(2011/10) Oct 2011

wow. u gals are 12wks alr, i'm like 3-4wks behind. lol. previously in my thread, my EDD was 2aug so i was like ahead of everyone else. so with this EDD 31oct, i'm like one of the last few mtbs here.

so u gals will be gg for ur OSCARS soon? i still keep my last OSCARS results. i rem my background risk was actually 1:300+ cos of my age but overall adjusted risk was 1:6000+ as the NT reading is good & my gal's nasal bone is present. i would imagine my background risk to be even higher this time round. hoping the adjusted risk is still satisfactory. *fingers crossed*

re. MS/cravings,

they are more or less the same as my previous pregnancy. does that imply i m having the same gender? haha... will only know for sure comes 2nd trimester. my 1st is a gal, on 1 hand, i m hoping for another princess cos can doll her up + she can wear handmedown clothings fr my #1. lol. but then a boy would be nice too since he completes the pic lah. so i guess boy or girl is fine with me, as long as bb is healthy!!


angel, same here! i am still in my week 8th after "it-seem-like-ages" days... omg leh, it seems like a long long long time before we see our babies..

Different symptons means different gender?


haha... dun worry lah... before long, our babies will be born & then for the first 3mths, we will be wishing them back into our tummies! lol.

well, they say every pregnancy & baby is different. some believe that diff symptons from ur previous means a diff gender. some mummies fr my previous thread who are expecting a differnt gender fr their #1, reportedly have diff symptons but i'm not sure if this apply to all leh. take my words with a pinch of salt lah. hehe

sorry ladies.. i cant update the table today.

my pc spoilt aredi, waiting my hubby to come home see if he can help. if not, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] no back up file...

Mummycoccyx, for silent carriers, there's a test now (not blood test) that can detect but I think it's more exp and needs longer time. I remember my lecturer mentioning it in class before.... Can't remember the name of the test offhand.

But usually if your hubby is a minor, baby will either be healthy or also a minor. That's quite alright. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So don't worry too much. Must highlight to PD to test upon delivery though.


I'm wishing for a baby gal too. So I can dress her up. In the past, i'm always buying clothes for my frd babies' girl. This time i'm hoping for a baby gal myself so I can doll her up too. excited & can't wait to know the gendar so I can shop for my baby.

Anyway, I hope my MS will go off asap. I'm having very had headache. Not sure abt the reason but doc say it is one of the morning sickness too..... hope my bb will grow well & get all the nurtious as bb is fighting food with my two large fabroids....


yeah... there's soooo many stuffs to buy when u r having a gal, mainly becos mummies cannot resist all the cute cute & sweet sweet stuffs. lol. but having said that, i do notice that boy's stuffs are getting cuter too. i know of this mummy who always dressed her son in ohsocute outfits etc. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Minidiary..... I'm hoping tomorrow cannot see gender... HAHAHA!!

Cos usually boys can see gender earlier... girls usually confirm at 20weeks... so I'm hoping.... cannot see anything between the legs!!! :p

Angel, my boy is decked in branded from head to toe... my mum buys so many boy outfits for him I don't have to buy clothes for him anymore!!!

Boys can also get a lot of things one... But more toys lah!

#2 on e way,

wah, ur boy so xin fu!! got such doting grandma. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angel, my mum loves shopping (good excuse for her!).

She ever told me, if I have a girl, please convert my study into a walk in wardrobe... else not enough space to keep all her clothes!!

And I know... my mum has been secretly buying baby girl's clothes the past few years to keep.... in hope that I'll have a girl!

#2 on e way,

oic, then are u under alot of pressure & stress to hv a gal now?? seeing that ur mom yearns for a grand-daughter so much?

Angel, eh... I'm hoping for girl too! hahahah!!! Actually no pressure cos my mum can simply ask my bro to get married and have a girl! hahahah!!

i know of this mummy who faced tremendous stress fr her in-laws. her tummy was v pointed but contrary to popular beliefs, she is expecting a gal. her in-laws just refused to accept this fact & thinks that her gynae must be wrong - no way a tummy this pointed could be a gal.

my fren got so stressed up that during every gynae's visits, she asked the gynae to cfm the sex of the bb w/o fail. she even did not dare to buy any clothings at all.

her in-laws only finally accepted that her bb is a GAL on the day bb is born. i feel so sorry for all the stress my fren has to go thru during her pregnancy journey. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

but having said that, i do also personally know of more mummies w pointed tummies that are carrying boys. i myself has a rounded tummy when i'm carrying my gal. so i think these old wife myths has some extent of truth in them but there are always exceptions lah. only trust what ur gynae & scans tell u.

