(2011/10) Oct 2011


thanks for the info. you have a handful of great info to share. appreciate it! yesterday i saw youtube video on medela freestyle pump and phillip avent pump. guess roughly i know what u mean liao.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

do u know how long they take to do for OSCAR? mine schedule at 9.30am... at first, thought only wan to take detailed scan. but gynae never ask and just arrange both for us. so my hubby told to better do it... heard do OSCAR and detailed scan together, cheaper rate...


minidiary, i'm scheduled for OSCAR next Friday. the whole thing (blood, urine test and ultrasound) shouldn't take more than 30 minutes if bb is co-operative during the ultrasound. Comfort level is high. Drawing of blood is not painful.

im so scared of blood test now. wondering how many tubes they gonna draw from me. because my gynae arrange the compulsory blood test to draw at once... if got blood test, sure morning i cant eat and nervous till wanna vomit liao... haih....

don't worry about the blood test. the nurse will smear some anaesthetic alcohol swaps around the area where the blood will be drawn. if you are worried about the pain, don't look at the needle and shift your focus elsewhere [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes, HIV, rubella, diabetes etc. I can't remember the whole list but my medical report takes up about 3 pages, including the ultrasound pictures.

1d1r, hah~ i've been fooled then! :p i used alcohol swaps like nobody's business when i've to prick my poor thigh while injecting insulin. coldness has a numbing effect.

minidiary, for the blood test, it won't be long. Probably a few minutes.. The scan is ~30 minutes.

The blood test will take days before they can give you the result. The scan is almost immediately. They'll combine the both tests and give you the result. I'll do my blood test first and then few days later the scan so that I can know the result right after the scan.

alot brave mummy here... even my blood test schedule end of the month, now i keep thinking on it... scare too much.


last blood test, i asked the nurse to apply many many alcohol swap too.. haha

Minidiary, during pregnancy is the best to time to spend on reading and watching videos on childbirth/childcare.

I read this book called 'What to expect when expecting' during my first pregnancy and it really provided a lot of detailed info. Even medical info was covered.

Then after delivery, I bought the sequel "What to expect in the first year". It lists out a lot of issues and how to tackle. From things like medical issues to things to look out for, to breastfeeding & weaning.

While you still have time now before baby arrives, good to read. I even bought a book called 'Pregnancy for Dads' for hubby to read.

It gives a man's POV towards pregnancy and how they can play a role in the pregnancy plus the baby's life.

Very good book. Now, I hv a hands on hubby who could look after my boy on his own for 2 weeks when my maid when on home leave.

Mummies, as mentioned earlir, I'm not doing the Oscar test cos hubby & I hv decided that we will keep baby no matter what. So, if that's how you think too, can skip the oscar test.

For my #1, I did not test too. But my gynae did measure neckfold and nasal bone for us. From the scan, can see the nasal bone very clearly, so we know is low risk.

Anyway, at 20w detailed scan will find out, so to us, no need for the additional test.


i have the book "What to expect before you're expecting" and "What to expect when expecting" but sometimes I couldnt remember the content inside... gonna read few times.. haha now i read until 12weeks only [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for hubby, I bought him "The Expectant Father"!

Minidiary, I read the book from cover to cover once in first tri cos I was not working during first tri for my #1. Then subsequently I read it week by week again to refresh my memory. Sometimes I will read it a few times cos forget liao.

Then over the years, I've been very active in another forum... So still make use of the info [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Plus..... I'm nutrition trained... we had to do a few modules on pregnancy & childbirth & breastfeeding :D

thanks 1d1r and winnie~


same as you.. im still wondering too. Im schedule to do blood test at gynae's clinic on 8 apr, the next week then oscar.

During my gal's time, 2008, oscar only cost $100+ i still got the receipt with me. Now is $300+. omg!

Jasmine, a lot of prices went up up up!

You know they increased the medisave claimable limit since my #1 was born...

But I look at the cash needed, still the same cos the overall bill also went up up up!!

And I noticed, everytime they increase the medisave claimable allowed, hospital bill will increase. So end up, we still need to pay a lot of cash -_-"

Same thing happened for the childcare centres when they increase the Working mother subsidy from $150 to $300 per mth. So many centres take opportunity to increase their fees!

Yup... totally no use...

Tt time my boy's CC is one of those non-profit organisations... they also increased fees, but only increase $50... so end up, monthly we still pay $100 lesser than usual after the new subsidy kicked in... & after they increased the fees, we saw improvements such as more staff & slightly better food for tea break...

But for other centres, they increased by $100 - 200... so end up the subsidy all go into the pocket... doesn't help the parents much!!

minidiary, I'm scared of needle too. Even after giving birth, I'm still afraid of it. So whenever I go for blood test, I'll tell the nurse I'm scare of needle and I have small blood vessel. I really have small blood vessel which makes drawing blood from me very difficult. You must eat something and keep yourself warm before the blood test. This is my personal experience, there was once I didn't eat and do blood test. I think I was cold and when I'm afraid, I think my body temperature went down further.. The nurse who took my blood could hardly find my vessel after she tapped my arm for so long.. Then finally poke in, but I waited so long, I still could feel the needle inside, I turned and looked at her and she told me little blood came out. Then no choice, she tried to draw from my other arm. Still the same thing happened. I ended ganna 4 pokes just to draw enough of blood for the test. It was my worst experience of drawing blood.

