(2011/10) Oct 2011

Gilera: are u plus size too? I m also plus size, so pple say I don't look pregnant. I just look fat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I need to wear a tshirt that reads, I m not that fat, I m pregnant. Haha.


i've gained 5.4kg... more hippo than u.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha same here 5 months too

babyinperth (babyinperth)

"ta ma de" right... ppl are confused if its fat or BB! thats why the hestitation in giving up seat to em in MRT ..LOL above belly button in fats, below belly button is BB (for now)

faimly do comment that tummy is bigger, see they dun say BB is growing instead.

plus size cannot gain so much le. gynae said 1 month 2 kg. not more than that.

Gixmoz: my mil reassure me that doesnt matter boy or girl as long as bb is healthy. But at the back of my mind, I think I want a boy. My friends told me off that I shouldnt be thinking abt it cos if I having a girl, she will know my feeling and feel sad. Wonder how true...

My baby size is like sweet potato.

Is detail scan done by 3d ultrasound?


i think you can discuss with your CL in advance and informe her what you do not eat, etc ..

employing a maid will definitely ease your load of taking care of baby and housework at the same time, but it depends on your luck whether you get a good maid or not .. i have employed both filipino and burmese maids; filipino maids are more 'hiao' whereas burmese maids are more humble and hardworking .. did not try indonesian maids before due to language barrier .. but then again. burmese maids' english cannot make it .. i got a hard time trying to understand her initially, but it gets better with time as you roughly know what she is talking about ..

i think CL and maid can share a room together .. and it will probably be for the best as the CL can guide the maid at night on how to take care of baby ..

for me, i have discussed with mil .. she is perfectly fine with me showering and washing hair .. phew .. but of course she did mentioned the herbal stuffs .. totally fine with me, rather than not showering and washing my hair at all =p

so far, have not gained even 1 kg =(

babyinperth: me also plus size but tummy quite obvious .. maybe due to my fats =p


other than walking , swimming nad yoga, what other exercise can we do to be fitter now? my arms are like a tied down butterfly, jiggling away.

my HB freaked out by sudden weight gain & said i better control else near and post delivery xin ku de shi wo. imagine, heavy + pain + not enough sleep.

think i took for granted that first 4 month nv gain weight while on junk food diet so happily continue eating crap and chocolates at work.

near 90kg is seriously needing wake up call.

i dun wanna be a 100kg mommy. ppl in hospital take my photo with me and my BB i will look like a bed ridden monster! *brawl ! damn sad!*


you can order from amazon! there are a lot of swaddleme items on sale there. not sure about shipping though. you will probably need a vpost account to ship from US to singapore. otherwise join the amazon.com sprees organized by some mummies in this forum. can check out this link to know more : http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/590029/590029.html?1305794540

hope this helps! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i think it does not matter whether you are thin or fat .. people nowadays just do not give up their seat .. read on stomp the other day that a pregnant woman was left standing throughout her journey as no one give up their seat, and mind you, she is not plus size ..

i think we should invent a t-shirt "i am pregnant" with an arrow pointing at our tummies =p

go for brisk walking .. it also helps with delivery at later stage ..

might try burmesse maid ba.. thing is not exchangable as rec through colleague. will ahv to talk to her on phone first n if very jiatlat tehn consider go maid agency.

who is having the BB cot in bedroom with you? BB will disturb daddy if cry at night , daddy still need go work.

the cot we have is pretty big and cannot push through door. we need set up in our room and if ever need to place in oter room, need to dismantle..

does BB need sleep with CL or we can just leave dorr opern and CL can come in to get BB? i am a pretty light sleeper anyways and the rooms also not very far.. HDB sure can hear la.

if maid sleep sep from CL and BB at least she cn rest properly, since CL is hired to take care BB 24/7 anyways, isnt it...

gilera: baby cot will be in my bedroom .. hubby is a heavy sleeper so no problem for him .. thought it will be easier as i want to bond with baby plus i will be breastfeeding .. CL is hired to take care of baby but maid will have to take over after she leaves ..

Gilera, yah man. Wish pple will see my tum tum. But I don't travel on public transport, so still ok. The system here very lousy. When I go for baby sales, see so many tum tum, haha, so I keep touching my tum tum too. :p

So far I put on abt 1.5kg. But think I will put on more if I m in singapore. Here the food so sian. Don't feel like eating sometimes, at night always dream of singapore food. So ke lian.

I have to watch my diet, got g. Diabetic. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] everyday got to prick my fingers 4 time a day. Ouch!

