(2011/10) Oct 2011

pofy: saw ur post on ur inlaws complaining abt u bf n wasting their time. hw abt u bottle feed EBM when they visit? this way it is faster to feed, n bb gets to drink BM still. jus a suggestion [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi mummies, I will like to find out if you had upgraded your child medishield plan?

Please do so if you have not.

It is deducted by medisave anually with a premium of less than $150. YEARLY.

If you have worked or is working, your medisave account is definitely more than enough.

It gives the child a better hospitalisation coverage .

It can also cover on emergency cases.

Please Pmed or contact me at 82225541 if you will like to have more detail.

Anyway,I am not just a financial consultant but also a mummy of 2 so relatively I can understand what parents can do on what kids need most in the future !!

Logging in to forum and reading how everyone coping is one of the thing that made dun feel so alone and that there are ppl feeling the same as me....

Thank you everybody... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Royal , fanastar,

Long time no head fr you both. Good to see ur log. Me not in fb so here I m.


U r so right! Without the other mummies logging in I would be super lost n lonely. Been up the whole nite. 1am feed till 2am. 3am fed again n bb poop at 4.30am jus when I feel asleep. By the time I clean up it was 5am n he next scream for milk at 5.30! N here I am typing wif one finger while he feeds! When will bb stop drinking milk in the wee hrs? I feel like a zombie.


Thanks. I can try tat. Jus tat mine is a manual pump n is faster n less troublesome to direct latch. Plus they lime to visit as n when they like without informing. It's like doorbell ring n I open door n wahla they arrive kind so I jus continue with my schedule since they dun bother abt me.


Do take care. My doc gave the same advice as edazz's. Ni jogging.


Catering. I did empire for confinement. Recommend by one of the mummies. Not bad. But after 1 mth I stop. To take a break. I m also looking for lunch tingkat but want one tat allow unlimited numbers of times to postpone co's sometimes I sian want to take a break n eat other food. Some companies only allow limited no of times to defer.

Bubbly, better take it slow n start with walking then pick up pace.

Most of ur confinement has ended. I still have week n half to go! Can't wait to bathe direct from the water n not the herbs!! Can't wait for cold drinks ! My mil was even suggesting that u do a longer confinement! No way!

hi mummies , a brand new day

pofy - i was mentioning to hubby when bb can make his own milk then i can slp longer...haha my crazy thinking, get ur mil do guve u a ring b4 they come or inform then bb feeding time. i told my mil to call me b4 coming.

i wan to order tingkat too, taking care bb alone hard to cook, got to do hsework too.

bubbly - i heard doing exercise will affect ur milk to taste sour. duno how true issit.

Edazz - jia u ,u r almost there!

My bb is crying badly this morning and awaken my hubby who is zzz in the next room. He juz came in n say I din nod hw to take care of bb, she is crying badly and when my mil takes care, she never cries so badly. Bt my mil never take care of her in the middle of the nite which is her crying time... M juz so hurt... Here m trying so hard to take care of her n try to quiet her down... Who wants to hear their bb crying badly? N he juz make this type of comment... Ve been crying since morning....


My hubby infront of his mum his mouth is shut. He always feel less issue better so jus shut up n listen then ignore if dun agree. When my mil say those things I jus try to ignore. But at times also fed up.


I also dun know but latch n unlatch waste time n quite painful at times co's he suck n pull off fr nipple. Terribly abusive. Haha. I jus hope the feeding schedule can set into a pattern with longer intervals. Every 2 hrs is very tiring.


Thanks for encoragement. I supplement at times wif fm co's too tired at times supply like not enuf. After I feed he still cry n if I top up wif fm he still drinks hungrily.


Yes. I trying to save money. One tin of fm abt $45. Super expensive.

Time passes so fast. 1.5 mths gone jus by feeding n feeding. I think I need a day out. Except for the walk to the food court I haven't been out. Feel a little trap. My hubby not keen to bring bb out. He say too young n also troublesome on bus or mrt n end up spend hrs in public nursing room. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Oh dear. Sorry to hear about your incident tis morning. Ignore your hubby comment. Mine always ask me wat is wrong with bb? Why is he crying??? How would I know rite? I fed him. Change his diaper. Carry him n rock n sway. He still cry cry cry. If I know why he is still crying of co's we will try our best to stop.

