(2011/10) Oct 2011

Tabbyz, my tubby totally not showing yet... with #1, it was only obvious in 7th month!!!

I keep telling hubby to tell but he not interested to let them know (think scared they nag or give comments tt make me upset)...

& anyway, I don't see them cos busy teaching on weekends... only hubby visits them when he feels like it (usually he only go bk for 'special occasions' like his granny's death anniversary)...

I told him at least SMS his mum or his big mouth sister but I think he scared his sister jealous so dun wanna say ba... so married 2 yrs le & hv been trying since they got married but no news...

1d1r, they always say nasty thing one?

i feel that in a family, if encounter such members really sian.. just like the channel 8 9pm show.. hehe...

winnie, i intend to order normal tingkat for 2 weeks and confinement tingkat for another 2 weeks.. i read some articles, it says that as long as we get proper nutrients can already.. confinement food can be too heaty...

i received a goodie bag at my gynae's clinic... got a 20% off avent products leh, wonder if it will be cheaper if i buy things at philips showroom...

I feel that we should be more hands on. Y leave to mil to look after bb during maternity leave. Maybe I dun realize how tired n bz I might be. It's just I dun like ppl interfere n pass comment when I can't talk back. Else these few days mil overly gan cheong call hb ask I ok or not got pass motion or not. Coz I mentioned I constipated. Then it's not a topic I wanna talk about lor. Plus she super religious. When things are not perfect, she blame I nv pray. When have bb n it's a boy it's all because she prayed n thanked for blessings.

gilera, ya.. i 200% agree with u...

we take care of the baby ourselves is better, i dun like ppl telling me what to do etc... minimise conflicts...

confinement lady

personally I feel that if you have one, especially a good one then it will be very good as you can have all the rest, and those who intend to bf can try to boost up milk supply during this period [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the day closer to my amnio is closer...(16may) hope that everything is ok.... so can be more enthusiastic talking about all the baby stuffs with you ladies....

gilera, Roxanne,

I fully agree too! I took care of baby myself for the most part and even thru the night during confinement. My only rest time was during late morning and afternoon those couple of precious hours. Night time can really forget abt rest as I fully latched baby initially. Only had like 45mins down time for short nap in between feeds. Some of my friends relied too much on CL and once she left, they really didn't know what to do. So best do as much as we can by ourselves.

Genesis: wat test is that for

Glad I am not the only one with such thoughts. Just hope we dun speak too soon n K O instead when bb arrives.

How? Anyone feeling uncomfy with tight yet pressing feeling from bb ? How to survive next 20 weeks?

bought Clarins Oil at Robinsons... OCBC Robinsons can get 20%+10% so only pay $59.04... good deal!!! Went to baby dept, but lots ppl so i give up looking around as I dunno gender yet, don wanna buy. got baby clothes 2 for $9.. and etc...

thinking tomolo going to Robinsons Expo sale to grab BRAS... very tight aredi my bras...feel uneasy wear it and after food, even more tight...

Hey, I ate char kway tiao and half boiled eggs leh! Just once each nia... how huh? Now everyone like saying cannot eat, cannot eat... zzz...

good morning mommies!


you're still not showing?! *envious* mine is like really big already! I can't fit into my clothes now..


it's a really good deal!!! too bad I don't have robinsons card.


wah I haven't even thought of that yet! seems quite expensive. the idea of leaving all the massage oil on my body and yet I can't shower seems bad. But I heard a lot of good things about having a post-natal massage. One of the best is - losing weight!!!

For first time mommies,

do you feel very lost when you go shopping for baby stuff? I don't know where to start! Seems like we have soooo many things to buy! baby cot, stroller, car seat, milk bottle, breast pump, etc etc.. And there are so many brands, don't know which is better. I'm thinking of dragging an experience mommy to shop with me. Hehehe..


how come cannot eat char kway tiao? never heard of that. I'm abstaining from half boiled eggs because they might have salmonella bacteria.

tabbyz.... cuz they said got hum... cockles lor..

I still eat half boiled egg but I made it like 75% cooked. But I went to Ya Kun and ate their half boiled eggs and kopi... buay tahan liao lor... jus once nia but I feel like I did something wrong....zzzzz.... I also drink kopi like once a week....


same like u i took care my gal myself during confinement. Only nap when she naps. Midnight always got to wake up.


