(2011/10) Oct 2011


How is your bb doing? where u giving birth and when is ur EDD?

Not to worry, now ur health is back..u can slowly do your purchases and packing ur hosp bag. I hv not done it too..:) I think, for bb stuff, u can just get the neccessary and leave the rest to after birth then buy when needed.. I am doing the same too..Dun want to buy lots of things only to find out bb dun like or not suitable..

Beansprout pillow is not a must..I not getting for bb.

I hv quite a few big items FOC cos frds and relatives pass them down to me.I really save alot of cost.

Just only cleaned up the bb room and washed some infant toys. This bb room now has queen size bed that I need to get rid of and replace with a single bed. I hv not collect the bb cot from my SIL yet..so in another words, the room is not ready yet too.. all these can only be done during my hosp stay cos MIL forbid any assembly and dismantle work in the hse, even w/o my presence.Ytd, hubby wan to install a clothes hanger in the bathroom also cannot..:)

baby binders are to cover teh BB waist cord right?

someone pass to me also but my mom said not good. should just let the cord air dry.

i bought a bean sprout pillow from MUM & BABE then my MIL got me another one also. now its very ex for bean husks!!! u can try ask malaysia fren get for u. there cheaper - just sun it again before giving to BB

pseron at waxing shop STRIP also asked me if i have checked with my gynae if can go ahead to wax. i dun think need ask gynae la anyway my gynae everything also can one.

i v tempted to wax this week... but scared scared. last time was b4 wedding in early 2010.

every week plan to do up BB room over weekend - then weekend comes and goes and the BB room still not done. very angry after that... 3 weeks liao.

need to set up cot and maid bed and arrangements position.... all the BB stuff also need to sort out . everytbing is still in the shopping bags when bought.

I bought my beansprout pillow from pupsik studio. I like it cos it's quite wide n long.

Gilera: I'm worse... My hdb flat keys haven't get yet! Developer say distribution of keys start in sept! Then my mum's place n inlaw's place Oso no place for baby/maid/CL to stay

hi mummies,, so long never log in here.

side track abit,. can do eyebrow embroidery during preg now?


I also not sure about baby. My next check up is next week. I hope he is ok. movement wise not so much. doctor did say the cough med will make him drowsy too. but i had to choice. i was coughing and leaking pee big time. and coupled with asthma, i had to take the med or risk oxygen being cut off to baby. suppose to give birth 1st week of oct. side effects of all the antibiotics and med i took on the baby worries me constantly. sigh.

i think i am in the same situation as you. hahaa. no dismantle etc or assembly. i got a 2nd hand cot but cannot take over. i asked for measurement of the cot to buy mattress but to-date have not gotten an answer. it will have to be done when i am in hospital. sigh.


happymomo. I was sitting down when the lady infront of me cough down on me like raining her cough germs and vapours on me. i was totally disgusted. Throughout the 45min ride, she was coughing and coughing without covering her mouth. I was like being bathed in a fountain of germs. very upset. In fact when i reach my stop i wanted to go home for a bath but i tot too late, must have breathed in all those germs. very unhygenic and also i think very un-educated and selfish act. already in singapore we don't practise wearing masks but at least have the decency to cover with a tissue. Yes i agree with you, not the newspaper please. some man i see sneeze direct into their open papers and then start flipping the pages. gracious society?? i think we score very low on that. very sad that our society has degraded to such a stage. at this rate, i won't be surprised we go back to the 50s where cleanliness was a topic.


name swen on the pillow? i like the idea. is it very expensive and how long do they need to sew it? I haven't set on name yet. can let me know where to get name sewn? is it go seamstress?

pofy (pofy)

Yes Yes I agreed totally. I was comtemplating to wear mask in front of those people. I will buy mask later!

