(2011/11) Nov 2011

Fruits :

Normally I will take apple/orange/papaya..most of the time will be apple. As heard that orange may not be so good can cause baby easily to have phlegm in future, not sure true or not. I just take it occasionally, shall be no harm.

I likes durian too, after my flu and enter 2nd tri, now also durian season, take a few times durian already..


I have constipation in my 1st tri,probaby go toilet twice every week.The feeling v terrible.Now better will go toilet alternate days.As for fruits,i took lots of apple.Yesterday just bot a japanese honeydrew and it taste great.Took papaya & durians too.i used to take a golden kiwi every night but my friend told me its very cooling and will lead to cough so i had stopped taking for sometime..Recently hubby keep buying durians as people often said its very bu & baby will be big if eat more durians.I tried not to eat too much at a time as its heaty.Mummies have a great weekend! This week i had an fantanstic week.

Rebeana, don't worry. Things will get better as days goes by. I m also starting to worry if I can cope with a toddler n a baby. For stroller, if u intend to go shopping alone with baby, it is good to get one. Can place the things on the stroller 2. If u begin to place him fr young, he will not reject the stroller. I still place my 2yo boy on his stroller when I go nearby supermarket. Baby is ard 10+kg when he is 1 yo. U may need to constant carry him till 18mths if u don't hv a stroller. I used combi as it can manage by single hand with one hand carrying baby. When taking taxi, can ask the driver to help carry into the boot after u hv fold up the stroller.

Omg ! I ate a lot orange n kiwi! Double dose .... Now its too late to realize. Just can pray bb is ok. I think the safest fruit is still apple. I used to visit one Chinese doctor n he just reminded me not to eat banana n papaya and do not drink barley water... So many versions. Wish everyone will have happy n healthy bb!!! Enjoy ur weekend


i didnt know liver is high in vit A! doc ask me to eat one. better eat variety of different iron rich food liao.

rebeana, i saw from straits time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i also normally eat apples and papaya. sometimes honeydew and kiwi. i also ate alot of oranges during my first tri and i had alot of phelgm myself. so i think it may not be good for the bb if taken too much.i tot papaya is good for constipation?? why cannot eat? cooling also? banana i know its cooling but can still eat the indian banana which is not cooling.

barley i tink so too if we boil ourselves? i tink outside selling ones boil too much already should not have much cooling effect liao.

bfly-My friend just told me kiwi cooling for both.I was coughing badly at that time,she told me must stop eating kiwi especially at night.Like birdnest,we are not to take too much too,baby will have phelgm.I do drink boiled barley once in awhile but not too often.Eu Ren Sheng sinseh told me not to eat banana and grapes for fruits,too cooling and will easily lead to cough.I think papaya is fine.just keep everything moderate.I still think apple is the safest.Lol..

Twink, ya I think everything in moderation is ok. I avoid liver cos I read from the net that liver is high in vit A. Since the multivit n milk powder contains vit A plus other fruits n veg so I dun take too. Lol I avoid all internal organs but I still do drink pig stomach soup twice

Attended the 1st childbirth class with Mrs Wong, interesting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I need to check with experience mummie, or anyone who knows the "market rates" well.

What's the rough cost of hiring a nanny /babysitter currently?

I have a relative who isn't working and is willing to help us care for our baby. We don't wanna shortchange her, nor pay too much as with everyone else, $$$ is sparse lah.

Infant care usual rates I know is $650+ - $900+ (the "higher class ones") after subsidy and not inclusive of diapers and milk powder, and u gotto add some miscellaneous fees in too.

So can I use that as a guide like $650+? but as this relative is from my in-law side, my parents in-law seem to think like very little!! They initially say $800 for day care and $1k for day and night (ie, weekends bring baby back). but then they say they dunno the market rates, just more like scare ppl say they shortchanging others.

So need some advise on this.

Thanks in advance!

pismallbear,if the your bb is below 6mth, the market rate is $600, if your bb is above 6mth is $650 as this time they start eating solid food.

I send my #1 to infant since 3 mth old, paying $300 monthly after subsidy.

Hi ptsmallbear,

my ah gim (on my mum's side) charges bout $500++ for day care. I wanted her to care for my bb too but she is tied up with 2 babies already.