1d1r.. issit true that if boy can see the gender earlier? heee.. i am having my scan next week which should be in my 12th week, hope can see something.. :p then no stress liao.

but then again most imptly is bb healthy, so boy or gal also ok..

im down with a cold today too, felt so xin ku like the whole nose gonna drop liao...

Kittiepp, as mentioned before, cos boys have penis and testicles which are obvious at 12week already, it is easy to spot if baby is cooperative (legs wide wide). My boy's penis and balls were spotted at 12weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

when i had my gal, my gynae told me i got a boy leh.. i think she saw the umbilical cord.. then the next scan told me is a gal.. so ironic..

anyway, gender really doesnt matter, as long as the baby is healthy and fine...


Better not. We can only take the normal panadol. Try taking warm honey lemon and more vit c to relief your flu symtoms. Another alternative will be boiled some coke with lemon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MiraclesDoHappen, my gynae say cannot see penis only, must be able to see the balls too, then can safely conclude is boy. Cos umbilical cord can be mistaken as the penis :p

I'm also having slight flu. Just drink more water and keep yourself warm. My appt is tonight, so see if gynae will give me meds or let me fight it off on my own.

Gd Morning!!

This morning is first time i finally vomited throughout the 11 weeks..

i usually just felt nausea and when i know im pregg when i brush my teeth, i will feel like vomitting (esp the upper row of teeth, dunno if anyone got similar experience?) but just the sound only.. Today i really vomited out the sour juice, not a lot but 2-3 times.. Yikes..

I tot MS (if this is) is supposed to end by 10th weeks? Why am i only having it now.. or maybe cause i wasnt feeling well (down with flu) thats why..

Talking abt flu tablet.. yest i went to see doc, he just gave me Chloramine (the yellow small tablet), he say i can take this one but basically there isnt much medicin pregnant women can take, so just need to rest alot.. but i also never take that medicine thou hee..

Gd morning,


My morning sickness beign at ard week 10 & it lasted till now (Week 12). I'll start to vomit in the morning if i drink water in the morning. I've the habit of drinking a glass of water whenever i wake up. But now i can't. I realise when ever I drink water, i'll vomit. And I tried not drinking water until I've finished brushing my teeth and showering. And I drink small slip of warm water. It does help me not to vomit those sour jucie out.....

I had flu last Tue too, and I went to the company doctor. The doc didnt prescribe me any medincie expect normal panadol. She told me to rest well & take more Vitamin C. Eat more fruits. Kiwi is high in vitamin C.... Lastely rest well, Sleep is the best cure. Take care.

Morning all,

My last scan on 10 march showed that my baby measured to be in 9th week. but as I am pregnant via IVF, I calculated that I should now be only in my 9th week. I am confused. but that's ok.

I feel so vexed now. I don't feel pregnant at all. Is there anything wrong with me? Thousand and 1 thing goes through my mind..I cant stop worrying that my baby would hv no heartbeat when I see him in scan tomorrow. Scary thoughts ya..

I have no pregnancy symptoms at all, except for frequent pee-ing trips during the middle of night. Used to have some nausea feeling, but not anymore since Monday.

Just want to know..it is normal to feel this way?

good morn mtbs!!

re. sleep,

for 1st time mtbs, do sleep lots & rest well while u can now. cos when u have a child, sleep becomes a luxury lor. i rem i was still pretty relaxed etc when preggie w my 1st child. i had lotsa rest/sleep then. now, busy with my #2, really no time to catch up on beauty sleep. sometimes, even finding time to post here can be challenging too. lol.


dun worry too much. perhaps, u r one of the few lucky ones who experienced no symptons thruout. my fren has an easy & fuss-free pregnancy with no MS or other symptons at all, her bb is almost 1yr old now.

hi royal,

dun worry.. different people have different symptoms. like me i also dun have serious MS, except for nausea feeling.. i also dont feel pregnant, maybe too early to feel anything?

