(2011/10) Oct 2011

jinnous, luckily this happened now.. u can know how the agency staff will treat u if something is wrong with the nanny when the nanny comes in oct...

change to another agency and blacklist this one!


hi mummies,

did you all go visit Carrano at Toa Payoh Central?

I am happily wearing my new maternity clothes from there. very comfortable so far and my work area is mostly non-air con. apologies for not posting pics of my clothes online, my camera's battery was down.

I am also itching to buy baby stuff but restraining myself until after my screening scan next week to determine the gender!

anyone knows of antenatal classes anywhere held on saturday afternoons? it's the only time i'm free!

Roxanne, thing is this agency is the most recommended from the forum!

Also, she replied my hubby (my hubby emailed her first then I called her) with the usual replies. Eg like if bb is born prematurely, then she will provide one nanny who is 'trained' for this.

But when she talked to me over the phone, she said she's only left with 2 nannies (actually 1 nanny available yesterday and 2 nannies available today)for our month. And she uses exclusive nannies... so I dunno how she gonna find the nannies... maybe I'm reading too much lah but her email reply and me talking to her like 2 different things lor.

Hi Mummies,

Anyone know where can i get "combi" or "mclaren" stroller?? I saw kiddy palace selling "combi" stoller but the design quite limited.

kohfiona: you can try cheong choon store .. their price is cheaper than retail .. if they do not have the model you want, they can source for you at no extra charge ..

jas, I am having cough.. Been coughing for a few days liao, medicine seems not working.. Got it after the sorethroat.. guess it is the weather..


Ytd i sore throat le. cough dun come find me! already having phelgm this morning..

weather bad, hot den cold.. u went gp?

ya gp, i kena sorethroat and cough at the beginning of the pregnancy, so this time round, i just go buy back the same medication... it took me 2 bottles to cure my cough, now i am halfway through the first bottle of cough syrup...

they say pregnant ladies supposed to have better immune system, but i keep falling sick.. so different from my 1st pregnancy

I have a lot of gas in my tummy...

Eh ask u all huh... do u all avoid hearing like eg ghost stories etc huh? Or even avoid watching documentaries? I dun really avoid leh... except maybe horror movies which I have seen b4 and I know its scary.... and I also continue watching Discovery Channel etc, and I still listen to stories leh... I dun really "ke yi" avoid leh...

jinnous, when i went to taiwan in my 7th week, i watched a movie alone in the room with my gal.. it is about "rearing small ghost" and then this lady went for abortion, the so call no license gynae took out the foetus and passed it to the medium... so bloody and scary lor, can really see the shape of the baby.. i still watch saw 7 online leh..

just dont keep thinking about it or put it in ur mind can le...

Hi Everyone! So many having boys in singapore and over here in Perth, my friends are having girls. I m can't wait till next week to know my bb gender. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


So many good reviews on babyplus, but I saw this particular review that blames babyplus to cause her bb deafness. She stated that the volume of bbplus cannot be adjusted and is pretty loud for bb.

I wonder how true is this review, cos the sound need to travel thru our tummy then thru the Placenta and then to bb.

Any comments?

Hi Roxanne! Thanks for sharing. Cuz just now my colleagues talking bout it lor so I stayed on to hear. But my other colleague asked me not to listen. But I still listen lah... :p haha

Then my mum and my colleagues ask me to see beautiful things... err... so difficult... like everyday I see my dog then how?

Wahahha JInnous! I also love to see and stare at my dog leh, coz i just find him so cute. then how huh? Keke.

Babyplus: i heard that our heartbeat is louder than the babyplus leh. so dunno hw true leh.

Re: ghost stories - i went to see chinese ghost story in the cinema last last wkend. Haha. guess shld be ok ba?


i am also a cheong choon shopper! i like winnie, the sales lady there. very helpful and cheerful.

jinnous, roxanne, cherylden,

i also don't purposely avoid all these. but i don't watch ghost films 'cos i know i have tendency to have nightmares so avoid.. horror films like hill have eyes ect will still watch as i kinda like those visual effects. lol! it's ok one lah. watch what you are comfortable with and if you know you are going to be badly affected then avoid. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: babyplus

can check out this link here on its safety. http://www.babyplus.com/FAQ.php#2

haha.. babyinperth, some ppl will be pandan/superstitious about it one.. they say that the baby will be "petty" and then bad things will happen lor.. but just dont believe about all these can already... u r in control of ur own thoughts..

just like my MIL always tell me dont be angry, later the baby come out will be petty... No link one la

Haha...cherylden... I tell my dog she's gonna be jie jie soon... so better behave and dun always growl or bark will scare bb....

BTW, my colleague told me Osh Kosh and Carters online got sale... I can only buy neutral colors stuffs since I still can't confirm the gender... zzz

angeline... I continue to drink leh.. but I prefer Ribena... cuz it's a bit sourish sweet... just dun let your mum or mil see....

I see. Anyway, I don't dare to watch horror movie. If u watch, my hands cover my eyes most of the time.

Something to share, not sure anyone of u heard before. An old lady ask me to drink one fresh coconut juice on the fifth month and the last month of the pregnancy. She says it help smooth delivery. She says herself, her daughter in law and her colleagues all tried and had really smooth delivery.

babyinperth... my appt is next Wed... that will be my 5th month liao... shd be able to confirm I hope...

