(2011/10) Oct 2011

1d1r: Wow.... the P1 spelling list amaze me... I never know that it's so difficult.

But i've heard that kids absorb very well when they r ard 2-4.... My twins niece knows ABC when they are 18months. My cousin plays the CD to them daily for them to learn. You point to whatever letters and they'll read it loud to you. And my cousin make sure she speaks proper sentence to them. She said we can speak to them in broken sentence else thy'll pick up this bad habbit. And parents speaks to the kids in English & grandparents speak to them in Chinese & they r fluent in both languages. Kids r amazing...



Ya lorx. Hope she will always dote


Ever since pregnant my nose very sensitive. I also cannot smell foods in train or bus will feel nausea

today i'm not at work, went home after checkup, just went to have beef noodle for lunch, showered and feeling sleepy now! hahaha..weird when I'm at work I don't feel sleepy, could be the freaking hot weather, can melt!


i'm already 17 weeks. i always pay attention to baby movement. but i don't feel any butterfly or drum movement yet. is it normal?

Hi Angeline, like u i'm 17 weeks too I don't feel any also. Jus now at gynae during scan he was moving n quite active but I dun feel anything. Perhaps later for us.

rabbit bb,

feel better after reading your post. i thought how come i don't feel any thing yet. my next appt will be two weeks later.

Angeline me too.. Abt 17 weeks.. I also dun feel anything [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

looks like it's too early to feel anything at 17 weeks. can't wait to feel baby movement.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tenzero, I was prescribed that small yellow flu pill. Best to call the clinic with the name of the pill to double check if ok for you to take.

I took & it was very effective. Took 1 in the morning & 1 at night before sleep & my flu was gone the next day :D

1d1r, K2 must know how to read such difficult stuff? K2 send for intensive tuition is really too much for the kids.. The education system really sux now.. I still think I will not start so early for her, base on my gal's character, she isnt ready for it yet... Now I am trying to let her play with blocks to improve her concentration & attention span.. I will let her enjoy her toddlerhood for the time being... Maybe childhood is too old a word for her... i am too use to speaking mandarin at home & was afraid that I teach her the wrong English sentence structure & so, we communicate to her in mandarin..

I have a fren whose gal is same age as my gal.. Since an infant, she can sit still and flip books... She can recognise alot of words for her age..

winnie, my gal is in playschool... thrice a week for 1.5hrs.. the teachers merely let them play with colorings, dough, singing, dancing... teaching things like letters/shapes/colors but most of the time, it is playing more than learning... she is quite a hyper gal, playschool improves her concentration I feel.. her teacher commented that now she can stay still for 50% of story telling time... Last time she totally ignore and play on her own...

1d1r, isit call chlorpheniramine for dat yellow pill? i started to hav bad flu, terrible sore throat & fever ydae..so tis morn went see gp.. so when asked the doc if tos medicine dat he prescribed to me is safe for pregnancy? he jz ans me.. "nothing is safe for pregnancy actually wat i prescribed to u r tos normal medicine dat adults take etc".. so i was like ??? so i jz took one pill tis aftnn cos cant tahan... but fever i dun dare to take his med but took 1 normal panadol

Winnie, sticker is a good idea.. I shall find time next week to see if it helps to arouse her interest to look at the books...

Actually I got let her watch "baby can read" dvd.. but she now only want to fast forward to the parts where they are singing songs... Now, she is into barney n some mandarin videos that my MIL bought... & those cantonese "Da Xi".

Roxanne, you might want to try parent accompanied classes. I started off my boy with that too. We went to Zoophonics & he enjoyed it a lot. But he still preferred his phonics class at Tumble Tots. :D

My boy didn't like to sit down & read until we started getting books which he likes. Recently he totally in love with his Rapunzel storybook & his snakes/insect storybooks.


the pill that you have i also did asked several GPs about it. Just take the most one per day and try to sleep after that.

I just recovered from the combo you're having.

most doctors are very cautious when prescribing medicine to us.

if you feel insecure call your gynae to check.

rest well & get well soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Roxanne, she like songs you try buying LEAPFROG DVDs. They got a series for phonics & reading, numbers, etc. Very good series. My boy speaks like 'angmoh' with perfect pronunciation cos he learn from these DVDs.

Another good investment that many kids like is WINK TO LEARN. They got bright & colourful pictures & words to entice them. Then end of 10 words, got music & nice pictures to let them enjoy & relax...

wah.. 1d1r, u are good leh, got so many good things to share! Okie, I go research on the classes first, quite keen in the parent-acc class..

alrite..i will c if i need to take another pill b4 i zz tonite.. like 1d1r said..it's no doubt very effective to lessen the flu symptoms aft a gd zz..

tks 1d1r & snuppy!

tenzero, drink loads of water now, then clear the pee before you sleep so can have good sleep. Then take the pill just before you sleep. It really knocked me out & I slept all the way without even hearing my hubby snore! & I was so much better after that :D

Medication: I also quite skeptical on taking medication during pregnancy.. But then my gp always assure me that nvr take will cause more harm than taking...