So I think $650 is considered high already? If wanna go any higher then I suggest put in infant care better.

hi mummies! haven't log in here for a while. how's everyone doing?

re: cough

me too, a bit prone to having cough lately. probably the weather. hope everyone stays healthy and not fall sick! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


the rate for nanny (i heard from my mom, who was a nanny herself) is $650-$750 to take care of infants in the day. timing is 7am-7pm. slightly lower than IFC, which after subsidies can still amount to $800-$950. ask around more? shouldn't be too expensive since only infant, no need to cook porridge or what. just milk and maybe cereals at later stage.


how was the WBB class? i still like pork liver! heh heh!! :p but i try not to eat too much 'cos liver is rich in vitamin A, not good for baby in large amounts. once in a while have some is still okay.

some updates... finally went to see gynae over the weekend and 'saw' baby via ultrasound! she's 800+ grams at week 26, moving her mouth a lot during the scan. think she was drinking water. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Last time i only get heartburn in 3rd trimester quite often. When i get it, i feel uncomfortable feeling in my chest area and feel that the food is stuck midway instead of being transported to the digestive system. Like Twink said, at times u feel like u want to vomit and u wd burp, acidic feeling in ur throat? Think better just eat before u feel full.


If u r not getting cot, then there is a few types of playpen. Get those with 2 levels, top level for bassinet for bb to sleep and adjustable to lower level when bb is bigger. The lower level is for play, noon nap etc when bb can flip, turn and crawl.Robinson sales or warehouse sale can get playpen at good price but not branded ones like graco etc. I think graco playpen can cost a few hundreds. I bgt 2 sets, each below $100 during sales. One with 2 levels and the other 1 with just 1 level, that one cost lower.

Hormonal changes

I also started to feel moody, depressed and down again these few days. I tgt i was being too pms, so maybe it' pregnancy hormones changes again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hopefully we will be ok. I feel better these 2 days compared to last week when i was moody and depressed.

Hope u can get help soon with ur bb, be it nanny, confinement lady etc. As for bb stuff, just get the basic impt items and other things like carrier or stroller can get after bb is born. Bb for the 1st 3 months, wd be mostly home since they so tiny and if u bf. U prob carry them mostly with hb and grandparents willing to help u to carry most of the time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


for my #1, i only started to feel tummy crampy when belly is bigger and weighing us down in 3rd trimester esp after week 32. Usually belly also lower to cause discomfort or pain.This time round, my belly also seems low like last time but this mth i have been gaining wt fast like abt 4-5kg. By end next week, i shd be seeing my gynae for week 24 updates.

Infant care Nanny

Hmm, my bro pays my mom abt 750/mth now that my niece is 18m inclusive of their dinner meals. Not sure what is the rate. One thing to note, if our own parents/in-laws take care of our bb with the best interest of bb' health and love, their care def will be better than other home based nanny or infant care. With this in mind, i would pay my parents slightly above mkt rate by topping up another 50 to 100. This wd be exclusive of the monthly allowance, bb replenishment items and dinner meals. Once bb is out, harder to save in fact not much to save. We save by cutting back exp on ourselves.


Yes it has been a while to hear from u. Hope u recover soon. Ur liveliness in this thread is deeply missed. I wonder how' the others are doing as well, havn hear their update for a while. Hope the rest of the regular moms are ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Oh i realised this bb of mine get hyper everytime i take durians. It can last for a few hours and yesterday afternoon i took indian teh tarik and ended up awake with bb kicking middle of nite. Oh i think i have to avoid taking too much caffeine drinks :p

Starry, WBB class great! Very enjoyable ^^ Ask dh to talk to baby he didn't really but after the class, he starts to talk to her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Oh yes liver cannot eat too much, yesterday Mrs Wong too mentioned, actually eating alot of liver is oso eating the waste so must not eat too much of it hehe...

The most enjoyable time is to see baby during our US. Mine was 715g at week 23 and doc said weight is ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I didn't see her for long cos doc only measure her and see her heatbeats to make sure she's ok dat's all.


