(2011/11) Nov 2011

Rebeana, I just came from doc as this morning i called, the nurse asked me to go down immediately. My baby is fine and doc said he didn't see anything wrong. Probably it's cos by infection or cos the baby's head is pushing against it cos the baby's head is located there. The thing is the pulling is very very frequent. Sigh... i forgot to tell him my heartbeat very fast too esp when the pulling came.

I'll be getting confinement lady though my mum offer to help. I think better to get extra help so i get thru agency

Berrypie, glad that everything is normal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so happy for you ^^

Mummies, JIAYOU!!!!


Berrypie-Omg i am truely & sincerely happy for you.When i heard from you the bad news i am so sad,i even told my husband about you.He too feel sad & keep asking me how are you,about you seeking the 2nd option.Glad that everything fine,your good news brighten my day & i suddenly felt stronger.Lets all jia you together & enjoy our pregnancy,in no time our bundle of joy will be in my arms :)

hi janice, glad the checkup shows everything is fine. i tink maybe the heartbeat fast is due to pressure cuz u said baby is pushing against u?

my bb have been kicking my intestines lately..sooo uncomfortable like i got alot of gas bubbling in tummy..maybe thats the reason for my constipation lately also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i rather she kick my tummy cuz can feel her more also.

hi berrypie, congrats!! happy for you too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes! all mummies lets jiayou together!! we are halfway there!

Littlebb, thank you for your concern, please send my greeting to ur hb...my gynae and the nurses are shocked and surprised at the outcome. This is the 1st time this thing happened, my gynae quite disbelieved, he said he will make a call to KKH..

i will continue to pray and keep all the mummies in prayer too....

I hv alrdy make booking for my ward at Mt.A on 1 Nov.

berrypie - im so glad that everything was just a false scare! now u can just concentrate on receiving a bb in nov [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

berrypie, it is such a good news to hear today. Congratulations!! Really feel happy for you.

Hi Janice, do not worry too much since doc said it is normal. For me, my bb moves actively everyday esepcially morning and night time. I am not sure it is good or bad. Or maybe he is a very naughty rabbit.haha.

Last night I had a quite bad leg cramp until wake me up. This was the first time! Anyone has the same experience?

Milk Bottle and Steralizer

I guess many of you might have bought the milk bottle and steralizer. I think we are a bit late.

We were thinking of choosing from Nuk, Pigeon and Avent. Any recommendation and experience to share? Thank you very much!


i bout Pigeon sterlizer. As for milk bottles, i used BPA free Avent and Bfree brands. But this time round, was think of buying glass milk bottles instead, either Mr brown or Evenflo.

hi shjean,

So far i had 2 or 3 leg cramps til now. try to stretch ur leg frequently by pointing the toes away and towards yourself and sleep with ur legs curl instead of straight. hopefully that will help much.


i didnt buy any bottles cuz my fren gave me a playtex newborn set and also borrowed a lucky baby sterilizer from her. she told me someone recommended her playtex. i havent use before so not quite sure. but this brand like difficult to find accessories..

twink, haha now waiting for my culture results to be out again... me so prone to infection [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] yep probably the fast heartbeat is cos of the pressure from the baby. At least doc said it's ok, now i'm more relieve.

Shjean, haha... my baby too will be active at night when i sleep or early in the morning abt 4am+ after i wake up to pee... i think their timing is different from us. Nowadays i feel the baby is more active even in the day time.

About your cramp, it's normal that we get it. Make sure you keep your legs warm when you sleep.

berrypie, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will do just that ^^

oh yes, doc gave me to go ahead to go exercise. was thinking of swimming class, other than kkh, is there anywhere available?

berrypie: so happy for you, God is indeed working miracle in your life! Btw, did you book your hopsital ward w/ Woody nurse or u go thru'Mt. A directly? You delivering via c-sec? So fast chose date already and it's a nice date! I also want to opt for Mt. A but mine likely mid-end Oct period, cos' EDD 4 Nov.

Hi Twink,

Thanks for sharing the infor for milk bottle.

I heard pigeon steralizer can fit other brands also, right?

Dear all,

Thanks for letting me know leg cramp is normal. Hope i wont get it too frequent...

Shjean, try not to stretch your leg when you sleep. It always happen when I stretch my legs in the middle of the nite

berrypie, hahah me too hope to deliver on 1 Nov but i want to try natural birth so no choice unless my baby cooperate ;)

Congrats berrypie! So happy for u!

