(2011/10) Oct 2011

babyinperth, so where are u going for ur babymoon?

gilera, u mean temp or perm arrangement? those boarding house for dogs? my fren sent her dog there whenever she goes on vacation... i will help u find out the name tmr... boys' clothes really nothing much leh... today i walked ard tpy hdb hub and kiddy palace, see liao no mood and turned my attn to gal's clothings...

i intend to go swimming soon...


Good morning Ladies!!! on my way to work. Yawn!!! Every night without fail, I will have dream. All kind and all sort. Sigh.

Saw my friend fb status, his pregnant wife woke him up in the middle of the night wanting to eat porridge. He woke up to cook and the wife had 3 mouthful and go back to bed.

Told my hubby he is quite bless, but probably will try one night. Haha. So mean.

Roxanne: babymoon in Singapore in July. Actually doesn't consider as one cos mainly is to visit families. Maybe will book a 2 day 1 night hotel stay. Any recommendation?

Wondering if baby stuff is cheaper in singapore too? July is great singapore sales?

Me also not sending dog away... my dog is super kan cheong and sainai... And will be jealous if she sees us sayang another dog... So I tot she better be around when we bring bb home.... so that they can become acquainted.... :p

Mummies, juz got a call for my rapid test result, it is ok! Phwew..... Such a relief! Got to know the gender too! Another boy for me... Even though abit disappointed it's not a gal so can close shop but then it's ok as long is healthy it's a load off my shoulder.....

Really Thks for all the support n encouragement u mummies have given me!


yeah but usually after she slp. Cos we always will put her to bed at 845 den will catch a movie at 9+ abt 10.


oic. thats good.


u ladies so hardworking. usually after dinner, i sit down on the sofa dun feel like moving already but my gal always ask me take this take that.


u stay overseas for long? u gg to deliver bb dere?


congrats!! this year really alot of rabbit boy.

starry... wooo... hehe so i shd tell my hubby that its actually not a bad idea to let bb b exposed to such (noisy) environment hor.. good for bb and good for us too.. haha

genesis.. congrats !! im also eagerly waiting for my detailed scan on 28th...

babyinperth.. great singapore sale starts next Friday to almost end of July.. but not sure if bb stuff will have big discounts...

babyinperth, try MBS? I quite like it..

Yesterday i coughed until my lower tummy painful and cramped.. wondering if i got hurt my baby in the process of coughing or not

Jasmine: hello! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yes, staying in perth and will give birth here. Hopefully my mom or my mil will come and help me after birth. Sometimes so lonely here, that's why I love this thread. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Maybe u gals can help me look out for sales item. Might buy pram, pump and milk bottles in singapore. Do they have swaddleMe in singapore?

MBS is a good suggestion, was thinking about that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I hope I will have a boy too. Tried 7 years for a bb, so I hope is a bb boy, then I will feel that I play my part as a daughter in law. Haha, is it a silly thot?


Don't worry i was once sick for 2 weeks during my 11 weeks..

coughed and sneezed like mad... i also had the same thought but doctor said because we might strained the muscles which is very sensitive during preggy, whereas baby is well protected by water bag [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

take care and fast recovery!

hi mummies,

im having cramp on and off these few days, sometimes pulling pain at the right side next to belly button. is this normal? but about 3 days liao.. and sometimes cramp lower abdominal...

my hubby asks me to change appt to nearer date but my appt is next monday with detailed scan. Should I wait or change appt?

Hello all,

My Bb was not cooperative during the 16 weeks scan hence not able to find out the gender... *SAD* Gotta hold back on my shopping till then... Bleh.

Now eagerly waiting for my Detailed scan on 14 June.

Btw, any Mummies here considering going for Prenatal COurse.. Like those Shichida class for Preggies? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


for a moment i thought u gonna spend babymoon in perth. haha! when u coming to singapore? stay in MBS! hotels are new and nice! i think you can find swaddleme in mothercare or some specialty baby stores. but expensive. cheaper if you buy online from US websites and ship to singapore then collect when you are here. prices really a lot of difference. think US ppl come here won't buy things from retail stores at all lor cos all heavily marked up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


congrats on the great results! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i feel your relief, babe. now really can relax and start enjoying!


haha! go watch to your heart's content. after baby comes you can forget about going to the cinema for a few months. regret not watching more before my girl arrived. now mostly mostly confined to watching downloaded movies at home. boo! got friends give us free tix also must think thrice whether wanna go or not.

