(2011/10) Oct 2011

Creamdonut, I'm fussy about undies. I only buy Pierre Cardin. They got quite cheap ones (around $3-5 each) and exp ones ($15++ each).

Usually departmental store like Metro will have.

Else, I get from those lingerie stores like Minoshe. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


work work work.....nevermind, work for 4 days then weekend liao..

But I feel that I eat more healthy when I am working cos weekend will wake up a bit late then meal become irregular and eat more junk food

hi mommies! i'm still feeling tired after a long weekend. lazy bones. :p hope everyone had a good rest!


i wanna sleep too. still lack of sleep everyday. last night had bad dream that i dropped so much hair that i had a huge bald patch on my head! super ugly and when i woke up i felt so relived 'cos very real le..

re: panties

i'm not a fussy. i can wear PC, hush puppies, any brand! as long as low rise. i hate high rise undies, which are very hot and uncomfy. always buy from john little, those 5 or 6 in a pack cotton type. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


lol! up to the chest! wahahah!! not sexy le... now pregnant wanna feel good, look good so no no to granny panties. :p


i have changes in cravings too. sometimes thought i have very strong craving for something but after eating it then realize not that satisfying. then will crave for something else again. sometimes feel very pek chek.

morning mommies~

Short week ahead..yay.

Suppose to have my gynae visit this Friday but was thinking of waiting for my hub n my blood report from KKH before gg to see gynae so at least if anything (*TOUCHWOOD*) he can advise me. Since the last time I went thru this blood testing thing I have not spoken or seen my gynae :/

Sun morning I had a bad dream and I slapped my hub in my sleep! My heart beat so fast that it woke me up then i realised he was looking at me eye big big, then i asked him why? He said I slapped him, then i remembered telling him my heart beating very fast. Then we went back to sleep.LOL. now i feel guilty cos he said i hit him quite hard :x

re: tummy bump

mine not very very big (maybe I already got tum tum in the first place :x), my colleague was telling me so small and my frd saw me and say my other frd who is about the same EDD date as us stomach very big already.

Haix got to wear the ah ma type since no choice , comfort come first. . . .

after i gave birth to my first one, i wear disposable type for a week cos the skin still loose and dun want to wash panties [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hello mummies

Went for my appt this morning. told by the nurse that my Oscar result was all good. Low risk. Baby very cooperative today (must have listened to what I told him last night before slp) Legs open big big n I saw sth in between the legs. Gynae said it's 80% boy. now I can start shopping n asking clothes from friends for him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Next appt 31st may. A long long wait. Detail scan will be done. Hope everything goes well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So how many boy boy n girl girl are we having in Oct?? So excited to know the ratio [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

congrats Qiu Ling! I'm also having a boy!

I have a tough situation in office. This colleague in the cubicle next to me always like to eat her lunch on her desk. And I don't know what she's eating but I'm very turned off by the smell. I feel like vomitting everytime I smell it. How should I deal with it? :'(

Tabbyz> same here, turn off by cooking smell too. Can get those USB fan to plug in to your comp to try circulating the air? at least its not stale.

hi mummies anyone here have problem with excess saliva?

I have a HUGE amount of saliva ALL the time. It's gotten so bad that I have a bottle on my desk and with me when i walk around so that I can spit every 1-2 mins.


rabbit bb

USB fan sounds like a good idea! thanks! I'll go get one this weekend! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow so many boyS! how i hope to know mine too. but bb not cooperative so have to wait till detailed scan... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ratio now is 7B:1G!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my mummy and siblings back to KL today, house is so silent again. Gonna join Prenatal Yoga aredi... if not, nothing to do at home... so sien

my tummy also showing in these 7days when my mummy around, maybe eat too much... haha

Ya, fantastar... Me too leh, when working I hope I am not working, not working and I hope I am working... really duno what I want.. haha..