Beansprout I bought; But I think I will not let my baby have it right after birth. Maybe after 2-3 months?


i tried wearing masks. its not that comfortable. very difficult to breathe. stuffy train plus mask made me dizzy. and technically, once we put the mask on we are not suppose to use our hands to adjust etc because the doctor tell me its contaminated if we keep adjusting it (although i see those nurses in hospital also do the same)?

if only people can behave in a more civilised manner. today i was lucky. i got a seat.

but another pregnant lady not so lucky. she stood all the way. beside me, the lady was playing game on her iphone and the lady next to her was dozing until her stop.

i really detest our public transport and the talk of raising fees really upsets me.

despite the news that circle line will ease the crowd, i really doubt. from woodlands there is only 1 way down and its always packed. circle or no circle line makes no difference.

look at what happen with erp? they say its suppose to ease traffic, but there are traffic jams all over and how to solve? raise the fees further to deter. seriously, i think there is some flaw in their foresight or they plain refuse to acknowledge that fees are solving the problems. increasing their treasure chest seems more like it.

i took a taxi down to orchard road on sat.

i had to pay erp. why? i thought to promote a balance lifestyle, we are encourage to not work on sat? so i go shopping but why am i penalise? i took the public transport (taxi) and i intend to spend on my own country's economy by shopping in Singapore but i am penalise for entering orchard road on a sat. is the tourist dollar the only worthy one? i just don't understand why they impose erp on sat at orchard road?

it just seems all about money.

its so sad to know our children will be living in such conditions.

true, there is peace, we don't have war. That I am grateful.

But all the other silent negative impacts/wars our children will face i feel sad for them.

negative impact from casino, squeeze from foreign talents and not even able to afford public housing. sigh. gosh, very sad leh.

the circle line, it won't ease the crowd but will increase the crowd as more people will take the train rather than bus..

this morning, the train that I board is ok, saw empty seat at reserve seat but I am not that fast & a lady in front of me walk in, take the seat to read her paper, she is not going to give up the seat though I am right behind her before she seat down & i stand infront of her. Is the passenge next to her who give up the seat to me.

pofy (pofy),

I have too much to say when talking about public transport. In train I fight with many many of the foreign talent whom I believe to be "blue collar or in service line", and when it comes to taking cab, I lost to an indonesian chinese boy whom pretending to be on phone and walk further to halt my cab which I was waiting in vain for 15 min. I have no reason not welcome real FT, true to us and contribute to our society but i am seriously in doubt of those lower grade FT.

I am planning to take cab when I am approaching 8 months. I was planning the ERP charges yesterday. It will be more than $4 dollars. Despite that I have to pay double compare to non-peak, the traffic is still horrible and I have to step out earlier. I thought we pay a lot of taxes, COE and ERP and yet we don't get to see wider road builds. That makes me wonder is road building our govt role? Our expressway lanes are like 3/4 lanes? Our MRT cubicle is smaller than the rest of the world with not enough air-con. At times they will make people come out from the MRT and consolidate the crowded for the next train before moving to the next station, isnt this a waste of our time?

Talking about so many of us here, many are still without flats, please take a look at our HDB Hub notice board, take a count of how many FT is winning the ballot and many of us are left in vain. That are excluding PR in the resale market.

When it comes to medical subsidies, why are so many of us spending extra money in private hospital and many new citizen is enjoying subsidies patient rate. Being a subsidies patient, would mean u got to live with no fixed doc, long Q and etc. I thought medical subsidies should be for citizens? But why make medical subsidies like is only for the poorest of all, although it is not free at all!

I think is not jus one system is wrong, multiple system are in error.

Happymomo- u sounded frustrated.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] cannot change now but surely we can help expedite the improvements.


I dont intend to change anything, LOL

Is a place where my say is not significant hence no point getting angry about. I only know I am here to make more money and then better routes will be there for me : )

pofy, happymomo

SG gvt is interested in $$$$$$ that's their priority. Public transport sld be a public service. Well election has ended, they have said the big S word SORRY but that has not changed much. It did have them scrambling around for about a month or so but now its back to business as usual.

I finally got the chance to vote this year and I voted opposition. Will continue voting this way till I see a 30% representation in parliament.

angeline su (angeline_su)

I think better don't, so far all the comment I heard is not to colour

tamms (tamms)

U are very right! Anyway the fact that they have lift the gate for ease of entry, hence created a population they cannot handle, congestion in traffics, housing issue. By having more new trains and more new flats will not help if the policy is to let FT have ease of access to our facilities. I have known of wealthy foreigner whom dad is well-to-do but still ballot and got a BTO flat. Can u imagine they will soon inherit overseas private properties and businesses from their parents Worse of all they dont stay in Singapore. This is a loop hole in the policy but no one cares. When it comes to private property, how many are actually bought by the foreginer. When property prices hike, who benefits? It is those foreginer. But we as a Singaporean are tied up by MOP; ballotting of flats 2 years, 3 years to build and 5 years MOP, by then we are in our 40s and will be subjected to retrenchment. So unless we have a rich parents that can give us inherit wealth, if not we are almost stuck for the rest of our lives. 20-30 years ago, many foreigner are in singapore buying private property, they are today the wealthy lot. And our parents are the one still slogging for a living. Our parents may have face the same situation many years back. Now we face the same situation, maybe even worse off in future.

