(2011/10) Oct 2011

RabbitBB, non-profit organisation usually is those religious organisation, family centres, help groups, etc. Like YMCA, YWCA, church, PCF, NTUC, etc...

Jasmine, your hubby so strict! My hubby just whatsapp me to say he'll buy Koi before he come back from baby expo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks all mummies for listening.

Feel so good after I air out. My kaki is out for meeting today thats y have to ask them. He usually eat and buy back for me so I don't have to go hungry. Haiz. Hopefully I get better so I don't rely on people.


you clever lah! I not very good to counter people one. Sigh. Only when one time she got me real mad I talked back. I am born skinny, and before I knew I am pregnant, I don't have much appetite. So I ope for soupy noodles. Guess what she said. Wow, u so skinny still JIAN FEI. Everytime eat so healthy. It happens many times, until I retaliate once, ''I AM SO SLIM THAT THERE IS NO DIET WORD IN MY DICTIONARY. I AM BORN SLIM! WHY SHOULD I EVEN GO ON DIET WHEN I AM SLIM?!

Piss me to the max. That's the time when my colleagues stunned because I always don't bother about remarks.


Ya, my neighbours are vegetarian, they look kind, speak softly and I like them v much. But not for my office one. :X

Luv, I only buy packages from places that don't hard sell. The moment they start to hard sell, I never ever go back there already.

You know my facial place. I go there for 8 years already then I finally bought a package last year out of convenience to share with my sister.

re: IFC yes bb will have a better opportunity to develop his/her milestones earlier than his/her peers. the downside is falling sick often.

Jasmine, abit of cold stuff won't hurt just dun take so much. if weather is warm, good to pamper abit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1d1r, lucky you found a reliable place to do your facial. i foresee our finances will be tight when #2 comes, so i'll prob "suffer" abit before enjoying life later [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


So good! But that day he got let me drink few mouths but without pearls.


Thats a good one! She jealous u slim huh.. Ya lorx vegetarian are nice but not all only a handful ppl.


At expo Hall 6B


don't worry too much about financial difficulties. 'Xian ku hou tian'. Everything will be fine, just that have to forgo certain luxury. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Genesis, Singapore Expo Hall 6.


Actually can prevent them from falling sick so frequently. Eat your prenatal vits on time. Try to BF as much as you can (of cos you must eat well when breastfeeding). After 1yo, can give supplements to boost immune system.

Luv, actually hubby and I were calculating last night...

For us, not much increase in expense other than antenatal care/delivery, diapers and probably small items here and there for baby.

Cos most items we kept from #1. Clothes sure will hv ppl give (I have loads of nephews and nieces). Milk = breastfeed = free (will use my old pump). Childcare = maid = same as now. My boy already in school whole day, so no additional cost of having to send him to CC/school.

Then just nice, when my boy go to P1 (cheap school fees & lesser enrichment classes), #2 will go to N1. So can balance off the school fees to maintain at what we are currently spending.


He dont allow lor. For the sake of the baby. hahaha!

I did not take my "an tai yao" for 2 days le cos no spottings. =D hope to see baby soon, got to wait soooo long.. next month 8th. *neck long long*

luv, same here. Finanace will confirm tighter when #2 is out. After my ML, I have to send #1 to child care and #2 to Infant Care.


The last time i see him was 7th, now wait 1 month. Wait too long to see him, always wonder how baby doing inside. 8th apr appointment for blood test.

Jasmine, same here.. going for blood test on 7 Apr. Gynae said DH also has to do blood test. And probably going to do OSCAR on that day as well. Haven't discuss with DH yet.


My blood test on 8th but the test (scan neck fluid) will be another week. Gynae never arrange for me in a day lor. Got to waste 2 days leave.

re: IFC

yup, heard about the falling sick part, i guess other then building my immunity and hopefully can pass to bb. I can only finger cross as IFC is currently the best option for us. Initially did think of getting a maid as cost is about the same as sending to IFC but too many horror story about them from friends and own family experience so that is not an option now. Even though MIL say can help to look after but also dun want to tire her out. Cos I see my own mom look after my nephews all day so tired and sometimes I get pek chek at my bro for that, but my mom willing so I cannot say much also. So I dun wan my hub sibling to say the same about us.

