(2011/11) Nov 2011

Those who have deliverered, may I ask when you were delivering, what is hubby doing? I can't imagine poor hubby have to sit there for hrs to wait for me



Hb will wait by your side during labour. Ask them to bring their laptop or iPad to entertain themselves. Load some shows to watch. Or books or mags to read. In between can ask them to go for their breakfast, lunch or kopi break but make sure they come back way before u ready to deliver.

Congrats babyzel and kiamkiam!! Wah!! Both on epi???

Babyzel, how much is the epi in TMC???

Anyway, anyone know how much is it if we make birth cert in TMC?? In ICA, is $18...

Congrats Babyzel abd kiamkiam!!

Babyzel, TMC is having renovations for their delivery wards, hence heard its always full.

Btw, did you manage to get your single bedded rm after you deliver? or did u upgrade?

Fynn, if im not wrong doing BC in TMC is free.

Zel & kiam>>> both of u only push a couple of times ah!!!! I heard from my gf who on epi push till she feel liked dying leh.... That's so cool...hope I also have an easy one....

Zel>> first BF attempt so successful is good for you. You should be very proud of it....jia you, dun give up...

Do share ur bb pic if possiblee...heehee...

Babyzel n kiamkiam, thanks for sharing your birth stories! Must be the most memorable experience in life. I am waiting for my turn also and keep thinking how my boy will look like [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Today I first time sleep till so late ( 10 am) since I am pregnant. Think bb is tired also n he enjoyed sleeping until so late with me.

Epidural cost

I know in parkway east , it costs about 500 plus. My friend who will deliver in sgh, told me the epi cost there is 200 plus. I was wondering why there is such a big difference.

Milk bottles / breast pump accessories washing

Mummies, have you washed / sterilized milk bottles and pump accessories ? my hb said no need to wash so early but I just want to see all the things cleaned before going for delivery. How about you all.?

Congrats to Babyzel and KiamKiam..nice to hear your birth stories [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]~ Hope when it is my turn, everything is smooth too, looking forward for the arrival of my gal now. Next tuesday will have gynae appointment, hope bb is engaged by the time..


If you want to wash the milk bottles or pump accessories, can do it before your delivery. By the time, think will still sterilized before you let the bb use for feeding..

For me, haven wash both. Can do it when back from delivery, as we may get some bottle FM from hospital, can start breastfeed baby direct as well..

Still got time to wash/sterillized the bottle and pump accessories [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I havent got the bill but I guess should be $200 odd..


I got free upgrade to half a suite. Their 2nd most expensive. Feels so lucky in a way that the 1 bedded was full. Yesterday I can use the whole suite cos no patient but another patient just came in this morning to share the other half. Hope the 1 bedded I opted for will be available later so I can enjoy my privacy.


My no 1 I pushed 1 hr plus also pushed Till very tired. I think becos this is no 2, so easier this time round.

I bf no 1 till 2.5 yrs n only stopped this mar when I realized I'm Preggy so kinda of experienced so very much easier. Another plus is bb very auto n dun need much effort. Heng!


I will sterilize the pumps n bottles once I get home from hosp. Haven't sterilize them yet.

Thanks Kiam & Zel for sharing! It's v detailed.

Wow Zel u r so hardworking for ur #1! BF till 2.5yrs. So far the longest i heard from my fren is 18mths. U r goooooood! I'm also deliverin at TMC, hope they gimme free upgrade like u too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shjean - my hubby said the same as urs. But oso wan it clean clean so i juz started washing ytd. Will not sterilize cos b4 each feed will sterilize again. So i gave the bottles a good scrub and put in ziplock.

Jean - hope ur migraine doesnt come bk. btw i asked my gynae ytd abt heartburn. He said we can take Gaviscon. It was prescribed to me durin my 1st tri cos my heartburn was v bad and gynae assured tat it can be taken in our last tri and even in labour if we feel the heartburn.

Little bb - i agreed bb movement is painful n uncomfy now. other than the lower tummy which the fingers are the upper tummy where her butt are is the worst. I'm gonna enrol her in dance class nex time cos she is such a butt-shaker!

Forgot to add that my gf told me to get citric acid (can get from Phoon Huat outlets, cheaper) to descale sterilizer and bottle warmer. She descales it weekly.

Also for our pump parts & bottles, once sterilize it's still safe to use up to 6hrs if we keep it within the sterilizer. But it may differ from brands to brands so do read the instructions.

