(2011/10) Oct 2011


I checked diaper after every feed or when I smell any poo poo,I will change. It's probably abt every 3hrs.

BM supply:

I experience that drinking warm water before pump helps and also drinking enough fluid a day.


Diaper change

I change when i smell poo or when feeding he keep crying or when it's been for ard 6 hrs..

My son on off keep crying since 4 till 6 am! Feed halfway cry pat him to slp dun wan, diaper change alr but nthg help!! At a pt cry till v pathetic n no voice tot cry till tired will slp but no tat only left him breathless for awhile then he con'd crying agn!! Then jus as he's abt to quiet down alr heard MIL outside saying BB's been crying since morn leh! She keep saying dun let BB cry too long but think I wan arh I can't slp too man!! E last time when i try to hush BB while bf-ing she suddenly march in my room n take BB away! Sorry jus feel like venting my anger!

Hi Viv and winny, for my elder boy I also cannt pump anything out. But I just latch and latch even if it is every hour. I also took Domperidone and fenugreek on the advice of my lactation consultant. At end of 2 months he was able to get 150ml at every feed ( I checked the intake by weighing him) even though I was still unable to pump much out. So the amount you pump not necessary representative of how much milk you have.

Libra BB

I tried to burp but it doesn't work.. he'll reject pacifier also.. not too long when i put him back to cot he's awake agn now still latching on. Think my MIL sure comment to hb tat BB kee crying non stop but we do nthg abt it! Sometimes jus becos I didn't wanna offend MIL I did things her way thou at times I dun c e logic.. for eg when BB cough/choke she'll ask me to blow hot breathe at BB's head?!

Leeoh... Hmm... So clever! To weigh him after feed to check how much he drank! Right! I shall perserve!

Pacifier- I gave bb pacifier Liao... Sigh... Better than he sucks his own thumb next time I guess... He was crying n crying till no voice type... For long time so i gave the pacifier... Sometimes he will fall asleep after a while while sucking. Sometimes won't....

My bb has colic now.. So the evening / night feeds are extremely difficult. He will play with the bottle teats n when u pull out the bottle, he will cry out loud. He doesn't allow u to burp him also... Hs legs will try to resist my effort to sit him up to burp. When I lie him dwn, he cries too if I dun give him bottle, if I give bottle, either he desnt suck or use his tongue to push it out... Aiyo....

Bubblygeekypig- hang on in there...maybe can try put ur finger for him to suck if he doesn't want paci? Cradle him n walk ard? Sing to him? Put him on u,his tummy on your chest? Give him bottle of water? Rub the ru yi oil on his stomach?

Lunch- yeah lunch is difficult nowadays... Aiyo even going to the toilet is also now a chop chop affair... Will prob start ordering tingkat soon!

all of us are experiencing the same bb prob...so another encouraging word is they are behaving normally

just hope that this tough period will be over soon..

i also gave my boy pacifier, i surrendered... now the pacifier is my best frd..haha

Libra, which sling u bought? I thinking of getting the mim one. But wanna see the real thing before buying. So far, only saw it online.


All these while I try diff position of carrying him n walk ard in my tiny room at 1 pt he stop but con'd to cry agn! Think i dun feel comfortable staying wif in laws cos keep scare disturb them n imagine I'm room MIL alr woke up by his cries if I go out she sure take BB n sayang then I end up waiting for her to pass back to me! Oh ya I forget abt applying ruyi oil cos i scare put him down he'll scream.. I didn't give him water cos I tot bf no need water..

Libra BB

Haha I like ur 'they r behaving normally' v encouraging

Hi bubblygeeky, would your baby be having colic? In this case, it will pass after a month or two. And it is indeed normal. I can't wait for her to learn to talk so I would know what she wants!

Hi mummies, I have been a silent reader and I find this thread very encouraging to all mummies! ;) am a mummy of 2 and my 2nd is born 2 weeks early on 22 sept. My bm was bad for first. For 2nd, I actually drank the nursing tea and express every time I have latched. Now I only latch once and express 3 times a day and still able to maintain quite a good qty. Maybe some of you mummies can try the nursing tea.


Ya i also suspect my BB has colic cos sometimes nthg smooth him! Wat can i do abt it? It's v tiring n annoying esp at nite.. ya i also can't wait for BB to walk n talk it's diff guessing wat he wan everytime he cries.. now I can't wait for him to outgrow his hourly feed! Seems like I'm having a diff BB here!

Hey bubblygeek, uou are not alone. many of us have difficult babies, if not for #1, maybe for #2 or #3? My elder boy was a difficult baby, very demanding. Hopefully the Mei Mei is better. Maybe your #2 will be an angel baby?