So must take care.

fantastar (fantastar)

HB also stubborn insist that BB must be in our room. if his fren and i tell him the same thing, he will most prob believe his fren. LOL, thisi s true for maid issue we had before. he refused to get one.

last night though, we watched breastfeeding adn handling babies videos, he remarked that BB cry very frustrating. just hope my BB is nt a wailer.

yesterday my gynae said the pains felt are usually uterus expanding instead of BB movement. BB movement should be centre not side of tummy and should not be painful this stage.

private area also very strong smell but so long not itchy and discharge not green, just drink more water, changes liners, adn use feminine wash.

constipation and piles she gave stool softener coz the hard stools force out cause anus to tear and bleed. its just all digestive issues that comes with pregnancy.

dun you all feel time is running out. perhaps its becoz alot of stuff still not settled.

read posts of mummies due this month. they hv popped and sufering confinement with this heat.

other waiting to pop. so scary to just wait around.... ergh!

babyinperth (babyinperth)

oh dear so early got G.D already? how come.

used to study in adelaide. after 5 no life. only pubs. the transport is terrible if you live in suburbs. very handicapped and afraid of dark, always felt unsafe and wary in OZ. perhaps similar in perth. are u stationed there or living there 4 good?


my bb will sleep with CL and take care of cleaning and burping needs. She will carry baby to my room for night feeds. Worked well for #1. After CL leaves, bb cot will be in my room. My cot is big too, 70 x 140 so it will hv to be diamantled after CL leaves so we can set it up in my room.

I don't know about your hb, but most hbs will be able to sleep thru baby crying, or at least PRETEND to sleep through, so don't worry about your him! I'll be staying home a few months anyway, so I don't hv any issue with doing all the night feeds and cleaning without hb's help.

I took herbal bath for about 2 weeks, after that just used water cos we only bought 2 weeks supply! and my mil doesn't believe in herbal bath or red date tea anyway so we didn't think of re-stocking. CL boiled ginger water for me to wash hair, I thought it was really nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] spicy and sweaty afterwards lah... but smells nice, like a mini spa.

You can tell her what you do not eat. Pig trotters is good and your family will enjoy it. Pigs skin contains collagen which is supposed to be really good for complexion. There is nothing really fancy about comfinement cooking, mainly lots of ginger and sesame oil.


My sugar level is always high. So maybe should not consider as g.d. but diabetic instead. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yah, so sian after 5pm. And I don't go pubs. My hubby been working here for 5 yrs. But good thing perth n singapore only 5 hours apart and got so many budget airlines.

gilera, my birth story quite horrible.. my labour was 23 hours because I simply couldnt get dilated after inserting two pills.. I was induced at 40th week cos my baby's umbilical cord was tied around her neck.. I had some complications, uterus didnt contract after giving birth and lost alot of blood.. to the extent blood pressure low and baby wasnt pushed to me for breastfeeding.. i remembered i asked dr khi if i will die.. haiz..

I didnt take alot of ginger/sesame seed oil during confinement, cos i ordered confinement tingkat.. But I still get very heaty at the end of 1 mth and got alot of pimples.. I think what matters is good balance of nutrition..

tamms, i think red date tea is good, maybe that was what that saved my life during the first day/night in hosp... i kept drinking alot of red date tea and it helps to replenish blood... I going to ask my mum/MIL to prepare when I go deliver baby..

tamms (tamms)

good idea - will talk to HB about it about the cot to put with CL first. but i thinki cant bear ba... yes htey alwasys pretend.. depends how tired he is.

babyinperth (babyinperth)

you must take care. who will help you with BB?

Roxanne (whiteloverz)

pill insert is to induce ? thougth always they talk about pill insert is to clear big business. then induce = poke waterbag???

how does our privaate get dilated? it will just dilate itself?

did dr khi inform u that cord was ard nedck coz for my SIL, her doc nv say coz dun wanna worry them. only later after delivery then say. thought its good to not cause more anxiety..

so in e end, nautral or c sec? i feel for you. so scary... relly ah like sit roller coaster tehn feel will die... omg la.

I lost 6.5kg n now gained back 1kg.. I am 1.67cm, now 58kg.. So I am considered M/L size bah... I hope I wont exceed 70kg this time round.. Otherwise hard to lose the excess weight..

