(2011/10) Oct 2011

Mine is a sweet potato too!! =D

For 1st-time mummies, are you worried about the development of baby? I cannot helped but thinking whether is baby growing well - 1) my morning sickness subsided (not sure whether is it a good or bad sign, as people usually refers morning sickness as baby is growing well) 2) my appetite is as per pre-pregnancy (except for 1 episode yesterday night which might also be due to the guava I took) .. 3) not feeling any novement from baby .. My next appointment is not until 3rd June .. For experienced mummies, should I be worried??


lol!! the way you described it was so funny! carry a banana?! hahaa!! for a moment i was wondering what you were talking about. :p


you with TMC? have FBI card? my gf signed up with FBI and it's $180 for 6 classes.

hey you all got onion lah, mango lah, sweet potato lah... nice lor! mine is TURNIP! buahahhaa!!!


i went thru all your worries last time. it's normal! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'm sure baby is fine and sleeping very soundly (and sweetly) inside. i didn't have much MS at all last time so not true that baby not growing well if no MS. appetite good is perfectly normal! if consistently not eating well then you should be worried. sometimes we won't feel little movements from baby esp if he/she is facing the placenta's direction. there were times when i didn't feel my girl move for a couple of days. you should be more concerned about movements later in 3rd trimester. now still ok. there is a lot of room in the uterus for baby now so you may not feel everything. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lol!!! Can u mummies imagine when one day the app says ur bb size of BASKETBALL that will be damn scary lor!

Having piles lei. Wat should I do?


WATERMELON more like it! basketball small case le. :p wait till u see tummy at 38 weeks. cannot even turn in bed, totally like a beached whale!

bo bian with the piles.. wait till you deliver then it should go off. for temporary relief, i can only think of those organic bottom sprays which i think can buy from online or those specialty retail stores.

gilera and starry

u both so cute! ya lor when our tummy SO BIG we cant even sleep properly =(

how do piles like? is like a lump at the backside there rite? im having a lump there, sometimes itch. medicine at GP dont work, so i stop liao.

starrymommy: thanks =) guess i am worrying myself for nothing =p

gilera: drink more water, eat more veg & fruits .. if it is causing you pain, you might want to consult your gynae whether can you use ky-jelly .. it is something like a local anaesthesia gel ..

morninghugs: i got it from iphone app - whattoexpect ..


i remember those days turning in bed was no easy feat.. finally flip liao will also get breathless with the effort! don't know how i managed to survive the last trimester. even wearing pants and undies was difficult. washing/soaping my feet was near impossible. lol! piles are actually haemorrhoids formed in the rectal area. sounds yucky hor?


it's normal to worry. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just ask or talk about it when you are not clear. think this forum is very good, a very good place for mommies to share tips, info and even regain some sanity from all those stress and worrying!


some use salt water spray ard butt area. you try see if helps? otherwise those tcm shops have traditional topical remedies for treating piles.

for a moment, if not wrong...i feel some tiny kicks on my right side below the belly button. is that bb kick? then im lying flat and see my tummy, could see my tummy move up and down on the right side... then like 5 kicks no more...

is that the right feeling of bb movement?

piggy_jas: is a local anaesthesia lubricant gel .. it helps to numb the area .. have got one to stand by as i heard from friends that the piles cause them unbearable pain after delivery .. baby center also got its app on iphone .. you might want to search on htc as well =D


Natal Care Plus (400mg): Each box of 30 capsules at $14.00 (U.P. $16.05)



All boxes with Expiry 2013.

Bought too many from Dr Adrian.


An Australian specially balanced formulation that helps fulfill DHA requirement for fetal / baby brain development, and optimizes the brain development of the fetus and infant.

The core element in NATAL CARE PLUS - Natural Fish Oil - contains DHA and EPA, which is particularly needed during pregnancy and lactation. Apart from that, NATAL CARE PLUS also contains Vitamin E, an anti-oxidant that helps to alleviate the negative impact of free radical formation, and increase normal cell function.


Cash on pick-up/delivery @ Jurong East or Raffles Place.