I also took char kway tiap and half boiled eggs. even fried eggs de yolk not cooked i also eat.

I drink tea almost like everyday


i also ate char kway tiao wif my MIL n initially i tot cant eat cockles so i pass to hubby.. then my MIL ask why cant eat cockles?? but anyway i ate 1 cockle only.. but i think these cockles may cause hep A/B thingy so ppl warn us agst it.. anyway ppl keep telling me no spicy food, no cold drink etc i also jus take sometimes really cannot tahan...

good morning! it's thursday le. one more day to weekend. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


last time i had a lot of cockles with char kway teow. this time round dun dare to eat 'cos scared of Hepatitis. when i did blood test during 2nd tri that time, i was found to be on borderline for Hep. so this time round guai guai stop eating.


shopping for baby was a huge headache for hubby and i last time too. had tendency to overbuy certain things esp when we see have sales or special buy 1-free-1 promos. haha! i can only advise u to go for bundle deals as much as possible. those avent and pigeon ones have very good deals during fairs and you can save a lot compared to buying pumps, bottles, warmers, sterilizers separately. can save $30-$50, or even more! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my colleague tried Babies Bellies. She told me that the agency will assign a lady for u at a later date maybe after u have given birth.

so far, she s satisfied with the service as the lady is punctual.

Hi Mummies....

Good morning...TGIF for me & i'll b on holiday tml... happy n excited.... keke... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Luckily, i dun hv the MIL problem.... hubby not close with his mom... n i'm very close to my mom... my mom will b doing confinment for me... but i guess she'll nag a lot too... but @ least i'm used to it... when i want drink cold water, she'll say dun drink too much but will still allow me to drink.. sometime she drank cold water in front of me & told me i cant drink... but i'll drink hers in front of her.... then she'll nag later u'll know...

This morning i've experience leg cramp... guess i drank gong cha last nite... My sister had bought ealy grey white pearl tea, i nv tried before so i took a few slips.... then on the way back i drank a few more mouthful & my mom did mention that tea is very "liang" later if i got leg cramp, better dun cry... this morning her wishe came true.. not sure if it's due to the intenstive walking at Robinson sales last nite or the tea effect..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ginn... any good sale there? By chance got any maternity clothes huh? I have no more bottoms liao.... My jeans officially 'retired'...

Can I eat char kway tiao but skip e cockles? Any diff not? How bout the eggs huh? Ya Kun breakfast is so nice..... haiz....

I still haven't go source for confinement nanny wor... My friends said can take care of bb on my own... save the money for tonic.... but hor.. I dunno leh... those from the agencies one... roughly how much huh?

Shopping for baby:

For my first one, i just go to this shop Cheng Choon at Chinatown which specialises in baby stuff. The shop owner there is very nice and will explain and guide you thru' what you need/need not get. We went there nearer the delivery date to get basic baby stuff like RuYi oil, bath tub, cheapo towels and cloth nappies. They would deliver too. You can also buy big-ticket items like strollers and cots there.


I was very kwai for my #1 but I am very bo chup for the second one. Have been eating Yakun soft boiled eggs like nobody business. Ate Kway Tiao and cockles once too ;p Would have eaten sashimi if not for hubby stopping me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jinnous~ I didnt go to the maternity clothes area.. Walk ard the area that sell BB stuff & it was crowded with pple.. I only look at the stroller, baby cot/ playpen but i didnt get any things for BB cos it seems quite X... then towel cost $13+ for a piece which my mom said the material is soft & better to use to wipe baby...

My mom doing confinement for me as she's not working after this month.... but i guess i'll b paying her a little more $$ plus her allowance but not as much as the CN...


i bought bamboo towels for my girl from kiddy palace. when there is sale, it's quite cheap there. the material is very soft and cool, dries very fast even indoors. some more antibacterial. good buy! hope no more leg cramps for you tonight. put your feet up more and ask hubby to massage the calf muscles a bit before you zzz. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


get well soon! could be the lack of sleep too? i fell sick 'cos didn't sleep much in phuket. every night slept at 2-3am.

starry, i think no one sleeps as much as me... lol, my husband is amazed at how much i sleep daily...

but then, whenever my gal isnt with me and stays at my MIL'se, i will sure cant zz well at night de.. i am very attached to her already, feel lost without her...