Lizy, I also hv small blood vessels... & the worst part is.. they are not straight... so even if manage to insert needle, no blood will come out...

But I like to watch... cos good skillful doctors will not have any problems de... My gynae can draw blood from me very easily...


Spore hard to survive with lots of kids unless your salary takes home is alot. HAHA!


Wow, finally someone same gynae with me. My #1 is Dr Adrian Woody, saw alot of ladies here with him. But now i change to Lawrence Ang. Where u stay?

hello afternoon mommies~

its lunch time but totally no appetite. Whole stomach feeling very funny.

same same, I'm very scare of needles and draw blood, last sat my friend use her accucheck to help me check my glucose level, i can feel myself go soft when she took my finger to draw a blood, even when the process was painless. I have my fair share of jabs and blood drawing due to my childhood asthma. I think its just psychological. lol.

Jasmine> ya, hence so many FTWM around, hard to just depend on one salary nowadays :\

Jasmine, I stayed in sembawang and it is just 3 mins drive to Sun Plaza.. I was with Dr Caroline Khi last time, but I think I very lazy travel to TMC for checkup each month...

Dr Ang's package is very cheap right? I think I can have 2 deliveries for the price that i paid at Dr Khi's!

But he really scan so fast, I like havent lie down properly on the bed then he finished scanning.. Nvr even see the baby carefully leh...

Where u stay?

1d1r, wow you're brave. Looking at the nurse taking out the needle from the packaging already enough to make me faint.... Don't think I can tahan to see the needle poking into my skin. :p

rabbit_bb, ya I agree that it's psychological coz labour pain is so much more painful compared to needle poke. But still I'm scared of needle. lol!

lizy> my friend ask me needle already so scare, how to give birth? lol. I told her now don't think, when times come just bit the bullet. ;p


ok updated liao...


ya i also scare of alot of thing leh. not so brave... when times come to give birth, just give laaaaa... hahaha


you really brave, still can look at the needle.. how i wish i have brave heart like you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wah then i must eat breakfast liao. think i order MCD breakfast delivery on that day. i remembered there was a time, employee medical check up... i didnt eat breakfast because too scared, then the doc detected i got missing pulses in between... I told doc im too scare today because need to draw blood. hahaha

Actually, I'm very fascinated by needles... hahahah...

I ever asked the nurse if I could try vaccinating myself (in sec sch) and she allowed... and gave me specific instructions and guided me... quite fun!!!

Lizy, 1 dog&1rabbit

me too, the vain can hardly be seen. so once I went raffles medical for check up, the nurse see mine arm, straight away told doc that she can't do it. The doc is also not skillful, exercise mine arm, poke left arm cannot, poke right arm also cannot then try the hand.

Sidetrack a bit... My iherb order came already! Super fast. Ordered on Monday and delivered today. Got a huge bag of the organic lollies. Works well for my MS! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

winnie, the back of your hand, near your wrist right? Very painful wor. Worse then that poking into the arm.. That was what the nurse did to me in that worst experience of mine. That was how I got 4 pokes.

ewww... i also scared needles... i tink drawing blood still better than the big tube that goes into the back of ur hand where it connects to all the external tubes etc (when u are in hospital)... we will be having that thingy on our hand when we give birth right ???

hs: YUP

they put u on drip and also for any other possible medications u need, and strap to your tummy is detector for bb's heartbeat n also how strong your contractions r

HS, yes you're right. I ganna poke twice coz the first one came out of my hand when I pushed my girl out. I think I struggled too much until the needle came out. Then the nurse poke my other hand.

Speaking of the drip, mine was not secured properly and end up I dripped blood all over my gown, the hospital bed and bed covers. I was groggy from GA and just saw my baby for the first time then I was wondering how come my baby was bleeding! After my hubby gasped and said I was bleeding very badly. No feelin for me though. Too drugged out I think.


It's actually not painful. The insertion for the first time felt like a pinch. After that not much feeling liao.


true. both parents got to work to support a family.


I stay woodlands, sembawang is nearer den cck dats y i change. Dr Ang's package is $550 but have to be stable to take up the package hence the few visits got to pay.

Ehh, i can got lie down properly den he scan wor.

i feel very hungry even after lunch at 1pm.

guess my appetite is coming back... now 11weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jasmine & RabbitBB,

actually, I'm considering asking my hubby to be penguin daddy after #2 is born...

And he is quite receptive to the idea...

Jasmine & RabbitBB...

I'm working from home... so if he's home, he can help me with some admin work and ferry my boy for his classes...


1d1r> that's very nice actually, both of you can get to watch your kids grow up and not miss the 12hrs everyday stressed at work.

I wish I get a job that let me work from home too but that's almost impossible for me i think.