I duno where my #2 is going to sleep cos now my gal, hb and I are sharing a king size bed.. Maybe I will just use the playpen for the time being and next time let the baby sleep on the floor.. I am a lazy mum, lazy to wake up and walk far to the other room... And sometimes even if baby nvr cry, I will also wake up and check on the baby... At times, I will kiss, touch and hug my gal when she is sleeping one.. sometimes will bite! very pervert hor, haha..

gilera, insert a pill into vagina, forgot what's the name.. it will cause contractions and contractions are supposed to cause dilation.. In the end, after 15 hours, I am only 0.5cm dilated, suffered all the painful contractions overnight... After that Dr Khi used her fingernails to break my waterbag, she also used her finger to help me dilate leh, I duno how she did it cos not very painful.. suddenly she said I am 2cm dilated... Then I asked for epidural liao.. After epidural, my body was more relaxed and dilate very fast.. The nurse mentioned that I should ask for epidural earlier because my body was too tensed up to fight agst the contractions and so I dilated very slowly... I so fed up that I even cried cos after a long night still no progress...

If ur body is ready, it will auto dilate one..

Ya, during the scan she said baby's cord ard her neck.. and when I was put on CTG, she said her heartbeat dropped when I got contraction.. And so I got admitted immediately...

I still go by natural... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wow so dramatic. good thing everything turned out alright.


My due date was 09/12 but on 01/12 my water broke as I was getting ready for bed. Not a big gush but a steady leak. Contractions came about 20min after water break. Had bloody show 1 hr later, decided to go to the hospital around 2 hours later at 3+am. My dilation was a text book 1cm per hour. The pain was strong at 6am so I decided to request for epidural, as nurse estimated delivery to be around 12-1pm. No point suffering for 6 more hours right? Glad I did, managed to relax, rest and joke arn with nurses and hb after that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] delivery was fast and smooth, hb was very excited to cut the umbilical cord! Great experience for both of us.

I saw Dr Khi on 5pm on the day of induce, I didnt get to see her till 8am the next day and then after that 3pm when I delivered... I always thought that the gynae will be ard 24/7.. But they will only be present at the crucial timing.. The nurse will update them on our conditions...

Anyway, I am quite happy with the nurses and the whole "pushing" process.. It was fun and relax maybe partly because I was on epidural and nvr feel pain.. I pushed halfway, still put down my legs and take pic with the nurses.. haha

tamms, i am glad to be alive and able to "keep" my uterus lor.. cos dr khi said worst case is to remove the whole uterus if cant stop bleeding... ya, epidural is amazing right.. hehe


sorry to hear about the GD. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] when did you find out? just endure 4 more months and you can enjoy the good food again! are you a PR in aussie now? next time baby will follow you? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

reading stories of you all who went through natural birth made me feel emotional. in a happy way, of course. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] not easy to bring our little ones into this world huh? but so, so worth it in the end! i really wanna try natural but think not possible. envy you ladies who did. i had csect last round so this time likely another csect le.


your birth story really very drama. 23hrs labour, no joke! salute you, brave mommy!


the clear big biz one is a liquid to squirt into the butt. insert pill is into the vagina for softening and dilation of cervix. most doctors won't recommend you to induce unless you have certain pregnancy complications or scared baby is too big at later stage to be pushed out. for my gf's case, she induced 'cos her hubby was going to be outstationed so she chose to induce early.

starry.. why not try natural this time round? i know people who die die wanna do natural for #2 because somehow due to complications, their #1 need to csect... they say its to fully experience the real child birth.


i also want to, but was told that will have small % risk that old wound would rupture. and if that happens, will have internal bleeding and need blood transfusions. quite serious le. when hubby heard that he said please go for csect. scared lah... the gap between this baby and my first babe is too close to successfully try natural birth. EDD only 5 days apart.

any mummies here have tried natural delivery without epidural? is it very painful? me planning to go for it but worried that the pain will be unbearable .. how bad is the pain?

Omgosh. Still can take photos w nurse ! So cute la!

Thanks for sharing all ur experience! Like v pain but v happy! Hv been very anxious la , hw the baby so big can pop out. even now only half way there , lol.

W epi still can push? Heard cannot push coz no feeling then need vaccuum or forceps. W epi, really no pain at all ah? For 6 hrs they will refill dosage thru the already inserted tube ?

Heehee hv no idea la!!!!

fantastar, when i had contractions, the scale went up to 7/10 and i pain till cant talk already.. i cannot imagine 10/10 or more than 10! If long labour, cant push baby out then u gotta tahan for v v long leh...

starry, ya.. i think ur gap too close for natural already.. health more important, dont take the risk...

gilera, u can still feel it de.. the contractions seem like pressure on anus, abit feel like shiting like that.. i was asking the nurse whether i am pushing my shit or the baby out cos the feeling so funny.. haha...

my baby was a stargazer, meaning face up de.. so i used vacumn to suck her out.. 1 time pushing and she was out! i was still asking dr khi why nvr let me know got vacumn, cos i wasted alot of energy pushing..