Anybody interested in buying? I would like to sell mine away. Every since i use it, my tummy has not been feeling good and i've gut feeling that she doesn't like it too so i stop after using it for less than 5 times only

Simp, hmm... my tummy is not so big to cos crampy feeling but most of the things i'm experiencing seems like 3rd trimester symptoms LOL... Recently i get gastrics esp start ard 5am+. My weight didn't really go up alot, till now i think at most 5kg


hihi! i've been quite bz when at home esp during weekends. can only log in here during weekdays at work 'cos once i reach home i try not to stare at iphone/laptop screen so much. plus it's tiring looking after my babe and i'm suddenly missing her infant days. less noise and movements. wahahaa! but it's part of watching her grow up and most of it is really fun! hubby does complain that she's too active though. lol!

i'm also a bit hormonal. gynae told me it's normal and even reminded my hubby to be more understanding! sometimes when want to flare up really CANNOT control at that point of time. after that i will wonder why in the world did i do that and felt guilty. :p


glad you enjoyed the class. hope you and hubby make friends there too! really fun if can meet up with a few parents and babies for playdates etc. after they are older. your hubby enjoyed the class too? most impt is he take notes and help you remember all the breathing techniques and babycare tips! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starry, yup he enjoyed the class too but he didn't take notes. I asked him if he remembers those exercises. he said no then he asked me the book has or not? hahaha....

Dear Mummies,

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. From now on, I will eat less orange and kiwi and I think apple is the safest fruit but sometimes very hard to find nice & sweet apples.

These 2 days I got a funny needle poking feeling around my lower body especially left side. Not sure if it is normal or not.


I have those needle poke feeling too so guess its normal ba.. As long as its not too frequent?

I stopped taking orange after a few "aunties" told me that babies will have a lot of phelmge when born.. For papaya, I also avoid taking too much because some say baby will have jaundice coz of the "coloring" or what I don't quite understand.. Anyway I tot no harm listing so just stick to the "safer" fruits like apple..

As for kiwi, I used to take a lot of it.. Can be up to 3 a day but I stopped after my cousin's gynar told her not to eat kiwi.. Apparently its too rich in Vit C so same logic as oranges.. So now its back to apples apples apples..

So $600+ is quite reasonable lah, for nanny rates.. infant care after $300+ after subsidy? Tat's pretty cheap, but the ratio of teachers to infants wise is it low?

Thanks for sharing the costs.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies to be

I'm from the April mummies 2011 thread, given birth to boy-girl twins (their 3mths+ now!!)

Want to start selling my maternity clothings since ulikely I will be giving birth again.

PM me if you are interested in getting almost brand new maternity clothes (bought mostly from Spring) Sizes are L/ XL, blouse, t-shirts, bottoms, 1pc swimming costume.

Ps: Ive also some bb items to sell i.e. BN Bottles, Medela breastmilk bags, breast pads etc

Hi mummies! hope you all had a great weekend!

ptsmallbear, i think i have heard babysitter normally charge ard $600-$800. shld be ard the price of childcare or infant care. but i guess it may sometimes also be slightly more ex cuz their timing more flexible than childcare. dont have to rush to pick up kids before the school close.

janice, how many couple per class? mine was postpone from last wk to tis sat. cant wait for my first lesson! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shjean, i also had needle poke feeling sometimes. as what rebeana mention, not prolong and not too frequent is okie. cld just be the muscle stretching. if too painful must call doc and ask.

SHJEAN,Rebeana-I used to love oranges and i will have an orange everyday before pregnant but now i dont dare to take too.Also stop taking kiwi,grapes and banana.I still take papaya once in awhile as it really helps me to poo.LOL...For apple,i normally buy those New Zealand red apple or those Korean red apple unless none of that then i will buy Fuji china apple.Last week i bot some red dragonfruits.My hubby was not very pleaseed seeing me eating as he said its sooo red in colour like colouring.I stop eating after afew pieces.

I seems to put on weight quite fast recently,tummy getting bigger very fast too.Today i realise that my breast had purple veins.I used to apply the stretch mark creams only at night,think now i will have to start applying in the day as well.Weather so hot,sure very sticky.

Hi Rebeana ,

Tks for sharing! My needle poke feeling started yesterday n hope it won't last too long n will ask my doc during next visit.

As for papaya, it's my Chinese doc told me not to eat. Sometimes just feel boring to eat apple all the time.

Hi twink,

Tks for ur advice on needle poke pulling! I thought i am the only one.

Hi little bb,

I think new Zealand red apple is much better than fuji nowadays. I think red dragon fruit I dun dare to eat also coz of the co our. The white one should be ok.

How many weeks r u now? Last month I suddenly put on 4 kgs n for this month so far is almost 2 more kgs . Think last month I had too much western food especially beef n potato. I was scolded by my doc last month so this month I tried not to eat too much western food. But sometimes I even carve for fried chicken n the chicken wings from ikea cafe . My favorite !