Zel & Kiam - Try to get as many glass bottles as u can from the hosp so u can use it as additional BF storage & directly as feeding bottles after u take it out from the fridge. Juz need to warm it up to feed. You may only need to buy the cap & teats if it doesnt come wi it.

Babyzel & kiam- Thank you for sharing your birth story.Delivery process is smooth.Both of you are amazing mummies.Rest well.

Jean chua-Thanks for your concern,i had keyed in all e important numbers in my phone.Now i also v eng,will come in & chat often

Yesterday night having serious cramps & tightening.I still tot i having labour contractions.So happy that i may be in labour bt false alarm! Tmr my gynae checkup! Bb head had went down so hopefully tmr my bb head had engaged.I just ordered a confinment shampoo,a tummy wrap,a ginger cream & 2 nursing bra.Hope to get the items faster..Raining again...

Little bb>> u r welcome. Try not to drink too much cold drinks, cos will lead to cramp.

Iselle>> thanks for your concern. My migraine is more frequent especially at night. Hope it gets better. I will check with gynae tmr about gaviscon.

Actually can use vinegar and water to descale the sterilizer.

Zel>> u r great to BF till 2.5yrs old for ur no.1.. Any secret for the successful BF?? I hope I can do that too. Cos the longest I heard is 18mths. Hope I can get auto upgrade to suite when is my turn. Hahahah

Shjean>> I also have unwrapped and wash all the bottles. I think if we direct latch on, then dun have to use them. Heehee

Do we need to get the narrow teats if we are direct feed the fm from the hospital glass bottles?? Which brand is better??

Tmr I'm also going for my gynae checkup. Hope my sugar level and BP is back to normal. Bb has been moving a lot for me too especially the butt..liked iselle's gal...butt shaker...hahaha. Two days back, I had frog porridge, end up that night, she keeps kicking liked froggy...hahaha

My migraine is terrible since last night. After lunch, it gets better. But I can feel my numbness on my both hands also got serious. And can't even close up my fists in the morning.

Hi jean

Did u call your gynae first about the migraine since u mention it's quite terrible ? Did u sleep too late or too much recently? Some people will get headache if sleep too much like my hb.

Take care and rest well.

Shjean>> thanks for your concern. I will my gynae tmr on my migraine. The strange thing is it only happen at night. Day time is ok. My hb is saying I look at iPad for too long. Heehee.

I will rest more if I can. Mummies...TGIF le...any program with hb???


Ya I think you try should stay away from those screens for a while.

Yes! It's Friday! But nothing on mind so far. I have fulfilled my dream to go karaoke. Still thinking what should do before delivery

Jean chua-Qute sometimes back i am also having migraine for a short period of time.Then after that switch to heartburn,aiyo preggy got many different types of funny symptons.Glad that its gonna be over soon..Both of us going for our gynae checkup tomorrow.Hurray! Hope tomorrow can hear some real good news.Will update you.

Little bb>> Ok ok, will update tmr on the check up. I also think my migraine is a funny symptom cos I dun have that before pregny. Btw, where do u stay?? If live near, we can still meet up before delivery...heehe

Shjean>>> hmmm... I have not fulfilled my Ktv yet. Maybe will try to go this week or next week... Not much good show to watch lately. I also dunno where to go tmr other than gynae check up.

Thanks for everyone concern.

Jean chua- Im staying at Tiong Baru..How about you?

Any idea where you mummies will be holding full month for your little one? Actually the easiest way is at home bt my house will be too small to hold more than 50pax.Thinking to book chalet but last min book dunno still available anot as its during school holidays and festive season.Haiz..

Wah so many updates today! I also hope my delivery process will be so smooth... pray very hard.


You opted for 1-bedded first then got upgraded to half a suite?


Yah lor, thinking should just get a big slow cooker for ourselves to prepare soup, more healthy. The one I have now is quite small, sometimes not deep enough to even put a chicken drumstick inside to stew haha...


Hormonal changes will cause migraines as well. I used to have migraines last time whenever my period comes. My non-medical way to relieve it is to drink a can of chilled 100+ or coke, better than popping pills. But that's just for me, not sure if it will work for everyone. And do note that there is caffine content in 100+/coke as well, can't drink too much.

Hubby on half day today, started our weekend early and went pa-tor and did the rest of my shopping. Finally bought my diapers lol.

Updated the price list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmdhnCeaEugldFY5cjJxQkRBOUdjc0xEdFpyZWdockE&hl=en_GB#gid=0

Major stuff all settled and bought. Now just need to buy the spare parts of my breast pump, figure out how it works, finish packing my hospital bag and then wait. So fast, another 4 more weeks to go [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little bb>> I'm staying at pasir ris.