Shjean, I m also using pigeon sterilization. Will b using avert bottles n nuk teats. But it is good to buy different type as baby bcome picky ard 3rd mths. Don't buy the big bottles 1st. Buy after yr baby has preferred the bottles n teats.

Hi BlueDream,

thanks for your information. do you mean nuk teats can fit avent bottle? btw, which pigeon Steralizer model are you using? is every pigeon sterilizer can be used for other brands' bottles?

berrypie-You had booked your ward,that is fast.I will also be delivering at Mount Alvernia but i will like to try natural birth.Wish you safe delivering.

SHJEAN-Me also having leg cramps at night.Last week i sudedenly wokeup by the leg cramp too.


Congratulations to hear all is fine. It is indeed amazing. I can understand why the gynae at nuh is going to call kkh to ensure accurate readings. They are all professionals and wish the best results for their patients. The way i see it, it is a miracle and the only healer that can make all these possible is not science or ourselves. Im sure God has a message for all of us here. This is a powerful testimony that u can share. I shared your story with my hb and sister-in-law how God works in ur life. Praise Him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

When is ur due date that u have make a booking? I have to wait and see but need to place a deposit with gynae in early august for csec booking. I have not decided on the wards yet.


I also used pigeon steriliser and use both nuk and pigeon bottles as the either brand of teats can be used on either bottles [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also used small bottles for infant and bigger bottles dd was past 6m if i rem correctly.small bottles are really cute to use.


Hope u r ok soon, not easy to deal with infection and we do get them very easily even from young kids. My dd passed me her germs a few times now that im with #2, i seldom get it from her previously.

BB Kicking

The movements are stronger now past 20 weeks and u can feel bb turning so i think most 1st time moms are very excited abt the development. Even though this is my 2nd and prob the last, i told myself i must treasure this now or never. Next time when we are promoted to grannies, we only carry and play with grandchildren. We must treasure every moment.


Yes, I also tell myself must enjoy this 2nd pregnancy, and most likely will be my last, unless accident happen??!! hee..Sob, really must treasure every moment during our pregnancy. As we already go into 2nd trimester, more or less the insecurity has been passed, and step into the comfort zone, to enjoy our meal everyday now compare to 1st tri [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]~

Steriliser :

I'm using Avent bottles and steriliser, no complain so far so good for my no 1.

Simp, seems like i'm so prone to infection. Doc said my immune system is no good :s

BB Kicking

Yeah! It's really exciting to bb moving and turning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] for me i'll treasure every moments as I do not know whether I'll still have #2 or not


not quite sure if pigeon steriliser can fit other brands but seems like alot of ppl using. the pics i see from web does seem to be able to fit different size bottles.

BB Kicking:

Me too! i totally enjoy bb kicking me :D i can watch my tummy whole day hee..very cute to see baby moving :D why does baby only seem to kick more when we are stationary/sitting down or lying down?

Haha. Think everyone enjoys baby kicking. And I enjoy talking to him every night oso.

Think I am going to buy the pigeon sterilizer but still do not know which model to buy yet. I heard nuk teats r good.

Btw my due date is around Nov 10th, I do hope can do the natural delivery[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi,i am thinking to buy a baby carrier as it seems like its more conveniente than stroller.Can i use baby carrier for newborn and whats the different between sarong slings and baby carrier.What is the more popular brand? Some brand like bjorn cost hundred plus while tolljoy carrier is around $49 if i am not wrong.


Nuk teats wd make bb work harder to drink milk as the teat is designed to perform close like our own bf. When i pumped milk last time for a short 1 - 2m, dd used nuk teats. Only when she is past abt 6m, i started to use pigeon teats and now dd uses pigeon teats on either nuk/pigeon bottles.


Littlebb, i bgt many carriers. U will need stroller in infant mths and when bb is active like crawling, walking and even when she becomes a toddler. Carrier and sarong slings are gd to use from infant till early toddler stage, that's abt 12mth min usage if bb/toddler wt is not straining on ur neck and waist. BB' wt abt 8kg can be straining on diff moms. If u r petite, prob wt abt 6kg can be tiring.