Dun cry. He is not the full time caregiver so easy for them to ask silly questions. They dun see all the stuff we do. To them bf is very easy just feed only.

Edazz & pofy

Thanx. I shall jus put a hold to exercise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my gynae still ask me to go back this wk for pap smear n now tat my lochia has not clear, I dunno can do or not..


Haha noe wat once my confinement ends I bath for quite long n drink cold drinks immed! N super crave for fast food n unhealthy snacks! Haha!

Libra BB

Eh exercise will cause milk to become sour? Hmm didn't hear b4 leh.. then so long as one is bf-ing can't exercise?


My hb also make e same comments.. cos besides bf I dunno eat to do when BB cries. At tat time I'm still doing confinement.. so it's rather depressing hearing it.. but when he c tat I'm so stress n crying, he jus stop thou he'll start when things happen so i tell him i'll have depression if this goes on cos a BB makes a sudden change in my life which I didn't expect n hourly feed makes ne tired as well.. so now aft confinement he brings me out for a breather while MIL take care of BB.. now I'm more confident of taking care of BB n when he cries it's either feeding, changing or bored. So dun worry u'll get a hang of it soon. Get someone to take care if BB while u get a breather! We all need it!!

hi mummies, i'm currently using glass bottles to store bm. The glass bottles r samples fr TMC. However, i noticed that the covers for the bottles will get rusty. anyone using such bottles as well and do you know where to get plastic covers for these?

my baby sometimes pass out this bubble-like kind of poo,anyone has similar experience? don't know if it is related to something that i ate?

Haii... Even when he see m crying, he juz continue, say tt I dub nod hw to take care of bb, tt i cant even handle one child, dun talk abt having 2nd child n that his mum is also very tired... Cause she is doing the housework n cooking for me... Then get into heated exchange wif his dad on hiring of maid, his parents are super against it... He did not juz male mi feel depressed bt make me feel useless...

He didn really help me take care of bb... Instead chose to zzz in another room... Fine... Bt can't he be more supportive... Instead of juz blaming me whenever bb cries... Which bb dun cries


I heard my massage lady told me tat malay bath warm water for their confinement..

Libra BB

Seems like i gotta call in to postpone my appt too..


It's me who has phobia of having a 2nd child now.. since ur in laws r agst maid then have u tot of putting BB in infant care at least someone to take care for u.. ask ur hb to try hush a BB if he can't do it wat makes him think u can since it's ur 1st BB.. let him noe it's not easy aft all. Sometimes a crying BB who doesn't wan anything make things worse.. I've my share of it too..

Hi all mummies,any1 of you experience gd massage lady? Looking for 1 next ur apr. Is better to ask here than other forum as I can't differentiate if those r advertising for themselves.Thank you


Have u found your tingkat?

Before we know it. We will need to go back to work. I think I will miss breastfeeding. Haha. Lack of sleep but I m making such a statement. Hahaha


I know some days we feel down n some days we feel ok. I hve been thru it n still am in tis cycle. Let's encourage each other on. All the mummies are great n we r doing our best. Nobody needs to acknowledge it. We know ourselves best! So hack their comments!


Me no herbs. Jus warm water during confinement. Bubbly is correct. The Malays bathe daily wif warm water. They dun eat herbs too jus normal meal but non spicy. Tis my gynae clinic nurse told me.


Tmc pharmAcy sells the sealing caps. I saw before. Pink n blue ones. I dun hve the rusting issues but I dun store much or often so can't help on ur glass bottles issue. Perhaps u can try milk bags?


I saw the article u gave the link too. Thanks. One note though. My doc say exercise milk supply will drop. Now I m confused. Anyway I not exercising yet.


