(2011/10) Oct 2011

Thanks Pofy. My Cl oso say the need to abstain from seafood is worried that our wound will get infected or slower to heal. She said since my stitches has recovered, I can eat seafood. But you know my CL is super lousy, so that's why I dun really trust her words and better to ask you guys =)

Singtel "temporarily" suspended my service coz they have "yet" to activate my new sim card. I just shifted house and I dun have internet (I've been using hp tethering). I feel so handicapped not having access to phone and internet.Last night whole night cannot login to see what you guys have posted.


Hello to all new mummies! Had my first baby boy on 9 oct... And just been reading the forum recently! Gee! Wish I had started earlier! Had a cl recommended by a fren but I was not used to her old school style and felt much anguish during confinement and can't wait for her to leave. Now that my confinement is over, my hubby and I are facing challenges each day!! Yes! Should have started reading this forum so that I know I am not alone!

Gee! So much pain trying t bf rapier on and supply is low so started supple since day 1... Also had cracked nipples... Plus din really like my cl so that month was terrible! Lack of sleep, upset, worried and feeling helpless!

Now baby is 5 weeks... Been taking care of him on my own for 1 week plus... Mum come by once or twice to help... Feel good that I can take care of bb my one way and dun have to follow cl... But of course, a lot of things still trying to figure out what he wants...like just now instead of giving pacifier, I let him cry for 10 min.. So heart pain.... But he slept in the end... Hopefully he doesn't wake up so soon...

Anyone a follower of Gina ford?

Haha, so many leave it wet then i also will do that too bah. Tot it was very weird if it is like forever wet ;p anyway I descale once le, a lot of brownish stuff on the metal plate. N aft tt the metal plate got a lot of spots that wun go away. Look like water spot stains bt cant remove. Sadz.

creamdonut, thks lot! u mean cap covers for glass bottels also got many brands? do they come in diff sizes?

bubble-like poo is like teh tarik...

mummies, anyone of u brought ur baby to polyclinic foe vaccination? did u all choose the 3-in-1 or 5-in-1? did u all opt for the vaccine jab for pneumococcal?

Was just wondering the same thing about sterilizing - kept on and off the sterllizer! gosh..never ending! baby seem to be having a growth spurt now...demanding milk so often!

so when can we have seafood?! am getting sick of the chicken and pork since i am still on confinement!

Mrs Chun,

If we opt for 6-in-1, when do we bring bb for the jab?

When bb is 1mth, hv to go tk jab right?

Some ppl tell me no need to at 1mth, to go at 6weeks instead

mrs chun & sweetsnow

can start jab at 6 weeks. usually I choose 5-in-1 jab for mine kids at polyclinic. 5-in-1 is cheaper than 6-in-1 but there are more job for 5-in-1.

Hi Mommies, I think I'll move the bb cot to my room. Trial for prob 1-2 weeks see my hubby can takee it.


Not sure what type of fish are high in mercury too. Prob can google abt it.

Hi Viv, i agree with you. My CL is very experienced but she wants me to follow everything. She had fixed timing for my bb to drink milk and if bb gets hungry earlier by 30min, she will not be happy if i feed my bb even though my bb crying. I feel so useless.

But this week will be her last week and i'm quite happy even though there'll be lots of washing.


Can you all tell me if your vol of BM constant? I do not understand mine. At times it's almost 80ml then sometimes it's miserable 30ml. How long does our breat "regenerate" milk?

Washing of BB's bedsheet

Another question, does anyone of you washes bb's bedsheet with adults' clothings? Or you handwash seperately?

winny: as long as they are huge fish, the mercury is high.... bt can eat abit lah nt too much.

i think 30mins is nt alot of difference.. think she juz dun wan the bb feeding hour to go haywire ba...pls dun feel useless... it is not easy being a new mother....

my bm is not constant as well.. usually i do not latch, only abt once or twice a day, if i pump like 3hrs interval, my vol sometimes is 60 for both breast, sometimes, 80 or 90, if 4hr, it can be like 100 or 150...

BB stuffs always ve to wash separately frm adults, never wash them together

Hi Sweetsnow,

I opt for 6-in - 1 for my baby, my pae say bring baby to jab at 2 mth.

HI Profy,

I have my malay massage and my tummy is smaller after 3 session and i do the wrapping myself. It works but after one week i kinda lazy and stop but tummy did not grow bigger.

Mrschun: ya got diff brands n prices [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] they can all fit std size hosp glass bottles, will be written on packaging one.

Polyclinic vaccination only need to choose 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 wen bb is 3 mths old. Dun hav to decide at first visit. First visit nurse will explain to u e various types of vac n costs so u can go hm tink abt it.