U are very daring! If can try then do. Baby will be a lot more alert if u go drugfree and can establish bond with him/her immediately. Read some online articles that baby will nurse and suck with more vigor too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

This is my biggest regret as I was under GA for quite a while. Even after baby came out I didn't wake till more than an hr later cos had some complication (womb refused to contract). Thot I was dying in the OT in my half asleep state and the pain was horrible. Then I passed out again in the ward for a short while, after thinking I had REALLY died and was seeing past images. By the time I truly came to and the nurse brought her in, several hrs had passed and she was already snuggly wrapped up and in dreamland, didn't want to suck at all. This time round will make sure it's a different experience.


That's what hubby said too. So just follow lah. I'll feel guilty for the rest of my life if anything were to go wrong. My gf also said the same thing, don't know pushing shit or baby cos really didnt feel a thing! Haha!! Wonders of he hapidural. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starry, i also nvr nurse my gal for a few hours, the nurses say they are washing her and checking on her..

we are now having a fun time talking about names in fb, but i going to fetch my hubby liao.. bb!

Speed reading-

Gilera- can touch cool boiled water.. How can one not brush teeth leh? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fantastar- I was natural without epi cos too late n waterbag broke. All the breathing technique forgotten, only rely on laughing gas..

This time will try to breath properly.. Yes painful but all worth it when LO lies in your arms [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yup with epi can push, and you will know when to push because can feel the baby coming still. It only numbs the pain, does not take away ability to push.


Some of my friends delivered without epi but that was because they dilated very fast and chose not to have it, or were too fast that there was no time to administer. Depends on the individual. If you are taking a long time to dilate, and the pain is unbearable, then its much better to have epi.

epi has no effect on bb, my girl was alert and looking around soon after she was born. Of course I tried using gas first, but it only made me high and didn't help for pain relief at all.

Wow, everyone's very active in the day! I cannot use laptop to surf at work... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Babyinperth: Haha... so funny to you are coming back to SG for your babymoon, because I am going to Perth for mine! Lol... just hoping weather will be nice and cool and dry.

Gilera: You are so lucky already! No weight gain in first 4 months! I am in my 17th week going to 18th in a couple of days and I just gained 1.5kg this week alone! Wondering if it's all the gunk stuffed up inside me (got constipation, ouch!) or it's just all those tidbits and fats that are causing the weight gain!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

And just today, one of my colleague asked another colleague if I am pregnant. Looks like I'm really showing already! First pregnancy and already showing at 17th week, considered fast right??? And I thought I'd be able to hide a while more!

Okay!!! I feel so much more assured.

Gynae only appear to hop the baby, hai.

Anyone knows if jamu massage lady can also wrap arms n thighs? Soon-bian ma... Hehehe!

Fantastar, when I've #1 it's natural n no epidural. depend on laughing gas only....my waterbag burst at around 1am reach TMC around 2am initially not much contraction still bearable dilation think only 2cm.... Around 9.30am have a drip Tat's fasten the whole process n Tat's where the pain comes.....( hard to describe the whole process) btw I find Wong boi boi's class on breathing n visualization helps.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gilera: hopefully will be either my mom or mil will come over. If not, I also don't know. Employ a CL and fly her over? Don't think I can afford tho.

Starry: actually my sugar level is high before I conceive. Having a baby now, make it higher. And my baby might be big if I don't watch my diet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] praying that bb will be healthy. I did try to control my diet, but once a while I can't resist, feel like a bad mom.

Bb will most likely be Aussie. Unless we decided to go back to singapore for good.

Morninghugs: when are u coming? The weather is cool now, but a bit wet. Are u going here to shop? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] free n easy or with tour?


red date drink is good cos it is high in iron. dates also contain tannins which are known to have anti-infective, anti-inflammatory and anti-hemorrhagic properties. BUT drinking it all the time without rinsing your mouth will stain your teeth, just like tea and coffee.

actually there is no real rule that says you can't bathe... as long as the water is hot and you don't catch a chill you're ok. You have to do a quick shower, otherwise how to carry and bf baby? very disgusting right... hot ginger / herbal water if you mom/mil insist. trust me you'll be sweating buckets after giving birth, you will want to wash yourself.

Beware Ms Manissa Hp no 81014039 she owes me $

BEWARE of services from Website Disabled www.enlivenprotherapeutic.com www.mybodywellness.net ww.mybodywellness.webs.com

All mothers please beware of the service provider of this company.

I signed up a confinement nanny service with this company recently and had a very bad experience with them. The lady in charge was Ms Manissa Hp no 81014039 who is also a massage therapist. Ms Manissa charged me $2600 for 30days for 24hrs service but she never keep to her word. She assigned a nanny, Ms Lyna who is very problematic and has many personal problems. Always have issues at home and cannot work. On 2 occasions during my confinement period, I asked Ms Manissa for replacement because the nanny,Ms Lyna had to leave to attend to personal matters. As written in the contract, Manissa has to replace but did not do so.