I also dunno...cant have a good sleep.

sometimes turn sideway then pain... and pee twice midnight. now my pain near belly button gone... move to lower aredi. wondering what's wrong with me?


lol! nothing's wrong with you, you are just pregnant lah! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyone experience low red blood cell?

Doc test my blood for Thalassemia and find out that i am having low red blood... ask my hubby go for test also.. if both also low red blood then baby will have problem.

but the pain still here for few days aredi.

how come ar? im very worry leh. sit pain, lie down pain, walk sometimes pain...

4 more days to go...hope scan scan can assure me everything's well.

Detailed scan no need prep. Just like Oscar. Scan ard 30 mins, wait for result n it's Gynae who explain results.

Anyone w Joycelyn Wong at TMC. Just got her package $700+ for week 20 onwards. Recep said From now to wk 37 = 6 consultations, even if pop at wk 37 it's worth. Wat u guys think

heard adrian woodworth package start from beginning first visit til birth $500+ only. But waiting time long n visit 5 min.

Detailed scan results fall in normal range but some is either above/below median. My bb legs length n head circumference above median. Stomach below median.

Doesn't mean he will be tall it's just at this stage his legs are long. No further tests just monthly checkup n scan. Wk 36 then weekly checkup.

Abit demoralized put on 4 kg in one month. But first 4 months nv put on weight la.

Experienced mothers pls advise what need to buy now. Anyone got addrress of the cheong choon store. Are they cheap?

Afternoon mommies~

Counting down to my trip on Monday! Yohoo..Only pray my flu and queasy stomach do not gets worse these few days. Later I will go gp to standby some medication to bring along.

Saw the contact for the tpy maternity clothes will drop by to take a look these few days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Minidiary> I also been feeling more cramps in my tummy especially when sit for too long. You bought the pillow is for preggy back? Haven when to take a look, I think I need one soon cos getting backaches more now.

Joanne> I also have thalassemia blood count 10plus only, gynae sent me n hub to our local thalassemia registry for further DNA testing, wait more then a month for my hub result and ydae they called to say my Hubby do not have thalassemia so we are cleared. I know the confusion u ate going thru. Did ur gynea sent u both to the registry at kkh for DNA analysis?

piglet... i din know that there is shichida classes for preggies !!! i tot its only for kids... hahaha... im going for TMC's prenatal classes.

creamdonut & rabbit bb,

luckily both of u share with me.. ya my cramps now move to lower ab near thighs... on the right side also...very weird.. tat time experienced first bb kick and now don have liao.. hope everything is alright...

Dreamgenii supposed to come yesterday but i was out whole day. Delivery arranged again coming tomolo 6-10pm! I think it's very good deal and not sure Diapers.com 20% offer till when... Total $120+ includes the pillow and cover.

Mothercare sell $158 only for the pillow itself... Sure I will let u all know my experience with the pillow.. I hope it gives me a comfortable zzzzZZ...


Yup, let's wait for our Babyplus to come [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i see 1d1r walked in at 8.30am... and get it done very fast.. maybe u can ask her for more details?

ya sometimes mine is cramp, sharp pain, pulling...

To: rabbit_bb #1 (rabbit_bb)

Doc told hubby about KK and DNA as well but will need to wait for Hubby blood test result first. If also not enough then need to go DNA.


me too, sharp pain felt on the sides. but it is normal. had this often when i was pregnant with my girl also. just bear with it.

Cough , sneeze, jerks, stand from sit position will all cause me some pain. ESP get up from squat.

Wait fir detailed scan ard 45 min. Scan itself 30 min. Report out in 5 min. Wait see doc 30 min.

Hi All,

Any ideas how to swallow tablets? My calcium tablets is too big.. Have cut into half. But still cant swallow... How ah?

Hi gilera.

