(2011/10) Oct 2011

1d1r, i used to stay in punggol.. I m comfortable with Dr Woo, so went back to him for the 3rd time lor.

But he will be on leave from end Aug to mid Sep.. Praying hard that bb dun report so early..


Hi all mummies to be [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm new to this forum. ROM last sept n had the customary wedding in Jan. And now I'm 9 weeks pregnant. Everything is happening so fast. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My gynae is Dr Chen Lin Han n he deliver in Mount A. Anyone has the same gynae as me??

Btw I read that in the earlier posts rat duphaston was given only when they is spotting. But my gynae gave it to me even though I have no spotting. I asked him n he said it is to prevent miscarriage n will only be taking it for the 1st trimester. May I know is it normal??

mangoes are ok. but no banana, coconut, pineapple and watermelon


jack fruit consider heaty fruit so should be ok.


any1 of u had bak ku teh during pregnancy? I felt numbness on my lower chin n hands after finished drinking e bak ku teh soup yest.. Not sure if it's due to the spices nt never had such encounter b4 so kinda worried [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

angie... i ate bak kut teh's bak... din really drink the soup cos i dunno if can take the herbs anot... now still numb ?


should be alright cos my colleague when she was pregnant she drank and ate everything..

I also drank and ate everything in bkt...

don't worry. maybe you want to ask your mother or mil for more information? see what they said.?

hooray... 10min to KO! my runny nose is back. think i need more spicy food! yums...

welcome and congrats to Qiu Ling! you are super duper fertile. i waited 3 years for my #1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'd no spotting either and gynae didn't prescribe duphaston for me. the mummies here have complained of bad morning sickness and most have rejoiced at having weaned off duphaston. IMO no harm taking it to stabilize your preg.

re: bak kut teh i dare not eat cos there are some chinese herbs not safe for preg.

hi QiuLing, welcome and congrats to you!

I was also given duphaston due to my previous case of MC, so my gynae said to be on the safe side prescribe me with it and i have been taking it for 5 weeks already..

Its a An Tai Yao, i think to aid/stable the pregnancy should the doctor foresee any problem.. and i think not everyone needs to take depends on your gynae and what he/she said during your visits/scan.. plus its not cheap wor..

1d1r.. u like which kind of bkt ? i love bkt but only the pepper kind, not the herbal kind.. there are 2 herbal bkt along beach road... one of them serves "dried bkt" or they call it "ji gong bao" (braised pig innards in a claypot)... pepper kind.. u can try the one at tanjong pagar complex, tink its call ya hua bak kut teh.. but its a tad too pepperish sometimes.. ah sio bkt at little india area is also raved.. but i find it so so.. can go try these out ! u have frequent any stalls in particular?

Hi Connie, another doc woo fan. Wahaha.me also with Jim but at TB.

These two dAys suffering,had running nose,cough, got spread by my gal.until today subdue to mc and Medicine.

BKT : I miss BKT, been wanting to go to the Rangoon road but always time not right. U gals tried that before? Many of my HK friEnds will always go there when they come spore

E numbness lasted for abt 20mins tts y I was worried..

Dear mummies, pls dun go to e Amk broadway stall I learnt my lesson le nx time dun dare to go bak again.. My mum also said shd b bcos of e MSG tt cause e numbness cos I finished e whole bowl of soup.. Haiz realli gota b v careful wif e food we eat..

luv, I was surprise too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my gynae just gave duphaston to me though I have no sign of spotting or previous MC. He just said it's to prevent miscarriage thats all. I do not have any morning sickness but occasionally will feel nausea.

kittiepp, I have taken duphaston for 5 weeks too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my gynae said it's just a prevention cos it's my first pregnancy n what I have to do is to prevent miscarriage. Ya the pills are not cheap. I'm just wondering is it normal to take it or not. Seems like I'm the odd one out to take it even though I have no history or spotting.

BKT, I have tried the one at ragoon rd before. It's nice but I find it too peppery. But I still like it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

There is a nice BKT at Opposite the Central. Shop name : Song Fa..It's quite famous..

Qiu ling, I take Duphaston too...no much side effect for me.

Qiuling, for my # 1 n now #2 I dun have any morning sickness or spotting... My gynae didn't ask me to take anything extra juz take normal prenatal vitamins

Qiu LIng,

I am in the same case as u. I have not experienced any problems *Touch wood* but I am still on heavy dosage of An Tai Yao and jabs until the 1st trimester ends. Gynea told me that he just wants to play safe. Maybe bcos I am near to 35.

I am also in Week 9. Just saw my beanie today. He is doing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmm maybe my gynae wants to play safe too cos it's my first pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] do you mummies to be drink any milk formulas?? I wanna take but dun dare drink milk. Have been drinking HL flavored milk cos I dun dare take the original one and I only drink on and off. The taste of it makes me feel like vomitting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Good morning ladies!