I am here to share a different views of what I see okies. Dont intend to offend any MTBs.

Hello mummies,


don't worry lah. i am sure alot of mummies share our views. its just voicing out our worries. don't know why but during this period of pregnancy, i started worrying about all these national issues instead of getting ready the hospital bag! hahaha!

must be the hormones.

there are alot of issues we cannot solve so i guess we try to make the best we can. foreigners i feel we need to have definitely, just how much because frankly if you ask any local singaporeans, not many are willing to be cleaners to dump rubbish chute, clean public toilets or be security guards. I have to admit a certain proportion of singaporeans would not do such jobs which they deem are "lowly" but foreigners take it up. Its just that, i agree that we have to be more selective and make sure singapore has a more manageable population such that every one is more comfortable and happy. i think i belong to the group that don't mind a slower economic growth but having a more comfortable and happy life living in Singapore. No point if our economy boom but we are not a happy lot.

well i think enough of national issues lah.

the brighter side is that the weekend will soon be here! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So let's cheer up.

this week i definitely have to pack the hospital bag! that is my only goal because all other things like the cot etc cannot take over. baby clothes i was told if wash must make sure dry in the day, cannot hang out at night because its 7th month.

i scratch my head and wonder how i can control the sun to make sure it helps me dry up all my baby clothes so in the end i decide not to wash until beginning of Sep. 1 load in the washing machine to solve it so that i have less headache now! hahaha

how are u mummies this week -

anyone increasing appetite - for me, i dun feel like eating much - very heartburn with normal meal size.. like as if just had a buffet.....

this week is my 31st week!!! i will also pack hospital bag, try to set up BB room . i wanna color hair - all the white hair sprouting like tow-gay and i wanna do wax but abit scared lei....

Hi mummies

Hee, i just did colour toning on my hair - to reduce the brightness of the previous colour cos' the outgrow is getting very obvious. My gynae was ok with hair colouring, especially after the 2nd trimester. A preggy colleague also just coloured her hair recently. She did it for her other pregnancies and her boys came out ok. Think it is up to one's comfort level [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just tell the hairdresser not to touch the scalp if possible. My hairdresser has been doing my hair for years and she is very professional so i feel safe.


i worry early deliver. i got a friend delivered at 37 weeks. another one delivered at 36 weeks, baby was out 1 month earlier.

i plan for the worse case scenerio, that will leave us with just 6 weeks.

i also worry alot lah. i got Strep B. Doc says not treated can lead to pre-term labour. i treat with 3 courses of antibiotics but still here so we stop treating cos too much antibiotic already. i am confirmed a carrier. so sad.

so i worry worry and worry every day. sigh.


my boss still have not found replacement yet leh! i ask 3 times on maternity leave, he also keep quiet. haiz. i really don't know what to do.

pofy (pofy)

Oh Ok ok, no wonder u need to prepare so early. Yesterday visit my gynea, I was told might have to deliver earlier for my case too cos of GD. Maybe I should also prepare in advance. LOL

U intend to take four months all at one times?

Hi Mummies here,

I have a new unopened Carter Baby Bather for sale. this was given to me during my baby shower in April this year. I have no use for it. Let me know if anyone is keen. You can search on the net for a picture of it. I would like to sell it for $18. Let me know if any one is keen. Thank you.


yes, i intend to take all 4 months at one go.

if not then i might just quit. after that then look for a job. we have waited so long to have this baby. i want to spend some quality time with him.

job wise i am not picky. any shop assistant i also don't mind so it should not be difficult. my side the shop and save looking for cashiers. i was thinking about it. since its walking distance and i can do the night shift. then whole day i can be with baby. haha

Pofy, I am also intending to take 4 months

but when I am back at works I hope to get bonus and quit!! Looking forward to that day goodness. Not very happy here, a lot of unfairness. And people not willing to teach.

hi mummies,

i think everyone is probably in a good mood now, as our EDD draws near.