Wow, u think of full month Liao ah??? Hmmm either country club function room or split the guest into 2 group. Lunch and dinner Loh. I'm doing that to my friends and relatives.

Congrats congrats to both Kiam kiam and Babyzel... take care and rest well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cyn-I had also packed my labour bag but im going to buy more disposable maternity panties as i scared not enough so tmr after my checkup will go buy.Also need to buy cot orgainser and diaper changing mat.That will be all..

Jean chua-You stayed far..If booked funtion room also will be risks that it will not be available as year end la.If do at home Maybe will also spit into 2 groups lor,think after the celebration my house will be like rubbish chute.Faint! My hubby suggest to book afew tables at a restaurant but its quite unconveniente for me if bb needs diaper change or breastfeed.

Cynn>> the small slow cooker is good for preparing bb porridge in the future. U can prepare the brown rice porridge with more water using the small cooker, more nua nua

I try to drink coke later...heehee... Got excuse to drink Liao...hahaha

Philip carnival sales is tmr right, maybe u can go there tmr to see if they sell avent breast pumps parts or not...

Little bb>>

U can try seragoon country club function room. The more ulu, the chances is higher. Moreover, they provide all the food. I also afraid that the after effect of the party at home, I sure faint... Hahaha if not, see any of ur friends or relatives can book their condo function room to held the party Loh.

Few tables at restaurant is also good idea, better food and plus won't be so tiring for you and bb since is a few hours events. Then also won't be cleaning up also.

I think I will be doing at home since my relatives has not come to my place since I'm married.

Oh my hb is back, got to heat up the dinner delivery Liao...talk to u gals again tonight.

Little bb/Jean,

Haha I've also thought about where to hold baby full month cos my place is too small, and dread the idea of cleaning up after that. But problem with holding it outside is quite inconvenient during feeding or changing. Anyway I shall dedicate this task to the hubby, he better settle it heh.

Oh yah Jean, thanks for reminding me about the Philips sale! Think the previous thread got bumped way up and forgot about it. It's this weekend, shall go and check it out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all, how's everybody? It's been a while since i last came in after i pop... was so overwhelm by the event, caught us all unprepared. Lucky the day i popped, we went shopping and bought some of the stuff already, else really dunno what's going to happen....

I'm now so busy and tired being a moo moo LOLx

Any mummies has popped already?

Hi Janice, u mean u still go shopping when u pop? Super leh!

Urs is gal or boy?

Cynn>> I think ur hb will find a nice place or full month. Cos if not, they r the one to do the cleaning up...hahaha cos we will be moo moo...hahaha.


Hi Jean, yr migraine could be caused by the increased blood flow. Not confirm but could be. I used to have migraine almost every night sometime back and my gynae said it's because of the increased blood flow and it's normal. Anyway u take care, I know how horrible it feels.

Hi is-Elle

Totally agree! The top part where baby's legs/bum is is the worst! It's so painful and uncomfortable! Sometimes can even feel something popping out. Think is her leg.

Full month birthday

I don't intend to hold any party. Troublesome and thought baby wldnt know what is it about anyway. Probably just get my family members to sit down for a dinner or what that's all..

Jean, sorry i left out one word. I mean the day before i popped... anyway mine is a preterm baby at week 34 so really caught unprepared. Mine is a gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rebeana>> thanks for your concern. Really really a big thanks and hugs... I will take care. I feel I can sleep better on my right side.

Iselle>>> legs and bum...hahaha I also feel she is triggering inside. Especially when daddy talking to her. I can even feel her tiny fingers on my under skin.

Full month

My hb and I will just decide to invite the close ones...but add up also around 50-60pax... Hahaha. I think I will split two groups..with my side of relatives and hb side relatives at different timing.

Cos I dun think my fil or dad will just let it go since is my dad first granddaughter. First time becoming gong gong...heehee

Hi mummies, do buy some nursing wear or pajamas if u keen on bf. Now the weather is cold so it is good that u just need to open part of top. My 2nd boy birth story is similar to babyzel.

9am - at doc clinic to chk if can induce. Doc found it is dilated.

10am - doc broke water bag n injected epi ard 10:30am. Dilated ard 3cm

11+am - nurse inserted catheter n chk dilated ard 4 cm.

2:30pm - doc chk that it is fully dilated. Baby born b4 3pm.


Actually caffeine is very commonly prescribed by doctors for migraine.. Coke is a caffeinated drink so probably that's why it helps when you drink coke during migraine.

