(2011/10) Oct 2011

morning mommies..

So far I'm not using any special pillow or bolster. Just sleeping normal.

I also got problem with clothings, been wearing the same thing over the weekend cos most of my bottom cannot fit already , maternity clothes are so ex too I got 2 bottoms + 2 spag top at Spring maternity already cost me almost $180 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Can we go for body massage? or foot reflexology?

Not local massage lady, I'm gg phuket next week wondering if safe anot.



I m also lazy to do anything.. just want to lie down watch tv. hahaha

snuppy! I also wanna save money but I dunno if I can handle not. No one is taking care of me round the clock.... my mil has to take care of my hubby's two nieces and my mum has to take care of my two nephews... but I think my mum can stop by cuz we live quite near... like 10, 15 mins drive....

Actually that time my mil already suggested we leave bb wif her for one month then my hubby can take care of me but I really cannot stand it not having see my bb for one month... a bit ridiculous lah e suggestion....

Oh, I'm also not getting CL, my MIL say will help me.

Now she is contemplating asking us and my bro-in-law to share cost and get a maid (stay with us but 2 days a week go over to help him do his housework and ironing stuff. She's got experience previously work with next door neighbor - just went back Indo after 4 yrs contract is up and wants to come back on her own without agency. So now see how first cos if without maid we also need to get a part time maid to come and the cost will be slightly lesser but definitely a maid will be more helpful.

Just checking what is the maid levy now if applied under me $170 or more? I saw 2 rates online so not so sure. and also my MIL say now Indo maid pay is $400?

rabbit bb,

i don't think we can go for foot reflexology, cos that time my friend wanted to go but the person refused to do for her (cause of the different points linking to different body parts thingy), in end only massage her shoulder T,T hahah


i think your mum is a good ideal, cos in any case easier to communicate what you want / dislike plus anytime you wanna drop by it's nearby.

woaw you're not working? so good..

as for your mil she has to take care 2 already, not sure if she has the strength to pay attention to 3 not? cos it's not easy.

my case, parents working, mil is at malaysia, hence i have to look for infant care near my place or workplace. no choice.

snuppy> even shoulder I also happy cos i have very stiff shoulders and sometimes so bad it hurts especially left side. i think its due to using of comp in office, strain the shoulder. Ok maybe I can ask the people over there. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

snuppy...no lah.. I'm working full time... that time when my nephew was born I was still living with my family... I dun even dare to carry the bb... so tiny! That's why I have my reservations lor.... my mum would wan to care but she had a back op 20 over years ago and can't bend down... and I'm not sure if my hubby can bathe bb not... haiz...

Rabbit bb,

ya ask them better. my shoulders also stiff, so every morning will do rolling & rotation (PE) warm up b4 gg to work.



looks like we are on the same "sampang"

if all things fail, like my case, no choice gotta put bb at infant care, but hope your side will improve [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

infant care

putting bb in infant care (IFC) doesn't mean it's a bad thing. i place my #1 in IFC when i got back to work tat time. development wise he's not bad....only more prone to fall sick tat's all... overall if I have a choice will still place him in IFC [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

going for my amnio later at 1pm...wish me luck mummies...hope tat everythin went smoothly n ok....


i also had my share of cold drinks every now n then.. sg weather cant go w/o cold drinks la haha!! actually i've been told lotsa things cant eat but sometimes i'll also take haha!!

hi mummies! all on leave today? very tempted to take leave. office feels very empty today.

i also didn't buy pregnancy pillow for my first pregnancy. just bought those flat and soft type from IKEA for hugging and extra support 'cos those pregnancy pillows are very bulky and expensive. heartpain to use only those few weeks and after that dump somewhere in the storeroom.

rabbit bb,

leg massage can, foot reflex is no-no. some pressure points there when pressed may cause uterus to contract so don't do. massaging calf/thigh muscles is okay. very shiok especially after a day of shopping! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i'll be using babyplus. my girl was a babyplus baby so this baby #2 will be too! i only use once at night during weekdays, then weekends both morning and night. hard to use during weekday mornings as need to work and even though strapped to belly, other people can hear the sound.


all the best!! update us later. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

im getting naughty...almost everyday, i drink COLD stuffs... Cold Milk... Cold Yogurt.. Cold Yakult... Cold Ice Cream... Cold juice... haha

does anyone of feel ur bb's heartbeat?? currently jus passed wk 17 but i dun feel any movements yet somehow i can feel bb's heartbeart esp aft meal when i kinda sit on my bed esp..


i wanted to buy babyplus... but still doubt here and there. where u get the babyplus? How u find babyplus benefits for #1? Im thinking if get the babyplus for my first preggie now, maybe next preggie also can use...average the cost [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahah how i wish on leave, but cannot colleagues gotta take leave to take care her children today.

i'm counting down to knock off hahaha

#1 Pray & Love,

think baby plus should be not bad, read from online but $$$

i see babyplus website selling $149... thinking to order that! but now im in 20 weeks aredi... still useful?

