(2011/10) Oct 2011


can bring to service centre. they will charge $100 excluding spare parts, but overall still more worth it than paying $800-$900. many of my friends bought US set with no issues.


Minidiary, no warranty. They will ask you to pay for the servicing. But from what I read and heard, so far very very few ppl hv problems with the set. And even if repair, once will settle the prob [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So you calculate the cost of 1 set from US, add if 'sway' need to repair (ard $100+), still worth it!!

my friend gg US in June I think can tompang her to help me buy the pump. I'm looking around at the different type and seems like freestyle is popular. Just hope I am able to bf and the pump will not be a white elephant.

Minidiary, everyone got different preference. Like I shared before, I bought Ameda at first but found it not efficient enough. Then tried Avent and Medela at TMC's ParentCraft Centre. The Medela's PIS felt like it was ripping my nipples out. Too strong for my liking. I prefer Avent cos I am in better control of the speed/strength.

Also, Avent's one converts easily into a manual pump if you need. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But there are ppl who prefer PIS cos they like the strong suction. Really very personal choice.

If you are intending to buy from ppl who import and hv ready stocks, then I think you can just buy a manual first, wait till after delivery to try out different ones then decide on which you like. :D


I think they bought the black chicken and double boil and drink the essences. It is home made chicken essences. Suppose to be more "bu" than the commercial ones we have. I don't have the recipe. Nd to check with chinese medical hall. But remember pregnant mummies cannot take dang gui hor! It will cause contractions and miscarriage. The post was quite long ago... will continue to search.


Sure will have supply one. It is all about demand and supply. You need to tell your body you need the milk then it will generate the supply. So gotta pump/latch every 3hrs even till the night hours till the milk supply is established. After that then u can regulate it to 4hrs etc based on bb's demand of milk supply. Every 3hrly means 3pm,6pm,9pm,12am,3am,6am,9am etc


hahaha! add "sway". funny! but yes, still worth it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i had a manual pump on standby, 'cos kiasu kiasi. initially when i first brought baby home, i started off using the lansinoh manual breast pump. 'cos not much milk yet at that stage and quite easy to empty breasts. just that it can be tiring emptying both sides manually. it was only later when my girl's latching and supply were more established then i turned to the freestyle. i love it! still gonna keep the manual one as spare, just in case of the "sway" part. :p

medela and ameda are both good and recommended by hospitals. philips like not so good, based on feedback from some mummies. medela freestyle has 2-phase expression technology - stimulation phase and actual expression phase, which i find very helpful in promoting letdown. more info here: http://www.medelabreastfeedingus.com/products/breast-pumps/463/freestyle-breastpump

rabbit bb,

the whole box for the pump is quite bulky, so better check with your friend if she can handcarry or not. can really save a lot if you friend is willing to bring it back for you! and you will sure have BM lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i was worried too 'cos of my small boobs. but still did it.

starry> more specifically my bb future godma..haha should be willing to help me carry i hope :p She say will go outlet sup alot of bb clothes for her future godkid too. She going with some friends can ask the guys to help carry the box :p

the only thing is after maternity I'm returning to work is it very huge to bring around? abit paisay to bring this huge bag my colleague will know I'm going to pump milk..lol

thanks for all the recommendation. coz im very blur with all these...

my boobs like stop grow liao.. dunno why.. haha but nipple still sensitive and pain. at this moment still using bra extension


good good, then no need to worry! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the pump is not bulky to bring ard at all. see the website link i posted. there is a nice shoulder bag in which u can dump in the pump, parts and cooler bag. the entire pump fits nicely in your palm so u can imagine how small it is. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starry, agree on the stimulation phase. Problem with medela is it is auto for 2minutes. I need longer for letdown reflex, that's why prefer Avent cos I can change the stimulation phase on my own.

Also, I noticed that if you leave the pump on stimulation phase (short quick pumps) for longer, will really signal to the brain to send more milk!

Cos I normally start with fast quick pumps till I get let down then change to slow long pumps...

Before I end, I will change back to short quick pumps to stimulate the boobies before I wait for them to refill! :D

RabbitBB, if you don't mind not having the box, you ask your friend to take out the set and back into the bag will be more space saving than using the original box [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sounds so complicated for me to catch the phase you are talking about... haha trying my best to figure out what is it... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I hope i can breastfeed...


Actually, the stimulation phase is just similar to baby's quick sucking so it sends signal to tell your brain to 'release milk'.