Haha I'm so 'afraid' my BB now tat I've phobia jus e tot of having #2! My MIL is looking aft hb's bro 2+ yr old son n they've another due soon. I told my hb upon seeing how naughty his nephew is I dun think i can manage 2 problematic children! aft my maternity need to go back o wonder how can i manage..

Edazz - i bought Baby safe sling.

Bubbly - are u waiting for ur new house? if colic there is nothing we can do, try apply the ru yi oil twice a day, during evening time apply on the sole of the feet as well. I feed my boy with "ridwind" as given by PD.

Libra BB

Think i shall try tdy.. sad to say we ballot a few times but can't get n resale is so ex now.. so I'm stuck here wif in laws.. I told my fren I dun have privacy esp now tat I've BB n usually walking ard wif BB to console his cries also within my room cos u scare disturb them maybe I jus feel uncomfortable ba.. so sian now..


I bot a baby safe sling n yes I agree need practice wif BB as I've prob putting him into it.. he cries when i put him in maybe becos he sense I dunno how to use Haha! But once he's in he'll slp most of time..

did you all shave your baby's hair at first month? shave or not to shave? my mil and mum told me not to shave as they said that the hairdresser might hurt baby's head. any advice?

Bubbly, ya no choice if put down bb cries, have to let him cry for a while. I also thought bb un need water but well, my mum says give fm, ok to drink a bit of water... N I saw for myself how bb constipated in the earlier days when he drinks no water. Anyway now I only give in between just for him to suckle a litte. Bb very clever. Knows it's water and will spit out the teat! But of course, think I can understand ur situation ESP when staying with in laws.... Sigh.... Hang on....

Ya, aiyoo colicky bb is very difficult... Sigh... Today just had a difficult evening!

leeoh: thanks. i will get a good one like manduca or boba. apparently these two can let the baby legs be "M" shape.

how to determine how much bb drank by weighing him after feed? my scale is not digital one, still can see?

winnie (winnie171175) : how to practice? i duno how to use leh. bb keep slipping away into a very funny crooked position. those online videos showing ppl how to use all use a calm sleepy baby, bt real life baby is crying and screaming and kicking [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Cos i bf so dun intend to feed him water scare diarrhea if too much water.. ya my fren is saying in laws also family but I jus can't help feeling uncomfortable m no privacy n lotsa things to consider.. no choice..

Mrs chunk

I didn't shave BB hair cos my BB has little hair so I c no pt to shave

Bubbly: I nod exactly hw u feel... I also live wif inlaws... Same as urs, whenever bb cries, they wld comment dun let her cries lah etc... I mean is nt tt on purpose we let bb cries or we pinch her or wat... Then mil likes to carry my crying bb away... M like, give me a chance to calm n coax my bb lah... Is not like I totally can't do it...

Think u juz ve to learn to ignore the comments... Or tok to ur hubby abt it?

I was teary for the first 2 weeks... All these negative comments made me weep... Now nt so emo n I learn to close my ears when they start

Rejoy 28

Sometimes my MIL will let me calm BB if he's not crying till v terrible but when MIL feels BB alr cry till quite jialat she'll say she carry.. tat make me feel useless.. esp when bf halfway she jus come in n carry BB away! Actually I choose to ignore cos I noe usually elders is like tat would not let BB cry until ytd she was commenting outside ny door at 6am cos BB has been crying non stop for 2+hr.. then i told hb abt it tat I didn't like e fact tat she keeps picking BB up too quickly thou she always say dun always carry him la! So contridicting la! During those confinement days I'm worse feel v emo n cried few times cos im lost n hb also say dun let BB cry else got wind but once I wanna change diaper n he keep crying.. been putting him n carrying him agn till hb give up n let BB con'd cry till his mum shout at him then he retort back Haha!

Re: bb cry very long

Ya I also find my bb cry more and longer during the wee hours leh. Then daytime can sleep and sleep and sleep!


Same here he can slp better in e noon/evening but wee hrs keep crying.. jus now he wanna sneeze but can't then he shout twice at my ear gosh! 1 moment ge can smile next moment he start to cry! Smile for few min cry for few hrs! Can't BB jus smile more..


Ya sometimes mine jus put back ti cot tot alt settle but who noe next moment wake up agn.. recently he keep throwing up his milk! No burp buy suddenly lotsa tofu/milk jus puke out!

Think we have the same type of bb...

She has been throwing up milk n those tofu type as well, which means indigestion. Think she has colic, has been feeding her rid wind

Think we are all having the same problem with our babies.

Mine too have started to want us carry him more.

Everytime i put him down to sleep thinking he has doze off cos his eyes are close..the moment i put down only he started to fidget.. open eyes widely and cry.. and i notice this usually only happens in the late evening and at night..faint..

