many things to bring.

Hmmm...waiting for my pasta delivery...hungry Liao...

Hi Mommies! Long time no 'see'!! Getting more exciting here as many mommies have popped and sharing their valuable experience with us!

Diaper bag

I gotten a few from my sis - including kate spade and anne greddies ... but some are so bulky, not sure if they will be convenient to carry.. Saw alot of mommies carrying lesportac though.. littlebb, since your hb agreed to buy for you, just take lah... =pp can use the bag for other purposes later ..

Shean, yep, dun have to be sorry. Its good that u are sharing your experiences with us =) Take care, rest well & speedy recovery!

Are all of you already on ML already? My ML is starting only on 14 Nov and tmr i am on leave, so left another 4 more working days for me. But its always when u are abt to go on leave that there are urgent matters cropping up ... i hope i'll be able to settle most of the stuff by next week and hopefully, i wont pop early... but on the other hand, i am hoping that bb will come out early le ... lolx!!

I am currently 37 weeks + 5 days... I realised that my weight has remained the same (despite gaining a whopping 15 kg!!! Arghh!!) since my last gynae apptment 2 weeks when bb is 2.2 kg at 35 weeks... Hmm.. i hope bb did gained some weight... 2.2 kg is too small le =(( Anyway my next apptmt is tmr - really looking forward to it and 'seeing' my bb ... its the last lap already but time is like crawling ever so slowly =(

Jean, have your pasta arrived?? =pp

Hi gd afternoon mummies...

Jean chua-you slept late like me..I am thinking to get the neverfull GM instead of MM as i think MM kind of small.Normally if bring bb out,we have to bring some diapers,a set of clothes,handkechief,thermo flasks,milk bottles so wont be MM too small for that? I hv a longchamp bag,yes very light weight.I used it to bring to swimming.Think my hubby will be willing to carry bt he said the strap too thin,shoulder will be pain.hmmm still undecisive which size GM or MM..headache!

Hi All,

I'm a 2nd time mummy, currently in my 38wks+1day.

Hopefully can contribute more when I'm on ML starting nxt week. Quite difficult to post in the office.

For those who are supplementing BB with FM and at the same time worry that BB refuses to latch after supply kicks in, you can request the nurse to use spoon or cup to feed baby.

I did that for no. 1 and when I got home, we use spoon to feed but very slow... may try cup feeding this time round for no. 2.

And also, for working mummies, best to offer BB 1x bottle feeding each day so that BB will take bottle well when it's time for us to return to work.

Jean - gettin lazy to cook lunch n order pasta instead? hee.. tot u wanna cook ur porky.. keke..

Yep hosp has pumps on loan but since i've so i brought mine cos dunno how much they charge oso. according to my gf the container is to put hot water n sterilise the pump parts.

little bb - i oso like neverfull n wanted it to b diaper bag but got a longchamp instead as my gf says it's v useful as diaper bag. will u bring stroller out? I saw some hang on stroller to lighten the load at times. i like GM as it's bigger n hold more things!

Shjean - hang in ther as my cousin who had C-sect is still on oral antibiotics durin 2nd wk as reali v painful.

Felixp - do share ur good news wi us tmr aft ur checkup on d bb weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Felixp,

Long time never hear from u...just finished my pasta...so hungry when I woke up, end up order the couple meal (pasta with pizza). Eat the pasta and 1/4 pizza. Told me hb, at the rate I'm eating, sooner or later, he will be broke...he say lucky is only for this month...hahahaha

Dun worry, ur bb will sure be heavier than the last appt. Just relax and be happy, then they will absorb more nutrients as well...

Little bb

U also sleep late most of the time...hahaha..last nite is a terrible night for me...peeing and burping and end up throwing up...finally then can zzz

I like the mm size though coz just nice if I put my own barang barang...GM suits bigger frame woman, but what I afraid of is when our bag is big, we tend to put in more things, end Up very heavy to carry. U got to decide properly Loh

As what Felixp say, buy first, if not useful for bb purpose, then can use for other purposes...hahaha. Anyway, other diaper bag liked lesportac, allenhand, longchamp...is all around 200-300++. The worst case is u got to buy another bb bag to let ur hb carry.

Snow pear

Thanks for your advise. I will ask for the cup upon discharge...heehee...but how do we know what kind of fm suit our bb?? Any advise on that??


