(2011/10) Oct 2011

happymomo: same here =( feeling miserable this morning; MS came back .. have managed to eat 3 meals over the last weekend as i was feeling much better; practically nil MS and migraine .. you tried plum/sour prune juice? sometimes it work for me .. right now, i just feels like tucking myself under the blanket ..



Anybody taking calcium tablets prescribed from gynae? My gynae gave me.. But the pills are too big... I cut into half. But still got problem swallowing. Everytime after eating, feel like vomitting. How? Can i stop taking the calcium tablets??


i cant eat the one my gynae gave me... the tablet is too long, even I cut half..I have trouble also because the calcium pill stuck halfway and hurts my throat sometimes. Now i eat GNC calcium pill which is softgel... still long but at least softgel easier for me to swallow... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I also feeling miserable this morning.

Because of perfume smell nearly puke in train, alighted halfway & sat down. nothing came out but after burping makes me feels better

I also feel like sleeping now!!!!!!!

We must stay strong !

1d1r, thanks! I'll try aquadoodle. I've tried the doodle board, more than 4 different types of crayons/colored pencils and coloring books but unsuccessful...

Do you mind PM'ing me your art tutor's name & contact? Is s/he open to new students? Thanks!


Im having bad headache & migraine too.. It was bad during for first 16weeks.... But now i'm slightly better, am in my 19th week.... But the weather these few days make my headache come back occassionaly. I also tried drinks 100 plus & barley water. sometime it only goes off for a while & it's back. Weekend i used to be sleeping the whole day so i'll forget abt my headache... I relay a lot on medicated oil. Applied them to my forehead n back of my neck n my chest. It gave me a smoothing & comfort feeling...

yayoi, I have been down with flu for the past 3 days.... I have runny nose and a bit of cough, there is no phlegm and fever yet. (touchwood)I haven't seen doc yet.. I have been drinking a lot of water and fruits hoping to fight the flu bug on my own. I hope I'll get better by Wednesday so that I can enjoy my cruise holiday. Sigh.. the weather has been really really bad. All my family members are down. First it was my mil, then my girl, followed by my husband and now my turn. Hate it!! I felt very slight movement from my bb every now and then. I'm now in my 16 weeks. I only felt my #1 movement at 17 weeks. How many weeks you're in now?

Happymomo, fantastar and HT

I can't sleep well at night too... for me, I keep drinking water and eat soupy stuff for my meals so that my body won't be so heaty. If I've got migraine, I usually drink 100+.


Thanks.. Really very phobia of swallowing the pills.. Feel like just stop the pills & wait till i see the gynae then i inform her...


haha I also dunno can last for how long. I use alternate Clarins Stretch mark cream and oil... because I got 2tubes of cream. I love Oil! easier to apply and more moisturise.. and love the smell! When you going for ur trip? if between S$60-70, help me buy one Oil. remember buy the correct type of oil because Clarins many Body Oil.


ya previous time, each night I will tell my hubby to please me eat the Calcium pill...really cant take it... luckily, my gynae said the GNC Calcium softgel I can take...

Think later i call my gynae... see if they have anything smaller for me.. Next mth, got to take fish oil. & i heard its also very big.. Aiyo...


I'm gg this Friday. If possible, can u take a picture of it & post on FB so I know how it looks like. I'm only using Clarins stretch mark cream currently & i bought for ard $70 at the department store.... So it's Clarins stretch mark oil...

hi mummies,

i can't believe i'm falling sick again. throat feeling sore since last night. was just getting better over the weekend! i think i'm overworked very stressed at work. have thoughts of quitting.

re: baby movement. still none yet that i can appreciate. eagerly anticipating but not too sure what to expect since this is #1. i'm almost 17 weeks already.

Hello All,

My sis is in HK this week, and she found that the Clarins Oil & Stretchmark cream is selling at HKD$395 each. I'm asking her to help me get 2 bottles each. Just wondering if anyone here wanna get it too. After the conversion, it's only ard S$63-$65 each. Even cheaper than during the Metro direct 20% less during their Sales period.

DO let me know by end of the day if any of the Mummies here wanna get it. She will be back on Wed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Weiling,

Do we need to be member or it's open to public? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If so, then gotta stock up le. Yeah! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I tink should be the price same as Metro. $82 each. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


The membership is free.. I bought the Clarins Anti stretch cream at $82. i not sure how much is the oil selling...

i guess is open to public too... Just received their sms stating the sales..

if 20%+10% means around $60dollars only? wow that's cheap leh..


hold on to my order first, i will go on 11th Robinsons to check if really that's cheap...