I am seeing Dr Wong. On her package. Yes this time is my #2. everything increase! but no choice. rather go for a trusted & familiar gynae.

snuppy, ya.. for a moment i scared i sprained the baby.. haha.. but i know got waterbag to cushion the baby.. so silly right.. haha

gilera, huishan, dr wong share the same clinic as dr caroline khi? think their package all start at 20th week now and i realised their vitamins all more expensive than what my gynae selling now... this my #2 baby, so no need so detailed scanning and consultation liao, just know alright or not alright only... haha.. I am with dr Ang from sun plaza, near my house and experienced... his scan very fast, less than 5mins! shorter queue.. when i want to see him, i just walked over, v convenient...

Ya, after 20 weeks baby develop at different pace, according to genes.. My gal everything below median last time but tummy above median.. She only put on in the last few weeks n birth weight was 3.565kg.. so, dont worry if ur baby is above/below median.. they will develop well and fine de...


haha you're not alone, when i was sick for 2 weeks. i was thinking bb also sick, somemore my cough was severe and the muscles below really hurts whenever i cough.. hahaha

oh so the detailed scan will know bb progress whether on track ?? now then i know.. haha

mine detailed scan still long ...

re: cramps

me also having cramps since weekend .. was worried when my morning sickness suddenly disappeared on mon .. was relieved and also slightly sianz when morning sickness is back on tuesday =.= anyway, the cramp is a mixture of muscle pulling and bloatedness and lots of gas .. hopefully nothing is wrong with baby ..

by the way, what is the frequency of your follow-up with gynae? mine was initially 2 weeks once .. as of 16 weeks onwards, it has now changed to once every month .. not too sure whether should i consult my gynae and see her on a 2-weekly basis .. although i know deep down that i am worrying for nothing, i cannot helped but be worried ..

on a happy note, i got the okiedog sumo diaper bag at SGD83.93 (original at SGD119.90) =D

fantastar! I also have a lot of gas! Feel so bloated.... sometimes I will be like am I hungry or full... crazy rite?

Starry: I m going back end of July for 1 week. Am going to eat to my fullest. So deprived from local yummy food. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any US website to recommend?

Yes, I think MBS will be the one. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Huishan (jasonhuishan)

good to hear u are seeing same gynae for # 2

after getting the package, wondering what if have emergency then thats not covered under the package and that maybe shoundt hv gottent eh package and lessen the visits myself.

are u buying DHA from her as well, is there another suitable repalcement, i asked her once on GNC but she said the content not suitable, Vit A too high, DHA too low.

can share your delivery experience. i v terrifed of child birth!

Roxanne (whiteloverz)

yes, adrain tan, caroline khi and joycelyn wong all in same clinic.

noticed that caroline khi patients spend more time inside her room with her, compared to joycelyn wong.

adrain tan office been empty on my last 3 visits. wonder where he go.. or so busy doing deliveries?

was taken aback for a minute that BB above median in some areas - thought was due to me being plus size...

hey share birth story also lei...

roxanne: mine was 2 weeks once initially .. the first time that i am now seeing gynae in 4 weeks .. the wait seems longggg!! guess i better stop worrying myself ..

jinnous: seriously do not like that feeling .. if can release, at least it will not be so tortureous .. my gas seems stuck =(

i read that it is better sleep on our left side, but i am more used to sleeping on right side .. does it really matter?

pls share your thought on my plan.

HB insists on getting me confinement lady - malaysian $2K - find it very ex plus i not very guai type - ask me eat black vinegar pork leg / pork stomach would cost me my life. i have yet to talk to her if she can replace certain foods?

intend to hire maid before popping and maid can learn from CL for #2 or SIL who might need Confinement cooking next time. maid also to look after dog and BB and clean house. colleague rec Burmese maid and hire on own a/c through MOM instead of maid agency. saev $700 on paper work but no replacement la, coz not through maid agency... Burmese cheaper than filipino and indonesian. but even my colleague english i strain to understand her. burmese maid will be worse?

what if CL order my maid around?

is it ok maid and CL sleep in same room, HB wanna seperate them he already holds this reccomended CL in high regard.

daytime if MIL comes over and my jamu massage lady come over, dun u think its like a mini woman party? so many ppl in the house. 5 females (incl dog + 1 BB boy.... LOL...

i cannot accept the 'not touching water' confinment rule - then no need wash hands and brush teeth or these also need be herbal water? i will be eating herbal, drinking herbal, getting massage in herbal and smelling herbal for 1 month?