No pap when hve period or lochia. U got to wait for it to clear up.

pofy: np, hope tt this way they wun complain, plus they can see u got make an effort to not "waste" their trip... do they come at a certain day, eg sunday? if yes u can keep the milk at the fridge then just warm up to feed when they are around loh. cos keep in fridge can keep 24hrs wun spoil.

sweetsnow: i also go to sleep at 2am then the 4-5am feed let my husband bottlefeed. so i sleep until 6-7am without pumping, hahaha... how many days u left before end confinement? if left like a few days then can dun need herbs la, unless u prefer a strict confinement?

rejoy: dun be sad, he prob heartpain bb cry, dun really mean the words the way they came out la. dun take it to heart ya? mayb bb stomach got wind, u can try massage tummy or use ruyi oil rub. my bb also dun sleep at nite one, will cry. so we have to sleep during the day n prep for "battle" at nite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jia you!

bubblygeekypig : hahha, ur bb will be bored? how u noe bb is bored? so cute leh!

mrschun : those metal caps are for one time use, cannot use to store EBM as they will rust. so u need to buy plastic caps as these can reuse n sterilizable. u can buy at hosp pharma, kiddy palace, dept stores (like isetan etc). got many brands to choose... how does bubble poo look like?


Oh no means can't exercise for as long as we r bf-ing?! Ya I'll have to Change my pap smear appt later..

My fren mention need to be mindful of e food tat we eat while bf-ing.. I'm eating quite a bit of junk food-chips, choco, ice cream, fast food etc does it matter? Does it mean tat my bf milk is not as nutritious even if I eat normal meals?


Got a urgent question. Ebm can only keep 24hrs in fridge???

Oh dear. I hve been keeping for 48hrs n i still feed.

pofy: 24hrs if it is thawed from frozen. 48hrs if it is freshly pump and kept chilled. sorry for the confusion, as i wasnt sure if you were going to defrost when ur in laws cm over or pump beforehand so i said 24hrs to be on the safe side...

Hi MnM,

I do not intend to drink it after confinement as I am afraid I'll get too heaty.

By the way, I dun think red dates tea will help with milk supply, it's more for the nutrients I think.


I'm not drinking red dates tea as well.. FYI I hardly pump now unless I've been out for few hrs cos BB latch hourly. However when I pump e Amy is e same if not more than previously so i dun think will affect supply


I alr start seafood, junk food once my confinement is over!!

Sweetsnow and bubblygeekypig, thanks for the advice. Tmr is the last day for my CL. I'll be alone with bb and I'll take care of him at night. Hope he will be good.

bubbly - i postponed mine to 2ks later hopefully by then it will be cleared else better go down and let gynae check check. :X

pofy - still sourcing for 1. empire catering menu seems ok but 20days abit too long. wan to try out say for 2 weeks kind. my mum said those tingkat food nice meh??

sweetsnow - some said dun eat for 4mths esp those c section, esp those "deadly" seafood like sotong , prawns , crab etc

my meal also not that nutritious now, just supplement with multi vit for bf or mlik powder.

MnM - sure u can do it, dun panic. so many supporters here!

Libra BB

I haven't fix a date for appt yet but i hope to clear by next wk thou Haha!

Btw seafood can only eat 4 mths later?! I jus had prawns for dinner! My meal is those home cook food from MIL but when i go out I'm into fast food recently n i snack junk food so it's unhealthy meal but at least a sane mind aft confine myself for 1 mth Haha!

Hi Mommies, havent logged in for days and so many to read le. Kekeke...

My babies having serious rash on her face..it's terrible. Just brought her to PD and it's neonatal acne.

I wana check with you gals..are you sleeping in the same room with ur hubby after CL left? I'm not sure how. I'm worried bb might disturb hubby at night and he has to work tmr. But if sleep different room like so pathetic.

Hi bubblygeekpig, i read that we can eat sashimi/seafood even if we are breastfeeding but we still have to avoid fish that's high in mercury example stingray.

I had prawns few days ago. My Cl say no prob leh.


I'll be having mine on 21st Nov...1 mth from my delivery date.

Hi winny, I do by ve a CL, bt since the first day, my hubby do my zzz wif bb n I in the same rm...

My gynae didn mention to do any pap smear bt I ve appointment wif him 2 weeks later.

i dont have a CL so bb sleep with me & hb since she is back home. hb ok with his zzz. i will do the feeding at 3 or 4 am & he will do the feed at 6 or 7 am while i pump.