Hi Minidiary,

Not sure if the additional +10%, izzit need to pay by OCBC Robinsons Credit card? Perhaps you can go check it out?

I also having headache these few days and I have trouble sleeping at night.. most of the days I slept at 4am.. Yesterday was earlier as I used up all my energy with my gal at Polliwogs and beach.. I think I played more than her...

HT, my gal refused to hold crayon, spoon in the correct manner though we have been correcting her.. My niece who is 3 months younger than her, can hold properly... It really takes time n effort one... She also anyhow scribble n color, nowadays she can draw circles...

1d1r, i think I want to sign up for the zoophonics.. I pull my gal out from her play school already.. dun really like the teachers and dun understand why the school always holiday for no reasons...

Oh.. That's sad...

I'll ask my sister to continue buying from HK. Lemme know if anyone wanna tag along. Can collect on Thurs or Fri, then pay when u pick up the items ba. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Roxanne, where you stay? We used to go to Tampines Zoophonics cos it was the nearest.

HS, Aquadoodle is very fun. Me & hubby like to draw on it too! hahah! We kept all our aquadoodle for #2 :D

My boy's art tutor is from a 'centre'. The principal will send a tutor who stays near you to your place for lessons. You can contact them: http://littledesigners.sg/

You look at their website under 'Creative Teachers'. My boy was taught by Teacher Iffah but now change to Teacher Sarah cos Teacher Iffah going overseas to further her studies :D

My boy loves both of them :D

You can go & see my FB, I posted some of my boy's artwork :D

Hi mommies,

Thanks for all the inputs! I just came bk fr the KK O&G 24hr clinic. Fever been persisting for 6 days now, so got abit worried. the dr used a Doppler and I heard my bb's heartbeat again, was so relieved! Was very worried cos I must hv taken a total of 20ish panadol since wed. Thank god tat bb is well. Dr say @ 16.5wks, fetal movement is not indicative cos bb still v small. Now put on another course of antibiotics. You mommies out ther must take care too k. Dr said recently there's another H1N1 outbreak.

good afternoon mommies!

RE: pills

weiling, minidiary

I'm also having problems swallowing the pills. I can't believe we have to take so many pills!! Gynae gave me two calcium, one multi vit and two DHA to eat daily! Have problems with the calcium and multi vit so gynae gave me B6 and folic acid to take instead. They're much smaller. So I'm trying to take more fruits and drink more milk to compensate. I feel like a bad mommy sometimes.. Can't even take pills for bb.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

RE: stretchmark cream/oil

I'm using Elancyl cream and cocoa butter every day and night. Applying generous amounts each time. So afraid I'll get stretchmarks. My friend used the Clarins oil and she still got the stretchmarks because she kept scratching herself in the last trimester. I'm already feeling the itch now. Trying VERY VERY hard not to scratch!!!

RE: sleep

I fall asleep very fast! Once I get on bed, I'll knock out already. Sleeping like a pig these days!!

Tabbyz, if you feel itchy, you can apply cold towel to stop the itch. I always leave a slightly moist towel in ziploc in the freezer just in case (there are many uses for a cold towel) :D

WTS: One night stay at Marina Bay Sands Grand Room

Hotelclub/Zuji rates at SGD459 - 479

Letting go at SGD360!!! Expires Aug 2011. Free access to Skypark and swim in the world's highest infinity pool!

Enjoy some romantic moments with Hubby before the Big Day comes!

SMS me at 9005 8165

1dog1rabbit: is a pity they do not have an online catalogue; guess i will have to make my way down sometimes .. probably after i go for the robinsons' sale this week ..

Fantastar, actually, we normally go Kiddy Palace to look-see. Then call them up & check if they hv the same brand/model. Sometime they don't hv stock for certain models but can order for us :D


what are the baby items that you normally buy from robinsons?

was at the robinsons close door sale on 27th apr. didnt see gd discount then.

Have u seen any gd item on the sales brochure this time round?

RE: Robinsons

Usually ppl get big items like cot/stroller. Their clothes are exp. Other stuff you can compare price before you buy (milk bottles, steriliser, breastpump, etc).


Update us when u get to the sales... then i'll see if it's worth to go down this wed after work... cos i've a $50 robinson voucher... juz nice to use... haha


xiao_rabbit: actually i have never buy baby stuffs from robinsons before; i usually accompanied my friends as i have the robinson's card .. they will buy clothings, baby's essentials, etc .. going to check out warmer, breast pump, and some other baby essentials ..

