(2011/10) Oct 2011

gilera (gilera), you can sign up at the customer service before you go for ur test.. they should open at 830am.. yalor, lugi abit and need to pay more if nvr sign up at the fair..

for the booking of the ward etc, i remembered i booked during my 37th or 38th week.. and if emergency c-section, u need to pay for the delivery room charges and then operating theatre charges.. sometimes ur gynae will charge u twice for delivery fees, maybe u can ask ur gynae abt her fees..

my contractions ever reached a scale of 70plus without epidural.. there was a tightness at the lower back until i cant talk... after my gynae burst my waterbag, i asked for epidural immediately.. i dont want to waste energy to tolerate and fight the pain, i rather spend the energy to bond with my new baby..


minidiary, help me ask the agent if got congenital medical conditions like my case, bicornuate uterus (prone to m/c or premature baby), will they cover for prufirst ok...

minidiary : My info

EDD : 8 Oct

Gynae : Doc Woo Bit Hwa

Hosp : TMC


Thanks for updating.

genesis28 : me having tingkat, ordered from Oliver catering. so far ok la.

Think tingkat more or less also same food 1.

i also had a bad sat. whole day feeling unwell, kept vomitting until vomit the sour water out.

dunno issit of the mussels that i had on friday night.

Hi mummies... long time no "see". It's a dreadful monday for me, feeling very sleepy today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Starry, I totally agree about the quality couple time. For my first pregnancy, my hubby and I splurged on a Maldives trip as a last couple holiday before the baby came. I was 6 months preggy then! We went snorkling day trip somemore - the staff were all very stressed when they saw this pregnant woman in their boat hehee... once I went into the water, they immediately threw me a safety float just in case haha... But it was totally worth it, bcos' the memories sustain us for a long time - we would still reminicse about it now. Thinking of doing another couple trip this time but dunno if we can bear to leave our son behind... hmm...

I am in my 10weeks now. My MS seems to be getting abit better since last week, still bloated but less nausea and less tired. My #1 pregnancy MS also disappeared by 9th week.... hopefully this time will be the same [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] For me, drinking gassy and abit sourish drink like coke works [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi minidiary, please help me update:

leeoh #2 16-Oct Dr Caroline Khi FTWM

Genesis, I used to order tingkat last year then stopped for a while (cos I'm always out during lunch time). Now always at home again, ordered Empire Food. Like their food, esp the soup [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But I only order thrice a week so I can still cook/buy other food on Mon & Thu [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angie, finally found another WAHM!! So hard to find WAHMs now... my friend also wants to convert to WAHM but her hubby not supportive at all (although no loss of income)...

MiraclesDoHappen, the Prudential insurance will require your gynae to fill out a form for them. Then from there they will decide what is excluded in the coverage.

It's best to speak directly to an agent to find out. Cos based on what the agent told me, if it's stated by your gynae in the medical form, then it will not be covered.

Minidiary, when is your OSCAR scheduled? Mine is this sat.

Remember what I told you about paying $300 plus per session? Well, I have done a calculation and we have spent more than $2K now! With OSCAR and another appt this weekend, that's going reach the $3K mark really soon. Oh well..


so fast spent 3k... i only spent $618 includes FBI signed up also. u need to save more liao, and spend less on shopping. My OSCAR is 31st March le... im afraid of blood test!

how's the Fiber optic installation?


so nice!! maldives... must go before the place disappears underwater. try to plan a short getaway with hubby? we have one planned to phuket in may. i'll be in 2nd tri by then so hopefully can relax and enjoy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

minidiary, no choice cos the gynae wants to scan and see me every week. Sigh..

I am also quite nervous for my OSCAR test. Pray results ok.

The Fiber optic installation went very smoothly. In fact, they came earlier then the scheduled timing. Took about 45mins. I just went to the void deck to sit down and wait. Once they finished, my hubby called me to go home. :)

i also nervous about the OSCAR test coz never done before. ya better to let ur gynae scan every week to ease ur mind also right? now ur bb is doing so well... money can earn back! no worries...

my hubby suggests to stay a night in hotel during the fiber optic installation. avoid staying in the house... we didnt seek parent advise because we havent spread our secret yet. Will spread after OSCAR scan.

Im with Empire Food caterer.. but dunno why Im turn off when I see those Chinese Food. I prefer to eat western food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] gonna stop my Tingkat soon this month.

whiteloverz, have to spend so much because I was bleeding in Week 6 and gynae insisted on seeing me every week for a scan and consultation. On top of that, injections twice a week and lots of medication (duphaston, neurobioron, etc)

minidiary - you are absolutely right. Very thankful that baby is progressing well. When we saw the baby move the hands and legs very actively, we were so very happy!

Happyenough, no MSG and not oily. Recently I've been craving for soups so I like the tingkat food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I've tried other caterers likes Jessie. But they always have a lot of fried/processed food.

