(2011/11) Nov 2011

Receiving Blanket,

Mt. A did provide the blanket for my 1st child. Think if your baby is sleeping in the air-con room, you will need to prepare more. I used nappy cloth to swaddle my 1st child for till he bcome too big for the cloth.

Hi Twink, yep, they have the bath towels and face towels too. The bath towels are in a pack of 2 pcs for $10 while the face towels come in a pack of 10 pcs, cant remember the px though... =p

Hi Little Bb, i put on alot of weight leh - close to 8 kg liao!! My breast oso bigger but not big enuff to warrant a bigger cup size yet... hehehes... but now cannot wear padded bras liao cos too squeezy for my boobs.. Now dun have purple veins but got a few red spots on my boobs... = unsighty boobs too!

Hi Shjean, the exact address is Blk 269C #01-246 - Shen Kwang Trading Co. They are closed on Suns and till 5pm on other days. They also only accept cash payment -- Happy shopping!! =))

Gals, Im also taking birds nest on and off when someone offers to boil or passes me the bottled ones. As much as I heard that it may not be too good to take birds nest, Im still taking it but will not take it so often..


Do you gals have any idea what is a good playpen? Which brand is good and affordable? Im totally lost at buying a playpen.. :p

Baby Fair

Seems like no good buys at the baby fair from the brochures le..

birdnests, supposedly good for bb complexion. duno how true though.

sigh, my v. infection seem to not clear yet still got alot of white/yellow sticky discharge. i scared turn to brownish color again so gg to see doc again tis week to get it treated. i wonder if eating yogurt or applying at that area will help.

Felixp -Seems like our boobs are unsighty.Lol..

Anyone going for 4D scan?I am thinking to go for a 4D scan but wonder if can really see our bb very clearly.


Is your discharge will cause any itchiness? Actually for preggy, there is discharge is very common. I have it almost everyday, as long as it won't be suddenly become too much, with white or yellow color should be alright.

When brownish need to monitor, I will once in a while have it even though now turn to 6 months (suppose consider more stable..). I just have brown discharge last sat/sun, try to rest more after that. I suspect eat cooling thing and if too tiredness will cause it.

That is how I monitor myself. Of course to be safe, we should consult with gynae should there is any brownish discharge.

Little bb,

During my 5 mths detail scan, the ponography do give me a 3D scan, indeed clearer but really look like ET hor.. hoho..Din noe how is 4D never tried before..If you try let us know yah..

Evelyn, my discharge is not itchy. but i find the discharge is yellowish and like gooey gooey mushy kind like cottage cheese or jelly. sometimes got fishy smell so i think fungus growth out of balance again liao. my nxt appt is another 2-3wks from now so nurse say better bring fwd to check with gynea. I scared discharge will turn brown again which scare the hell out of me as the other time i thought it was dried blood.


My mom bgt the entry level birdnest, she double boiled like 2 times since i was abt 17 wks. Whether good complexion or better for lungs i dun know since dd falls sick often once she is a toddler. My niece now 18m skin sensitive like mine, prob eczema pro next time. However i think once a fornight or every month shd be enough.


U bgt those need to pick feathers? Isnt that very tedious? I heard these are fresh and need to keep in fridge? Not cheap i heard. Maybe can buy those cleaned dried ones, just need to rinse and sit in water to expand and boil?


Twink, I also have daily discharge size of 50 cents to2x50cents, yellow or white. Dun know if this is also a sign of protein still. But no itchiness and i try to drink as much water as i can though at most i can only drink 8 full glasses a day. On days i din drink this amt, my lips are charred and peeling very badly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I think it is the same as handkerchief but maybe buy the softer ones for bathing bb as skin very delicate. That time i bgt so much handkerchief from chinatown that i find them very rough on bb. Then i went to buy from spree the gerber ranges, very soft. I think chinatown shd have softer handkerchief that can withstand frequent wash but slightly costier like a piece a few dollars compared to normal range of a pack of 10 for a few dollars.

Detailed scan

Evelyn, i never got any sd scan when i went for this. Gd that u have [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I rem nurse at tmc did go ard the wards to ask if we need sterilising tablets to sterilise milk bottles. U may need to check with the hospital on this as well. That time when dd was dehydrated with no milk from me, they feed her with glucose water from tmc. This time i will bring a tin of formula milk to standby for night feed in event bb is dehyrated but im concerned bb not keen to bf as too much work for too little colostrum/milk. Most bb lost wt by the time they discharge or in the 1st week, very normal. Dr says bb when born will have reserve to last them for a week. So when dd was 2.7kg at birth by the end of 5d4n stays in tmc with bf and glucose water feed, she was only at 2.5kg :p So dun be alarm when bb lost wt due to tbf or partial. Unless it's full formula or partial fm, bb wt will dip for most moms on tbf as our milk supply not ready. Of course there are some exceptions.