I had mim sling and like it for cradle style when bb is infant between 1 and 2m. Then i upgrade to use pouch slings from 2m till 12mth on days when im alone out with dd. If hb is ard, i wd bring stroller, pouch or carrier and ask him to carry as well. He has a pouch sling too as it is very light. I also have a pikkolo and bbjorn carrier which i think is good to use between 2m and 12m but not as compact, light and keeping as slings but def provides support but as bb is heavier can be straining on ur back. All slings and carrier are good to use for abt 2hrs, after that, if ur body not trained or overstrained, ur back wd hurt.

BBjorn is the most exp with proper support and suits all ht and wt and pouch sling is more affordable, easy to bring around but only suitable to fit to 1 person only. Stroller u wd still need and can last u a longer period like min 3 years compared to lifespan of min 12mth. I din buy ergo and i heard it is gd for toddler for holiday travel compared to bbjorn carrier. BBjorn carrier gd to use 12m and below, after that upgrade to ergo carrier which i think many parents do. Beco carrier is pretty like pikkolo but not sure how it is as i din buy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

All in all, u will tend to spend and buy many types of stuff for ur 1st bb as bb grows. My personal fav is pouch sling for all types of carrier/sling, cheaper and handy for me. Hb likes bbjorn carrier and pouch sling. My mom can only use mim sling or bbjorn or pikkolo carrier as it fits all body size. Pouch sling is build to fit 1 person' size only. That' e only downside but it is the plus in fact once u use it.

Buying online and bb stuff can get so addictive and happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Have fun deciding and shopping for them. Hope this gives some insight to 1st time moms.

Hihi mummies/MTB,

Anyone need Glutinous Rice Wine for yr Confinement 糯米酒? also can use for normal cooking... Pls PM me if you interested. thank you.

Hi Simp

Thanks for sharing.. Reading your post suddenly makes me nervous coz I have no idea which is which and what exactly you are talking about.. Looks like I need to read up more..

At week 23, Im suddenly feeling nausea again.. Anyone experienced the same?

Rebeana, recently i'm experiencing it but very mild and the "something stuck in between my throat feeling" is back. Sometimes i'll burp and with some acidic liquid coming out and i'm feeling tasteless in my mouth too...


I've used babyplus for 1 week already though didn't really feel baby kicking hard inside but once in a while i'll feel it. I place it on my lower abdominal cos i'm afraid it'll be too loud for the baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Little bb,

To me, I love sarong sling. My hubby uses carrier coz I think guys may find sarong slings too sissy? I have used it on my son even when he is 18months old. But when he grows older and my tummy getting bigger, I can't use the sling anymore. As I'm smaller in size, to me, 9kg bb with sarong sling for long journey is the max that I can go. Buy those with good padding on the shoulder.

At first, I don't dare to buy sling as I'm afraid that I don't know how to use. But I got it as a gift and it's really very good. The cloth can also use to cover up any distractions when bb is trying to sleep. Try to adjust well so that the cloth is well distributed on the shoulder, then it won't strain ur shoulder so easily.

I've tried baby carrier, but dunno if the brand is not as good or all baby carriers are like that. I find that my back strained easier than sarong sling. I would prefer not to use stroller when bb is young as it's more convenient when travelling around.

Oh yah! If travel with bb, be it with sling or carrier, try to sit down more often & use something to support the bottom, so that your shoulders can get some rest. Don't get overstrained [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ..... then u can shop for a longer time.


i sometimes still get little weird taste in my throat but its not as bad as 1st tri. the weird taste is faint. I tink i get more heartburn now if i ate too full or the food is too spicy.

I find myself feeling more faint rather than nauseaous.

hi simp,

Thanks for the wonderful review of baby sarongs/slings and stroller! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

twink, mine not as bad as 1st tri too but dun like d feeling lol faint feeling will it be because of blood pressure?

Hi Simp,

Thanks for sharing your experience.

Hi twink and Janice,

I used to have bitter taste during my 1st tri and now I always feel the food is very salty while the others say it is not. I think our taste now is really "funny" and it it normal. We just need to drink more water.

As for heartburn, I do have these days also. I try not to eat too full especially for dinner. My mum told me it will get worse later on.

Right now I got another problem is constipation. I eat 2 types of fruits everyday and quite a lot of vegetable but sometimes the probme still comes.

