(2011/10) Oct 2011


I'm being told that once u start IPL, u cant wax or pluck as it'll affect the folica(not sure on the spelling).... so i nv wax my underarm... only shave them... I did IPL underarm for 5 times... it did help to slow down the growth but still growing... cant wait for it to stop completely...


Ginn, I wax now cos preggie. The next time I get to do IPL will be a year later. More than enough time for the hair follicle to grow back :p


haha my hubby is also a hairy monster. ya maybe they trs their hairy hormones to us. i dare not pluck now, scare after plucking will enlarge the pores. tahan tahan!!


ya i was shocked when i saw the hair last weeks.

cos during bathing/brushing the body, can feel the hairy sensation.

snuppy.. u are very funny.. i almost LOL sia haha...

babystarlet.. i scared if wear 2, scully one bra extension give way then bra drop.. *oops* hahha..

Has anyone only experience one side of the breast grown n the the other side remains?

my problem is my left side has always been bigger than the right but not very obxious.... But now, the left side has gown bigger n my right still remains.... so now, it's super obxious.... Haix....

Re: Insurance

I guess as much, that only Prudential offers prenatal insurance .. Going to wait another 1 more week to sign up for it ..

Re: Wax/Shave/IPL

Now do not dare to do any waxing or IPL .. Only do minimal shaving .. BUT I really cannot stand the sight of hairs lehz .. Realized that I am more hairy now .. Tummy area all hair =( Must make a mental note to shave before EDD .. Do not like others to touch my hair at private area =p

Re: Bra

A lot of my lingerie are too tight for me .. Got to go hunting for new ones =(

Was out-stationed from my office today and have to lunch alone .. So instead of going along with the lunch crowd, I decided to eat later but baby protested .. Kept kicking me until I was on the way to food court and told him/her that we are going for lunch, the kicking then stopped <faint> Again, the kickings started earlier on, and I 'threatened' baby that I will spank his/her buttock when delivered if the kickings continue .. The kickings stopped almost immediately!! One thing for sure, my baby's hearing has developed ..


you don need to wait exactly 18 weeks to sign up. I signed up when im 16weeks, and now waiting them to process... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning! Has anyone started to having leg cramps? I encountered twice last nite... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning mummies!


I also have something to say about hair growth around the tummy area. My hubby commented that I have 'hairy tummy' as early as when I was 2mth+ pregnant. LOL. I thought it was just me.. but i guess a lot of us are experiencing the same thing. Must be the hormones. My hubby no hairy chest ;p

LEG CRAMP: Haven't experienced yet, and not looking forward to it :s

Leg cramps haven't gotten to me but I pulled a nerve at my right hip. Painful when sleep in certain positions [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Thankfully hubby helps to massage every night before I sleep...

Morning mummies~

So long nv post here le.


No leg cramp yet too. Cannot eat kang Kong will cause leg cramp wor.

Feeling so excited abt my gynae checkup this evening. I have been waiting for a month. Last nite couldn't slp, kip waking up.

My gal recently v funny.. I ask her kiss me, she kiss my tum tum. I ask her say gd morning to me she sae gd morning bb. She loves bb more den mama le. Hope she loves bb, dun beat he/she when is out.

morning mummies,

i also couldnt sleep well last night, stomach felt uncomfortable to the max.

it's like you want to lao sai but no sai.. pardon the language. Been cranky since morning !! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yesterday my MIL told my hubby to teach me how to play chess now so bb can start to learn.. so when bb grows up, bb can play with daddy.. i really roll my eyes loh... omg...


I saw your post on FB that your boy is reading storybook.... He is so cute & smart.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ginn, must choose suitable book. He started off with reading those really simple few words a page type. Now he can read those with 1-3 sentences per page on his own. Have to keep exposing him to reading.

He can read English very well but Chinese needs a lot of improvements. He can recognise a lot of individual words but not enough to be able to read Chinese storybooks yet...

4yo this year. He start reading simple books at 2.5yo. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] We started flashcards since he was 3mth old. He could speak in proper sentences by 18mths cos we've nvr used babytalk with him :D

Jinnous - I encountered leg cramps a few times! And almost every time my hubby woke up to help me relieve the cramps...

From Baby Center

What's the best way to relieve a cramp when I get one?

If you do get a cramp, immediately stretch your calf muscles: Straighten your leg, heel first, and gently flex your toes back toward your shins. It might hurt at first, but it will ease the spasm and the pain will gradually go away.