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For pictures, pls indicate email address.


that time i bought from this lady seller (http://www.milagrotrading.com/store/) when she organized spree from the main USA website (http://www.earthmamaangelbaby.com/). but think spree over, so she selling those stuff direct online. realized no more spray, but got the Bottom Balm at only $13++.


can see here: http://www.milagrotrading.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_26&products_id=425

Now also lagi difficult to get out of bed. Our bed against wall I sleep the inner side. Hb dun want exchange w me. Now hv to squirm out of bed like a caterpillar crawling out u know.

Constipation then now advanced to piles dunno force too hard then got blood. Scary.

minidiary, yes it should be baby kicks and the bump movement u see, may be either the bump/head moving from left to right!

next time u will see the little fist/leg moving from left to right!

fantastar, dun worry. Some days I can't feel movements either but turns out bb is doing ok.

minidiary, I think the movements you describe around your lower abs is that of your bb.

Just back from detailed scan: I'm adding another boy to the crowd, and a younger bro for #1. His prediction is right! Just refused to say "meimei" and insisted on "didi" :)

Hb is disappointed and now says he wants #3! He'd wanted to go shopping for baby dresses right after settling things at home *faintz*

my bed is a platform bed,so it is quite low. towards the last part of pregnancy, i really have difficulty standing up, luckily the window grill is by the side, i always stand up holding on to it...

stomach big, pelvis pain... very slow like a snail..




so exciting!! I can't wait to SEE it kick! I can only feel the movements now.. Very active bb.. Likes to dance around.. HB also can't wait to see and feel the movements. Only I can feel it now.

I was using the weight gain estimator to see how much weight I should put on. Oh my goodness, I need to put on 12.7kg - 18.1kg!! But it's only made up of 4.4kg of fats. Quite interesting. You can try yours here:


Apparently those women with lower BMI needs to put on more weight. I need to put on an average of 0.5kg a WEEK! Check this article out:


luv, today my gal told me to draw a mei mei on her hand.. I asked what mei mei, she said it is the mei mei didi in my tummy.. same like me, she prefer to have a mei mei.. haha..

My detailed scan on 08th, by then should be able to confirm

Ya, last time i can feel something inside my tummy... but just like hungry feeling. Today, sudden can see the tummy like moving... Happy to feel it, hope to feel more soon..

Now at the clinic. Doc said my white blood cell count low from my last blood test. Now he did another blood test for me. Hopefully everything ok.

prettymumscom: were you feeling unwell the last time, or having an infection? it can bring down your white blood cell count .. hopefully everything will be fine for you ..


I've ordered BabyPlus aredi! from the same seller that you recommended. Let's wait for our babyplus to come... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I've purchased the Dreamgenii pillow and cover from Diapers.com. Hope they can deliver by this week. really need something for my back...sometimes is aching when the tummy is so tight and hard...

my SIL helps me go Isetan PP to check the pillow. they said out of stock...but anyway, Diapers.com is much more cheaper

how was your day, mummies?

hubby went back to office today =( and thus i spent the whole day doing some researching - vaccinations, strollers, full-month packages, diaper bag .. decided on the brand and model for stroller and diaper bag; going shopping soon =D

have to go back to work tomorrow, after the long weekend =(

This thread still so active! hahaha!

Look at the Sept thread, all disappeared into FB secret group le (cos response is much faster & the topics are grouped, so easier to reply)!


ya i've ordered from diapers.com. Now waiting for them to deliver. I choose candy spot! haha when are you going to buy? I've started prenatal pilates at home... just follow the dvd. Lazy to sign up maternity yoga at Central, Clarke Quay... You know sometimes the weather make me lazy to go out... better do it at home ba...

WBB class, mine started on 12th June. How bout you?

Good morning ladies!


let's look forward to receiving babyplus together! and please do a review of the dreamgenii pillow!


congrats! another boy to our group!


11 pieces of maternity wear for less than $300 is a bargain!! do you remember the name of the shop?

Hey... can I just let my air out for a while?

I called this agency just now... wanted to confirm with her liao but told her that my hubby and I would like to meet up with the potential nannies first to see if we would suit. I mean is this a very difficult request? She sounded so defensive... told me that if meet up, her nannies can also choose if they want me as the employer. First whammy. So I said ok, then let's say if we meet up, and the nannie dun wanna work for me, then the deposit how? She said I'm being defensive!!!! Double whammy! Argh!!!! Then she went on how her agency is so reputable... not like other agencies... will not refund you etc...

Early morning I wanna vomit blood liao!