Shjean-Actually i only put on about 6kg but that is probably 3weeks ago.I havent went for my gynae appointment so not sure whats my weight now but i think just this month i put on about 3-4kg ba.

Anyone know any babyfare around the corner?

Janice-Glad that you and your hubby enjoyed the WBB class.Such a waste that you had to give up using babyplus,you had waited such a long time for it to arrive.Since you felt uncomfortable everytime you use the babyplus,think you have to stop.

hi little_bb, i dun see any purple veins on my breasts but i see bluish veins..i dun normally apply on my breast also. it doesnt seem to bulge that much now.

Oh my breasts also feel hot and slightly reddish at the end of the day. do you gals feel that way too? i always feel my boobs are being trapped in the heat that builds up in the breast padding! is it normal? i cant seem to find a nice cotton bra that fits my boob and is cooling and doesnt cut into my ribs and chest. I can buy one that fits nicely now and the nxt time i wear it feels tight. i find it a chore to keep shopping for bra..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

shjean, i am also trying hard to cut down on too much carb which will turn to fats cuz we all dont seem to get much exercise now. i have gained 8kg in total since i started preggy. i weigh myself every other days to try keep my weight in check.i find sometimes constipation also add on to weight leh..:p

Twink, it's a big class for WBB class, at least more than 10. Mrs Wong said her class is always so big.

Littlebb, ya I really find it a waste for the babyplus n u had been waiting for so long. But no choice since baby doesn't like it.

Hi Twink,

I have not felt much changes in breast except for the size. And I have been using those wireless bras since the 1st tri. I have got one nursing bra and think maybe can get 2 more so can use from now on. btw, I bought from mothercare. Oh, besides this I just feel the nipple is a bit dry and sometimes I apply nipple cream.

As for exercise, I do not have any specific exercise but every morning I need to walk to mrt station and from station walk to office unless it is a rainy day.

As for babyplus, I did not have one and think now is only left about 3 more months so it is not so worth for me to buy it now. I just try to talk to bb more especially during night time. I think bb really can hear us. Sometimes when he moves inside, I call my mum / husband come and see, then when they come, bb will stop moving. Just after they walk away, he starts again. My mum says bb is either shy or very naughty. But its really v cute.

milk bottle & receiving blanket

Has everyone bought the milk bottle? how many bottles do we need for new born? and what kind of size we should get? we intend to buy Nuk bottles.

And understand we need to bring 1 receiving blanket on the delivery date, any idea what kind of blanket should we get? have you all bought it?


I din know know so many fruits cannt eat. However I also not a fruitty person b4 and during preggy days. However i think i eat apples the most compared to papaya, kiwi etc. I do like durians esp the sweet ones.This being said, need to see if bb will have phlegm next time. When i had my dd, i was so strict on food intake and now that she is 3 and once she' on solid food, she can get flu, cough so easily like very month. So i think maybe it is in the genes. My mom said that when i was little, i kept having cough so my dd may have inherited my weak lungs despite the best efforts to eat healthily during preggy days. Now this bb, i less uptight on food and take everything a little so got to see if he would get cough as easily as his sister as well when he turns 18mths :p My niece very resilient towards getting cough despite eating more cold stuff like ice-cream, yogurt, cold drinks compared to my dd. In fact i think her immunity better than my dd. So it think genes play a part.


Twink, i feel my boobs bloated and got the blue veins and stretchmarks so i apply the cream to moisturise the area besides the expanded belly. I use the bra extenders to use on my bras as i dun want to spend too much to buy new bras again. Later on, they wd all be discarded or chuck aside. My nursing bras are all non-wired padded cotton bra, all quite seasoned from 1st pregnancy.

Milk Bottle, receiving blankets

The tiny milk bottles i got abt 3 sets as bb drinks almost every 2 hrs if bottle feed. If bf, then u prob use lesser as the mths go by. If express milk, then u wd use bottles like formula milk. I usually pump in 1st 2mth and use bm during day and nite time when u feel u dun have enugh to bf or not enugh then supplement with either bm or formula milk after bf/

Receiving blanket i bgt 2 of diff material, one thinner, the other thicker. I think just need to get 1 multiple purpose. Some hospital does give receiving blanket and clothes when discharge. When dd was born 3 yrs ago, she was wearing tmc' clothes and wrapped in their blanket so it would be gd to check with ur delivering hospital is this is given. I was also given a diaper bag with diapers. I only brought in my hand, feet mittens and hat to hospital for discharge or can ask hb to bring before u leave. If not, can do last min purchase at hospital stores where they sell bb stuff.