Ben Ben, congrats on your healthy beanie!!

Qiu Ling, I'm taking soya milk now. The one with Omega because it sounded "healthier" to me. Hahaha..

morning ladies!

everyday im soooo tired to wake up..

Qiu Ling

i never take any formulas, i only drink HL or Meiji flavored milk, i dont drink original one too.

Qiu Ling, I'm also not taking mummy's milk cos too sweet for my liking. I'm taking Meiji Choc milk everyday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Around 2-3 cups a day, depending on my mood (or rather, nausea).

Morning ladies, anyone experienced Bloatness in the chest? I used to have the Bloatness at night only. Now extended to day time also. I absolutely no appetite whole day. Not sure if caused by the flu or Wat.

im also taking HL/ magnolia chocolate milk... but all these are cold milk. is it ok to drink cold stuff ah? esp in the morning. my MIL alwaz tell me not to drink cold milk in morning. i usually ignore her but not sure if i need to pay special attention to this during pregnancy ?

morning mummies...

looking forward to the buffet lunch later... hopeful i can eat.. heehee

For this P, I got no appetite to eat.. Already lost 3kg.. Think still losing... Past 2 P, no problem at all, no MS, good appetite.. guess its payback time.. MS for 3 P come at one go.

Morning mummies to be [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Icic. Thanks for sharing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope everyone have a great day ahead [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angie, i ever ate a bowl of yong tau fu before and faced the same problem as u... numbness, difficulty in breathing and feels like i am drunk like that.. It is the MSG... Next time when u face this again, must drink alot of fluids to flush it all out...


i also experienced bloatness / stuffyness in the chest at times.

Think it's due to the influx of either gastric juice or gas (indigestion) from the tummy.

i try to reduce the chest bloatness by drinking warm plain water and apply some minty oil on the chest. Or u can try taking some vicks vapor drop.

now, i'm facing the issue of having too many phelgm as i have childhood asthmatic cough. Any lady know any method to reduce phlegm?

good morning mummies!

babystarlet, yup i've bad bloating soon after meals. rubbing ruyi oil helps in getting rid of it. i drink lots of warm water and expel the excess gas in the washroom... :p

xiao_rabbit, i'm having the phlegm too. sad to say i can't get rid of them so i relieve the symptoms by drinking lots of water, coughing out the phlegm and getting enough rest.

morning mummies,

haih my desktop pc cant boot today. so bad luck. the MTB file is inside. so no update for time being...

12weeks today... so far so good. I hope everyone too

My Bloatness is getting worse. Whole day not hungry at all.

Then something kept sticking at my chest. Terrible feeling.

Xiao_rabbit , luv : u can buy some Chuan bei from medical hall, den boil it.

Minidiary : good Wat. U no need to work

hi mummies,

back at work. so far since last sat, no more vomiting. instead the weird cravings have come back. hubby had to buy me beef hor fun last night after his night class...

thankfully half the work day over....hope mine was a one-off viral gastritis and not hyperemesis. apparently half my dept fell sick with similar symptoms too.

going into my 10th week le....really hope the symptoms will be less in the weeks to come.

Hi! Mummies,

Wanna to ask anyone one here is taking Vitamin B12 currently? I heard from Yes 933 said that if pregnant women take this Vitamin B12, then our baby will be less crying. not sure how true is this?

Hi! Pray&love,

So fast you are 12 weeks liao, I still have to wait till next Monday leh! :)

How is the taste of Enfamama Chocolate? I only try vanilla before, will it be too heat for us ass this is chocolate?

HI mummycoccyx, glad to hear that u are feeling much better and got craving. me currently still on medication to control. haha. dun dare to live w/o it for the moment.

Hi all,

I'm a first time Mummy. Excited & looking forward to my baby.


Baby #1

EDD: 05 OCT 11

Dr Koh C.H

Mt A.

Have just browsed throught the chat...I'm in my 11weeks gg to 12 weeks. I heard about the reason for not drinking cold drinks or cold milk or too "liang" because it's not good for the BB lungs. The BB may have phelgm in future & weak lungs. I tried to resist myself from drinking cold drinks. But this hot weather in SG has prevented me from doing so.

I'm suffering from major morning sickness & headache. Also feel bloated & having no appetite. I applied medicated oil throughtout the day. Last week, I ate panadol which my gynane said it's ok to take normal panadol. So I went to my company doctor when i had a flu last week & took panadol. I ask this GP if it'll be safe to take panadol & will it affect my BB. The reply from the GP " You'll feel miserable if you don't take panadol." Thus, I ate the panadol hoping the headache will go again. But after taking 3 times dosage, I gave up. The headache seems to worsen for me. And plain water taste aweful for me. I take very little fluid. I only go for flavour water, eg ribena with water or honey water. I simply can't take plain water. And i need to drink slowly. Any large intake of water wil result in bloatness & I'll vomit. Some times I vomit only water, some time it's just some air.