I wonder if no 2 comes, what will happen... i scare i neglect her..

Yesterday I went for gynae checkup and I should be expecting a boy... I feel so lost, I have nvr taken care of a boy before... Wonder how to clean his genitals etc leh... maybe i will leave this baby to my MIL since she has taken care of her 3 boys before.. I think I better dun think too much, if not depress again..


Roughly how much does the bamboo towels cost before sales? & sales is up till how many percent?

No more cold drinks for me... i did slp with pillow under my legs... use to put one but had use two when i'm in my 16th weeks.... My hubby massage sucks... he juz duno how to massage he will use too much strength & he'll keep massaging at one area. i think it'll be more comfrtable if I sit on the massage chair to massage....


take things as they come bah. i also have very mixed feelings... on one hand, SUPER happy and excited about the new baby, can't wait to start all over again etc. on the other hand, feel a teeny bit miserable that i won't have as much time for my little girl as i do right now. i've always seen her as my precious babe, dunno whether i will be a biased mom when #2 comes along or not! guess we think way too much lah. haha!!

i heard for boys, it's a lot easier to clean 'cos no internal folds like baby girls'. but have to be very careful as boys' pee can shoot high and far. my friends with boys said they always prepare small towel place over the didi in case of any 'shootings'. :D cute huh??

you have a scan pic to show? haven't seen any scan pics in a while le.


usually 15% off regular items and 20% off for members storewide. i cannot remember how much the bamboo towels were le. bought last year.. but lower than $13 for sure, and a little more expensive than normal terry cloth ones. my mom loves using that for my girl. 'cos absorb water fast and dries quick. buy 2 is enough already, change for washing every 2-3 days.


having a girl & a boy is good... u have a "hao" I wish i can have a girl as #1..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hello mummies,

Is it a must or better for us to do those traditional malay massage & wrapping after delivery>? cos my friend said that the lady will "press out" those unwanted dirty blood which is leftover during delivery..

I'm clueless whether should i engage one, because you will have to strip naked except for undies. & i never like the ideal of naked in front of a stranger [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I'm thinking will self massage / exercises helps the same way though?

Comments pls

Thanks, tabbyz and xiao rabbit for your input!

For first-time mommies buying mother/baby things, I suggest buying only necessities first. The checklist someone posted earlier should be a good starting point, but you don't need every single item there. I think the hardest one to plan is feeding needs. Even if you plan to breastfeed, unless you don't plan to pump (i.e. 100% latch on), it's hard to estimate how many bottles to buy since it's hard to predict how much milk you'll have.

For my first pregnancy, I went to baby fair three times and still didn't complete my shopping coz I didn't know what to buy. For my third, I was in and out in 20 minutes with 2 big bags :p I bought mostly bottles and an electric pump set. I agree with starry that you should go for the set coz it's more worth it.

snuppy, I guess things like confinement practises, food and malay massage are not musts.

I think normally, the masseuse will cover your body with a towel and only uncover the part she's massaging, so you won't have such feeling. Furthermore, it's lying down, so half your body (front or back) is also covered at all times. Self massage/exercise is good if you have the discipline and energy to do it. For me personally, I'd rather enjoy the services of a masseuse. After all, having to endure the pregnancy for 40 weeks, it's only fair to give myself a treat by doing massage!

Hi, sorry for the interruption. I've some pregnancy and baby items to clear. Please feel free to view through my album through this link. Copy and paste this WHOLE link in full to view.


• The First Year's Newborn-To-Toddler Reclining Feeding Seat

• Playpen - The Graco Contour Electra

• Medela PIS with full accessories

• Car Seat

• Changing Mat

• Maternity Disposable Panties

• Moda Support Belt

• Munchkin Drying Rack

• Clothes

• Slumber Bear

• Elancyl Stretch Mark Prevention Cream

• Bottles

• Pacifiers

... and etc

If you are interested in any of the following, kindly email me at [email protected] THANKS!!

Good afternoon to all pretty mummies here!