Starry, ya.. sometimes i ate halfway i dont want liao.. cos not very satisfying.. pregnancy is so strange, will create so many strange thoughts, cravings and dreams! I got funny dreams recently too.. haha

tabbyz, try rubbing tiger palm ointment on ur nose or put some air freshener...

Hi mummies! congrats to all with cooperative babies during your scan!

Went for my check up on Sat. My gynae almost gave up cause baby was in a sitting positing and was blocking the private part. But I was insistent to know the gender.. so i said 'baby, open! baby, open!' Gynae had no choice but to try and see again. This time, baby open legs big big! 90% boy! And he's got long limbs too!

my bb also in sitting position during the last scan... so my gynae cant confirm and ask me wait for detailed scan...

so good that ur gynae help u to try and scan again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

this forum thread is active during weekdays =p

after clearing partial of my work this morning, i think i might be able to finish my project either on deadline or 2 days in advance =D was wondering if i can finish by today if i do ot ..


wow, that serious? cannot swallow? then u must drink more water to prevent dehydration le..


yes! pregnancy is indeed strange. all those hormones causing havoc.


congrats on having a boy too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wait till once we deliver and start on night feedings. sure 24/7 active even at like 2am-4am. haha!

Hi Roxanne.... I couldn't stay awake after taking the pill.... and it was affecting me during work lor...

wow, i am also very excited aby my scan! It next week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Once i know can start shopping again

hi starry yes it's madness and i'm very disturbed by it!!

i just filled up one whole pokka carrot juice bottle...gosh!

will drink more water thanks thanks

Jinnous, I think I will walk in and get some from gynae tomorrow.. I vomit until I feel so miserable, so depressed.. Haiz

Weiling, I am in 15th week, and still vomiting.. U r not alone.. Think many mummies still vomit occasionally...

My nausea is now limited to when I'm too hungry or when I eat too fast (bloated). Even water also can't drink too fast.

I'm in week 17 now, gynae did say it's not really 'morning sickness' due to hormones anymore. It's more that the stomach is relaxed & being pushed by the growing uterus/baby so will feel like puking...

hi roxanne

do you vomit cos you feel bloated with lotsa gas? My gynae precribed mylanta which really help me a lot cos i was vomitting like mad. just gotta take 10ml 30mins every meal. its helps release the gas before you eat.

i've stopped taking it now cos my MS is slightly better. i still vomit occasionally but it's bearable.

twinklewen, sometimes it is the gas/gastric juice.. in this case i will vomit before i eat.. sometimes is straight after meals, it seems like my stomach cant contain the food...

i realised that if i sleep after meals, i wont vomit but then, i dont always sleep after meals..

normally i will vomit out my dinner.. i really feel like crying today, cos i feel so miserable..

hey roxanne don't cry we're all in the same boat with u! i totally understand how u feel.

eating the medi will help A LOT. go get it. and according to my gynae we can take it at any time during the entire course of pregnancy. in fact mylanta can also be bought of the shelves from pharmacies..i bought my 2nd re-fill from pharmacy cos it was a sunday and the clinic was closed.

I've booked my detailed scan on 19May11 at 2pm... But sotong me..... cos gynane told me to call Thomos Clinic to book 4 weeks later appt... Last fri, hubby then realise that we'll be away from spore for our Europe trip.... So I called on sat to change appt.. but all apt in May is fully book.... sad-ed....

I've to walk-in to fix an appt that day...Then they'll give me a Q-number... Anyone has try walk-in appt before? will it be long?

Hey Roxanne,

I can totally understand ur feeling lor. But really, listen to twinkle, Mylanta really helps. I am a loyal "fan" of mylanta also, even till now, whenever I feel "on the verge", either i eat Mylanta, or i pop a few mentos (mint ones), and it usually helps. u might wanna try.

twinkle, dont need prescription can also buy huh?

ginn, u mean tmc? i walked in for oscar at 130pm, waited for 30 mins only.. quite fast... think go immediately after luunch hours then dun nid to wait so long...

jinnous, sian right.. haiz, now i really feel that my 1st pregnancy is a bliss

hello mummies,

morning was really busy many things to follow up.. finally got time to sneak in and read ..


re:a*mei cafe

yes prata very expensive but fortunately the curry was good. so closed one eye

re: puking.

this morning i did the same stunt again on my way to work. stopped over at somerset, seeing stars symptoms & broke out in cold sweat. then i told myself i cannot faint, i cannot be posted on stomp. but i think a few passer by saw me looking pale.. but they just walked pass.