And my mom did mention Pregnant women cant eat too much Mango. It's too heaty so a slice should be ok but dun over eat. Durian is good, my cousin had during during her pregancy of twins. But try to eat during the 2nd or thrid trimster as I heard our body tend to be more heaty during the first trimster.


the taste enfamama chocolate is okay for me leh. i don drink it every night. just drink it when im feeling hungry at night. so something to warm my stomach before i sleep...

i just mention im ok in 12weeks...but today like no energy again. feelin cold and sleepy. jus wake up from my nap, now want to nap more...

dear all mtbs!!

wow, after a long absence, i m here to join u gals again. *HOORAY* hv finally had my appt w woody & managed to cfm fetal pole, heartbeats etc. *EXCITED*


pls help me to update my record under angel.

EDD - 31/10/11 (having C-sect so most likely bb will be born ard mid-oct instead)

my last scan shows bb's CRL at 16mm at 8wks1day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i m also deeply saddened to learn of the few mummies who shared sad news with us over these period. i really feel for all of u. pls remain positive & i wish u all many bb dust in the near future. for those who are awaiting 2nd opinions etc, i wish u gals all the best & pray that the little ones will stick to u. pls keep us posted here ya.

there are many new mummies who joined us recently too. congrats & welcome to all of u.


i personally think that this is very worthwhile. besides all the benefits alr mentioned, the FBI card is also valid for your #2 if it falls within the valid 2yrs period. i just called up TMC & cfm w them on this. we paid $148 last jan for my gal & this card only expires in jan 2012. now that i'm expecting bb#2, the same card is still applicable to all the discounts & benefits. there is no need to sign up for SBI so ultra great savings for us. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

read that some mummies are gg travel in the upcoming mths.

i'm also thinking of doing a long-distanced travel in may/june but not sure if i'm up to it.

I just got up from nap [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Discovered a wonderful cure to nausea!!

My maid bought some seedless guava, waited till they were soft, then slice thinly. Then she chopped up cheng pi (preserved orange peel) and mixed with the guava.

Sweet and salty and sourish plus soft = VERY SHIOK!

Relieved my nausea and bloatedness :D

cherlyden: actually itz probably better news if it's just normal pregnancy symptoms. so hang in there! i was actually super scared when i got the high fever as i knew it's not good for the little one, especially when i couldn't even retain the panadol i swallowed. thankfully my fever resolved within half a day.

now i'm getting anxious whether my little one will have major blood genetic defects as my hubby as thal trait (i hope itz only trait) and i'm praying hard i am not a silent carrier. probably would ask for a gene analysis. anyone has similar experiences?

the anxiety will never end i think....

Mummycoccyx, your hubby is thal minor or major? & he knew it when you married him and he did not ask you to go for blood test to make sure you are not a minor before planning for baby???

Cos it's very common for thal minors (silent carriers) to ask their spouse to test before trying for a baby, especially if they knew all along they are carriers.

mummycoccyx, you guys didnt do any pre-marriage checkup or something like that? but anyway, I am sure little one will be just fine. You dun worry too much ok? positive thinking is very very important.

Minidiary, I woke up early in the morning feeling like no energy also. Then force myself to eat porridge this morning then feel better but still tired. After nap took fruits, now feeling more refreshed. Maybe you are hungry so feel like no energy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

today both of us hit 12weeks. i thought it's a better day but turn out like this...

i have no appetite to eat still... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yup!!! My appetite is returning and my hubby is rather scared.... at the amount of food I'm eating!

My appt is tomolo night [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey 1dog1rabbit & minidiary,

today both of u hit the 12 weeks, which mean you bb ETD is 5Oct2011? mine too....

I've no appetite to eat main meals.... but I simply love to snack at crackers or deep fried food or fruits... cant help it.. but i think it's better than not eating any food.

yeah we all same EDD 5 Oct!

previously, appetite back for sometime but today gone again. i hope MS don come back la.. i think maybe bb is growing more today, that's y my energy gone. haha

previously I love to eat vege and don like fried food. now I love fried food, been eating MCD, KFC, pizza, swensens, burger king, and etc... I don like chinese food aredi


1dog1rabbit & cherylden: yes i knew he was a alpha thal trait but i don't know if i am a silent carrier. medically speaking, silent carriers have perfectly normal blood counts. i did a thal screen and i am negative but i'm just afraid i am a silent carrier and this can only be proven by gene analysis, which would probably be requested for at by next obs visit.

i think the risk is low but i'm just paranoid as i'm in the medical line..sometimes too much knowledge is not good...

but thanks cherylden for the encouragement!

minidiary: i also crave different things now. i used to hate starchy stuff but i crave for starchy stuff now and must be strong tasting like very salty or very sweet.