hi shjean,

my chest width has expanded so those bras that i bought in my first tri i can only wear them after using 2 bra extension. imagine my expansion. i just bought 2 more bras from triumph 2wks ago but tis week i wear liao also alittle bit tight. i think have to buy bra extension again..

i bought 3 nursing bras in my first tri frm spring but end up not wearing all now cuz i didnt like the stiff wire by the side of the bra and also tight liao. duno why i didnt feel it at the fitting room. i hope i can wear all those bras after my birth else so wasted..

milk bottle,

i had a set of 5 bottles for newborn from playtex but i tink i gg to buy few more from nuk or avent cuz i read frm internet diff babies take to different bottles/teats. i also scared the playtex difficult to use. Better prepare few different types as i wont be able to get out of the house during confinement period to buy.we can wash up and sterilise the bottle immediately after each use so prob ard 6 - 8 bottle is sufficient for the first month? can buy again after confinement if need more..

not sure abt the blanket. i thought i read some hospitals give newborn for free. i better go check my hospital package again.

baby hearing,

yess..i tink the baby can hear more now. when my alarm wakes me up i feel my baby also starts to move..sometimes when i play music also it will start moving or kicking me. very cute!


I also gained 4kg last month and was also scolded by doc.. hehe.. said I gained too much weight and told me to cut carbo, which I did not.. oops..

Thought I had the same intake of food but this month when I checked, only gained 2kg.. Strange.. In fact, I thought I ate more this month than last month...

Baby Fair

Are the promotions at the Isetan and Taka baby fair attractive? Whats usually the good buys?

Little BB

I too had veins but mine is green.. Ard breast area and its so embarrassing and unsightly.. My colleague saw it once and accidently said "eeee"... So sad but then when I looked at it, it looks unsightly as well.. However, doc said it's normal and my SIL said something like the body is preparing for breast milk.. Makes me feel better after hearing that..


I don't have that warm feeling le.. Maybe you can check with your doc..

yaya my baby loves listing to music as well.. Realise that everytime when there are music, baby will kick kick..

I found my confinement lady.. Cost me 2.3k.. Felt so relieved.. Now its looking ard for nanny.. Ay recommendation gals? I don't feel good putting baby in those Infant Care.. Im staying in the west..

hi all mommies.. long time since I'm in here... hope everyone is doing fine =)


I bought the avent sterilizer set which comes w a warmer and 2 bigger bottles. I bought another 2 small bottles, so total i have 4.

Twink: U dun wanna let ur bb use playtex first? Isetan bb fair - 20% off avent bottles. Mayb u can also wait till tmr for the taka bb fair. =)

I oso bought the chicco playpen at $199 from Isetan bb fair. Still need buy cot and pram, perhaps pram can wait till after bb is born.


I dun have blue veins on my breasts yet. I can also still fit into my pre-preggie bras although starting to get tighter liao. =)


I just went to the bugis shop selling cheap bb's clothes (its behind the toilet at the building directly opposite the Guan Yin temple). The clothes are cheap - at $12 for pack of 6 pcs eg. long pants, shorts, tops etc. Each pack is standard comes in 2 pcs yellow, 2 pcs pink and 2 pcs blue. But the design is very simple and non fanciful. =)

haizz... still have lotsa stuff not bought yet =(


is everyone taking birdnest? both my mil and my mum cook for me since last month. I know of them them pick the feather so hard.but i still can see the feather when drinking. maybe my eyes are too sharp, I always can spot those tiny things when others usually cant see.

Is everyone taking bottled birdnest? do you think it is okay?

hi Shjean, I am taking bottled ones cos my sis bought 5 concentrated bottles for me, so i dun intend to buy anymore till i've finished them. Some pple say too much birdnest is not too good, so i am taking 1 teaspoon once every 3 days.. and will start to take more when I am in my 7th mth. I am now in my 6th month ...