Anyone not taking 5-in-1 and 6-in-1? I.e the basic FOC vac per govt requirement?


I m confused. I brought baby back for jab at 1st mth. Nurse did not ask me anything abt 5 in 1 or 6-in-1 at all? Only tell me 3rd mth come back for another jab. How come? They didn't offer tis option at all. If have i will take it as it's extremely troublesome to bring bb out on bus then mrt to reach the hoapital. If can reduce the trips it will b easier for me.

pofy: probably because u only need to decide on the 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 at the 3mth appt. 1st mth appt dun need to decide. if u wan convenient then just take the 6-in-1, can save one trip.

rejoy28: nope, PD will have it also. some PD can offer extra vac too, eg flu vac which is not on the national list

Hi winny - yes! Somehow I think I won't hire back this cl if I m blessed enuf to have #2... haha! Next time will know what to ask friends for their recommendations of cl...

Bb just slept hopefully not a catnap...


Yesterday, my bb has greenish stool, apparally too much fore milk instead of hind milk. Bt I express out the milk nbottle feed her, any mummy experience the same?


I think it's becos BB still dunno which is 'true self' so dun let BB c mirror scare e soul will enter wrongly!

Libra BB

My BB cry a lot recently n his cries is getting shorter n it'll soon turn to shouting n screaming till no voice! Be it in his slp or drinking halfway real terrible I also dunno wat to do then my MIL will jus carry him away from me n hush him say dun let him cry till no voice but how am I suppose to noe wat's gg on!!


I'm also gg to polyclinic for jab. 1 mth jab is for hep B then nurse will explain to u n u decide whether to take 3in1 or 5in1 at 3 mths (forget exactly when) only those opt to do 5in1 then can take 6in1 jab at later stage. Nurse mention PD n polyclinic or GP has diff schedule for jab so we decide who to bring BB for jab then stick to tat 1 else schedule will get haywire


Thanks. Ok. When I go back doc at 3rd mth I will choose 6-in-1. Easier at least I save 1trip. Will bb get fever fr tis jab? I m extremely worried. Very anxious abt handling sick bb ESP fever. Can bb be fed panadol? How to care for bb wif fever?


Thanks. I not doing malay massage co's of budget. Is it still effective to do so if I choose to do it later say in dec or jan?


Got ur tingkat? Me stil searching. Sigh. My heart not into it. Super tired still fr all the late nites n early morning feeds. When will bb stop waking up for milk feeds in the wee hrs of the nite n morning? I read Tmc book 2-3 mths suppose to be 5 feeds only. Curently I m feeding at least 8 times a day n he stillcry cry cry.


Congrats on ur hse moving!


Thanks but moving into new use with newborn is no fun. So hectic trying to pack n move during last tri n rush renov. Now that we've moved, we faced the problem of constant renov noise from other units since we r 1 of the few that actually move in Liao.

My bb can't slp in the noon coz of all the drilling n my CL say she now cries in her slp is the effect of the noise. Sigh

Jamu massage - My masseur said Jamu massage is mainly for post natal n works best immediately after delivery. She told me her client started 10days later after natural delivery n she said its abit late alrdy. Still can do massage later but you need longer time to see results. But dun wait too long coz after delivery we hv a lot of water retention which massage is ez to reduce. If water retention too long, some will become fats therefore harder to get rid of later.

Greenish poop - I tot it's ok?

Vaccination - so correct hor... Polyclinic 1mth go jab... Next 1 is 3mths hor

Bf - My earlier milk ss is slightly yellowish but recently the colour is a nice white. Do you think my earlier milk is the cause of bb's jaundice? Should I throw away earlier milk? I'm waiting for next wk when bb go jab to see her jaundice lvl. Her skin like not v yellow but the white of her eyes r still yellowish. Worried


dont worry, somtimes bb will have fever sometime not. but polyclinic will usually give panadol just in case. i will just take, if no fever, just keep for future use.


yes, mine bb also have green stool n she is bottle feed.


I read breastfeed jaundice is ok it will fade by itself. Maybe ck wif doc first before throwing milk. Wasted leh plus I dun think it's the cause. Try sun bathing bb twice a day. Morning before 10am n evening after 5pm. The old folks believe avoid ginger as it will cause jaundice in bb. U might want to try altho the Tmc nurse told me it's only a myth but I still follow tis one. No ginger during confinement.


Re massage. Sigh. I already going to hit 2 mths post delivery. Maybe no effect already. Guess I can try to set up some funds and see if I can do a few sessions. Sigh. Everything is expensive. Diapers, wet wipes etc.


Thanks. I will take note. Hope my bb dun give me tis problem.

Rejoy28: you're welcome!

Bubblygeekypig: oic... Seems like got a lot of things cannotdo. Cannot eat while carry baby also! So difficult loh, means cannot bring bb go out Liao wat.