Evelyn-Me too have white discharge and quite itchy sometimes.I do apply cream when i am feeling very itchy.As for the 4D scan can only do in the 3rd tri,need to book appointment as the slots quite full.I read magazines thomson medical 4D scan $298+ inclusive CD and some pictures.Ya those 3D pictures look scary.


I also need to pluck the feathers and of course tiring and eye strain.Heard that those birdnest that need to pick feathers are more pure as never been processed before.Sometimes my mil will boil for me but hers dont need pick feathers.Just soak and boil can already.

Hi I am also delivering in Nov 2011..now baby is very active. I have a scare today..saw brown discharge but cleared after morning. Is it of any concern?

Hi Felixp,

Thanks for your address!


I just bought the concentrated bottled birdnest again and usually I take a small spoon once every 2 or 3 days. Actually a lot people say there is no proven evdience to show it is really effective for bb. But I think it is good for ourselves also. Just remember not to eat too much. The golden rule is appropriate amount.


Actually I also got white / yellow discharge everyday since 1st tri. But I do not have other feeling so I did not really pay attention to it.

To Chole, you may need to monitor and if necessary call ur doc first. But you should be in your 6 months also right? I think it is all right. not to worry.

4D scan

My friend just told me my doc just got the 4D scan machine and I think I will have the chance to try during my next visit. So excited! hope bb will be in the right position to show us his little face.


I also have white discharge.... i need to change the min 3 liners a day.. this is my 2nd child... for the first one i had nothing like this... even i was scared... later... i read a lot on the web on this... mine also smells and dark yellow in color... also itching is there...

i think yogurt really helps... also i checked with the dr... she has given the a cream to apply... it really works.... it is really irritating.... i really wish this stop asap... today i had appointment... i checked dr again... she said it is part of pregnancy.

As we always say for each one it is diff story... it is always good to consult dr. Take care and let us all wish for the safe delivery.

Good night.... :)

Hi cloe, welcome!

yes now baby at 5mths + will be moving much more.

mine these few days position herself to kick my intestine again.. i prefer her to kick belly..not so weird feeling and can feel her more from outside. i notice sometimes when i sit and bend slightly fwd,my baby seem to squirm alot!weird feeling.hee..

i am not sure about ur brown discharge but doc says mine was thrush after he check me. i had alot of it inside..if u are unsure, you might want to check with ur doc.

Hi busybee,

did the doc say can apply yogurt or eat the yogurt? i ask my fren also she dun have. i think everyone is different. guess this is part and parcel of pregnancy cannot avoid but irritating and makes us feel unsure all the time not sure when is normal..

OKie i also turning in soon. nitez to all mummies!


u "berry bad".. post the story and I read in office.. So paiseh suddenly have to reach for the tissue to wipe off the tears before my colleagues sees them..

Indeed, touching.

Yah manzz!! I was also crying but luckily it's during lunch time and nobody was in ... Hehes!! Very touching indeed -- I can relate to the preggie part .. I think very horrible to experience such emotional turmoil when u are preggie ..

berrypie,gosh! that was really touching! i also went red in my eyes..lucky my colleage nxt to me went off for a while .. didnt see me eyes red red. :p we should never hold on to grudges and fail to communicate with our loved ones. life is really too short to spend our lives and time being angry at each other.

Yah manz... but sometimes its really easy to say but so difficult to do... esp when we are angry and our hubbies are not really comforting and understanding -- there is always the "why-shld-i-be-nice-when-u-are-not" and revengeful/childish attitude -- we are humans afterall, not devoided of feelings... haiz... just have to learn to let go =pp

This true story is really a good reminder to all of us!

my god, I just read the story and cannot help crying also. It sounds like a drama but I beleive it does happen in real life. And all of us should treasure whatever we have now.

Really very sad..At first i tot i will not cry thinking that its just a story but i still cried even before i finish reading..We should cherish the one besides us.I had alot of misunderstanding with my husband last few months.I became paranoid,unreasonable,crazy and bad tempered.I just couldnt control my temper,i am just out of control.I realised i did all these just to have my husband attention,i want him to care for me and my bb but i am wrong.He hates me,disgusted by me.Recently we had finally opened out our barrier and really talked things out.We are very happy and loving now.This story makes me want to cherish my husband more.Lets put all the grudges behind and start everything afresh while we still can..