The funny thing is my MIL own free thinking say she thought of a good idea that is she and my mom take turn a few days to look after. I was in my mind thinking "erm i never thought of asking my mom (since i pek chek my bro for tiring my mom out, I'll be slapping my own mouth if i ask my mom to look after my bb) and also my youngest nephew she looking after also just 1yr plus. the older nephew is gg P2 next year but cos he is mild autistic so need some attention so its not possible to look after an infant, a toddler and a young kid. So i told my MIL if its too tiring, we will send to IFC and since she willing to look after for a few hours a day in the morning, sending bb to IFC in afternoon is best arrangement. Afterall at night we will have to do the parent part and look after bb outselves.

esther, oh no we are not having financial difficulties. just that lately hb is so worried (he's a worrier, used to it liao) abt more expenses as it's 1 more mouth to feed that he went and taught nite class once a week for 5 weeks. nite class is over and he's more relaxed too.

we decided on the following cutbacks: no 1-bedder get 2-bedder, no CL get confinement catering. #1 wont get as much enrichment class as 1stly planned. after ML over if we have a loss in savings, it'll be home-cooked meals over the weekend instead of eating out. worst come to worst we sell our car but hb will violently object.

i tot of going NUH to deliver, see gynae at polyclinic and pay cheap rates but hb still prefers LC Cheng as he helps us achieve our parenting desire. Some more he has my history. now i look fwd to drinking the most awesome papaya + fish soup at TMC. Thinking abt it makes my mouth drool... :p

Jasmine, aiyo tell your hb to give way to you abit if you are not having complications. rem you are the Queen for next 9 mths leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lizy, we are looking at spending at least $1k per month for childcare for both kids alone. Nvm take 1 step at a time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: next gynae visit cum OSCAR is next week! i've waited 2 weeks liao... miss seeing kiddo.

My boy in IFC, development wise really better, the downside is gotta prepare tat he will get sick every 2mths lo....Bo pianz....take supplements also sick....

My next visit is 2 apr! Also wait till neck long long...

Jasmine, I don't like to waste my leave just for Gynae appointments too. But my gynae is only open until 5.30pm weekdays and half day Saturdays. She's always fully booked on Saturdays! I think I shall book months in advance for Saturday slots on my next visit! Hahaha..

rabbit_bb, as a FTWM, I understand your problems and dilemmas. Initially I was also considering sending bb to IFC. But heard from my friends that their babies fall sick often and had to bear the high costs of PD visits. I think it'll be good if your MIL can look after your bb in the morning and you only need to send him/her there in the afternoon. I've got one colleague who was lucky enough to get a very nice maid recommended by her friend to look after her bb. You can ask around to see if anyone is "giving up" their maids. I know most of the time it's because the maid is terrible but there might be chance that the employer had to let the maid go because of other reasons like migrating.

rabbit bb, i agree with 1d1r: during pregnancy eat healthily. white fish, veggies, yogurt etc. exercise. increase your breast milk production and send your bb to monthly jabs from birth to 18mos.

i've a friend who sent her #1 & #2 to full-day IFC when she went back to work. She TBF #2 for 1 year i think and BF #1 for 3 months cos she was preg by then. #2 was hardly sick tho #1 was sick often until he was 2yo i think.

1d1r, yes. But no choice lor. Sil got her own commitment. Mil's age is catching up. I can see that she's getting tired easily ler. Afterall, it's our own responsiblity mah, cannot always rely on others.

Luv, my cousin also only bf her kiddos for 3mths (ml). they always fall sick. Very poor thing. Every month will have 1 small bout, every 2-3 months will have 1 major bout (that need to go hospital).

I feed for 18mths. Really felt like COW!!!


I see. I think most will worry about some financial parts even though not having difficulties. We want the best for our little ones, of cause we will worry abit. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For me, I try not to think too much. If not enough money, we will scrimp on other stuffs. I am sure there is always a way out.

tabbyz> ya I guess ultimately up to my MIL, if she cannot bear to part with her first grandkid, maybe we can push our luck and wait till bb turns 1yr before sending to IFC. Now also too early to book IFC, they told me to wait till next yr then check again.

genesis> yup, common problem of bb who go IFC. I guess when there are many pros there are always some cons too.

luv> yea, bf save money too. haha. I intend to bf for as long as i can.


im a queen already. my hubby do most of the stuffs. like changing bedsheets, vaccum floor and wash toilet. HAHA!

Everyone wait till neck long long to see gynae. HAHA!


same my gynae also ends work early on weekdays, like 7 or 7.30 cant remember. Got to rush down after work.

any mommies taking any pre-natal exercise classes? I'm thinking of joining pre-natal pilate. I stopped exercising for a long time, used to jog/HIIT and go gym to fit into my gown, after wedding I stopped. lol. Somemore I'm not slim to begin with, afraid will have problem when delivering if I remain inactive.

jas> ya, i still need to wait 3 more weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Avent DUO pump at baby fair is $599. Super worth it. Usual is $899.

