(2011/10) Oct 2011

Good morning mummies,

I've been offered a seat on my way to work today.... So there are kind soul around.... Aim for guy... they will be more willing to give up their seats for Pregnant lady like us

Jinnous, the ingrown hair.. Issit vy swollen type? I ever had an inflammation down there, it was vy swollen n vy vy painful went to see dr n dr say it's call an abscess.. I'm still confused about the term thou, it's like a huge pimple to me.. And I also heard from dr that shaving canbe a cause so I dun dare to shave anymore..

Brazillian wax:

I did serveral times brazilian waxing before pregnancy.... Used to do it at Wax in the city where i had a package but it had closed down. Before brazilian, I shaved,thus result in thick & rough hair. And yes, in growth hair will result from shaving.... After shave, the hair will be rough & you'll have poking feeling. As the hair gorws, it's very rough so the first few days u'll feel terrible cos the hair will poke you when you cross your legs.... But waxing is painful, esp when they are waxing the inner part. And the whole process takes ard 30min...

After Wax in the city close down, I tried IPL twice. Which was suppose to help to slow down the growth & in the end the hair will stop growing. But after I found out my pregnancy, I cant go for IPL. But IPL is painless, u only feel the hot heat & the sound...

hi mummies, ha all the talk about shaving hair..

been so stressed at work but trying hard to take it easy...covering my colleague who is still on MC for her chickenpox...sigh. and work load is extra heavy this week, heavier than usual.

walking around so much i feel perpetually tired and hungry....

thinking of taking leave next month...feel quite burnt out already....sianz++

Ginn Cai,

I beg to differ.

a lot of ppl pretend to sleep.


I just can't stand their pretence & stare...


i am experiencing more hair growth & a stretch of hair growth on my body. very hard to describe. hope it will go away after delivery if not IPL all the way down south.

wanna ask, do we need to shave the hair ourselves a day before we deliver? or how? I was told by my mum that last time, the nurse will shave all the hair for you before getting to deliver. is that true?


I agree with snuppy. Most of them just pretend to sleep. Some even worse... simply look left and right but just not at you. Irritating!

Re: Shaving

For my past 2 deliveries, the nurse will shave for me, but not full shave. Only partial.


yeah Prufirst is the only insurance that covers from 18weeks onwards. I've signed up with them last 2 weeks, in the process i think...

Snuppy.. A stretch of hair growth over ur body.. Means what? I realize there's some fine hair growing on my tummy leh.. As my tummy gets fatter, the hair looks more obvious.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]..

Shaving during delivery..

The gp I went to says there were some stats that women who shave during delivery are more prone to infection leh.. Wonder if its cos of the hair ingrown or due to the rough hair growing out..

Hey mummycoccyx.. Pat pat on your shoulder!! Don't get so stress.. Take it easy, work can nv finish de.. Think we can't get too stressed during this time, not good bah..

Tomorrow TGIF then dear weekend arrive!!

Does anyone's legs started to swell? My legs started to have water retention recently. This has never happened to me before for the past 2 pregnancies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I have WONG BOI BOI book to let go at S$8(include normal postage). only read once. new condition. normal price is S$15.

Pls let me know if you are keen.


gd afternoon mummies! poor me have to lunch in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

re: shaving TMC nurse did a full shave before delivery. Loved the after-shave feeling [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i didn't know IPL is painless. will most likely go for it after delivery.

Prettymums, my legs have started to swell about a month back. not surprising as my last preg saw my feet swell till v red. gynae said try to wear comfy footwear and elevate legs to relieve the pressure. drinking water won't make the swelling worse. oh, and go easy on the salt.

so many boys in the group! i may be adding another boy as gynae said there's a possibility.

I dun recommend brazilian wax if u nvr try it before..Cos very painful... Ya, epilates the hair from the top part is another option... i think the inner part just cut it as short as possible before delivery and let the nurse shave it bah... but the nurse can be quite rough..

i find that it is very clean esp when u r having lochia flow after delivery... during menses also veery clean, the blood wont stick to the hair.. haha... think of it quite gross ah..

So weird! Having someone else to shave for me... Maybe I'll do partial shave bah... I hate the spikey feeling esp when e hair grows back...


above tummy area all the way to below tummy area. I am growing hair, and it gets more n more each day. so my colleagues are guessing i'm having a boy becos of the male hormones pattern.

but i think i am turning into gorilla.


i also feel awkward that's why have not try any hair removal treatment yet. always have the thought that they make fun of the private parts :p

For mummies who hv nvr done brazillian waxing before, please only do it only after week 37 cos the pain may cause you to go into labour (as advised by my gynae).

