(2011/10) Oct 2011

Thanks 1d1r. Still deciding which to buy de 1 u using or de 1 starry using. I need to know the price of per bottle in sgd to let my hubby know.

How much is urs, 1d1r?

Jasmine, mine's ard S$20 with shipping (provided you buy other items together to maximise shipping). 1 bottle can probably last the whole pregnancy if you apply daily. Cos a few drops is enough for my tummy and back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just now MIL is in good mood so managed to asked if she is willing to help me with the confinement, good thing is she will help me with it but as for the caring I might be sending my bb to infant care half day to ease her now its a matter of when? immediately after my ML or maybe when bb turns 6 months...hmm.

mine is not bottle, it's a flat metal tin. inside is a compressed balm, but once you use finger to swipe over the balm, it becomes oil-like instantly. USD18.00. plus shipping ard USD19.00++ bah.


haa..haaa..my feeling is due to all sympton for this pregnancy are almost same as my #1 pregnancy, so thinking this will be a baby girl again lor :)


thk you. how do we order from them? delivery will take how long?

1d1r : actually me also indecisive. I heard TMC Now service not so good, read from other posts.

Rabbit_bb : if ur MIL can take care for a while, den send in at 6mths. Actually infant care ok. My #1 went when shes 9th mths. I also intend to send this bb when I finish my ML. Only thing is dunno morning how my hubby going to carry Two kids to the car.

babystarlet> yup, thought at least 6 months will be a better time. good thing is i work near my place and intend to look for a IFC near so i can pop home to fetch beanie to the afternoon session. Since hub goes to work at around 10am, MIL jus need to look after from 10- about noon time after she returns from her morning excercise. if timing is right can even bf before popping over to IFC :p swell idea ...hahah

hi mummies, i'm back... been missing for the past days cos clocking super long hours at work. super super tired!!!!

i'm havin itchy rashes at my outer thighs, i duno if its norm?? it started last fri with many small dots at my thighs, tummy and inner forearms, but they were not itchy. on sat i went to a GP, say is just heat rash n will go away so i ignored it. by tues night, the rashes start to itch and when i scratch them, they grow into small bumps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] very sad leh, i duno y i kana all sorts of funny things?!!?! *frustrated*

Creamdonut> hey hey.. remember to rest amidst ur busy work ya. Try not to scratch the rashes. Did he give u any cream to apply? Why not try putting some powder to sooth the itch? The snake powder feels cooling after applying.

hi rabbit_bb! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

no time to rest leh, super shag. somemore still must stand and carry boxes! argh... just make me more nausea nia.

no leh, no cream to apply. since he say just heat rash n tt it will go away. then now become itchy. very sad. y is this happening to me!!


Just go to the website and drop item into cart. There's a shipping charge for international orders and do select DHL (has 33% off shipping). Delivery takes 3 days only! I ordered on Monday and received it yesterday afternoon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Think someone here also provided a code which u can use at checkout to get additional $5 off.

There are other brands that are good..

- Beeceuticals

- Avalon

- Earth Mama Angel Baby (pregnancy + baby stuffs)

- EO (love this brand's shampoos!!)

- Badger Company (their balms are all heavenly!)

Gotta explore lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Gd to buy some botanical shampoos now as after birth we will drop a lot of hair and some extra TLC now may help ur scalp maintain healthy.


Can don't stand for too long and carry heavy stuffs?? Not very good during this period le. 2nd tri onwards still okay. You really need to rest and minimize such heavy activities. Not sure what ur rash is abt but pls take care and hope u recover soon! I remember I had very bad rashes when I was pregnant with my girl and that was during week 6-7..

Morning mummies, finally had some time to log in super bz at work yesterday. Now having b'fast. Wat's gd to buy from iherb? Creamout, I also have rashes initially my earlobes n then Nw my neck area also dunno y like tat.

Haizzz... I still haven't tell my boss abt me preggy but it seems like my tummy is getting bigger day by day.... How ah?


Just listed some brands worth buying from iherb for Emily. If u have sweet tooth, get the organic lollies. I gave some to colleagues yesterday and they all love it! Helps with my MS also. Other items are dried blueberries, cranberries etc...

mummies, help me, i am puking my dinner everynite, feels weak. will my baby get enough nutrients? mrng to evening also feels nausea, so cant eat much also. sian. and i think i am kinda dehydrated too.

Morning mummies!


if you are puking dinner, go for something v light, soupy stuffs and try to eat 6 small meals instead of normal dinner like last time. If you feels like puking before dinner, u can get Ribena strawberry from any stores and dilute with water.

Hubby bought me Ribena strawberry cause it is healthier. The strawberry taste makes it a little sour, very good for stopping nausea/ vomitting.

Hope that helps. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

esther, thanks, but i only ate a little but still puke. i just hope it will be over soon, if not, hw is my baby gg to grow? sigh.

esther.. i heard my fren say try not to drink ribena leh.. then tat day we were looking at the label to see if got any warning for preggies... in e end we saw, not suitable for infants. haha so dunno if its good for beanies anot...

Good morning ladies!

Long time no chat! Was on a business trip to Thailand early this week.

I'm so counting down to the end of 1st trimester. 10w1d today. Less than 2 weeks to go! Yay!!

I read that MS is supposed to tail off towards the end of 1st trimester but mine seems to be getting worse. Totally no appetite to eat my meals these days.

Are your tummies obvious already? My mom commented yesterday that I already have a small bulge! Yikes!!!

Hi mummies,

Have been having diarrhea since wed nite. Anyone has any natural remedy to recommend?