List of items my hubby saw:

Philips Avent

camera $299

monitor $89

single electric pump (UNO) $239

sterilizer $149

warmer $60

washable breastpad 6pc $16

Shears steriliser 6 bottles capacity $59


warmer $46

steriliser (with free bottles) $99.90

disposable breastpad 24 x 2 $8.90

Ameda dual pump $388

Spectra dual pump $100

Motorola camera $290++

better model $790++


steriliser free 4 bottles $65

breastpad 48 x 2 $13.50

wipes unscented 70 x 6 $14.50

Got a lot of unheard/not known breast pumps selling at various prices... Enjoye, Ardo?

Cadi thermometer $79

RabbitBB, I took aqua aerobics when preggie with #1. Very good. Think will go for it again this round [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Light and gentle exercise & feels good too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1d1r, i feel same way too. i wasnt preg with #1 yet when i saw my friend's son so sick. he v poor thing. chicken pox, dunno whether got fake measles, in and out hospital. her #2 was born 3 mths before my #1 and he is so healthy and alert. i think this is the wonders of BF.

You are a good COW! if i only have half the milk you produce, i'll be falling on my knees and thank God liao! i heard 2nd preg may produce more milk so you'll prob be a better cow than me again :D

1d1r> you take from where? I saw KKH has the class. I went to see my fengshui shifu every CNY, he told me this year don't go swimming :s

rabbitbb, me too! I used to run A LOT before my wedding. I run marathons! But after wedding, slackened. Now with the bb, even worse. I don't exercise anymore. Gynae suggested not to during 1st trimester. Man, I'm losing all the muscles and I feel so "soft" now!

1d1r, where did you sign up aqua aerobics? Is the class full of preggies?

RabbitBB, that time I had lessons at YMCA. This round going to SK swimming complex [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Luv, I wasn't a very good cow in the beginning...

My baby cow dunno how to latch!!

But I REFUSED to allow anyone to buy milk powder, so I die die also must squeeze milk out!

Tried all sorts of funny things and finally after regular pumping, got good flow and my boy learnt to latch after 3 weeks...

Went back to TMC's parentcraft 2 times to seek help, but worth the time and effort!

esther, ya think too much also no good if it makes us depressed. since the big Someone out there can help us bear kids, i'm sure He'll provide.

Jasmine, oh that's good since you feel yourself a queen liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1d1r, i dunno how to swim. can i do aqua aerobics too?

That time I took with a bunch of preggies cos we form our own group. But I approached an instructor and she said that can join the regular beginner's class, mild enough for preggies. Cos she herself was preggie when she taught the classes!

1d1r> SK swimming complex is like Jurong East one, got wave one right. I been there to play badminton always hear screams from the swimming pool side. lol. Seems very crowded too.

I should go check out the SSC website for the classes.

1d1r, you are persistent. my son is a good latch on my 2nd try but my useless body just doesn't produce enough milk to store in the fridge.

Luv, during confinement, I pump every 2 hours during day time and every 4 hours during night time.

The more you pump and empty ur boobs, the more your brain will know that milk is needed.

Then must drink a lot of fluids to replenish the milk factories.

At first I only pump 10ml for both sides lor. SO DISAPPOINTED!! & my boy wass fussing for milk but can't latch well.

Then slowly, I watch TV while pumping so I won't be so focused on the 'amount' and stress up. It really helped!!!

Impt is relax while pumping and believe that your body can produce. You just need rest, water and some hard work :D

Mine was so much that we had to buy 2 chest freezers to store the milk...

1d1r : ur hb really good leh. he can ownself go and decide what to buy.

rabbit_bb : u have to go down to the IFC and see the enviornment and see if u like it.

Babystarlet, er... he won't dare to decide and buy anything without the queen's approval! He take pics and send to me via whatsapp. I approve then he will buy.


Check with you.... Because I am doing a c-section, I am thinking of pumping out milk prior feeding. I think I will be too much in pain to latch bb due to the wound beneath... Can this method works?

Sorry if I sound dumb....

Wow.. I think need a lot of perseverence and patience when it comes to pumping milk. I wonder how much milk my small boobs can produce.. Hmm.. Heard that latching is more painful that pumping so some of my friends chose to pump all their breast milk for bb to drink from bottle..

Esther, I heard that for C section, initially will have problems with latching with cradle hold. Can try football hold or lying down [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Else, can use a breastfeeding pillow for support.

If you are going to pump long term, you still need to latch occasionally for the stimulation.

Try other positions first. If really very pain then pump out to feed. But once wound not so pain, must really try to latch before they get too used to bottle.


Tabbyz, SIZE DOESN'T MATTER!!! Mine is A cup before preggie.... but I still produce like a cow :p

Latching is painful in the beginning cos your nipples not used to it. But after a few times, your nipples will 'season' then ok already.