Actually my 1st tri scan said it's boy but my colleague said her cousin also 1st scan boy, 2nd scan girl... so dunno lor... my hubby and the doc said they saw e penis... only I can't see anything...

re: falling sick

my hubby was sick over the weekend - coughing and flu .. we still slept in the same room and kiss on the lips .. so far so good, i am still fine but i make sure i drank lots of water ..

re: horrow shows

mum & MIL advised me not to watch horror shows or shows with disgusted scene/characters .. however i am still watching csi, bone, etc =p

re: cheong choon store

they are helpful and do delivery .. so definitely going to them =D

angeline_su: we can still drink coke but not more than ?mls per day, due to the caffeine .. if i got migraine, i will limit myself to a can per day ..

babyinperth: unsure of drinking coconut juice in 5th month, but did heard of drinking it in the last month for smooth delivery ..

knocking off soon .. 4 more minutes!!


my #1 my immune system not good too. always have flu and cough. im gg to head down gp soon. feel like cutting off my nose.


nope i never avoid, if too scary i off, or else i would have night mares~~


i only heard drinking of coconut during last trimester.


u knock off so early. i still got 20mins more to go~

re: horror shows

i seldom watch horror shows so not a problem for me. but its those shows featuring animals or funny weird looking creatures. for the coming months got afew shows that i wanna watch but sorta got banned.. Pirates of the caribben got weird looking ppl, kungfu panda got alot of animals (esp monkey), harry potter got voldemort who dun look normal... i wanna fight for my rights to watch these shows!!!! haha..

but my hubby is also afraid that the loud sound effects in the cinema will be bad for bb, since by then bb's hearing is sorta fully developed le...


i went to watch fast and furious last friday. either this fri or next will be going down to watch pirates of the carribean. =D

HS, i think the cinema sound should be okie.. I remembered there was once in the cinema where there was a shooting scene.. the bang sound alarmed my baby in my tummy and she kicked me real hard.. haha

Jin: one more week to go. I still have 10days. Really want to find out so can start shopping. When I did my scan at week12, gynae cannot see anything.


So maybe safer to drink during last month.

Really love this forum, so informative.

Minidiary, can add me to the list? #1 25/10 and also can I be part of the fb group?


lol! my hubby also banned me initially during my first pregnancy. but i got my way lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] watched some horror shows, harry potter re-runs, discovery channel, animal planet etc. all these are old wives tales so don't have to be so superstitious 'cos all proven not true.

our body is also very smart, in the sense that it creates a very safe place for baby to grow in, surrounded by amniotic fluid. baby won't hear very much of the noises outside. even if the noise were so loud it hurts our ears, baby will still be very safe in there! when preggers with my girl, i went to KTV, pubs and bars with live band many times. the church i attend every week is also quite loud. i heard many ppl say if u expose your unborn child to such noisy environments, baby will be able to cope better with loud noises when they are born. and it's true that after i gave birth, my girl can sleep literally anywhere! even till now, loud noises don't scare her, not even the thunder. she can pull down pots and pans making my mom jump but she was happily banging them away and didn't even flinch.


so shiok can go watch movie. very hard for me to go watch movies now. partly also tired and don't feel like going lah.


im down with sore throat n running nose then block nose since last wk n block nose n phlegm is still there...

horror shows

i still go for shows as per norm n those net geo stuff on tv i still watch as well

coke/coconut juice

i jus had some china apple can drink for lunch haha!! cold drinks as per norm as well thou i'll cut down on e ice.. i also heard abt drinking coconut juice during e last trimester but nthg on 5th mth..

i also saw some cute bb rompers/clothes but hold back as i didnt really noe my gender yet anyway dun intend to buy too many as they outgrow them fast so i shall get hand downs from my fren..

hello mummies,

as per mummycoccyx's recommendation

i went google and found this ..

Carrano Garment & Trading Co#01-334, 185 Toa Payoh Central, Singapore 310185

p: 62523791

hope this helps

woohoo happy evening to all~

ohhh thank you roxanne..

I go figure out the PM thing..

many thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Detailed scan confirm boy. Ordered to go shopping, holiday before 3rd tri.

Month 1-4 nv put on weight. Now 5th month gained 4kg. Doc said it's payback time. Hb concern not to gain so much. Stressed. Every day must walk 30 mins? After dinner better?

Yea! There are dog lovers here too. Any arrangements made regarding dog when bb arrives?

Initially hb was set on giving my darling away coz preg. Now we will keep her n she will hv new master- bb!!!

gilera: cheong choon store is nearby Chinatown; sells baby stuffs .. they also will advise you on what to buy and not to buy .. go for brisk walking; it will helps in delivery .. Me planning to do so after week 20 ..

Gilera: after dinner must be at least 1 hour later than can walk, I think. Brisk walking is good exercise. My hubby make sure I walk everyday. Now the temperature is cooler, makes me lazier to walk. I think another good exercise is walking in the pool.

Wow, really a lot of bb boys, might be enough to form a section in the army. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Gilera, cos I'll be having a new maid during confinement (my current maid will be leaving soon), we might send the dog to my mum's place during confinement if the new maid can't cope. My mum's maid loves my dog, so no problem for us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