Pofy: norm for bb to have fever aft that bt depends on indiv bb la, nt say for sure la.

Hi mummies. My girl also turned into a devil baby these 2 days! Like all the patterns came out after CL left [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] always want to e carried and crying on the breast until I give ip latching her! Too stressful for me and her. Sometimes I think the CL has it easy cos NB sleeps alot.

I ordered a trial tingkat from Jessie catering starting next Monday. Hope it is ok cos difficult to find lunch tingkat and kn the east

Hi Profy,

by that time maybe it will be harder cos so long liao. but u can still try. . .

Hi sweetsnow,

I know that polyclinic only offer 5-in-1, to be jab at first mth.

if go private opt for 6-in-1, baby will only take one jab, cos all combine together. That what my pae told me. My first gal i also take 6-in-1 last time. my clinc got offer package but damn expensive, jab till 18 mth abt 550++ does not include consultation ($60-80 per visit), all is $$$$$ sooo expensive. still got to pay extra for rota virus and prenuccoal --(dun noe how to spell la)

pofy - i think diff bb diff needs, my boy also drinks alot, 7-8 feeds. as long as he is gaining weight then i m happy.

i found some site for delivery :





creamdount - y cant carry bb while eating?


i will follow up at polyclinic, taking the 5 in 1 paying by medisave or cda

bb carrier - i have shortlisted - www.babybjorn.com or http://www.lascal.se/web/Lascal_M1_Carrier.aspx

Hi I have baby stroller and carrier and sling :p mainly left overs from my #1. The stroller for long shopping trips cos can put baby to sleep plus put shopping bags hehe, Baby Bjorn is for hubby cos more less 'girly'. And sling for me cos lighter, can dump in bag.

Sweetsnow, i just brought my baby to polyclinic for jab at first month. If you choose polyclinic, the first jab is only a single jab for Hep B. Then the nurse will explain to you about the next jab, which is at 3rd month, you can choose 3 in 1 (which is FOC, paid by govt) or 5 in 1 (got to pay, $80+ per jab, about 3 jabs). Any mummy choose the 3 in 1? Is it ok just to take the 3 in 1?

creamdonut (creamdonut) , i'm also looking for a good carrier. Someone recommend me babybjorn, but it is quite expensive. Another brand is Ergo. I'm also looking at Infantino, anyone heard or is using Infantino carrier?

Hello, greenish stool is not ok... Breastfeed bb sld ve yellowish poo...

I am told by my pd not to eat ginger while breast feeding, so I follow...

I gt those slinger carrier now cause bb is still small easier to carry ard, those carrier need her to be older first, so wld bring her to buy when she gets older...

Personally, I think a stroller dun ve to be super good juz reasonable ok sld be fine... Cause the bb might nt wan to zzz in the stroller n it is bulky to bring it ard if u r alone.

yeah..i tot greenish poo is bb's first poo only? My bb's poo is always yellowish since i bf her.


I do eat leh..my CL very fierce say i must eat abit.

Libra_bb (piglit21): cos say the bb will become very greedy, next time u eat bb will follow u. like so many pantang things abt bb loh. cannot eat while carry bb then no need to go out shopping alone liao.

leeoh (leeoh): since u have all 3, which one will u recommend to spend good money on? shld i get a cheap stroller bt good carrier (more handsfree and less bulky) or a exp stroller bt cheapo carrier (since stroller need to put heavy things buy cheapo ones cant last)? so many conflicting thoughts leh.

my bb doesnt seem to like sling. i put the legs in then he scream liao. haven even put whole body in. then i feel sling like only work on a calm/sleepy baby. how u put a screaming bb with arms and legs kicking into the sling? unless its pupsik la, cos those ring slings still must adjust length and tightness aft put bb in.

mrschun (mrschun): ya bjorn expensive. but i duno whether worth it anot leh. cos those cheap ones the shoulder will pain aft carry a short while.

rejoy28 (rejoy28) : those cheaper strollers r quite heavy leh. lighter ones are abt $400 up. which brand will u recommend that is reasonable for stroller?

My baby is already 6 weeks old but I m still trying very hard to establish milk supply. I also let baby latch twice a day n pump around 3 times a day. Most of time supplement with fm as I feel tat my supply is very low. At night I gave fm all the way n pumP around 100 to 110 ml in the morning( total for both breast) . Rest of the day only manage around 20 to 30 ml bm each pumping session. I feel tat the supply is very low. Even after letting baby latch on both breast for 1.5 hr, she still cry for milk n I gave fm for fear of starving the baby . Anyone same situation as me? I really envy mummies whom can tbf!