I think brewed one is better bah compared to bottled ones, but i think dun have brewed ones, bottled ones are good enuff =))

Hi Rebeana, i dun have contacts for nanny but nowadays > difficult to find? As a continency plan, maybe u wanna call up IFCs near ur place and reserve a seat for ur bb first... =))

My MIL said she will help us look after... but we are not sure she is steady anot cos she hasnt look after bb for so many years.. I am looking into IFC as well. So far for my area - woodlands - they have vacancies. =))


i think its the padding of the bra and maybe my bra is abit tight or wat..plus my body heat and sweat that brought abt the warm feeling the breast at the end of the day. I dont seem to have this feeling when i go braless at home. i think i should get another cotton bra without padding tis time. but abit weird lah..nipple abit obvious. hee..

good to know u settled ur confinement lady.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] try google ard forums got ppl recommend their own nanny or their relatives. if not can ask ur parents to ask ard neighbours.


i want to let my bb use playtex but i scared the bb dont like the bottle so better play safe buy few more keep so wont have to worry during confinement period. anyway i tink the playtex newborn bottle set abit big. i will buy those small small ones for plain water. yeah me also waiting for taka fair [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i have lots of things not bought yet. i only bought few clothes for my bb.. at the same time delaying so ppl will buy for bb as gifts so dunav to buy too many things hehehe..

did u get any napkins/towels/washclothes at the bugis shop? is it cheap also?

Bra :

Ya, most of my wired bra which wear pre-preggy is tight now, with bra extention can still wear, but it has pressure feel on my chest area, thus already change to wear those comfy nursing bra from my 1st pregnancy and without wired type.

Bottles :

Depend whether you will sterilize it quite often, I remember that time I have total 5/6 avent bottles (2 sml, other are bigger size), sterilize 2 times in a day. Don't need to buy too much in my opinion, once baby grow to 3 or 4 mths, may stable in their feeding time, may slowly just take turn to use 2 or 3 bottles.

Birdnest :

I haven't started on birdnest, but take 2 times black chicken to Bu my body. Later will take some birdnest bah. Think either bottled birdnest or those need to cook one is alright, as long as not those fake birdnest. But also dun take too much lar, as sometimes we dunno how it really been processed.

Hi Twink,

Yup, i bought napkins and towels... their towels are $10 for a pack of 2 pc - the better quality ones. Napkin prices i forgot liao. Wat is washclothes ah? I bought long pants, shorts, long and short sleeve tops, bibs, booties and mittens. Also bought those towels that come with the hoods. But not rompers cos their rompers abit big and the person advised me that bb will grow out of rompers very fast. I oso got a few hand-down rompers, so didnt buy.

Btw hoh, do we need bring pre-sterilized bottles when delivery at hospital ah?

Hi Twink,

We also got a lot things have not bought. We still got 1-2 month to get them. btw, may I know the address of the bugis shop you mentioned?


Just to share with you all, tonight I had quite a lot of meat but I had soup with Tong Hoe ( tang o). And I went to toilet without any problem. My mum said its becoz of the Tong Hoe. Not sure if it does work.

hi evelyn,

i havent started to BU my body yet. abit too heaty lately ate too much roast chickenwings.:p my tongue feels hot with alot of red dots..heat heat heat.. i scared BU liao sore throat. maybe will drink those self made chicken essence nxt wk.

how much BU shld we be taking actually? once a month? what about birdnest?


are those bath towels for bb? what abt face towels? i actually also duno what is wash cloth. i read on internet one.. i am thinking its for washing baby with aka sponge scrub hee..i guess can use normal face towel?


the address is given in felixp earlier post, behind the toilet at the building directly opposite the Guan Yin temple at bugis. i havent been there yet also.

Tang O is cooling issit? we always eat tis when having steamboat. i tink cuz steamboat is abit heaty..

Felixp-So good you dont have those blue,purple veins yet.You can still wear your pre preggy bras,so good! Seems like you dont put on much weight.

SHJEAN-Im really believe bb can hear us.Whenever my hubby try to feel my bb kicking,he always stop kicking and remain very silent.After awhile my hubby will become impatient and said bb where got kick non stop,so quiet must be sleeping la.When hubby hand move away,bb will start to kick back.Think bb can feel the touches is not mummy so become shy and stop kicking.Cute Little BB!

I start applying stretch mark cream when i am about week 14 but only at night before sleep but sometimes will still forget.Only recently i started to apply more often.I applied only on the tummy,backside and thighs,did not appied on the breast.Now i dont have any stretch mark except my breast.So regret,should be more handworking and apply on the breast as well.Now start abit too late!


I do take boiled birdnest every week when i am probably week 12 but stop after i had coughed.Now i started to take two weeks once.