Just taken chicken rice + kopi C..very full now :p

I have started “shopping” for my baby’s stuff from the SMH forum “ Marketplace & Exchange Corner : Want to Sell”. Their selling price is much cheaper than the retail price. So far, I alrdy bought the new Avent Milk Bottles, safety pins, new Gift box set with baby clothes… from them. Everyday I’ll check if there is anything that suitable for my baby :) As this is my #2 baby so most of the things I alrdy have when I hav my #1 baby, all these can be used again for my #2 baby de. currently I still looking for high chair. My friend and relative have given me a lot of old baby clothes liao, so I can save $$ no need to buy at the moment. But still have to buy 1 or 2 sets for him to wear when discharge from the hospital and full mths.

Snuppy, though figure wise I didn't need the malay massage cos I went back to pre-preg weight & size immediately after birth, I still engaged one.

Reason being she really help me to push out a lot of the lochia & my lochia cleared very quickly.

Also, she helped me to massage my boobies which were engorged :p

&, it feels very good to hv a good massage, especially when you don't really get enough rest with the night feeds. I normally fall asleep during the massage :D

Anyway, it's really up to individual. What I did was hire the lady for pre-natal massage in my third tri to see if I'm comfy with her & whether I like her massage or not. I only confirmed post-natal massage with her after I tried & liked her pre-natal massage :D Going back to the same lady this time round :D

BTW, you need to prepare a mattress on the floor & a towel for the massage. If you are shy, prepare 2 towels so the massage lady can cover the other parts she is not massaging :D

Hi! Mummies,

any good massage lady for pre-natal massage to recommended?

I tried Autie Sadiah after #1. This time i wish to try for another massage lady. I got the contact for Autie Ida from the mummy in other thread. Thinking to make the reservation after my detail scan 2 weeks later.

Sorry my massage lady is full for Sep/Oct cos I shared her no in these 2 thread previously & a lot of mummies called to cook already...

@#2: Can I have the contact for your massage lady? My EDD is Dec. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i shopped for a lot of stuff from there too. very worth it for some of the things. esp since i gotta buy 2 sets - 1 for my house, 1 for my mum's place as she's taking care of baby when i'm at work. saved A LOT of money purchasing preloved and sometimes brand new items from there. update us about your massage experience after you tried?


you 100% latched baby? i tried for a while but very difficult 'cos my girl loves to comfort suck and fell asleep almost the moment i latched her and end up boobies still feel full after 20 mins of sucking! pek chek then stopped and pumped out store in milk bags. no point storing in bottles as they are bulky and warm up quite slowly. milk bags are a tad more expensive but so much more convenient! last time didn't know used lansinoh. super ex! this time 'smarter', gonna use Boots' milk bags. stocked up from phuket trip liao. hee hee!!

starry, for #1, I gave formula milk for bedtime feed because I felt very 'empty' by end of the day. Also, worried that I didn't have enough breastmilk. Rest of the day (and night), 100% latching and no pumping (lazy/tired).

For #2, she didn't like bottles, so after several attempts to feed her formula, I ended up 100% latch and no pumping (lazy/tired) for first few weeks. Gradually added formula because lack of milk supply.

I find baby is the best in emptying out the breastmilk. Once when I was engorged during weaning stage, my pump didn't help at all... my son latched on and the engorgement was gone in one feeding. Amazing...

Latching 100% is the most convenient, no need to wash bottles and no need to warm up milk. But pumping is also good so you know how much milk baby drinks and can stretch the timing out to 4 hourly feeds if you have enough milk to make each feed more substantial. Latching, you may need to do 2-3 hourly if baby falls asleep easily and doesn't take much each time.


Starry, I now became a auntie liao so everytime when I want to buy something, I will compare the price first..hee..hee.. yes, it’s worth for some of the things..

About the massage experience, actually it’s not effective for me. This is bcos I got allergy for the special massage oil that she used, a lot of rashes appear after the 1st massage. Due to this problem, I have no choice and have to wait until all rashes disappear then I can continue her massage, by then is already 2 weeks after I gav birth le. That’s why I said it not effective for me lor (peoples told me that massage better done within the 1st week after you giv birth). From the 2nd massage onward, the massage lady change to olive oil. Anyway, she is a nice and friendly and i saw good review for her form other thread too. That time she charge S$50 per session and no need to pay any deposit. Tis time I don’t wan to book her is bcos I worry that I’ll have same problem about the oil that she use so better I look for other massage lady.