Hi Everyone, how's everybody? It's TGIF!!!! After a few days rest, i'm back to work again and it's on a Friday so mood to work is still ok ^^ Anyway i prefer to come to work rather than just staying at home alone doing nothing.

We have another 3mth+ to go.... Jiayou!!!!

littlebb,glad everything goes well for you and yr hb...this story served as a reminder to us as to put any grudges behind and don't take our loved one for granted too...

There are so many postings in this forum which i chanced to read abt...there are mummies who trying to conceive but lost it again, depression mummies, single mummies,etc..i reali feel im blessed but had take so many things for granted...

From now on, will treasure what i have..not sure where are the rest of the our nov mummies, i pray that all of us well, our bb are happily kicking and hv a smooth delivery...three more months to go..

Hi Mummies to be,

For centuries, herbalists recommend pregnant ladies to take organic raspberry tea in their very late stage of pregnancy to prepare their bodies to prepare for childbirth as it tones the uterine muscle preparing it for the intense contraction during childbirth. Stronger womb muscles will cause contraction to come faster and in turn reduce labour time significantly. It is also recommended to continue taking this tea after childbirth as it helps to purge any remaining lochia and helps to reduce the womb size to pre-pregnancy stage.

For those planning to take raspberry tea to prepare for easier childbirth or after to purge lochia can consider getting from http://babydustshop.blogspot.com so far they are the cheapest I have come across just want to share the link!

Enjoy Motherhood! =)

Anyone took raspberry tea in their 3rd tri? I never heard before lei..Only heard we need to take coconut juice to cleanse.Today is friday! So happy mood..

Littlebb, i heard that raspberry aids contraction of the womb hence had been avoiding them. If 3rd trimester, does it mean later stage?

Hi Shjean and Twink

Thanks for the replies. I am now in Week 24. It's a one time thing so i didn't worry too much. Anyway I will inform my gynae next week.

My baby is very active too. My antenatal teacher Mrs Wong said baby kicks ard 10 times per day..i think he kicks me 10 times within 1 meeting session..but it's kinda fun :D

Hi Mommies

Janice yes it seems like we are past the half mark, another 3m sounds so good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also feel im getting better each day and hopefully all will be well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Suddenly it seems like there are still things that i have yet to finalise. Im so hoping to move back to my flat b4 bb comes.


Humans are the most difficult to comprehend. At times we are just so consumed by our current situation that we fail to see the most important aspect. Im sure the relationship between spouses, inlaws are not easy, our own relationship with our parents and siblings are not easy as well. Hope we will love our closest kin with no grudges.

I have been hormonal really as well and dd is not adjusting well in school these few days. we have been having meltdown daily and my parents are not spared as well. Poor them. I can identify moms with extreme mood swings this time as I having om almost daily as well. So different from my 1st pregnancy.

Stretch Mark Cream

Has anybody uses up a tube of stretchmark cream already? Last time i used abt 1.5 tube. Now im already done with 1 tube and wonder if i have been using too much too casually on my belly, thighs and boobs area.

Simp, haha 3 months seems short but i wish time will fly faster. Can't wait to hold my baby in my arms [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope you can move back to yr flat soon as i think it will be more convenient, comfortable doing yr confinement at your home

These 2 days I dunno why i just feel like crying hahah... last nite when hubby going out to customer place, i actually cried dunno for what, it will come as and when it likes :D

Stretch Mark Cream

I'm using Olive Oil and i had already used up almost 2 bottles of it already

yes! its friday!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] happy.. tomorrow starting my 1st antenatal class.excited! And doc just cleared me of any infection. he said my discharge yellow or white was normal. phew..so now i know only when the discharge comes with itch or blood then it would be a concern.

Doc say they will do a lab test nearing delivery date to check if any infection and will prescribe medication to clear infection before bb is due for delivery. So i guess i wont be too bothered by my discharge for now unless it really went out of hand.


you were on leave on mc? yes its quite boring at home nothing to do now when the baby is still inside the tummy. since now we basically cant do anything much with this big bulge. :p

hormonal changes,

i had my fair share of the weird things that hormones did to contribute to my attitude problem. glad to put that away for now as 2nd trimester seem much better than 1st and i am attitude no more hee... my mood definitely happier now.

stretch mark cream,

my tube also almost finishing. and i only started during 2nd trimester. i tink i might need another 2-3tubes if continue until birth..

twink, glad to know that you are cleared of any infection, me too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee... tested on viginal and urine and no infection. Me too have yellow and white discharge and sometimes watery too.