For mummies who hv been doing it rather frequently & used to the pain, can go anytime :D But of course, nearer to delivery will be better :D

I personally go for it quite often & love it!

But shy to do IPL for that area.

I hv IPL package for underarms & legs. Very good package. But had to pause the treatment cause preggie! After delivery will resume & maybe will consider IPL for private area :D


Where did u go for your IPL?

I sign unlimited for my underarms. For legs, i didnt take package as it's quite x, each time its 150 and it exclude the knee cap area. I only did thrice times IPL for legs and the hair r so fine and some r non visible... but previously did quite many time waxing for legs....

IPL for private part I only did twice... but the hair r still corse... wishes to go for more sessions but too late cos pregnant now...

Tokyo Musee. Unlimited underarms = $138!!

Legs (lower legs up to just below knee cap) I sign 6 sessions + 2 free = $600+

Very worth it...

My underarm I only manage to go 2 sessions then preggie liao -___-"""

But after 2 sessions, got 40% less hair (I'm very hairy by nature).

Now cannot go IPL, I DIY waxing at home. I buy organic wax from iHerb & DIY :D

My hubby shy to go boyzillian (say dun wanna let others touch his *ahem*) but he like the hairless feel also. So I help him to wax at home with the organic wax. :D Very fun!!!

I also help my brother & sister to wax :D

Though I work from home, I'm feeling very sian & tired too.

Cos this morning went out entire morning to meet contractors. Now super tired but still need to teach till 7.30pm.

Can't wait to crawl into bed....

feeling tired:

hope someone with authority can implement some day off (not annual leave)for full time working mother to rest at home..


i am counting down for knock off, but still longT,T


i also have hairier tummy... dunno why.. there's 2 hair grown till 4cm aredi... ever since i preggie then they appeared... going to be gorilla..!

#1pray & love,

I finally found my friend!! "waves"

never mind you're not alone, mine is one whole stretch starting from lower cleavage down south.

imagine that.

snuppy! really? I think I must check out my body again tonight! Everyday I ask my hubby... am I beautiful... haha...



my hubby also check on me as in my body parts, hair growth on tummy (he was so amazed), tummy (bb) & thunder thighs.

& keep asking me to go to the fitness corner to exercise tgt with the old folk .

I have to walk around in my workplace... so I guess that's exercise for me... :p but seriously, I feel more out of breath now than before... like climbing a flight of stairs.

And sometimes my legs will get wobbly... like no strength. I'm a little worried... dunno come childbirth ok not...

With #1, I had o walk up & down every day. Very fit during first pregnancy.

With #2, I work from home, everyday damn lazy. Walk a bit only very tired & breathless already!

wow..hi ladies cum mummies....kinda new here to his thread...my edd is around mid-october..hee...reading thru all the comments by all of u just make me excited...

btw, for those who are interested in brazilian waxing, i suggest u guys to consider ba...tried bringing few frens for it, but not many can tahan the pain hee...i'm used to doing it every mth, so i tink the pain is still tolerable...for those with very low threshold, beta not to try...

oh ya, and read some of u already feeling some kicks from your babies, how to know if its the kick huh?i have been feeling some discomfort around my tummy, but duno how to describe...haha..my tummy not so obvious to others, but i tink my hubby and i did notice some change la...as in bigger haha...i shld be into 16weeks...dng my detailed scanning on 25th may!

read that some1 asking abt walkin rite?tat time i went for my OSCAR by walkin, during lunchtime, its damn fast...after registration, coz no other patients ard, i actually went in after a 5mins wait! so can try lunchtime la..


same same...! i always blame my hubby because he got hairy tummy... maybe his hormone transfer to me? hahaha but his only from belly button till south... mine is from lower cleavage also! but of course not 4cm... only 2 hairy is 4cm long! feel like plucking it... haha

snuppy... thats alot of hair growth haha..

ask u all ah, is it kua zhang to wear 2 bra extensions? my 1 bra extension is still tight and already at the outer most buckle le... its really time to buy new bras le... omg.

as for brazillian waxing, i tink i will do partial shave at home bah... the pain is unbearable.. somebody commented that after waxing, u feel like a baby... woo.. feel so naked hahha...



i also feel like to use 2 bra extensions... havent try before. but good idea to try also haha... lazy to buy new bra as I dunno how big will the boobs grow..