Letdown phase is when the boobs suddenly open the gates and the milk will rush out. For me, my milk will SPRAY out during letdown. So usually, we use a slower, long pump to 'draw' the milk out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rabbit bb,

May not be squirt out like fountain. Mine came in dribbles rather than squirts. Haha!! You will know your own pattern when the time comes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I must say although bfing can be a challenging process, nothing beats watching your little one being nourished on your BM and put on weight! I nv knew I could be so happy watching baby soiling and wetting her diapers lor. 'cos it indicates that she's getting what she needs, from me! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starry, totally agree! It's really a sense of fulfillment n accomplishment to cc bb grow n put on weight on our breast milk!!

So mummies, jia you!! U can do it!!

Yeah, save money too. Milk powder very very expensive nowadays. My girl's Similac can only last her 1 week to 10 days per tin. It's $40++!! Breastfeeding means saving a lot of milk powder money in the long run. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Easily save $120 per month. Just need to put in effort and be diligent.

Hi all,

I've a brand new Quinny Buzz 3 stroller, willing to let go at $800. Was given to me as a baby shower gift. Interested pls pm me. Thanx.

Color of stroller: Roller Pink.

kWXY : sorry to hear there. But hope miracles will happen to u and amici

1d1r : me also with doc woo. But I'm at the tiong bahru outlet

Pump: 1st pregnancy I used avent. But lasted me for about 8th mths den gone case liao

Hi mummies,

I won't be joining this thread anymore too. Just went to gynae today, supposed to be feeling anxious to see the heartbeat but end up saw 2 empty sacs. Gynae just took a glance and said it's an abnormal sac and suggested me to do a D&C. In order for me to believe him as he was 100% sure, he wants me to take a blood test and also 2days later to test for the HCG level and then see him again to discuss if I want to do D&C or naturally miscarriage.

2 weeks ago we saw only 1 sac and gynae mentioned he saw blinking but he wasn't too sure.

Do I still need to seek for 2nd opinion since he's so sure? I still hv bloatedness and nausea. No spotting or bleeding. What should I do? Sigh...

Verre, how many weeks are you? You might want to wait another week and see another gynae again then?

Babystarlet, Your first pregnancy also with Dr Woo?


go for a 2nd opinion! you still have pregnancy symptoms so there is chance that baby is still there and alive. hoping for a miracle for you.


thanks for sharing the link on the chicken essence! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] looks good. wanna try this week.

verre : think is better to go for 2nd opinion. things will go fine.

1dog1rabbit : yepp, with Doc woo. He's friendly,patient and his stitching is good.which hosp u be giving birth?

Babystarlet, I went to TMC for #1. Quite happy with the service & food there.

So thinking of going back there again. But hubby say wanna try Mt A cos we went to visit friends there, nice environment.

Plus now, my hubby is starting to believe in Christ, would prefer a Catholic/Christian birth environment. You can request for the Sisters at Mt A to pray for the baby once he/she is born.

My hubby was non-believer when I had #1.

But another plus point abt TMC is that my gynae will give us free upgrade to 2bedder... & they quite 'lax'. My hubby managed to stay over with me during my stay at TMC though is 2bedder...

Plus the parking at Mt A is better than at TMC...

So we are still undecided...

Jasmine... coffee has caffeine. If can avoid, avoid. If really can't (those who are used to their daily coffee fix), then gynae says it's ok to have a cup a day...

Verre, seek for 2nd opinion but maybe you may wanna wait for 1 week first then see doc again. I know it's not easy but do stay positive k. Take Care too!!

Amici, really hope that you'll get positive result in today's check up. Be strong! Lot's of hugs!!

good late morning mummies!

Verre, yes do seek a 2nd opinion since you still experience bloatedness and nausea. Pardon me for saying, your gynae seems inexperienced. One moment saw blinking, next moment not sure??? Do let us know the outcome of 2nd visit. Rooting and praying for you and bbs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

amici, hope everything is fine with you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Minidiary, the OSCAR test is just a normal u/s scan to measure the neckfold thickness (the thinner the better) and the nasal bone (the higher the better).

Plus it comes with a blood test (need to draw blood from you) to check the protein markers in the blood (if I recall correctly, they test for 2 subtances in the blood).

Then the result will come back in the form of a ratio. E.g. 1:400. This means 1 in 400 chance of baby having DS. So the bigger the number, the better it is. And usually if the result is less than 1:300, they will recommend further invasive tests (amnio & CVS).



the scan really depends on how cooperative your baby is. can be very fast, 5 minutes and it's done and you proceed to wait in the lounge for nurse to call you in for drawing of blood. that too, very fast. if you arrive on time, you can go within 30 mins!

but some mummies waited half a day. because their little one no cooperative, don't wanna 'show' their neck or their nose for measurements. so the mummy gotta drink orange juice, go walk around etc then come back again. must talk to baby and ask him/her to cooperate! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

comfort wise, it's like normal gynae scan. blood test, you know lah. i'm not a fan of needles. :p