For those who have babyplus, where u all purchased it from?


babyplus is available online via ebay at ard SGD170 including shipping. a mummy from the nov 2011 thread ordered it and received quite quickly also. considered very cheap 'cos singapore's retailer selling almost double the price. you can sell it off after your #1 also, in case you plan for #2 to come along say 2 yrs later.

i bought my set preloved from another mummy who posted in the WTS thread. she used on her twin girls who were born premies at 29weeks. according to her even all the nurses in the nicu commented that her babes were very alert and non-fussy for premie standards.

i'm not sure if it's really the effect from babyplus, but my girl is also a very alert baby. she achieves some of the developmental milestones earlier than other babies her age and many say she is very smart (??), 'cos show her something once or twice she will know and tries to mimic. but she she is super stubborn. if want something, will try ways and means to figure out how to get it, even if it means standing on tiptoes in her walker and stretch herself to the limit for 15 mins just for a plastic bag. (-_-)!! there is no "control specimen" for me to compare with though. but just use since there are so many testimonies that it is beneficial. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

actually still can use even if you are in mid-late 2nd tri..

there are total of 16 lessons in all to use from weeks 18-40 weeks, meaning use for total 22 weeks (154 days).

154 days / 16 lessons = approx 9 days per lesson all the way till you pop.

if you start at say week 24, meaning total only use for 16 weeks (112 days).

112 days / 16 lessons = approx 7 days per lesson all the way till you pop.

oh, the mummy from nov thread is ent29.

Hi Starry

Thanks for sharing. So I am told by the retailer that it is best to follow twice strictly, but I think is tough, jus like we talk about.

Mindiary, I bought from retailer, very ex. But I thought it will be easier to get someone to repair if buy from them directly. But online is indeed cheaper..


I just made payment!! Looking at her reviews, she should be reliable! S$175 charged to by credit card. I used Paypal to pay. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i emailed u but no reply.

called Isetan Katong... they said don have Dreamgenii...I wanna make sure got stock before Im going down... very far for me...

Which Dept u saw the pillow ar?

Jinnous, i got alot alot alot of wind too leh.. that is why I thought it was the anti vomiting pill that caused it... My colleague told me that it will subside once hit ard 7-8th month.. still long way to go..

me too working today! this morning couldnt wake up wanna take but cant. counting down off work tonight watch fast and furious =D


just buy bah! discuss with HB later.. hehehe.. that's what I intend to do too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I caught F&F 5 over the weekend. It's really nice, to my surprise! enjoy your movie! oh, must stay on after the movie because there's a teaser to F&F 6. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks tabbyz

will take note! hope i wun fall asleep during the show. my #1 i fall asleep while watching chips munks.


yeah, best use 2x a day for best effect. so this time i see how, try to wake up a lil' earlier to just strap it on in the morning and nua in bed a bit before work. but i read some reviews and some mummies also see the effects even though they used at night only.


i test test the seller and he replied me very prompt... 2 weeks to reach Singapore. my hubby said discuss tonight... i gotta wait [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


tomolo i think i will go Orchard Isetan see got or not... and check the price. If expensive, then gotta buy from Diapers.com. as you said, there are many diff covers at Isetan...would like to have a look also... because Diapers.com only few designs...


long time no see... hope everyone is doing fine... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I just received notification that my order has been shipped! That's really really fast! You're such a good wifey! I don't discuss any of my shopping stuff with HB. I'll just tell him after I bought the things. Hehehe..

discuss with him then he makes the payment ma... haha now im not working, so he's my bank now...


banana? haha very funny terms to describe baby boy! gotta update for you... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] congrats!


yup, I'll also discuss with him if I want him to pay for it. Hahaha..

I didn't know banana means carrying a boy!! Oops!! I thought it's the shape of the baby! Alamak!

Mine is sweet potato wor...

by the way.. I was reading on some posts on confinement nannies and the posts mentioned the work permit is $6 per day.... haiz... think I get from agency bah.. at least can find replacement if buay guam...

It's from the preg apps of bb size. So now at wk 20 it's a banana! Now measurement is made head to toe. Not head to rump hereforth. The evolvement of our fruits n vegetables. All started as a pea or blueberry.

It's a boy too! From gal become boy. Will hv detailed scan on wed.

Anyone going for pre-natal classes huh? Does KK have huh? I have no idea.... Or we can sign up outside? Like where?

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt. I am selling away my tummy wrap to any interested mothers-to-be. Good for tightening tummy post-delivery!

The Cinch Signature tummy wrap is a favourite among new mums, especially Caucasian celebrity mums.

Selling my pre-loved tummy wrap bought originally at S$129 (due to higher exchange rate of US dollar half a year ago).

Size: XS-M (fits 26" to 34" waistline)

My Price to you: $60

Condition: 8/10 (used less than 10 times cos I was lazy)

To read more about this product:


Please private message me if interested because I do not check the forum regularly. Thank you!



i hope mine also can from gal to boy. at week 15 gynae sae might be gal. got to wait for 1 mth later detailed scan to know the gender.