I realised i cannot stand perfume & BO. T,T

Later tonight going to try out Ion 4th level paradise dynasty hopefully not much q.. cos cannot reserve, shall update to all pretty mummies again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: affordable grannies aunties

I am still wearing tongs. wanted to buy @NTUC ytd but was turned off by the look again because i need XXL & it's super big kind. now my 2 of tongs is really loose got keep wearing it alternatively, others cannot fit in.

Yes we must FEEL & LOOK PRETTY & SEXY :D


I can empathise with u as i have a lot of phelgm that triggered bad cough.

My gynae said v normal to have more saliva.

cannot tahan the phelgm so went to a chinese doc at beijing tong ren tang. U can PM me if u wan the doc's name.

It's better now. but will have more if i'm v tired / not well.

I avoid citrous / cold drink as it will trigger more phlegm...

roxanne, yup when i asked my gynae she told me i can actually buy off shelf at pharmacy..no need prescription..

xiao rabbit..yes i feel the phelgm starting to build for me too...and a little cough here and there...sounds like we're having the same symtoms

I preped liao.. but hor... it's the stares I get when I puked that makes me so lousy... So I always try to tahan... haiz...


I've one BNIP Pupsik M size in Confetti pattern to let go.

Retail: $46.90

Letting go at: $35

Deal at Seng Kang / Punggol MRT

Willing to exchange for NTUC Voucher also...

Sms 98460422 for fast deal or PM me.....

Hi Roxanne,

I also puked like mad fr week 8 until week 15. But it has slowly tapered off now that I am into week 16. The MS symptoms will just suddenly go off. Before that I used to puke 3-4 times from 5pm to 9ish when I sleep. Sometimes I wld wake up just to puke. Wld puke b4 dinner too, sometimes after dinner I wld puke the min I see the toilet bowl.

But have faith that it'll go away slowly yeh. Today I had my 1st best dinner in 2 mths! Assam laksa, ban mian and Thai tung joon salad! Your best meal will come soon too! Hang in there!

roxanne: ~ hugz ~ me also vomited earlier on (1st time in pregnancy) after i alighted from hubby's car .. actually i was already feeling very sick in the office and the ride home was not smooth, making me even more sick .. upon reaching carpark, i immediately opened the car door and vomited saliva + water .. after the vomiting, i felt so much better and even slightly hungry .. hubby was upset that i vomited and that i refused to ask gynae for anti-nauseating medications .. he was finally smiling after he saw me eating dinner <faint> ..

brought a budget home to look at it as they need it by tomorrow .. hopefully i can finish up soon, as i want to go to lala land ..

jinnous, hope u r feeling alrigh now..

yayoi, really? we are exactly the same!But i started from week 5... now 15h.. U see toilet bowl will puke automatically? me also like that, I just need to open my mouth and the food will be like merlion like that come out.. sometimes i thought is my mind play tricks on me... i hope the day will come...

fantastar, ur hb so nice.. see u eat will smile.. my hb tell me dont order so much cos he will need to finish up my food..

fantastar, like drums hitting the tummy, middle n left side..... once, twice... hmm, also like the tummy inside is twitching like that.. i think the coffee is too much for the bb..


roxanne: not sure whether what i am experiencing are baby's kicks or not .. it is usually at the same 2 spots - left and right, presumably the hands and legs ..

yawning as i am looking at my budget now .. think i will just go and turn in for the night, and worry about the budget tomorrow .. nitez ..