After 3 weeks, the nanny ran away in the middle of the night and did not inform me or my husband. We woke up to our babies cries and she was missing. She left my babies unattended. Very irresponsible an unreliable! When I inform Ms Manissa to replace or refund she just ignore me till today! How rude!

Instead of confronting me, she told her boyfriend or some guy, Mr Raden to talk to me to tell me that the contract has ended. I didn't even sign a contract with this guy. He may be some crook for all I know.

Before receiving her payment she came over to my house a few days after i came home from hospital acting like she is visiting me and concern about me. IN reality, she just want her money. After she received her money and the nanny started giving me problems, Ms Manissa just hide and dont't even have the courtesy to come to my house and apologise or confront us to provide a solution. Instead, she just hide and ignore us and arrogantly said her company is still very good. She still advertise for her massages.

Until today, Ms Manissa still owes me money for the days that the nanny disappear and did not come to work. Ms Manissa is truly a bad service provider. Only nice before receiving $$. Not a sincere person and definitely not trustworthy.

I signed up with her thinking that maybe can give a try to a Malay company cos I prefer Malay cooking during my confinement. Unfortunately, this particular Malay lady and her friends or employees are an embarrassment to the Malay community. Not only she took our $$ she also gave me stress and no rest. Instead of resting, I have more work to attend to.

Ms Manissa also provides massages. She is a a certified therapist but with an attitude like that I will NOT recommend anyone to sign up with her. The company address she gave also doesn't exist. Not sure if she actually has an office or not. I think she has an Ali Baba company.

Good morning Mummies!

I woke up with cramps in my tum tum. Pain ratio is 4/10. Do I need to see gynae or is just stretching? What do u think?

re: epidural

wat i heard is u might really accidentally push your shit out one.. the nurse say its commmon... haha anyone experienced such things before?


im also at wk 17 going on wk 18 and 1st pregnancy too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my belly sometimes feel like a 'tu nan'esp when i've jus had my meal n depending on e top i wear, sometimes managed to hide but sometimes it's jus bulging out.. but somehow i feel tat my tummy is rather obvious tdy!! actually i notice some 1st time mums tummy is obvious ard 4th or 5th mth so i suppose at wk 17 is rather ok to be a lil' more obvious?

HS, eh... got epidural or not, you may accidentally push wrongly. That's why they will put the liquid into your ass to make you clear your bowels before you go for delivery. It's a common protocol in SG hospitals.

Weight gain:

i gain 2kg so far. last checkup was 6 may at 15wks.

Birth story:

My #1 edd was 11 Sept but on the 5 Sept evening suddenly got brown discharge, i just got a feeling my bb coming out soon. No discomfort only discharge. So i go and eat ice cream knowing that 1 mth confinement sure cant eat. Hahaha! Whole night cant sleep, midnight started to have contraction. At 6-7am, called gynae, he ask me go down hospital.

So i took my bathe, drink a cup of milo and chicken essence. Fil, mil and hb acc me down hospital but they left only hb with me. Dont like gynae vaginal checkup, cause me discomfort and bleeding. Contraction quite high, nurses and gynae commented tummy too big for my size. Haha!

I ren for 12hrs from 8am - 8pm without taking epidural but wad i did was so foolish. When contraction pain i hold my vagina tight, so my dilation was slow. Got to take panadol cos as im having fever. Till 8pm i put on epidural den can relax and rest. But nightmare comes, when contraction comes in, bb heartbeat drops, they did not tell me only ask me breathe in oxygen more. In the end at 11, they told me to go for csec as bb heartbeat keeps dropping. No choice go for csec but im able to see baby once she is out just dat i do not have strength to carry her as my both hands are numb cos of epidural.

Rest the whole night as i did not have any sleep at all. Baby was given fm, only manage to breastfeed her the next day. Wounds are painful but im order to walk more and to pass urine if not cannot go home.

Actually #1 delivery was scary tot of not having #2. Delayed for 2 years to have #2 cos wanna try natural, hope this time im brave enough, able to go thru natural and i will use epidural earlier. Ppl around me commented that #2 will b csec too. hais! cant they give me more encouragement words.

Sorry for the long post ladies..


Shan, you need to hv a rough idea first...

Which alphabet you want to start with?

Any names that you strictly don't want or any syllable that you strictly don't want?

Must the name have a certain meaning?

From there will be easy to shortlist already :D