Full mth

Anyone has recommendations for buffet caterer? I should be holding it at home also, divide the guests into 2 sessions.

Janice-Welcome back..Your bb pop at week 34 thats a surprise.How big is your little one?Im sure you are very tired with the feeding.

Bluedream-Thanks for sharing your birth story.Your delivery is a smooth and fast one.I do hope i can be like you,fast fast.Rest well and take care.Yes recently raining everyday think have to wear those long sleeve and long pants pyjamas with buttons on the front.Weather cool cool also good during confinment,wont be so hot.

Jean chua-I am also inviting around 50-60pax or probably more.Condo function room dont feel very comfortable as its not my house so will have to trouble other people.Hmm will have to discuse with hubby.

Blue dream>> thanks for sharing ur birth story. How big is ur little one? Hope I also can liked u, chop chop fast fast... Heehee

Little bb>> friend's condo is really uncomfy. Cos u got to bring up and down the condo to show off ur bb and BF at the same time. Try to book function room from club or chalet. if not, then book a few tables at restaurant function room.

I notice you dun sleep too early. Issit waiting for your hb to be home from work? Dun tired out urself, rest if you are tired.

Patrica>> so caffeine can cure migraine....I will try that out. Almost got the symptom just now, but feel better after drinking hot chocolate.

I'm currently trying meihao99 dinner delivery. Food taste Not bad. They also do full month catering, price is reasonable. At least I can order the cupcakes or gift pack from other homemade suppliers. Cos some caterers lump all together as a package.

Janice>> then you will be old bird Liao, cos at least I dunno, I can consult u Loh....hahaha...how your bb doing?? Everything fine?? Share your birth story when u free...

Patricia Tay -I will also divide into 2 sessions.Lunch will be friends and collegues.Dinner will be family members and relatives.My family always order from thomson catering for many years already whenever we having party.Quite like their food and portion quite alot.


Coffee, tea, chocolate and cola drink all contains different amounts of caffeine. I guess that's why hot chocolate do help too. ;)

Blue dream,

I also hope when my time come will be as fast as you. Tks for sharing your birth story.


Shjean / Javier / boy/ 9-11-11 

Kiam / Eunice / girl/ 27th Oct/KKH 

Jean Chua / Yvette / girl/26th 

esther/natalie/gal/ 18th 

is-elle/ Estelle/ girl/ 20th 


Simp/27th Oct/KKH 

Bunny/ girl/ 14th 

cyn / girl / 26th / TMC 

Rebeana / Girl / Avril (TBC) / 11 Nov /TMC 

Julia/sarah/girl/1st nov/kkh 

Fynn/Jaydan/boy/30 Nov/TMC 

twink/ Girl/ 19th NOv/ Mt E 

Evelyn/ Girl/13th Nov/SGH 

Patricia Tay/ Sheveon/ Girl/ 11th Nov/ KKH

Shall we start another google spreadsheet again for the mummy & baby details above? I propose to include the following details...

(Mummy's nick - Bb name / gender - EDD / Delivery date - Hospital - Gynae - Residence area e.g. Tiong Bahru...)

Patricia>> I feel better after drinking hot chocolate. It is still on and off.

I like the idea of mummy & baby detail in spreadsheet format.

Later gg to see my gal soon. So excited.

Thanks all mummies

I am finally back home .. Lucky got my cl to help me along if not last night I sure got crazy.. My breast milk din come in yet even thru I latch my gal .. So still need to give fm ..

So bottle feed her and latch her on the day and pump every 3 hr .. Lucky she is gd bb who still willing to latch on even thru she know she will not be full.. Hope my milk will come in soon..

wow so exciting to see mummies popping one after another [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]) wow the thread moves so fast, i can only be a silent reader haha...

hi jean chua, i stay at marine parade. was tinkg we can meet up too, keep each other company and im sure we have lots to share abt our babies and pregnancy experience!

hu1j13, where do u stay? we can all hang out together [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Kiamkiam jia you! Bf really not easy esp for first time mummies, hope that your milk will come in very soon!

Getting very cranky cos not sleeping well. Keep waking up hungry at 5am and not falling back to sleep. Turn here turn there oso feel so uncomfortable with my big tummy. I certainly won't be missing this part of my pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Littlebb, ya super tired esp d first week as got to go hospital to visit her in d am n nite with my bm even though not alot. She's born with 2kg. Now I pump n feed her cos she needs fortifier n oso on special formula milk to help her gain weight. I try to latch her once or twice a day. My milk flow not much leh...