Simp,Shirley-Thanks for sharing.The info is so useful.I will still buy a stroller and i had a sarong sling pass down by my sis.Will want to buy a carrier for my hubby as what Shirley said,sarong sling kind of sissy for a guy.Lol..Had decided to buy Quinny stroller,i am thinking to get a maxi cosi infant car seat that can be attached to the stroller but my husband wanted to buy bassinet instead as we already had a car seat permantly install in our car.My sister was telling me that the bassinet can only be use up to 4months.When baby starts to turn he will not want to be sleeping inside the bassinet but my hubby said he like it very much so aiya so headaches.First time mum alot of things also dont know,blur blur.Need advice from experience mums.

Shjean, ya i heard it will get worst as our tummy grows bigger. I get gastrics quite often. I'm very scared of constipation cos i had it twice and the experiences were terrible. I drink lots of water and try to eat fruits. Now i can go everyday but the feeling still like wanting to go but dun hv. You can try to take fybogel, i took it sometimes back and it helps. but after taking must drink lots and lots of water else it will get worst.

Morning Mommies

It's friday, isnt it good that tmw is weekend. Im happy to share my shopping exp on bb items. I was also once a 1st time mom, unsure of what' to get. Then i realised bb stuff are getting very chic, useful with a price tag. U can share with others what type and brands of bb items u r keen and see what others says and u can research and decide. It makes decision slightly easier. Some hb very involved in getting more pricey items like stroller, cot etc as they are more practical, techno savvy? wives usually factor in looks and use and can prefer prettier items and less savvy.It' true that these days we have too many choices but not enugh cash to buy everything. All seems good to have to suit occasions, i can say parents and bb are pampered these days and more fortunate. Not cheap to have kids really.

2nd trimester

I din have those funny taste in mouth or nausea but i feel uncomfortable these few days that the lower tummy is tight/crampy, dun know if it' becoz i bend too much bathing dd and handling her.

I also find eating too full results in heartburn or bloatedness till tummy feel so tight it' gonna to burst. Usually heart burn very common in last 2 months in 3rd trimester when our belly is bigger and pushes up our digestive system. I got that very often in 3rd trim together with freq visit to loo middle of night and insomnia, sleeping wd be getting more difficult when delivery is near.Mommies with twins need more support as her body is supporting mom and 2 bbs.

Hi Twink

The wierd taste in the mouth comes back for me again.. Felt very bad during the 1st tri and had to rely a lot on sweets (can eat 1 or 2 packets of sweets a day), than, the taste slowly becomes managable than now its slightly back again. Not as bad but really don't like it.. Especially after meals, definitely have to eat some sweet, else the taste in my mouth feels terrible..

What is heartburn? Feeling the warm warm feeling on your gastric? Lately, Im always feeling bloated and nausea.. Always feel that there is something on my throat coming out but I curb that feeling by ignoring it.. Im not too sure if its heartburn coz I don't feel anything "burning" insie.. Not the warm warm feeling at least but the syntoms you all mentioned seems the same..

I intend to get a playpen for baby to sleep in.. Clueless what to get and how to choose a good one.. As for stroller, my SIL told me that most of the time, I will be using a carrier, hence, no need buy a too good one.. Im not too sure.. Saw many brands you gals recommend. Again, not too sure how to choose a good one..

Lately, getting alittle more moody than last few weeks.. Hormones acting again.. Just this week, my grandma whom is suppose to help me with confinement told me she is going on a holiday somewhere around my due date so I told her to go ahead and I will find my own confinement lady.. Than, my aunt, whom I planned to get her to take care of baby suddenly told me that her hands are very pain and might need op, hence, might not be able to take care of baby.. So now needs to look for nanny(which is a chore coz dunno how to look for good ones).. Lastly, the massage lady whom I want to engage changed her number.. Can't find her.. Just when I thought I have everything settled, im back to zero.. And that does not helps when I worried about not being able to take care of the baby when its out. Now that you gals mentioned all the baby essetials, Im still at a lost.. sigh..