Sunday n others, yes that is e slow recovery of csec mommies. Though u go thr no pushing process, e cutting pain comes in n takes a little longer to heal. U wd need to hv antibiotics n painkiller to help u for abt 3-4days n walking, getting out of bed which is e killer will get better. I started to feel better in my 6 days. Ask dr for oral solution to loosen stool to ease constipation. Urine n passing motion can be painful due to urine catheter usage during csec. Now I'm in my 8th day, I feel good becoz can walk, poo, pee, come out of bed better. Some may find you hv shoulder blade pain which I did for my 2 csec, dun know if it is ga/ epi or simply becoz of sleeping posture to cause it. Yes I also suddenly find my 2 thighs n legs swollen a lot maybe it' water retention. This will go off soon I believe. Putting tummy binder helps csec moms to move better. Having special socks to warm n promote blood circulation is gd. Tmc gave tummy binder for csec but kk gave special socks to csec mom. For those going for csec 1st time, gd to standby these 2 for recovery.

Diaper bags

I used to hv never full gm for diaper bag. Can weigh a ton but spacious n stylish. I like lesportsac really, light, waterproof or any light sports bag that u can shoulder or sling carry by hb is e best. Katespade Stevie bags is light n hold quite a bit n stylish. Get those nylon material like prada for moms who like labels n functionality. I like prada nylon n wd vote for one if u ask me between LV n prada or gucci [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am a bag lover too but I think I'm cutting my collection or hobby. Too exp n work to maintain.


Today wake up too late Liao, my porky still is in frozen state...by the time it thaw, is already hi tea time...hahaha...

Hmmm..but for the first few days, we got milk to pump?? Cos I'm also using medela pump, not sure to bring along or not... And it is not yet sterilize, and still in the box.

Or will it better if bb latch on every time they cry??

Hi everyone,

Delivered to a baby boy at TMC yesterday evening. Natural smooth delivery. Staying for 2 days coz bb hv low blood sugar... Better to stay for observation.

Shirley - congrats! another mum popped today! Hee.. looks like we hv good news in this thread almost everyday tis mth!

Jean - i oso use medela [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya, 1st few days prob no milk. but i want nurse to teach me how to pump so i packed in bag. oooh.. i oso watchin hk drama hong wu 32!

Simp - thanks for sharin in detail ur experience! U recovering beta than my gf! happy for u tat u feel good now!

ya... we hv give up our love for bags to buy things for bb! another of our sacrifice...


I just the last episode of hong wu 32. I like their ending song...nice voice from xu zi Shan.

Oic, u want to learn how to pump.... U using PIS or freestyle?? I'm using freestyle. U can look up YouTube to see how to use. Seems like alot of gadgets... But after seeing the video, is not that difficult to operate.

Simp>> our sacrifice is all worth it for our bb stuff. Hahaha. Since I'm not working anymore, also cannot shop for branded bags unless wait till my hb got bonus...hehehe

Hi All

Back from hospital yesterday and today is my 2nd day of confinement. I must say it's horrible! Haha. No direct fan, and I didn't on the air con even though I was given the go-ahead. Reason being, my CL came and ask my hubb if she should on air con for baby (which means for her as well) and say her ex employer on for them. My hubby say no, we let baby sleep with fan. So in order to be fair, I didn't on as well. Abit stupid hor? But overall I find my CL pretty good. Takes good care of me so am quite happy. As least as of today la.. Hope this last.

Baby is good. Going for her Jaundice checkup this Sat. Those mummies who have delivered and is breast feeding. Are u on total breast feeding? Coz I am and by day 4, my milk supply does not seem sufficient for my baby and it's making her cranky which makes me very heart pain. I really don't want to give in to FM since probably by day 5, milk supply should come in so I want to persist but seeing baby cry and cry makes me kinda helpless. What do u all do?

Now, im trying to pump my milk every 2 hrs to stimulate the milk. Initially was letting her latch on but my nipples are sore already so I'm using a pump now.. What abt u mummies? Do update yr experience as well.

Hi rebeana

Welcome back home. You can try giving her glucose water if ur BM is not sufficient. That what my gf did for her bb. If really not sufficient, fm is another choice u can turn to, but can use cup feed or spoon feed, this prevent nipple confusion.

By massaging the breast, or use hot compress on breast might stimulate the production. You can try.

If ur nipples are sore, then the latching is not in right position. Her mouth should be cover ur whole aerola instead of nipple only.

You can try use ur BM to soothe ur injured nipples, wait till it recover, then let bb latch again. Or buy nipple shield from avent to cover ur sore nipple, then let bb latch on top.

This is wat my SIL told me. U can try.

