(2011/10) Oct 2011

RabbitBB, I also nvr thought it would be possible...

But we nvr know till we give it a try!

But we know that sure will have ppl say he 'eat soft rice'... but they dunno his real contribution to the family...


1d1r> as long as the system works with you two and you both are comfortable with this arrangement then i guess others can say what they want. importantly the wife's mentality must be correct too. You are so sensible and mature, no issue for you for sure [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i have some nursing tops/bottoms for sale. From Mothersenvogue.


Organic Classical Top

size M - bust up to 38.5"

Retail Price: SGD 59.00

i have 1pc in pink and 1pc in black.

Selling at $40 each (wore ONCE only)

more info, check the link



Comfy Sateen Shorts (beige)

size M - hips up to 40.5"

Retail Price: SGD 45.90

Brandnew! washed but not worn.

Selling at $35


Free Postage

pls PM me if interested. Thanks

ARGHHH... wanna vent my frustratons a bit ... 45 More minutes to end of work. i am so exhausted, and I think my MS is getting worse by the minute!

last nite nv eat anything also puke, previous nite got eat also puke. sigh. hw long more will this go on?

any mummy urine bright yellow? i drink alot water everyday but dunno why i found out my urine like very bright color... dunno is it because of the prenatal supplements i took...

hello gals

Busy with work the last two days, many turnover in office result in more work : (

Any ideas when is the suitable time/months to tell our bosses that we are preggy?


so good to work at home. at least can see your child grows up.


Yup i know.. hehe! I got lots of frens with him. =D

Can feel my tummy stretching! Always eat until full full! fat fat fat!! OMG!


it's normal when u take supplements. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


let's hang in there. i am uncomfortable over my MS also, especially when in the car. endure for a few more weeks.

ohhh.. luckily is normal. i tot is it infection or what...

then anyone tummy getting hairier? haha when i apply stretch mark cream, i see like got alot hair also...


if got infection, you will see blood, pain when urinating or itch ard the area down there. your tummy started getting hairy? that's fast! lol! mine became hairy at a later stage. :p

by the way, what stretch mark cream are you using? i just bought the evolving body balm by badger company. read a lot of reviews so got from iherb. smells HEAVENLY! can't wait to try tonight. hee!!


faster go home and bath then try on it liao... im using clarins stretch mark cream. my hubby bought it when he was in HK...

yeah i tink its cos of the vitamins... mine is like tat too... b4 preggy, after i take redoxon, my urine is bright yellow colour one... maybe excess vitamins in ur body liao... hee...


couldn't stand the waiting and already opened up and applied some on my hands. hahaha!! nice smell, like spa. :p clarins one also smell nice. have a spa-like scent too.

i realize i have very dry hands after giving birth. anyone having this problem? it's so weird lor. nothing else changed, just the skin on the backs of my hands.

i am different from u leh, my urine very dark in colour, esp in the mrng the first time i pee. throughout the day then is ok.

starry: yeah, i realise i v easy carsick now. everytime hubby drive me home, i will wanna puke. sigh. dunno is coincidental or car sick. yah, i am enduring. nw 9wks+. i hope it gets more bearable as the days go by.

haii. i also damn fed-up at work.

dun understand why some ppl 1 main task only,then he say shiong.

How about us, who got more than 1 task ?and still got to cover his other tasks.


sorry for my outburst

Minidiary.... I heard that if hairy very fast = boy boy... cos the male hormones from your boy will cause more hair growth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I was very hairy when I was preggy with my boy...

This round not so hairy... *cross fingers*

1d1r: serious? i also notice lotsa fine hair ard my tummy area, like suddenly very obvious. haha. not sure issit last time i never notice. keke

but i want girl leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

but if boy then i can choose to close shop.

hahaha is that true?

im so excited to knw the gender le.. wonder can we know the gender during OSCAR scan?

because i wanna shopping...

Oscar scan if baby is cooperative can tell gender.. usually boys can tell earlier cos can see penis and balls [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My boy's balls and penis were staring at us during week 12, so gynae could say 90% sure. Then week 16, confirm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For girls usually can't see clearly... must wait till detailed scan then will know...

So I'm praying very hard that cannot find balls & penis... hahahaha!!!

Starry.. my hands oso very dry!

But I think it's becoz of the bottle washing and frequent washing of hands, use of hand sanitiser and wet wipes that draws the moisturiser out from my hands?

Last time I still have a bottle of hand cream in my handbag!! Now I only carry babybag!! HAHA (No time to ban mei mei & take care of my skin alr!!)

hehe i am also praying for a girl!! Then can close shop and shop for bb girl's stuff!

