(2011/10) Oct 2011

Hi mummies, I’m from Dec10 thread. I have balance of Rustic Nirvana detox/massage sessions for the package I’ve signed and wish to let go. Bought at over $100 per session and now selling off at $100 nett per session.

Detox: (for your hb or friends, not for preg)


Pre-Natal Massage:

(Is recommended at 5th month to 8th month of pregnancy)

A de-stressing treatment for mums-to-be who need to handle many stresses including

physical, psychological, spiritual and social changes. Other benefits from this massage

include relief from leg, hip and back pain; reduced swelling; shorter, less painful labour; faster

postpartum recovery; emotional support and a nurturing touch.

Post-Natal massage is also applicable.

If you get at least 5 sessions, a cellulite scrub and herbal bath will be thrown in. If you share with your friend, PM to discuss.

I have 14 sessions left. Please PM me for more details. Thank you!

yah I'm also having migraine and feeling sleepy. I also think it's the weather. Kinda pity those ladies doing confinement now. Can you imagine no shower?! :X

I feel very sleepy too... and my runny nose is so bad that I can hardly feel the nose is mine... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Maybe I should see doc after work...


For me, I did not have enough sleep for the past 2 nights. So now very sleepy. Head starting to hurt. Auto-piloting now... haha

Hello everybody... hope everyone's doing well...

I just visited the gynae today and am happy to see my beanie again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] At 16 weeks now and gynae said my beanie may be a boy! But haha, she said I'd better wait till the detailed scan next month to confirm! So exciting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happymomo: I think I am experiencing the same thing as you, sleep that is not deep and mind's still like active in the middle of the night. I thought it's because my brain has been occupied and excited by all those election talks and rallies I have been attending lol! :p

Mummycoccyx: I asked my gynae if it is normal I cannot feel baby's movement and she said usually can only feel around week 20! Why i asked was because today during the scan I noticed my baby was in a totally opposite direction as compare to the last scan, and I wondered how come with such a drastic change in position I did not feel anything!

Yan2609: I can eat normally for breakfast and lunch but dinner I usually have no appetite! Sometimes I even feel queasy, though I'm past first trimester already!

Ginn Cai, yeah C H KOH, But delivery I have not decided to take from him. Have u sign delivery with him? I feel that he is good. I have seen a couple of gynea before him to take a feel, AMK michele Goh, Thomas medical Dr Woo, I think C H Koh, is a lot more caring..

creamdonut: I have back problem even before I discovered my pregnancy. The kind where I cannot wear flats, and I cannot wear heels higher than an inch. When I walk extended hours in either, I get an acute pain in my left lower back at the end of the say, sometimes so painful I need to apply pressure on that part of the back before I can even sit down on the sofa.

I have been wearing slippers from Scholl, under the biomechanics range. Supposed to correct the body posture and improve backaches and so far it has been working for me. Think I bought it at around $80. There're a few designs and available to major departmental stores so maybe you can check them out?

me working in the hospital and sometimes the pharmacy have got promotion on scholl's items .. will inform all of you if there is any upcoming promotion ..

xiao_rabbit: no prob =D i will probably be going during lunch or late afternoon on wednesday, depending on my work schedule .. will look around and post here on what are the promotions ..

just now, hubby realized my dark circles!! =( told him that i am on 2-hourly toilet visits, and thus have not been sleeping well .. he asked me to sleep on the toilet bowl =.=

Hi mummies, would like to join your thread. Short intro - EDD 6 oct at GlenE. Is my 2nd bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gender unknown as have not scanned yet.

Re: Infant Care

as I have mentioned earlier, I am planning to enroll baby into infant care as 1) my mum is staying at the other end of SG 2) my MIL has not commited herself to babysitting baby .. anyone here also going to put baby in infant care? any recommendations? the infant care at my workplace is learning vision, and the waiting list is super duper long .. am afraid that i might have to wait after baby's birth, even though i am going to register when baby is 24 weeks old ..

Fantastar, if you really like the infant care near your workplace & it's convenient, you should reserve a place. Then if they don't have space by the time you need to go back to work, you can find nanny first.

Even the PCF near my place at Teck Whye need to be in the waiting list for enrollment in January 2012. I too need to put child in infant care coz Bo bian, both my parent and In law still working.

Fantastar: I will be putting my gal in infant care also. U better make a tentative booking first. Not all Childcare has infant care facilities.

I put my #1 into infantcare when she's 9th mth. This time gg to put when he's 3mth


I bought the music aquadoodle for my gal. She played for few days then throw 1 corner. Heartpain sia.

Anyway she also dun play things long. Haha


I've not seen any other gynae expect Dr Koh.. He is recommended by my best frd whom she recommend to be good. He usually will crack jokes with us but he still keep that stern look on his face.

And it so happens that my cousin also have her firat bb with Dr Koh & she said he is good. my cousin has been visiting serveral gynae n has problem in conceiving & many gynae has not been supportive. But Dr Koh has been very encouraging & finally she got pregnant & has given birth last year & her BB is already almosy 9 months old....

Only dislike is the long waiting time.. and also dislike the nurses. They are very rude n unfriendly.... i got a big blue black during my last blood test for the down syndrome test. It took me a week to recover.


I've taken the delivery package from Dr Koh during my week16 check up.... I usually visit him during the nite clinic time on either monday or wed nite...