I had already used up all my MCs and HPL during my 1st trimester so got to take leave. Actually my tummy keep pulling and heartbeats very fast. last week when for my gynae appt but he said he didn't see any problem but i had forgotten to tell him abt my fast heartbeats. So on Monday when i called to ask abt my infection report and at the same time asked the nurse, she asked me to go down to see doc immediately. The doc covering my gynae since he's not in, asked me to rest for few days as she said it's contraction [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so i rest for 3 days b4 coming back to work as it's really very boring at home :p

twink, you attend WBB's class tmr right? You will enjoy it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] oh remember to wear something comfortable as she'll teach some exercises and we are sitting on the floor throughout the class

stretch mark cream,

I am using the 2nd bottle also. but i only applied at night. I am using the cocobutter organic one. I like the smell! A lot of people say Clarins one is good but I think it is quite expensive.

Twink/Janice, if both of u hv infection, remember to test for Strep B if both of u gg for natural delivery.

Simp, u will feel better each n e everyday[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Its so comforting to hv a new enviroment for ur bb arrival, leave those details to ur hb. Try to rest more as we will b busy taking care of our children later part..

Stretch mark cream

I am using the 2nd bottle now.Now our tummy getting bigger we are using alot.One bottle can last for more than a month.I am using Medela stretch mark cream.

Anyone can recommend confinment Tingkak? I am thinking to order confinment Tingkak for a month after my confinment.I will be alone taking care of my bb without any help so thinking to order Tingkak.Any good recommendation?

janice, gosh u used up all ur MCs and hospital leave? you must have stayed at home for quite a number of days! lets hope our infection dun come back again and have a smooth pregnancy til nov! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i went for WBB antenatal class yday and it was packed! really enjoyable and informative but i forgot most of the exercise routine she teach liao.hee..glad to have sign up for her class. :D

berrypie,ya the doc got say will test for infection before delivery should be strep B. hope it doesnt recur again...i wonder if diet plays a part.. i better drink more water and try to eat plain yogurt..

Twink, yep I had used up all 60 days n some leave too. Imagine I had been confine at home for months...

Glad u enjoy d class [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee... Me too forget most of d exercises after d class, my hubby too :p but it's really enjoyable. Today is my 2nd lesson [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Do u hv her book? Her book has some of the exercises inside

Dear All,

We went to Taka baby fair today and there are quite a lot of gd deals. We got our quinny stroller Zapp Xtra model.If you spend more than 600 dollars will have a free toy - little tikes pirate ship.


Thanks for the information that tmc provides for bb goodies. Seems like those delivering at tmc need to pack mainly for mommies.

Janice, Twink, Berryie

Yes it wd be good to do confinement at home but hopefully i know where my parents and hb pack the things. They really help to unpack our junk for the past 1 month but flat still messy. Now pending hb to pack his computer, books into his study room. We still have boxes housing at our parents' place. Cannt imagine we have so many boxes/junks that we bgt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] really got to watch what we buy since flat limited space.


I can imagine how not easy this pregnancy has brought to some of us. Thankfully u r ok and hope all goes well for u. Jiayou together.

Hormonal changes

Think many of us still going thr this change and can be quite unsettling for ourselves. I have given up hope to force myself to be happy, i wd just let nature take its own course. If bb comes out cranky then deal with it, now no luxury like the 1st pregnancy.

Stretchmark cream

Good to learn from many of u that we are all finishing/finished the 1st tube of cream. I only applied once at night after shower. I do feel clarins cream is expensive compared to other off shelf cream. Now that i finished, i used my cooking olive oil temporary and it ease the itch, stickier than cream but alot cheaper. I order the clarins oil to try from spree and a lot cheaper by 20%. Hopefully that wd be my last clarins, once i finish the new bottle, wd just use olive oil [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


U r sourcing for tingkat? Im also on the lookout in case i have no time or not up to mark to cook when i move back to flat next mth b4 bb' arrival. And after confinement, if i find my body is too taxed, i wd settle for tingkat for cost-savings instead of daily tabao.

I saw one with confinement tingkat, the rest normal meals. The ones with confinement specialty:





Not sure which one has good review, I prob look for normal tingkat since got confinement nanny.


When is the taka fair until? See if hb can plan timing to bring us there to take a look.

Simp, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yes let's jiayou together.. I'm using olive oil specially for application n it's not very sticky.. I wanted to try clarin but I think I better use olive oil since there's no chemical in it. I bought it at $82 for 2x100ml. N I had used up almost 2 bottles already :p


Wanna ask if I should buy the breast pump or not, at the Taka Baby Fair...

I only scare, buy already, then later not enough milk production to supply to baby, then in the end, wasted.

*How come u all use so much of the stretchmark cream? I mix mix use - sometimes body oil, some times body cream. Must use special type of stretchmark cream meh? I thought as long as moisturise the area is ok?*