Some say if your pregnancy symptoms are different from the previous pregnancy, most likely its a different gender!


hahaha then i pray pray bb cooperate lo.. secretly wanna see penis and balls! because i bought some bb boy clothes ler... when i was in US and some online US website... no wonder i see Aug and Sept forum, mostly gender detected is Prince!


I'm supposed to be 8 wks now.

I called up the clinic just nw to check on my HCG level. The nurse mentioned it's still in pregnancy level and it's a early stage. She can't compared anything till i take my blood test again tmr.

To be honest, I kind of tired of this whole pregnancy thing. I have tested positive using the clearblue since 9th Feb. Visited gynae 2 times, told me i was still 6 wks. i'm hoping he will tell me i have finally pass the stage of 6 wks yesterday but who knows he just took a glance at the scan and throw a bomb at me.

I was so angry yesterday that i go on a eating/drinking spree that pregnancy cannot take. And i thou the nausea has stopped since i don't feel it this morning. But nvr thou i ate all the rubbish during tea break and i feel nausea again. haha..


My gynae is Dr Paul Tseng. I've visited him 3 times and these 3 times, nvr once a assurance from him. If it's not because of his skills in vbac, i wouldn't have visited him and get all the craps each time!

Now, i'm thinking which gynae should i go?

Dr WK Tan or Dr LC Cheng?

Verre, WK Tan is very nice. He was one of the gynae that we visited during our 'gynae shopping'. We din choose him cos far and exp (we did not earn a lot during my first pregnancy).

Verre, I think he's very popular cos when I delivered my #1, the nurse was telling me that WK Tan got 4 patients delivering the same night!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can try WK Tan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

minidiary, ya.. it is the multivits u are taking.. mine also very yellow.. thanks for updating the table for me... nowadays i take fish oil and multivits at night before sleep so that when i burp, i dont smell it....

Ladies... I'm into week 11 now.. noticed my appetite increasing like mad... nausea is slowly subsiding... and tummy is getting rounder and rounder!!!

Those still suffering fm MS... hang on... it will end soon...

Minidiary, my appetite come back until I eat so many meals a day!

8am - breakfast

11am - lunch #1

2pm - lunch #2

4pm - tea

6pm - dinner #1

8+pm - dinner #2

10+pm - supper

hi mummies,think this year got a lot of baby boy cos three of my best frens is carry baby boy but their EDD is few mths early than us.so maybe when reach to our turn in Oct,all baby boy had been "fully booked" le :pI also hoping to see "ball ball"during next scan:) but maybe chances is low lor cos I got the feeling tat tis will be a baby girl again:)

rabbit bb,

so you not going to Taiwan in May le mah? if you still interested on the info for minsu in Taipei ,I can pm you when i free :)


I'm interested on the cream tat you r using leh,do u hav any website for me to chk on the product? how much is tat? thks. :)


wow like non stop eating ar? hahaha I also wish to eat alot but im so lazy to go out get food. so whateva at home, i just eat lo...


what is the feeling that this time is baby girl again? if baby girl again, thn ur girl is more high demand ma... because all carry baby boy

Minidiary... I have maid... hahaha! She will cook or go out to buy for me... if it's places she know, she will take public transport out to buy for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm trying to teach her how to take train to Orchard, walk to Lucky Plaza and Far East Plaza to buy my fave food... HAHAHAHAHA!!


so jealous u got maid... haha sure u and ur bb very "xin fu" can eat alot of fave food! i think i need to start to eat more when i got appetite because my gynae said i lose weight...

Minidiary, now I lazy. I order tingkat lunch thrice a week (so leave 2 days can still choose outside food).

Actually hor... for past 1 yr, we dunnid maid de... cos my boy so big le... but to minimise quarrel on housework issues, we decided to keep the maid :p

ohhh.. I think im going to stop the Empire Tingkat soon. dunno why my appetite is not on the Chinese food but western food... haha each time i see the tingkat food, i feel like yucksss... hahaha funny leh

good evening!

verre, personally I'd recommend LC Cheng. I like it tat he's those chin chye person. When I asked him abt my fake brown discharge scare, he told me aiya, it's v normal. He's also 1 of those v steady n cool headed guy.

While his nurse was so kancheong over his v bz schedule: 1st appt he was sposed to go for delivery at 5pm. 2nd appt: he was wearing his green gown n nurse told me he was going to an operation soon. He still sat down and answered my 2 ques abt vbac n breastfeeding patiently.

He's pro VBAC. Tat's a relief for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I read in other forums that he treats his patients v well, ESP those high risk preggys. Despite inflation, he charged me the same rate as for 2009 when I delivered #1.

Re: appetite same here it's finally improving though I still felt bloated at times. Hooray 1st trimester is ending!


I like it and I have tried several of their balms before. First time trying this one for stretchmarks though. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Loved their baby balm which has nice mild fragrance. And that metal tin looks so lovely! Hee!!

