(2011/10) Oct 2011

hi, i'm here! most of the time i'm a silent reader.

sian i should have taken MC today as i'm feeling miserable... just now even have to fend some unnecessary arrows even tho i've backup... i wanna be a SAHM!!!



so fast, you're almost hitting the end of the 1st tri. tahan a couple more weeks the most, you'll get back your tastebuds and energy soon.


i also want to be SAHM. but now work first enjoy your ML then later decide again. we tahan together! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ben Ben.. same here!! sometimes i see the toilet bowl in our office toilet i also feel like vomitting! even thou it looks clean and nothing there haha..

but i realise whenever i use the hygiene wipes in the toilet, i'd have stronger urge to vomit cos of the smell, think cos of the "alchohol smell" maybe..

me still got 2 more weeks to 2nd tri, it seems soooo long..

haha i went to read the July thread, they are feeling the bb kicks already!! And i am very much looking forward to that moment [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kittiepp, i think this lady also funny.. i wonder why she didnt call her gynae instead.. if she went to her gynae, she doesnt need to suffer all these..


actually my appetite is back.. but yesterday hit 12 weeks, abit MS come... think bb is gearing up for another level of growth.. haha my next appt is OSCAR on 31 March

I wonder if there's Pureen maternity toothpaste selling here. I saw it last time when I was in KL and use before... maybe that's suit us

MiraclesDoHappen, did you cont to read the part 2 and 3 of the delivery process?

i also dunno what i should do if its me..

yup sometimes i do bleed when i brush my teeth, think its lack of calcium.. i heard from my sister that we need to build up a lot of calcium cos bb will take up a lot of our calcium and our teeth may become shaky during the pregnancy..

heng ah... I thought that I am the only one with this weird thingy about toilet bowls...

MiraclesDoHappen, it might be because you are heaty. Do drink more fluids [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh dear... I have a feeling that my AS is kicking in soon...Need to face my toilet bowl again...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

re. MS

not sure if anyone else is like me? my MS is pretty similiar to my previous one. its not that bad as in i dun feel nausea thruout. BUT i will surely puked after lunch & dinner. seemed like i cant keep e food in e tummy. heartburn occurred right after my meal & my chest will feel tight & congested if i dun puke out some food.

re. bb movements.

ahhh yes, i'm also looking fwd to them. heard that 2nd time mtbs feel them as early as 16wks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I read the blog and I'm wondering.... how come it seems like she dunno anything? Yes, it's her first birth but shouldn't she have read up either from book or forum? If she attended antenatal classes (which most first time parents will), she would have learnt about the whole process, when to know whether to admit, how to check if it's real labour or not, etc.

Also, usually, I thought we call our gynae first?? Cos for me, I remember clearly my gynae giving me his emergency line at third tri and told me to call him if anything crops up and he will advise to admit or not.

I know there's bound to be communication error between nurse and gynae cos the nurses have so many patients and so many gynaes to attend to, so we kept constant contact with my gynae through his direct no.

Also, it's common for gynae to do cervix exam from week37 onwards. How come she's near EDD but seems like she nvr experience it before?

Think her bad experience came out of her ignorance leh. Plus the food part: It's hospital policy not to give food cos worried about vomiting/choking on vomit. That's why I brought my own snacks :p Common fact leh.

kittie, ya.. i read the 2nd n the 3rd part.. U got pm her ask her which hosp/gynae? I hope is not TMC.. But i had good experience with TMC.. Now must take calcium already?

Benben, i really think i too heaty.. too much durians till i got headache..

angel, my #1 one kick at 16 weeks, maybe i can feel this one earlier hor..

Facebook: Btw, I saw from a thread in July etc that we can create secret facebook a/c? Shall we create one?

Hi Mummies,

I have the following pre-loved items to let go at attractive prices. Condition 9/10 as seldom used.

1. Peg Perego Pilko Switch (Red, 2010) at $600 (retail ~$1,000) (full recline and reversible)

2. Baby Bjorn Synergy in Blue (Air Mesh material) at $160 (retail $280)

3. My Breast Friend Nursing Pillow at $35 (retail $80)

4. Ameda Lactaline Dual Electric Pump at $160 (retail $329)

Pls PM me if interested


me have gd experience with TMC too. the nurse gave us so many FM in bottles form to take hm in addition to disposal teats etc. we felt overwhelmed. lol.

woah... ur #1 kicked at 16wks?? thats fast, i only felt mine at 20wks...

oh yes, i think one of the mtbs here hv created a secret FB a/c alr but i do not hv the link leh...

btw, me just announced over FB yesterday. wanted to wait till after 1st trimester but more & miore ppl know abt it as i was on the lookout for a CL so contacted mummies from my previous thread for their feedbacks. continue to keep my fingers crossed for the little beanie but it sure felt gd to share the joy with my frens. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angel, you so fast share? I'm actually waiting till after tonight's appt... If all fine tonight, this Sunday will let my mum announce to my family (cos they r having gathering his Sunday)... Then after that announce on FB to my friens...