1d1r - sounds good. Will consider Empire then. Thanks dear.

MS has been hitting me really hard for the past few weeks. Haven't been eating much as well. It's great that you have been craving for soups. Very nutritious!

hello all mummies!!!

I'm New to this forum, 24yo and a FTWM, just got married in feb'11

and surprisingly just realised i'm pregnant.

I will be gg for 2nd appt in 7 april at TMC my doctor is Paul Tseng, anyone having the same?? .

my EDD is 25 Oct 2011 +/- 10days.

I haven't got any serious MS, only experiencing giddyness

I have been reading this forum, and realised quite a few mummies are taking this duphaston,

may i know what is this for?

I am only been prescribed with folics acid.

Many thanks.

hope i can learn from everyone of you


hi! double happiness for you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] congrats! duphaston is a hormone medication, also called 'an tai yao' in layman terms. it's for women who has spotting to stabilize the pregnancy. hope you don't have to take this at all!


so good you can see hand and legs move actively. I only can see hand and legs when my gynae told me this is hand and leg. cant really see so clear from the scan. or need to zoom in more? haha

Hi Starry,

thank you for your clarification,

i thought i was the odd one out. how come never took all these :x

okay i know that.. thank you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh when i went for my 1st appt at 5 weeks. i saw only a gestational sacs. hope this time round in april. i can see and hear my BB.

recently read too much -ve informations and it's making me a tad insecure.

yesterday, just had a weird nightmare. dreamt of natural disaster happening during my secondary school's times -.-

I'm going crazy soon.

plus i will wake up in the middle of the night to pee at least 2 times [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

anyone facing this? any solutions?

if i don't drink water before bed i will be very thirsty.

anyone knows if we can eat Multivit in the morning before going for OSCAR scan and blood test? will it affect the blood test result?


i also wake up twice to urine. no choice because our uterus is growing. just peeee... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi starry, i am hoping to go NY for shopping! to buy lots of baby clothes hehee. But that's just my wish.

We will be going to Melbourne end of this month... hopefully my MS will be better by then. Dr Caroline prescribed me some duphaston for the flight just in case.

My next appointment is the Oscar on 8 Apr, but i was quite anxious to see baby's progress so i just pop by the clinic last week without appointment. Ended up waiting for almost entire morning but so happy to see that baby's fine, can see the head and hands abit more defined [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My hubby chided me for being so gan cheong as a #2 time mummy.


I realli salute mummies who can stand all the MS despite being a FTWM, me cfm cannot lorz.. Nw my bed is my best friend :p lucky our hubbies r supportive else quite hard to cope wif work, MS, family n evything lorz..

leeoh.. im also tempted to jus pop by clinic to see bb becos im paranoid and gan cheong.. scared got something wrong... but hubby say need to trust the little one... sooo im looking forward to my oscar test to see how is the little one doing... hee...


oh still can continue on multivit for blood test? i remember previously my medical check up need to fast and cannot take any supplements also...

minidiary, i remembered for the glucose test cannot eat anything.. the rest all okie.. the nurse didnt remind me to abstain from anything leh..

MiraclesDoHappen ,

yes very difficult to fall asleep again,

every morning i will have difficulties waking up for work.

plus dark circles are getting worse..


I am also having the same thoughts !!!

trust and scan is all we need now !!

let's stay positive and happy so our lil ones will be as well.. :D

Hi HS and snuppy, I was quite paranoid last week plus some sharp pains at the lower tummy and MS symptoms decreasing. So decided to just go and check that everything is fine for a peace of mind. Think once we can feel our babies, it would be much better. Did consider getting a doppler to hear heartbeat but decided against it. Instead of giving me security, it will make me more paranoid - imaging myself going "Urghh, cannot hear heartbeat! Better see doctor!" happening 20 times.

leeoh, i felt abdominal tightness over e wkend but not lower tummy.. so i attributed it to indigestion... cos i dun tink if bb got something wrong, i shd feel the pain in lower tummy. i googled abt the doppler hahha but my hubby say no need to buy... yah maybe as wat u say it will make us more paranoid after buying the doppler...

wonder wat can cure indigestion? i bought vitagen in case my tummy feels weird again... i dun like the weird feeling in tummy becos i scared its problem w bb...

hi mummies, am feeling significantly better now. can take half share, although nausea still comes and goes, at least no more vomiting which is totally upsetting.

yeah, shortage of manpower. but i'm trying not to feel too stressed. i'll just take things easy when i go back.

need to go back for first trimester screening tmw. a lot of mummies chose to go for it? hubby and i will keep the baby no matter what, but from some of my friends who experienced it, at least can be mentally prepared if special child. praying for good news tho.

first trimester journey has been rather arduous for most of us.....thks for all the encouragement.

good afternoon mummies!

welcome and congrats to snuppy! seen from discovery H&H that cut cucumber can help relieve your dark eye circles and relax your eyes. no harm trying [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i've been having very nice dreams lately. 2 that i remembered vividly: (1) enjoying family bliss with hb and 2 kids; chilling out at home or beach.