My BB is 4+kg now but he's small when birth.. we usually make 100ml but he'll always have some left over n reject. There was once i try to force fed him when I saw 20ml to go who noe next moment he throw up a lot I think half of e amt! Then he turn to my breast when i carry him.. but there was also occasion when he drank 80ml of FM then min aft he demand on BM n can latch for another 10min! Sometimes he'll reject on FM but when BM.. so i think he prefers BM? But diff to guage e amt cos i usually latch on..

Sometimes I tot I finally can have a breather when i put him down but who noe min aft he's crying agn! Mine is anytime of e day but esp noon..

Rejoy 28/ Bubblygeekpig,

I also had the same in laws issue the last time when i stay at my fil place. My fil would always show up in my room whenever baby cry then carry baby away. I know he meant nothing and just wanted to help me out only. but i bet he did not know his gestures made me feel so stress and useless as if i can't cope with my own baby..

Funny thing is my hubby and fil they were able to calm baby down very fast.. but whenever baby is in my arms i take forever to do the same like them.. My hubby told me to be " zai" if not baby will feel your panic and stress as well? i don't know if it's true or not but with the 2nd now..i will just let him cry for a while and ask him to wait patiently for him milk to come..and won't carry him immediately like my 1st anymore? I think i have become a more boh chap mummy after having my 1st haha..


Some mummeis their breast are just not "reponsive" to pump. So even if you pump out very little, this does not necessary mean your milk production is low. Your baby could be drinking a lot more when you latch on.

I read that prevenar jabs can be covered using baby bonus and medisave. And if i want to use medisave to pay for these jab i can only go polyclinic?

In laws

I totally can understand. They made us feel useless when handling bb. Keep saying cannot let bb cry so long. Wind wind n wind. We r trying. Why can't they see?

I cried my eyes out fr yesterday noon.

My mil came n said I m fat. Said my tummy so big better dun go out if not pple think I m still pregnant n I will embarrass myself. I know I still loom pregnant after nearly 2 mths post delivery. My tummy dun know why still big like I m 6mths pregnant n very hard. But I tot there is no need to rub salt in tis fact. I m already very self conscious but there is nothing I can do. I try to wear the binder as and when I can. Handling the bb is also so tiring physically. I tot there is no need to add to my emotional stress. The last straw came when she said tat can't blame if my hubby go for other woman co's my size might turn him off.

I cried buckets after tat! it took nine months for my tummy to grow so big there is jus no way I will go back to pre pregnancy size so fast. I m not young n I jus am not like those who can wear their norm clothes right after pregnancy. Why must pass such remarks?

These comments r so evil. No wonder we get post natal depression. While we try to cope wif new motherly roles, we r stress over beautifying ourselves still for our hubby! I won't be surprise if her next visit she will ask me if I hve resume my wifey bedroom duties! So sad.

Sorry, I forgot to add she even mention tat is why some man stray when their wives r pregnant!

It's like saying it's woman's fault? Tat is so stupid!

At such times I tot I can't be blame for hating her.


Yes I also read tat BB will pick up ur anxiety.. but seriously this's my #1 n I'm alr feel like I'm quite bo chap alr Haha! Cos i really dunno how to handle BB n during confinement hb always tell me to change positions if BB is crying so as to hush him.. now tat he saw I'm more ok he'll jus let me do it my way n i ask him not to rush at picking BB up cos i think he's too used to being carrying ard! But his cries become shorter b4 it turn to shouts n screams!!


Ur MIL seems to personal attack u leh! Did ur hb hear this or have u told ur hb abt it? Y would she make such a comment!

She's really mean! For me think i can't tahan n shoot back Haha! Let ur hb do e job n tell his mum not to make these remarks as it won't do anyone gd.. I Remb someone here had mean MIL n SIL who comment abt her figure behind het back were u e 1?


Yeah shd b me. My mil n sil very concern abt my meaty n big figure pre n post pregnancy. I m never a size zero. Damage done already since words said. I didn't tell my hubby. No point cos he wont tell his mum off n she will jus think I go crying off to my hubby to tell tales on her. Sigh


Sometimes i'll try to 'ren' but things like these will make u mentally stress which is unnecessary.. hmm maybe ur hb can say it in another way so ur MIL won't feel like u r telling tales for eg 'I prefer my wife fuller figure now' her son like she can't say anything right.. it's indiv preference.. dun be too hard on urself.. ur hb can c how much u've gone thru for him..


pofy - ignore ur mil comments, such a mean woman, shame on her, so old liao still say this kind if remarks, how to respect her. regards to ur tummy maybe u can buy the ginger cream from http://originsjamumassage.com/Pure-Ginger-Cream.html

bubbly - my mil used to carry away the bb when he crying hard while i m trying to calm him down. but at 1 point i was so angry that i told her can u let me handle. hahaha. i understand how u feel

we got to wait bb is in deep slp then place him back to the cot, sometime i place him to my bed instead as the "movement" is not that obvious, try to continue to pat him when putting him down