Ok, negative thoughts aside.. Today is Friday! Whee.. Im wearing a new top today and it slightly makes me feels better.. Will get a bar of chocolate later since Im craving for it since morning..

jancie,my blood pressure is normal during all checkups but i duno what is my pressure when i felt faint though.. cuz i took the blood test 2mths ago doc say slightly anaemic so try to take more iron enrich food like liver, red meat etc.

shjean, ya true our tastebud change liao..nobody trust my tastebud now. I also have constipation on and off no matter how many fruits or water i drink sometimes. i suspecting it is due to body heaty..the milk powder could be culprit cuz i change to fresh milk not so bad now.

rebeana, heartburn also will feel like vomitting but will feel like vomitting acidic water or undigested food. very very uncomfortable and can last few hours.. so worst case is eat too full and spicy together.. so now i dun dare to eat too spicy liao in case i get heartburn again.

dun worry too much we are all in same boat duno how to take care of bb when its out. i tink we will just go with the flow. have to get mentally prepared for the worst first so we be able to take it when time comes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Isetan bb fair:

Just a note, i saw frm papers yesterday isetan having some sale for pigeon steriliser,baby cot, and other stuff. All mummies can check it out! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Simp, is it normal to get stomach crampy? I'm having crampy feeling at my lower abdominal and i asked doc. he said sometimes if i walk or stand too long will cause that because of the weight of my tummy. But i get it when i am sitting down. Hmm... my watery discharge came back again .... ????

Twink, initially i've very low blood pressure too (80/40) now i'm back to normal. Eh... i read that we should eat liver cos liver can have very high vit A which is not good for baby.

Sometimes i'll burp with some acidic water, so that's heartburn?

Hi Janice

Its normal.. In fact I think there is a term to what we are experiencing now, which is called Braxton Hicks..

As for your watery discharge, I asked my gynae as well. She said unless its a huge gust of water, than worry, else its fine..

Hi Twink

Which papers did you see it from? Im keen to get play pen! *excited*

I think Im experiencing heartburn except that I don't have the burning sensation.. And oh ya, most of the things I eat lately taste salty.. And I feel vert thristy.. I keep telling people to avoid this and that food coz it contains a lot of msg but prob is, nobody felt the same way I feel.. Until I read from what you girls are experiencing than I realise its my own tastebud that has problem.. hehe


We also decided to buy a Quinny. Once I see Quinny I think both of us fall in love with this brand. We might be getting the Zapper Xtra model. Initially we were thinking of buzz but the wheels are too big. Luckily my bb is a boy otherwise I think I will be attracted by some limited edition colours which are more suitable for bb girl. But again like some of you mention, raising a bb really needs a lot of $$$. So have to be more praticial and try not to be attracted by the appearance.

Hi Janice, thanks for your tips and someone also told me to eat sweet potato. Sometimes it does work.

Hi Rebeana, I think moody is common for us right now. I do feel very down sometimes and will easily cry over a lot of things. my hubby's work requires frequent travel. I have been used to it since we were together but lately I think I really cannot take it. I cried a lot whenever he is not in town. So my mum came to stay with me. I think whenever we have any issue, try to talk to family and close friends or share with us if you want to. Cannot keep it inside too hard. Do not worry, everyone faces different issues / problems and I am sure we all can get over it.

Regarding confinement lady, I have found one from Malaysia. Not sure if she have some other friends can do for you. If you want, I can ask her.

Hi Simp, really appreciate your generous sharing with us.

Hi twink, thanks for your information on the bb fair. I think taka bb fair is from July 27 - Aug 14.

Hi Koi,

yes. i suspect it is caused by the iron pill also. So I will stop for 1-2 days if there is constipation. Milk powder also plays a part...


Btw, what fruits do you usually eat now? my MIL keeps saying cannot eat oranage but my mum says its ok and I love orange. Ususally I eat apple, orange and kiwi.Seems like a bit borning after a while. But I do not really like to eat things like mango and durian.


Rebeana, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks for the info. As long as it's normal then i'll have no worries cos i juz went for my doc's appt on tues and my next is 1 month later. Last time i told doc abt the water discharge, he too said that as long as it's not dripping or we can squeeze out water from our panty liner or panty is ok. Today seems alot together with the crampy feeling that's why i'm quite concern :p

I poo everyday but these few days my backside like having pressure (feeling like constipation but i'm not), so funny. Guess we've lots of funny symptoms hahah

Shjean, I learnt my lesson that's why i'm really very scared of constipation. That time, cos of constipation, think because it's pushing my intestines and it's rubbing against my cervix (i dunno where) that i had bleeding epidsode and i had to use enema to soften and induce it out. that's why i am very careful and when i was hospitalised, i'm so afraid that i'll get it again so i took fybogel to prevent it.