So mummies who are unwell now, rest assured and trust ur docs bah... get well soon!

Tumbletots is like gymboree, but they have phonics class. My boy likes it cos last 10min, the teacher will allow them to play on the tumbletots gym structures as reward :D

They do a lot of singing, reading, phonics (learn the letter & letter sounds), & fine motor skill activities to help them build up the muscles needed to start writing. They use LETTERLAND PHONICS system. Very good system which you can buy to do at home if you want. They do sell the workbooks at Popular, but not the storybooks.

Hi mommies

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Help... my tummy is very very itchy.... I cant help but scratch it.... but the more i scratch, the more itchy it gets...

I've been diligently applying clarins stretch mark cream twice a day.... but seems like it's not moisture enough.... any mummies experiening the same?

Creamdonut: not sure on a good brand but juz dun buy crocs... I got a pair of crocs but it seems to make me trip....

I've backache too & I cant stand for too long... I will feel very tired.

mummies, voted? voted for the 1st time in my life and sharing the experience with baby =D

princessginnginn: apparently i heard from old aunties that olive oil is better .. have been applying it these 2 days, and it helps with the itch ..

1dog1rabbit, can tell me how much in SG$ for 1 btl after incl. shipping charges? How many btl tat we need till giv birth? Thk.

Creamdonut: saw your earlier post... indeed pre-natal yoga is helpful. I went for went for both yoga and massage after 3 mths pregnant and it really helps for backache. Throughout pregnancy and after birth, I do not have any backache problems at all. But you need to also focus on your posture.

I had my yoga at Inspire Mum & Baby and done both full body massage and foot reflexology at Kenko Spa. If you wanna go for massage and reflexology, you'll need to inform them that you are pregnant while making the booking.

Hope this helps.


Try Fitflop! I just bought it few months back and i can walk non stop 7 hours with it.. haha really super comfy... but exp [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I prefer Clarins Oil... maybe u wanna try oil rather than the cream...

EmilyBaby, shipping depends on whether you buy other things or not. It was ard US$0.50 for the shipping after I split with the other items I bought.

With the low exchange rate now, it'll be ard S$14 per bottle. So far I'm still on the first bottle, apply generously & diligently, only used slightly less than half bottle. So I think whole pregnancy will probably need 1-2 bottles only.

Anyway you'll get US$5 off your first purchase (which is almost like free shipping to SG already) :D

Creamdonut, my cousin can get 20% discount for FitFlops & we (me and my cousins) are all buying a pair for our mummies for Mother's Day. But I'm not willing to splurge so much on myself :p

I'm wearing this brand I bought from Royal Sporting House. Can't remember the brand offhand, but the flip flops cost around $30 for simple ones & around $50 for the nicer designs. Very comfy & lasting.


the one i bought about $119 from Metro Paragon. You may find some BP selling $30-40dollars cheaper than buying from the shop. I know RabbitBB bought 2 pairs from BP.

Im thinking to join Prenatal Yoga at Wabisabi, Central Clarke Quay. Flexible hours on weekday and weekend too, as long as finish within 3 months. http://www.wabisabi.com.sg/

Good morning mummies!

minidiary, please help to update my baby's gender. Thanks! I'm afraid I'm adding to the majority => Boy!

DVDs which I play for my kids: Leapfrog (recommend Letter Factory for those at the age of learning ABC). Sing-A-Long karaoke-styles. Cartoons like Barney, Elmo, Pocoyo.

Actually, should avoid excessive TV time for babies/toddlers below 2 years old but I'm FTWM and my kids are in the care of domestic maid, so not much options...

Good mornign mummies....

The weather is killing me...

Clarins oil:

I'll try clarins oil then. How much did you girls bought for? I was thinking if i should stock up my clarins from Paris aince im gg this friday but am not sure if it's cheaper there....


It's make of plastic so the front portion makes me feel like i got trip over.... and i feel like falling... must be very careful during raining days..... i tried fit flops but the design is a bit "chu lu" so i nv buy & it's quite xx...

HT, I don't allow Barney cos a lot of their pronunciations & intonation is not right. Kids pick up fast!

Pocoyo is like 'wordless' cartoon. I only let him watch occasionally. No educational value :p

Mine prefers Little Einstein & Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! hhahaha!!!

1d1r, haha, you're right about Pocoyo but I think my kids like the music at the beginning and the Spanish names of those characters. I have 'Peek-A-Boo Barn' on iPhone and when the kids used the Spanish language, somehow, they find it funny and kept laughing??