(2) Ok, this is extremely weird: getting gynae (LC Cheng) to drive me to TMC as true labour symptoms have kicked in. he was on his way from his clinic at Bukit Batok. Totally untrue, he has only 1 clinic at TMC...! :p

i realized that eating laksa yong tau foo gets rid of lethargy! yay!

HS, yakult or vitagen are good choices for relieving indigestion. or take 6 small meals instead of 3 big meals per day.


Can I join this thread?

I'm now in my 10th week. It's our first bb. We have been trying for the last 3 years plus. And we actually booked for IVF.

I have nausea too. The most malu thing was I puked in my chartered bus during my way home last week. I tried to force myself not to but it came out from my nose. I'm sorry it's gross. Haiz... I havent took the bus then. Asked my hubby to send and fetch me. But thinking of taking the bus again... but very worried... I kept thinking bout the incident.

Anyway, did anyone has rashes now? I started having rashes on my breasts on Saturday and it's so itchy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I envy you man!!! able to dream of happy things..

i can only imagine that during free time in office toilet.. thinking next year when bb turn 1 bring him out for celebration hahaah..


yes u can try out luv's advice. as i also drink yakult or vitagen or yoghurt drink to soothe the indigestion.


same sentiments here. ya once we able to see and feel, likely to be less paranoid and enjoy the pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but mine still long. i only in my 9th weeks and this is my no1.

they said usually no1 take some time to be able to feel the bb movements.

for me, when i'm over paranoid i will start talking and touching my tummy.. tell bb to be good.. and eat non-stop !!

i am 165cm and used to be 46kg. now i'm 50kg+ and i like to eat food with potato.. mash potato, sweet potato soup, potato wedges. so long it's starchy i like..

i think i will really turn into a bighungrybear b4 delivery.. hahah

my hubby laugh at me.. cos i am literally eating every hour.. but yesterday i had severe giddyness.. hubby said might due to i didnt walk around, but only eat and sleep non-stop. -.-

Mummycoccyx, I'm not going for DS screening cos we are keeping baby no matter what. And the screening only gives a ratio on the 'chance' of having a DS baby, does not give a definite answer.

For a test with no definite answer, the cost is not justifiable. So we are not doing it. If baby is really a special baby, by detailed scan at 20 weeks will be able to see for sure.

Early detection in first tri is meant for couples for wish to abort if the fetus if the results are not good.

Jinnous, bring plastic bag along for the ride. No choice. I do that now cos even in MRT, I feel like puking. As long as the air is not well ventilated, I will feel like puking...

snuppy... i haven put on any weight yet leh... shd b normal hor? i dun dare eat too much cos scared indigestion... haha

luv... i dun like to take small meals... cos i like to eat proper food... dun like to eat cereals etc... maybe i shd really start to take small meals le.. cos food intake for next few mths confirm increase exponentially... gotta try to prevent indigestion...


but i cannot resist not eating lol.

usually morning, will have 2 slices of bread/4 wedges of tomato, 2inches of japanese cucumber or sometime will be fried beehoon with 2 sides or double sachets of milo and cereal.

lunch usually a portion of food, like noodles or rice.

dinner. 1 and half portion of food.

reached home after dinner. curry puffs or eat some dishes which is left behind by family member

and usually i have 2 to 3 portions of fruits and veggies everyday.

every night, i am burping.

if comes to weekend, my eating habit becomes worst..


snuppy, erm i won't eat so much starchy food if i were you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cos i'd plenty of starchy n high carbo food during my 1st tri and kena g. diabetes for 9 weeks which ended in a CS due to bb disengaged from pelvis at 39w. injecting insulin n pricking poor fingers daily is no joke.

HS, actually me too i dun wanna caught eating and "slacking away" at work and face sacking. i ate my 3 full meals daily but drank lots of water and fruits. it helps for me.


thank you for your advices!!

that is why i am so paranoid now ....

i am trying to cut down on starchy food..

sorry may i know what is CS?


i think weight gain differ in individual, don't worry just eat HEATHILY !!

1dog1rabbit, will the detailed scan be able to show if the baby got down syndrome? I am thinking of skipping oscar scan too..

if my kid really got down syndrome, i really cant bear to abort it..

MiraclesDoHappen, by then, it's obvious if baby got no nasal bone (classic sign of DS) and if the ears are small and at odd position.

Cos detailed scan they do check everything from the physical measurements of the bones to the internal organs. Even count how many fingers and toes baby have.


snuppy, it is good to have good appetite!

Nowadays whatever i eat is saltish.. i ate kfc right, the taste is super OFF... only taste the saltishness... A good thing is that for this preg, I nvr vomit much.. maybe cos i didnt eat much each meal cos all the food taste weird to me..