I didn't hear b4 eat can't carry BB leh.. n i alr carry him while eating! Haha! Hmm I Remb there was once while I'm eating sthg while he's lying beside me then when I show him I'm biting sthg his tongue will stuck out n lips moving as if he's eating then next moment he cries to be latch on when i jus feed him min ago! But well no choice i'll slp late n have supper by then MIL alr slp so I've to carry him while eating lor..


winnie171175 & winny are 2 different person. think there are a lot of confusion on this..haa..ha


polyclinic also have 6-in-1. The different of 6-in-1 & 5-in-1 is that there are 1 less jab to be given to babies & 6-in-1 cost more.


can't carry bb. never heard before, i am the only person taking care of bb therefore when I go out to buy lunch, will carry bb in sling & if she is ok will eat while she is sleeping inside.

Libra_bb (piglit21) : which model did u buy? i also shortlisted combi but the price is almost double that of capella, so i'm still considering...

Coco (cyndiong): i read before that the max latch on is 1hr, beyond that the bb is jus sucking for comfort, not really drinking. sometimes bb cry aft being taken away fm breast is not due to hungry, could be because full liao n wan to lie down sleep, or diaper dirty.

bubblygeekypig (bubblygeekypig): haha, so cute! maybe he is baby-talking to you or just want u to carry him? sometimes my bb "fake cry" when put him alone in the cot, then just talk to him or pat pat then ok liao. ahhaha.

winnie (winnie171175): ya when alone a bit difficult loh, must make bb sleep on cot liao then go eat. if cry n wake up then i stop eating n go over coax. so usually i eat right after feeding, cos tt's the time bb most drowsy. if not aft a while bb will wake up and cry liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Haha he latch on for another 10min.. but recently he's v cranky aft feed n diaper cry non stop n screaming! Tat's on top of his hourly feed wonder when he can slp for at least 3 hr!! Can't imagine aft maternity if he still demand for hourly feeding dunno how can I cope!

Creamdonut - "Urban Walker" the sportive model, wanted to get "Well Comfort" cos very light but we find that is a bit too cramp.

eating lunch is a challenge now. haha

Hi creamdonut, each has it's advantage but I wouldn't recommend sling cos it is v bad on your shoulders and back and can't be used when baby is bigger. Now still ok. My elder one refused to go into sling and will scream and struggle so although I have the sling since then, I didn't use it till now.

Stroller is good and versatile but only if you have car. I got a combi one too! I like it because of the weight - it is less bulky than Capella. Then it was not that more expensive but not sure now. But after 6 months my bow refused to sit in it so ended up as shopping cart :p

Baby Bjorn is good too and my boy likes that he could face outwards. Many of the carriers are facing inwards so you have to check. My hubby does most of the carrying though.

Maybe I would recommend the Bjorn or any other carriers if you would only buy one thing.

Anyone giving pacifier? My girl is developing a comfort sucking habit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I am reducing my latching to prevent this. I heard from the lactation consultant not to latch more than 20mins one side else will turn into comfort sucking.


I initially also suspect my BB is sucking for comfort cos of his hourly feed so I squeeze e pacifier into his mouth but he spit it out n refuse it!


Initially I bot a carrier from newborn onwards such tat BB can lie down but e legs will be dangling.. so hb sugg buying a sling cos it's closer to body. So far used e sling twice he seems to be ok wif it probably becos of e walking 'vibration' n closelessness

Hi Coco..same here.

I also envy those mommies who could tbf. I get 100ml only once in the middle of the night. During the day, i only get 40-50ml. I really do not get the logic behind. Have been pumping every 2-3 hours during the day but doesn't seem to get positive results and my nipples got sore. My CL says don't force myself.

No milk means no milk. So sad.

Mommies, another question. How often do you check ur bb's diaper if it needs to be changed? All these used to be done by my CL and tmr she's leaving...so helpless

Diapers: usually I wld check n change it after her feed which is almost every 3 hrs or max 6 hrs.

I only latch my bb 2x a day, most of the time I express it out for her. Usually she only latch for like 10mins then she

Will fall asleep n no matter wat I did, she refused to wake up or open her mouth to latch on another breast.

haha..that's my issue with my bb too. so sometimes i let her cry abit first.

I dun have much milk so even I pump also top up with FM.


Winny n coco... Same here... Low milk supply.... I try to latch in the day after cl left cos during the month, she will make remarks like b- milk where will be full?? So I sianz and seldom latch only pump during confinement. Now supply only max 100 ml in the am... Day time I latch , the bb sucks but very fast wants his next feed le, my milk like a snack... Haha... Was really upset cos wanted to tbf. But now, oh well, got how much let him drink good enuf le... I wonder if the milk supply can still increase now when bb is about 6 weeks?