You can try to relax the cramp by massaging the muscle or warming it with a hot water bottle. Walking around for a few minutes may help too.

Hi Jinnous,

I have encountered leg cramp twice, and the 2nd time, i seem to knw it coming so quickly flex my toes and it didnt hurt as much as first time! You can be more "alert" next time u sleep. Last night also got the tight feeling, but haven to the stage of cramping. think walking too much also will cause cramps at night.

afternoon mommies..

Its official, I'm having a boy too!

Jasmine> ur girl is so cute, know how to sayang bb already..haha

1d1r> ur boy already telling "snake" story to his didi? lol..issit you were telling us last time ur boy say something as snake to ur hub?

Re: reading

my colleague was telling me her client start flashing cards to her bb at 6 months, that is really early i felt..so stressed.

snuppy> thanks! i think alot of mommies here wants girl..minidiary updated us now ratio is 10B to 1G..lol..now me plus my 2 bro combine have 4B to 1G also...my niece will be so happy she say she can be the only princess of the family...first grandson for my hub side thou..

Ladies> hope ur bb cooperate and u can see gender soon and start shopping!!

rabbit bb & Shan,

I dreamt of baby "bird", haha don't know is it a hint that my bb is a boy too.

ya cannot start shopping w/o knowing the gender, later over spend.

rabbit bb your bb must be the lucky prince in your hubby side, surely pamper by grandparents if they are the traditional ones :D

snuppy> dreamt of baby bird? lol once u know must update us see accurate anot. my hub say will tell the mother n godmother if they spoil him they revoke the chance to see him, so will ban them..lol duno gg to work anot :p

rabbit bb

hahaah will update u asap,

my dream very "hum sap" & weird right?!

if this is gg to be true.. i think i will rely more on my dream hahaha ,

your hubby's tactics i doubt will work effectively, cos at the end of the day, those ppl ard your bb will sayang him. your hubby will as well.. ahhaahaha

recently my nose is very very sensitive to perfume scents & BO. especially on the train to work. almost every morning i feel sick in train because of certain smell.

anyone experience the same ? i'm thinking if medicated axe oil help?

Rabbit_BB, he was telling the story of the ANACONDA eating the KING COBRA and the SEA SNAKE was trying to hide from the ANACONDA... hahaha!!!

He knows it's called PENIS already... not Daddy's snake in the 'bush' :p

& he knows the 'bush' is actually HAIR....hahahaha!!!

Shan, Tokyo Musee got a few branches. Very popular brand in Japan. I go to the centrepoint branch. I like it cos it's STRICTLY LADIES ONLY :D


I tried flashing cards n "reading" books to my gal, but since young, she doesnt have any interest in reading.. I have nvr seen her flipping books and she either run away or ignore me when I try to read to her... So I nvr force her, just let her do what she likes.

Now she is very good in talking but not good in recognising words, she speaks mandarin only and I think she does understand when we speak to her in English.. But then she is only 27 mths, I think next time grow up they will pick up in school one... when i hit primary 1, i also cant read english words and i remembered my english teacher still punished me by making me standing throughout the lesson cos I cant read & I cried so badly while punished.

I feel that the most impt thing is to let them have happy childhood... Play, eat, socialise, expose them to different places to pick up things that they cant find in textbooks...


do they do braz. wax too?? or just IPL?


dreamt of baby bird? haha i think is a hint too... lol update us when u knoe e gender

The hair will lighten up after giving birth.. It's the hormones.. My previous gynae told me if u are having boy u will have alot of hair on the tummy...

Leg cramps - issit due to too much walking or lack of sodium? sometimes certain stretching / flexing of muscles will cause cramps too...

baby bump - I saw the neighbour living above my MIL - She is due late September this year, her tummy is so much bigger than mine... erm, I should say her tummy is so big, mine very very very flat... maybe if my gynae measure my tummy size, he will tell me it is 4 weeks tummy.. haiz

hairy tummy means boy?

let's see then how true is this... haha

my tummy will obvious when i eat till very full... now my mummy back to kl aredi, then my tummy not very obvious again... but weight gain is very obvious... another 1kg gain in 2 weeks... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Roxanne, eh... maybe when you are free, take a look at P1 assessment books at Popular. I'm a full time tutor & there are many parents who think that can wait till they go P1 then learn English. But so sorry, it's not like that anymore. By P1, they MUST be able to read fluently else they will not only fail English, they will also fail Maths.