Except that i sometimes get frustrated when i can no longer button my jeans and my tummy looks fat when i wear the usual top i used to wear.

As for the measurement maybe ur bb is growing faster, i think the EDD date will be adjusted as we move along. The wait for next appt is always long.. dunno why..

Hang in there and look forward to your appt tomorrow!

benben, thanks.. i think honey works, i feel much better after drinking it last night..

1dog1rabbit, u can try honey too..

kittiepp, i also kept regurgitating when i brush teeth, now i really hate brushing teeth and i brush really fast.. the toothpaste cannot stay in my mouth for too long, if not i sure vomit.. got one night, i vomitted out noodles lor while brushing lor.. haha..

Ya, I kept seeing some mummies whose EDD adjusted earlier and earlier.. Issit cos baby develops fast? I thought all babies develope around the same... How I wish mine can be adjusted earlier

finally weaned by boy off latching and BM... Feels so sorry for him.. and damnz! b size dropped [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Angel, I'm still getting loads of sleep cos my #1 is 4yo already. Independent and understand when I need to rest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Plus he's at school in the day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thankdful that we decided to wait till now for #2 cos can't imagine myself going through nausea and lethargy with an active toddler!!!


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Thanks all and have a safe pregnancy!

#2 on e way,

lucky u lor, gd life now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] aiya, ours not planned but we not any younger so its prob now or never. guess will be very tough now, hopefully when both kids are ard 3-4yrs old, we can sit back & relax. lol.

good morning mummies

am in my 9th week now and really tortured by ms...vomitting, poor appetite, mood swings and sometimes really bad headaches!

doc prescribed me with vit b6 and mylanta liquid which i've been taking religiously and it manages to relief most of the ms symptoms.

just wondering if there are any side effects to taking these medi?? i have to take mylanta 4 times a day...

Hi Hi MTBs

Jus curious, so EDD date will move as we go along? By the way any experience mum had any idea baby usually commonly born on 38, 40 or 42 weeks?

By the way when doc tell us 9 weeks, it mean 9 weeks from the first day of last period we had right?

Good morning ladies!

kittiepp, MiraclesDoHappen

I also feel the urge to vomit everytime I brush my teeth! I've read that it's because of the toothpaste and some mommies had it so bad that they had to switch to using kid's toothpaste because the taste is different!

prettymums, my HB is also on reservist now.. He's in Thailand for outfield training for 2 weeks now!! I miss him terribly!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yes, edd will keep changing as this depends on e growth of e bb. each bb grows at a diff rate. mine kept changing right up to my delivery. i think its safe to either use ur 8wks scan (if any cos that's e time fetus grows abt e same rate) or just use the 12wks scan if u r opting for OSCARS. my gynae takes my edd indicated during my OSCARS scan too.

usually for 1st time mtbs, its said that u'll deliver early. 37wks consider full-term. on average, more mummies deliver ard their 38wks lor. but there are always those that are earlier & others, much later.

my hb also received notice fr govt to be on stand by call during the GE. so sianz.

Hi Angel, me more active at the nov thread cause gynae say edd early nov. but i have a feeling might pop end oct so still read here sometimes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya lo redgin.. i see you very active there leh. i read sept, oct and nov thread. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hehe, can can, i can post more here too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how are you babe? u week what already? my next appt on monday, can't wait for it! hopefully can hear bb heartbeat.

12w1d aredi... MS gone in 10weeks but

yesterday was feeling chill and cold... no on fan also cold. today morning vomit sour juice....


i m here too...

But these days too feeling too nausea and bloated to be active in the afternoon and evening my MS(Shld be AS) kicks in. Nowadays I can't even finish a proper lunch and hardly touch my dinner [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] And the symtoms will always only subside at 10 pm... end up I need to take supper to nurse my hungry tummy.

Me too feel like vomitting whenever I brush my teeth. Sometimes, I want to vomit whenever I see my toilet bowl!!

I still got 3 more weeks before end of 1st trim ends... *WO REN*

time to pop pills again...