But i'll b gg to seen another gynae tml afternoon to ask the gynae to issue me a letter so i can travel this Friday... n hope my placenta has move up n not lay low.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Infant Care

I have wanted to reserve a place at infant care at my workplace, however I can only do so when I am 24 weeks pregnant .. Sourced for another infant care near my place; have sent an email to enquire a series of questions yesterday night .. Awaiting for them to get back to me .. Hopefully I can secure a place at either infant care .. So many things to worry while being pregnant =(

Creamdonut, just walk in earlier on your appt day for the detailed scan. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ginn Cai, Yes I agreed he is very caring and supportive, I was originally following up with NUH, but decided to switch to him for anental check up for convenient as I stay in TP area. Hence, for delivery, I have not decided where it should be. I agreed on the long waiting time part too! But lucky I stay near. Maybe can suggest the doc to draw ur blood? I rem they had problem with my blood vessel, end up Dr Koh got to draw my blood instead. But I do know most average nurse will have problem drawing my blood.

hi mummies! i'm back from phuket! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] very glad to be home even though the holiday was great. there is really no place like home. oh, i bought a few pcs of nice and cheap wacoal bras and several of their undies. suuuuper comfy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


very gd deal for the clarins oil. saw it at the airport's DFS yesterday. not cheap at all.


having a baby and planning to be back to work after giving birth is really not easy. i am facing the same problem as you now - hard to find childcare for my girl. have you thought of placing baby in infantcare near your home? you can request your co to let you come in earlier and off work earlier in time to fetch baby. think we are having shortage of infantcare and childcare centres in singapore.


go chiong fairs while you still have energy to do so. i also wanna go!! but too far for me. and gotta bring a baby along. difficult to shop in peace. :p

Happymomo: My blood vessel is very visible n i've no problem in drawing bloods all along. But my cousin said the nurse that took my blood is new, thus she could be inexperience. so durin my next visit, i'll show Dr Koh my blue black photos n request him to take blood test for me in future....

I'm staying at Jurong & werking at Clementi but since it's well recommended by both my best frd & my cousin. I juz sign up with Dr Koh without considering other gynae.


Welcome back.. Want check with you if u got get a letter from your gynae to say u can travel? And did the flight attendent request any letter from u?


i didn't even tell gynae that i was going to phuket. totally forgot to mention anything when i saw him like a a week plus before we left. flight attendent also nv request for letter. maybe didn't notice i was pregnant? 'cos i was wearing a babydoll dress and it hid the bump quite well.

airlines usually restrict flying from week 32 onwards if i'm not wrong. i can't remember was it jetstar or airasia, the crew rejected my friend who was not even 28 weeks yet from flying to KL! because her tummy was huge. huge disappointment for her 'cos everything booked and planned then cannot fly. luckily tickets were cheap and she wasn't flying to US or what.. so please check with the airlines if you intend to travel during 3rd trimester.


the bras should be quite cheap there. can buy more!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now think back i shld have bought more wacoal bras from phuket. so cheap there. not as cheap as BKK, but still very worth the money.

i dunno what size i should buy... maybe just buy bigger size.. haha now the bra im wearing using bra extension also feeling so tight.


My gyane dun recommend me to travel. as during my last check on 21Apr, he found that i've placenta previa so i nv request any letter from him. But my tummy has become so obxious these two weeks. i call n check with the tour agency, they said it's best to get a letetr from gynae saying i'm fit to travel.... so later i'm gg to a neighbourhood gynae to do a scan n get a letter form them....


get one cup larger? will sure grow bigger in later weeks.


i've placenta previa like you. but i took things slow and easy, no extreme sports/activities, ate only fully-cooked foods and drank only bottled water. was a tiny bit worried initially but ok leh, 'cos all the activities were not those taxing types. but best you go do a scan again before leaving, lets you have a peace of mind too.

ya i also think so... get larger one size.

im wondering have all mummies show their bump yet? mine small in the morning, then throughout the day if i eat alot, then bump be only see it i wear tight clothing. is this normal? going to 5months aredi... but like not showing much


i was asked for it during check in. but i told her i didnt have it cos gynae say no need.

they say need it in order to protect ourself.


How many months are you when you check in?

I'm in my 19th weeks but my tummy is big... cos i've two large fabriods too... so i'm carring triplets.... haha... n it's super obxious plus i usually wear tight cotton dress.... mayb when i board the plane, i'll wear loose clothing to prevent pple from knowing i'm pregnant....

Hi mummies,

I have a $50 ParentCraft Voucher which can be used for Childbirth Education Course at TMC or other services. Expiring in Jun 2011. Selling for $30. Pls PM me if interested. Thanks.

Mummies, I’m so sick with sore throat + running nose. Do you knw whether we can go to see those neighborhood doctor or must I go to my gynae at KKH?

starrymommy: welcome back =D me going to register at both the infant care centers at my workplace and nearby my home .. worried that i cannot secure a place ..

Pre-loved items letting go at low prices

1. Peg Perego Pilko Switch Stroller (Red, 2010) at $550 (retail ~$1000)

2. Baby Bjorn Synergy Air Mesh Material in Blue at $150 (retail $280)

3. Maxi Cosi Cabrio Fix Car Seat in Blue/Brown at $180 (retail $350)

4. Winnie the Pooh Musical Cot Mobile at $40 (retail $80)

Interested mummies, pls PM me. Thanks !