Jean, mine really caught me on surprise n my gynae was but in town!!! I had mine an emergency csect. Haha there are alot of old birds here leh n I'm oso still learning...

Mummies, I've lots of questions. When u latch do u wash yr breast everytime u latch or pump? N do u pump after each feed? I keep washing hands n clean my breast (every 3hrs) until my hands are so rough n ezcema came back in my fingers. My gal has been drinking milk from d fridge which I feel very bad... Hope she doesn't need fortifier anymore after d next doc appt.... And fortifier is not cheap!

My birth story:

9am water bag burst while I do my regular stretching exercise. Told hubby abt it, he said maybe I can't hold my urine but I know it's not.

10am more water leaking. I start to pack my bag (intend to do it in this day too).

11am showered n wash hair while hubby went to buy bf. saw mucus plug when shower, called hospital n was asked to go immediately. Recall hubby back n off I go to TMC.

11pm+ reach TMC delivery suite n water start gushing out. Gynae not in town, only back next day 7:30sm nurse called his backup doc. Midwife check dilate 1cm

1pm+ doc arrive n scan bb. Bb still in bridge position. Water lvl still ok, wanted to wait for my gynae till next day. So doc me drips to prolong d contractions n jabs to help bb to develop her lungs faster. thru'out d day they keep increasing d dosage of drips as contractions getting more intense.

1am have another jab for lung as need 12hrs interval, still dilate at 1cm

3am+ contraction getting more n more intense. Midwife called doc n doc said need csect immediately cannot wait anymore and my baby had arrived [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all mummies,

Came back from my gynae appt. Feeling nausea while waiting for my turn. End up vomit all my breakfast before seeing him. But my sugar level and BP did went down. However he say I might be high chance of getting high BP in the future. My gal weigh estimate weigh 3.3kg at week 36 but doc say might not be so heavy when she comes out cos is based on formula calculation. She is active today as daddy is with me.

After the appt, went lunch, can't swallow much also. Feel so tired and even no mood to shop when we go amk hub to buy some grocery then head home. My hb is so surprised I'm not in mood to kaikai especially on sat.

Doc advise me to take panadol if my migraine strike. Hmmm...I shall see how ba, since coffee and hot chocolate can control the pain, I shall stay on with that. It is due to our blood vessel expansion during pregny, and leading the vessel in our head expand as well causing the pain.

All still quite ok, but next week got to see him again.

Kiam>> it is not easy for new mummy to BF. But must jia you in pumping and latching on. Bb will know what is good for her...that y they are good bb in searching for mummy milk.

Cynn>> hahaha now then u feel cranky...I already miscount my sleepless nights... Have been waking up countless pee pee, heartburn, nausea...turn here pain, turn there pain.... Shove hb away when he try to hug me to sleep.... Haiz...just feel so bad towards him sometimes... I think is the cruelty that comes to me in my 3rd tri, since my 1st and 2nd tri are so easy...

Nov etolie>>> great u stay at marine parade. We sure can meet up for play dates le...heehee can jio twink and hu1j13 together....heehee..of cos can't miss out those mummies who are still in their ML.

Janice>> I dun think u need to wash ur breasts every 3 hrs ba. Just wipe them and hands with wet towel will do. That what my friends did. Ur experience is really a surprise....the ur CL or mil or mum helping with u when ur confinement?? I have been telling my gal to wait till her days come, cos my CL won't be available yet....I hope ur bb will gain weight fast and everything will be smooth for you and your family. Hugggggsss

Janice>>> my SIL tells me is best to pump out the leftover after they latch on... The more we clear our breast, the more milk we wvill produce. That y we need to latch to stimulate then got milk, then clear off by latch and pump. But when we feel pain, we stop the pump. Dun over pump will injure our nipple.

Little bb, my elder boy born in May. That time, use nursing wear only for outdoor, at home just wear any t-shirt. But think t-shirt coverage is not enough as the rain just come n cannot move if half-way bf-ing.

Jean/Patricia, my 2nd boy is 3.445 kg. I think maybe 2nd birth, so faster. The main key is to relax n let the epi get into yr body. I felt only the numbness but not the pain even the baby is out.

Janice, maybe can try to clean yr hand using anticeptic wipe? If you think yr baby is not drinking enough, than u need to pump after every latch.


Hi mummies, now waiting to deliver my gal at kkh, having contraction from 8am in the morning n admitted at 345pm. Gynae said might deliver around midnight, wish me luck!