Still feel that my family should have priority to know before I announce on FB [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vivi, your HB also having reservist in Thailand?? Mine is also coming back on Sunday midnight (Monday morning)!! Maybe they are reservist mates! Hahahaha..

Pray&Love, there's a maternity toothpaste?! Interesting!!! How is that different from normal toothpaste??

MiraclesDoHappen, I never bleed when I brush my teeth but I read that it's common for pregnant ladies to have that symptom. Perhaps you can change to a softer toothbrush. I'm using Systema Ultra Soft toothbrush. The bristles are super duper soft! Love it!

luv, redgin, I always want to be SAHM!!! So envious that the SAHMs here can rest and take naps when they feel terrible and I still have to work!!! BOO!!

1dog1rabbit, yalor.. i think that person suspiscious too.. dont really believe her blog..

I think most of my friends and family knows I am preggie already.. I dont believe tell them earlier will lose the baby etc.. but just that if really lose, hard to tell them baby no more...

tabbyz, luv, redgin, it is very sian to be sahm de leh.. now i am slowly counting my days... duno what to do

hi mummies,

see that a lot of us have fallen ill...do take care and rest more! some super bug hanging around my dept...more and more people are falling sick and taking MCs...

i've not been able to sleep really well at night...getting vivid and weird dreams...so it adds to my fatigue in the day, esp at work!!

cherylden: if the cramps get quite frequent and persistent, should visit ur dr just to make sure. but i think mild sensations of pulling are normal due to enlarging womb and stretching of surrounding structures.

almost fell today at work...they were mopping the floor!! i think i need to get shoes with better grip. thankfully was wearing flats.

ah...counting down to the end of the work day already. thinking of going out today after work to do some window shopping with hubby. haven't had the energy to do so past month!!!

i dunno what instructor. but he will go whenever theres reservist.

but lucky that this is e last overseas trip for him le cos he quitting in Aug.

i also dunno how true the blog is.. but i think its crucial that during times like tat its impt to experience good service and know that you and bb are in good hands.. i also hope its not TMC cos i'll be gg there.

i asked already for the name of gynae and hosp, but no reply yet..

ehh i dun think need to take calcium pills for now but try to consume more food high in calcium, esp milk..

called up a few CLs tdy.

one of whom was highly recommended by a fren, she has only praises for her but sadly, she's not avail in oct. then she recommends her older sis to me but she is also not avail as well. T_T

then i called up another CL but she may hv another confinement to do end sept so may coincide with mine. but she's keeping her options open & will keep me posted again. sob sob...

btw, she quotes $2100 for 28days + ang pao before & after her service...

hi mummycoccyx, nice to hear from you, glad that u have ur energy back! hehe. I am feeling quite ok with the medication. so these few days can eat quite normally. *happy*

as for the cramp, it lasted for about 1/2 hr just nw, then went off le, wonder is it due to my constipation also. feel so "full of sh*t" now. arghh.

njoy ur shopping later!

Hello mummies!!!

this is just solely my opinions, nothing else.

oh i just read the blog, I'm just curious why didnt she complain it to the Head of Hospital or Singapore Medical Association. on top of that, i am having doubts if a premium hospital would actually allow such things to happen in the first place..

Don't worry Mummies, I think by the time our turn for deliveries we are too kan jiong to notice other things..

Our GOAL is to push!!!


hello Kittiepp,

I'm also gg to TMC for delivery.

My Doc is Paul Tseng, what about yours [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

As my colleague went to TMC for both her deliveries and she also recommended TMC for its service.

Think should be okay...

had a call to inform avout my Oscar's and triple blood test results, NORMAL. didnt tell me score so i guess the nitty gritty can be saved for next visit for gynae to explain.

at 12 wks, gynae tried to peep and said 60% its a girl, next visit can be 90% sure. personally i prefer girls but all throughout this pregnancy i had this feeling its a boy. since theres no "bird" there now, is it possible for it to appear in a month's time?

also, first time saw my BB in action. the scan was very clear could see limbs and BB face profile. wonder who BB looks like... BB was in a curved position like this comma , with one hand behind one head. the nurse had to describe to me of course before i could make it out. it was making a few sudden jerky jumps, very funny!

when i shared with in laws, mother and grandmother in law self announced that sure BOY because of the un-lady like pose that i described my BB was in. felt pressured after that....

EDD keeps changing... early Oct now late Sep....