Barney -- didn't really notice about the pronunciation and intonation heehee... My girl loves the 'I love you' song and hugs one of us when the song comes up. Also, they wake up early at 6+ am and Barney is at 6:30am. I'm lazy to do other things with them so early in the morning :p

Yep, Mickey Mouse clubhouse is a hit with both my kids. Older one is able to 'follow' but younger one is only able to go 'hotdog hotdog' and dance to the hotdog song [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My 2.5 yr old son started to watch Little Einstein recently too, younger one still cannot appreciate that. He also watches 'Kai Lan' on weekends.

Now, my challenge is getting my son to hold the crayon properly and color properly. He cannot color or paint within the picture and it's all over the place. I wonder whether there's any enrichment class which focus on this type of skill? Maybe I need 1-1 sessions for him?

ginn.. i found this lady doing fitflop spree on this SMH forum.. her souce is from victoria secret website.. the price is only like $60 for a pair of fitflops.. to me, its real cheap !!! i haven buy yet cos i have not gone to try out my shoe size yet hehe...

Any mommies who hv fallen sick while pregnant? I've been nursing a nasty throat infection with on-off fever since last wed. Also coughing with those thick green phlegm type. Am a bit worried cos haven't felt bb moving much. Is this normal?

Any mummy here having problem sleeping or even if u manage to sleep, you can feel that you are conscious and the brain is still active? I am sufferring from bad migraines due to lack of sleep. I can hardly work with my bad migrain. Gynea say is normal. But I dont know what I can do now to make myself feel better...

HT, I started my son on colouring & proper pencil holding since 1yo when he showed interest in doodling (always snatch our pens when we are writing).

At first we used the AQUA DOODLE (use water in a special pen on their special drawing mat) so he won't end up drawing the furniture/walls. He loved it so much I bought a huge wall poster set, a floor mat set & a travel set.

Then I bought toys which encourage fine motor skills for him to build up. By 2yo he could write simple alphabets free-hand (no need to trace dotted lines).

Tumble Tots' phonics class (Canopy Phonics) has activities which encourage fine motor skills & they also teach them the alphabet (recognise, phonics & write). A bit pricey ($200/mth) but my boy enjoyed the class a lot.

BTW, my son has 1-to-1 art lessons for him to practice colouring & painting. He has been able to colour & paint within the line since 2.5yo. We let him hv the lessons cos he enjoys it & the teacher uses basic shapes to teach him to draw proper art pieces (animals, scenery, people, etc).

yayoi: me have been having migraine and slight sore throat for the past week, perhaps to the bad weather .. have been drinking plenty of water, getting more rest and taking more fruits high in vitamin C ..

happymomo: my sleep is interrupted with 2-hourly toilet visits, and my history of migraine does not make it any better .. each time i feels that my migraine is going to attack me, i will drink a bit of coke ..

having difficulty concentrating at work .. feels like sleeping and mind kept drifting away .. trying to keep my focus as i have a pending deadline to meet, and morning sickness is here again =(

yaoyi, I've been sick for a week, blocked nose/nasal congestion in addition to what you have. I decided to see a doctor later. With my previouos pregnancies, #1 didn't fall sick. #2 fell sick twice but didn't take medicine, took almost 2 weeks to recover each time. How many weeks are you now? Baby may not be big enough to feel the movement yet?

happymomo, I experience the same, somemore my #2 still cries several times in the middle of the night. For me, the only way to sleep better is when I'm tired. I guess you can try some light exercise in the evening at least 4 hours before bedtime?


ya i think one of us bought Fitflop with her. She got the stock aredi... i think reliable ba..

Must go try the size first before purchasing ffrom SMH...


Ok Added ur bb gender aredi!

Ginn Cai,

my hubby bought the Clarins Oil like $70 in HK. I think now even cheaper because SGD so strong...

maybe can get around $60? I also wanna stock up Clarins Oil, do let me know if cheap and help me buy can ma? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 1 bottle enuf haha

fantastar and HT

Thank you very much.

Fantastar, like you previously I also have migraine before expecting and was taking very strong pain killer, which now i cant take. Worse thing is i feel nauseous with migraine. I try drinking 100 plus, coke and chrysanthemum tea. All dont seem to work for me...

Haiz.. I dont think this trimster is honeymoon period for me leh..

Morning mommies~

Fri/Sat/Sun off and today have to work-- HAIZZ

RE: Fitflop

I bought 2 pairs via BP total if buy here should be about $230. via BP after paying shipping I paid about $190 for both. Still worth it. Importantly have to try the size as different design has slightly different cutting.

Just take note to read the T & C, normally you will pay the shoe (after discount) first. Later before collection you have to pay the shipping. Varies between $10-20.

any mummies here also experience no-appetite? I havent been eating well.

My breakfast is usually a glass of milk. Then lunch maybe rice or noodles ( share with my kiddo.. cant finish a plate) and dinner normal potion.

In between i dont feel hungry at all.

my previous 2 pregs i ate alot. every 2-3hrs also hungry.