My MS (or rather AS) getting worst... No appetite and puking water n dinner [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] never experience such stage when I was preggy with #1. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Cherylden, you must eat something no matter what. 2 pieces of biscuits and water also can. Just don't skip any meal k. Water is important to us. Dehydration is very dangerous to us and our beanie. Take care!

HS, Ribena is not suitable for infants because of its artificial contains. Infant;s body is too young and not ready to handle those contains. Ribena is very sweet, I believe it's because of its high sugar contain. As it's easy for preggies to get gestational diabetes, we should avoid food/drink that contain too much sugar. But I think Esther's suggestion to dilute Ribena with water is good. hehe... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

meji milk is really nice. Thanks to those who recommend it. Never tried before cos I don't like the yogurt cos too sweet. From now on, will intro it to mine kids too - but plain one for them, chocolate for me...ha...ha..ha


you are welcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] good deals must share.


my tummy is obvious! almost everyday got ppl give up seats to me on the train. :p

ben ben,

maybe baby is of different gender that's why? bear with it and look forward to 2nd tri bah. jia you!

just to share, i bought this for hubby to make him happy. hee hee!


Ben Ben, go see doc. You're losing water ler... You can also drink 100 plus to replenish the water you've lost but I still feel that you should see doc.

hi lizy, ok noted, i will try to get more fluids in me. just puked all the water i had this mrng lo. and feeling a bit giddy nw. hope my beanie will be ok....

Dear gals good morning

Tabbyz, I do hope to see bulging tummy soon LOL. But I dont really know how to differential tummy or my fats LOL.

Second time mummy, any ideas when can we start see bulging tummy.

hi mummies,

very bad start to the day. felt the most nauseous and giddy ever. couldn't do my work and just vomitted twice until nothing to vomit. fortunately i got to the toilet in time. now having intense pain in my throat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

but somehow the nausea is slightly better. ice cold water from the water cooler seems to soothe the yucky feeling.

sigh. i'm 9 weeks already, i thought it would get better...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mummycoccyx, you're not alone. I'm 9 wks too. My MS is like roller coaster. Let's hang in there. 3 more weeks to go.

hi mummy coccyx, me also cant do my wrk. vommitted a lot and nw still nausea. haiz. me also 9 weeks+. thought would be better.

lets hang on tgt.

starry (starrymommy), I think cos ur tummy hasnt really form back the muscle then u preggie again.. that is why so fast..

I also got a bulge but that bulge is stomach area.. not pelvis area.. haha.. guess I too fat.. From my first pregnancy, I nvr try to lose any weight cos i thought 2nd pregnancy I will lose another 5kg in first trimester.. who knows, this baby is so good to me... my MS is 80% better than the first, also not much fatigue leh... yesterday was worried until i go see gynae to ensure that baby is there..

Re: Baby's heartbeat

I bought angelsounds fetal droppler to listen to baby's heartbeat to ensure my baby is safe in me.. crazy right.. but can only detect heartbeat around 9-10 weeks.. so far, i havent detect the heartbeat for this 2nd baby, so bobian need to go gynae..

Hi Starry thanks a lot, really hope I can see mine soon...

yes is tiring for all of us here. Not easy. End of the day I can hardly walk myself home.


rabbit_bb > think tis time me going to send my bb in once i finish my ML. no one to take care.

u better start looking around IFC as soon as possible. bec IFC very hot cakes 1.

creamdonut : try pickering heat powder, good for rashes

Cherylden : take soup lol. i also take soup.haii..

tummy > i dunno mine is the preggy tummy or my fats. Before preggy,me already got tummy,wahaha.


the pelvic part got a bit of bulge but mainly its the loose muscles and FATS (!!!) from last pregnancy. boo hoo! but cannot complain lah, since those fats 'earned' me some seats on the train. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: gender predictor

looks like a lot of fun! but very ex hor?

how much did you purchase the doppler for?

cherylden: good to hear i am not alone...just feel miserable. cos i can't take mc, very short of manpower today at work and i find most people are not very sympathetic; think we preggies trying to exaggerate. i am trying not to look at the clock. and i still gotta work weekend. oh well, guess just take one moment at a time...

starry (starrymommy), i bought in 2008.. around 80sing.. sold at ebay singapore..

the predictor plus shipping i think is around $50? I nvr try before but really feel like trying leh.. shall we pool to buy? or maybe organise a bP/spree to buy

mommycoccyx, I also thought my MS would get better but it seems to be getting worse.. Hang in there!

miraclesdohappen, I didn't know there's such a device to pick up bb's heartbeat ourselves! Interesting!!!!

happymomo, you can't wait to see your bulging tummy?! I'm hoping mine will show as late as possible.. But it's already showing! Boo.. I still can't imagine myself with a very big tummy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mummycoccyx: exactly! but i cant take MC not because of shortage of manpower. but the boss just wants me to be in the office. ridiculous right? i gotta work saturday too... just hope that it will be better soon ....


don't worry about Ribena Strawberry Squash. Because u puke and has no appetite, it can lead to low blood pressure. Not enough sugars in body too. Everything in moderation should be fine. U need to replenish the energy in you since u can't take in any food. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: MS

I usually get MS in the middle of the night. Wake up feeling angry.... =/ Sigh. Has not been sleeping well. And worse, because of the trauma last week, I have nightmares every night.

Imagine this is my #1, and I am a UK 4-6, my tummy is showing! There is a little bulge! Had started to apply oil on belly last night. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