I hv students in K2 who come to me, totally can't read at all. Hv to do very intensive program with them (come to my house EVERYDAY for few months) & they barely able cathc up and cope in P1. & it has long term implications cos can't cope in P1, P2 will be worse and their marks will keep dropping until P6.

Education in SG now is very different, very competitive. You may end up doing a disservice to her by allowing her to 'enjoy childhood'.

By K2 they must be able the read the following passage without help:

I am May. I am six years old. I love to read. I can write too! Can you play with me?

My boy did not enjoy the flashcards at first. He rather play with them than look at them. But we just let him get 'familiar' with the cards by letting him play with them. We started off with nice bright pictures to teach him vocab first. Then slowly intro him the word cards.

& we let him watch phonics DVDs so he learnt the alphabets & their sounds from there.

All fun learning, no pressure. He has a lot of outdoor learning & exposure on trips that we organise or follow school (go to animal farm, vege farm, etc etc)

We don't speak chinese at home so he's picking it up slower but his school is teaching them a lot, so now we just do revision at home with him.

If you sit on it & wait till P1 then start, the pressure is gonna be more intense cos they are not used to having to learn fast. & worse, there'll be tests & spelling in P1. My P1 student's spelling list for this week:

Magician, Witch, Wizard, Potion, Cauldron, Magic Spell, Pointed Hat, Castle, King, Queen, Princess, Prince, Armour, Knight.

The parents were shocked at the difficulty! For my boy, at 4yo, he can spell: king, magic, prince & witch in the above list. Cos I always sing the spelling to him (for fun). So if start early while they are very good sponges to absorb info, they will remember better. The best time they learn & absorb is before 6yo.

Even I'm amazed that my boy can do simple maths (add and subtract within 10) cos we only taught him using his toys (he has 10 blocks, mummy took 4 blocks, how many left?) & during cooking (we buy a tray of 10 eggs, auntie fried 2 eggs, how many eggs left?).

They are really good sponges at young age, must make full use of it!!

Shan, they specialise in IPL only. Waxing I go to dWax [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]http://www.dwax.com.sg/

minidiary> a red in the sea of blues, hope more mommies tio the gender they want :p

roxanne> ya its true, i'm half half hope to give him the childhood to remember but also scare will not be able to catch up, such dilemma. I think importantly is his interest.

1d1r> thats very complicated story he trying to tell..lol, what happened to all the childhood fairytales or cos kids nowadays are too smart to believe them already

snuppy> no comments on hum sup anot..hahaha

Hairy tummy

So far I didn't notice more hair, just a vertical line is getting more obvious

RabbitBB, eh.... fairy tales? Not common anymore...

My boy loves watching Animal Planet & Nat Geo Wild...

So he learn all the things about snakes & animals from there... He can even tell me a platypus looks like a duck but it does not have feathers like birds!

Sometimes he tells us amazing facts.... we hv to google it first before we say he is right or wrong :p Cos we ourselves dunno!!! Like tt day he told my friend that the venom of the python can kill you with 1 bite... We were all clueless, quickly search online for answer!!!

The 'fairy tales' my boy is in love with now... Rapunzel, Beauty & the Beast & Snow White -____-"""

1d1r.. wah..the spelling words are so hard.. i tink i only see the word cauldron at upper pri or even later... even if we dun wan to be kiasu parent, this society make us have to be kiasu parents... *shake head*

HS: Correct lor. I also wanna let my boy play & play everyday but in real life, are we helping them by letting them play all the way?

I see my P1 students having hard time coping cos of the longer school hours & more intense homework/spelling.

But at least we try to let him learn incidentally or through play. Thankfully, he is quite a sponge & enjoy watching/listening to new stuff...

RabbitBB, can give the childhood to remember with good balance. School holidays & weekends can bring them out for fun!! My boy clearly remembers our overseas trips & his excursions to different places in SG :D

hello everyone,

Just back from lunch,

hope time pass by faster..

woaw 1d1r, you are a teacher. "Lao shi hao"

i guess it's in the genes that your boy can progress so fast & of cos with your assistance & guide to him since young. Envy !!!

I hope i will have the patience to do so next time.


it seem like your girl not attending any school. Mine girl was born on Dec 08, think is abt the same as yrs. after she attend 2hrs lesson everyday, she talk more. Maybe you can try buy books that she is interested in. eg mickey mouse. A sticker story book is interesting, they can paste the sticker while knowing the story.


Hi Ginn Cai, tat time i went TMC ard 12, nurses are there to assist, not many patients...hope that helps[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw, any1 who went for detailed scanning care to give more details on wat tests do they run during the scanning??