KittiePP, my #1 was at TMC. Other than the carpark, I like the place [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gilera, usually the bird and balls will be obvious if the position is right. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For girls, must see the obvious '3 lines' and absence of birdie and balls.


i did hear of cases whereby the boy's privates sometimes take a while to show up. thats why gynae will always give u an estimate (like 60% or 80%) until 20wks or so then they can cfm bb's sex in more certainty.

its nice to see bb in motion on scans ya.

MiraclesDoHappen : Dun anyhow take the panadol flu, i just seen the GP for my flu yesterday.

he said normal panadol ok,but not the panadol flu.

Royal : dun worry, my #1 also no symptons at all,no vomit nor bloatness.

Angel - it was so strange to see BB thumping around with sudden jerks! hands and legs were boxing around too. gosh it was difficult to describe the movements in words to share. very ungraceful as read from others that thier BB floats/ dances.

1D1R - the scanned view was from the BB bottom, so saw a white V-shape which is the legs from bum, gynae pointed out that the space in the V was black and empty. there were no "3 lines"

now its like , u tell me gal i want boy, u tell me boy i want gal... lol

TMC Oscar machine super clear - amazing!

Hi mummies

Anyone interested in getting Belly Belt Combo Kit to extend their pants? I might be able to get better price if we have more orders.


Gilera, the 3 lines is taken from top of pelvic bone to backside. 3 lines because 2 lines at the side is the skin fold when the legs meet the private part area. The middle line is the private part (for girls) cos the flesh covered up the 'holes'. :p


u mean your gynae and nurse will be with you when you do the OSCAR scan? i hope the sonographer will describe more and could tell me the gender of bb.. keke.


my gynae is Dr LN Sim at TMC.. yep my sis also delivered at TMC & no complains but that was years ago.. i kept reading that the food there is delicious! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i think the good CL ladies are taken up already.. you may want to try gg thru agency?

kittiepp - Oscar and blood test done by TMC lab level 4.

then had another scan with gynae after testing.

1D1R - guess i can only wait this out as it was blank space inbetween the V-shaped legs. or maybe i will scrutinize the scan pic again in case there is something!


actually, prefer to find one that have bn used by mummies i know personally. gg thru an agency would prob be my last resort. right now, still getting feedbacks fr the mummies fr my old thread.

sigh... if i know, shd contacted them earlier but din want to reveal my pregnancy status that early.

Gilera: It's seems exciting to see the baby's movement. I can't wait to visit my gynane next Monday. The last visit, my hband & I heard the BB heart's beat. The moment is so amazing & great.. THe BB heartbeat is so fast & it likes "boboboboobbobobo". It's so cute. I'm so looking forward to know the gendar of my BB.


CL have to book so early? I didnt even look for one. I would have thought it's still too early to look for a CL. there is still 6-7 more months to go....

Ginn Cai - it was very delightful ahahha. even more so when hearing the heartbeat. when BB was moving it made me laugh and ask "whats it doing?"

very amusing!

yes, even eager now to know gender.. the suspense is killing me.. like during the TTW (2 wk wait) to know whether you ahve conceived or not...

can anyone share tactics to convince hubby that we need a maid when BB arrives... he shuts off when the topic is mentioned. wonder is it due to a stranger in the house or the cost of it or that he sees no need for it.

Gilera, why do you need a maid? For housework? For childcare?

If it's for childcare, you should ask him what options is he thinking of for childcare. Then slowly bring in the topic of maid. & if he shuts off, just tell him only DISCUSSING - no need to shut off on you like that.

And, must also talk about how to 'protect' the family from the maid. E.g. explore CCTV? send maid to mum/IL place in the day?

Honestly, privacy is not an issue cos maids are quite automatic. In fact, I seldom see my maid or realise she's home unless I'm looking for her. Day time she'll be busy in the kitchen with laundry and cooking. When my boy is home then she will sit with him in the living room to feed him or play with him.

Night time, after my boy goes to bed, she will quickly wash up and go to the room (she shares a room with my boy). We hardly notice her unless we are playing with my boy in the living room. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gilera, gal's look like a hamburger.. haha..

if i go back to work after i give birth, i will sure get a maid.. there are too many things that need cleaning up at home but i am simply too lazy..

babystarlet, thanks! i didnt eat... kia si...


re: CL

i also didnt know need to book so early, few weeks ago my SIL was still telling my HB the good CL all grab up liao, i was still thinking why so kan cheong give pressure still got so many months!! i think maybe cos alot of rabbit bb this year.. next year dragon year even worse i think all CL will be booked..

but then i dont think i will be getting a CL cos afraid of the hassles seeing some problematic CLs from the forum + i rather save the $$ buy things for bb and to PU.. maybe will explore asking my mum or MIL to help cook..