Sleeping with BB

Think after my CL leaves next sunday, i may just go to the children/bb room to train my daughter and bb to sleep in their room. I foresee it will be tiring if every 2 hr at night i have to do bf and go form my room to their room. So i may pro just camp myself in their room for a few months until bb drinks only once at night the bf or fm. My room too small to squeeze 4 people. Imagine my daughter sleeps with us and bb in his cot in the same room. No space to walk! Got to trial and error and see which one works or if i surrender and let them sleep with us :p

Fish & BF

If we bf, cannot eat fish high in mercury is it? Do we have to limit to eating them once a week for cooked fish and not sashimi? Think I'm not so adventurous while bf, i wd avoid seafood and raw food till i stop bf.

Practices after Confinement

I wd continue w red date tea for another 12 days after confinement, take warm bath and eat healthy food. After that i wd stop as CL says this practice wd cause heatiness to our body. However i dun know if i can take it. If cannot, i just give up as i crave for outside food and fast food, ice cream etc and going out. With my #1 last time i just eat what i like after 1st mth confinement except for raw food and alcohol as i dun know if my bb is allergic to anything since my family has history of eczema. Im craving for tea and coke and many things. Cant wait to go out to start xmas and cry shopping [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Winnie, at least ur hubby is helping u out wif the bottle feed in the morning... My hubby usually helps in the day if he is at hm, night is all by myself although mil wld help me to look after till abt 2am.


Yes I'd sashimi too Haha!! Arh can't eat high mecury fish.. means sharksfin n outside those slice fish soup ( batang) also can't eat? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] think i'll still eat but not so much Haha! Ever since I'm done wif confinement I super crave for lotsa stuff so i dun control my food intake else i'll get 'crazy' Haha!

Pap smear

By right my pap smear appt is 5 wk aft birth but till now I'm still having lochia.. btw izzit necessary to do pap smear?


Am also asking the question abt pap smear. My gynea was also saying he wants to discuss about our plans for next child!! That is abit fast leh!!


Eh plan for next kid I alr kinda phobia!! My fren she got preg 6 mths aft giving birth to 1st child! Tat I would consider fast! Izzit true tat if one is bf-ing e chance of getting preg is v low?

I eat everything aft my confinement end too. Cannot take it man, tt time preg also cannot eat, then now bf also cannot eat then I will be so deprived!


After my CL left, I am still drinking red dates on alternate days.

Food during Bf:

I eat all types of food in moderation. When I consulted my PD, she advised to drink caffeine one a cup and preferably after pumping out. My grandma forbid me to eat seafood until after 40days. I believe those who have c-sec, do avoid seafood for at least 2 mths coz if wound get infected and I fall sick, then supply of BM will drop and certain medication prescribe may not be suitable during Bf


I jus leave my sterilizer wet n cover it back.. wa tat time I'm preg I alr secretly eat certain food like cold drinks n snacks Haha! But still I feel so deprived I can't imagine if i need to avoid all. But of cos stay healthy else some medications need to be avoided like wat candy floss mentioned..

Creamdonut, i leave it wet too just shake away the excess water. Dun open and dry it cos the surrounding air is full of dust that we cant see.

i wonder when can we stop sterilizing.....


Thanks for advice on milk storage. I only pump out once a day So tAt my hubby can feed bb once wif bottle. So usually I store jus in fridge. As for steriliser, I leave it wet but occasionally I will rinse it.


I use empire for my confinement so 20 days ok then. Yes. I'm

Also looking for those 1 week or 2 weeks kind. Keep me updated if u find any.

I also wonder when can stop sterilising. When bb eat solids since we won't be sterilising his plates bowls etc so bottles also can?



I ate seafood after confinement. In hospital actually I started eating eggs etc already. My doc say no basis so I jus eat as per normal. Haha.


Bb n hubby n me sleeping in same room since day 1 he is home. Mainly becos there is no way we r going to dismantle n reassemble the bb cot. It cannot be pushed out fr my tiny room. Haha. Also my place so small n bb scream whole house also filled with his cries.