however, i am getting more and more distressed. my mom, who is supposed to help me with confinement, is getting more and more unstable (long story) emotionally and i don't think that she can handle the stress. furthermore, she has all these long-term issues with me which has not been settled. i cannot imagine how i can live with her PLUS the stress of a newborn.

hence, i am urgently looking for a confinement lady as a backup plan. i noe there was a thread on this sometime back, but wasn't paying attention to it as i thought i had it all settled.

what are the recommended confinement ladies? are those from agencies good? i just looked at one -GPLS. how's the feedback like?

sigh, am so upset and distressed now......

was looking forward to baby's arrival but now i am almost dreading it. not good for baby i noe......

mummycoccyx- i think the rates of CL is about $2k +/-

i also booked thru GPLS. CL= $1950, need to give 2 ang baos, total minimum $100, and then need to pay the levy $168 to CPF board.

I heard some good n bad feedbacks on many agencies. But signed with GPLS cos hubby say its like choosing maids la. depends on luck also.

BTW, the secret FB group got 1 mummy she was looking for someone to take over her CL.

gilera: i think depends la. I know 2nd time mummies higher chance of delivering earlier.

1st time mummies not so le. muy frens mostly deliver on time. hahaha.

but 1-2 weeks +/- is v normal la


Yan is right. Please don't be mistaken. I have also a friend her 1st one on time, 2nd one didn't want to come out! She had to be induced twice before the little princess came out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

its very individual and no fixed formula. sorry if i caused a panic. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i have the same problem as you actually. issues with my own mum etc so in the end to save money and also avoid the possibility of further clashes especially in practical handling of the baby, i did not hire a CL. just look, before the baby is out, i am already facing alot of restrictions such as no washing of baby clothes and hanging out at night, no assembling of bed etc and of cos no CL to them is a big crime althought last time when my mum birth me, she also no CL (so i wonder why the big fuss, sigh).

A number of mummies gave me encouragement that it can work out. If you really cannot find a CL, don't stress, can try to handle. baby arriving so we must be happy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] All the other matters i tell myself we just try out best to deal with it.

jia you!

Hi every1 im new in this forum.. well i guess every1 edd is juz round e corner n im a firstimer mum to be...

will i deliver earlier den 10 10 2011 coz alot of my relative say most pro 36 weeks my baby will be delivered n yet im haf not perpare certain thing yet!! haiz!

pofy > the beansprout pillow i got it from one of the seller in the bulk purchase. They allow you to choose the size and design of the cloth. We can request the names to be sewn on the pillow cover (on additional cost). I paid ard $80+ for 1 long pillow with additional case and a rabbit shaped pillow. All with names sewn on it. Its abit expensive but as my elder one also has personalised pillow so thought of to be fair this time round will be doing the same also.

HappyMoMo > you are still better than me, I have not even bought the clothings (home wear) just those clothes for shopping passed down by my elder one.

I have not done anything yet too...cos too tense up with the P1 Registration...Maybe will go bugis on Friday to get newborn cloth if I am successful getting a place during the balloting this Friday morning.


I'm the mummy who is looking for someone to take over my CL. She's a Malaysian and is recommended by a friend who've engaged in her services.

I feel really bad because our arrangement was based on trust - She didn't ask for any deposit. But because something happened at home and we hired a domestic helper, I felt that it'll be an overkill to have a CL as well. But if no one wants to take over my slot, I'll probably continue to hire her. Can't bear to terminate her services. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Let me know if you are interested to take over.

IMO, it's better to get those with friend's referral than going to an agency and trying your luck. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pofy, I'm in the same situation as u. I'm so stressed up at work that I thought I'm going into a depression a few weeks ago... Everyday feel like crying... Now I'm trying to be more happy n look forward to edd. Then like u, after 4mths maternity leave go back work ( wait for bonus if possible) then resign from the horrible place.


same same. I'm having bad appettite although no heart burn. Dun feel like eating during meal times, but I still must eat for the baby. So nowadays always end up eating at irregular times...


Thanks. I will look ard. 80 too ex for me. Personalised has a nice touch though.


I m not hopeful for bonus. Although we would hve work for 9 mths tis year the fact tat we r gone for 4 mths will weigh heavily on bosses's mind. I hve friends who were short change n some not promoted or given due increment jus becos they went on maternity. There is no rule to protect us n it's up to the whim n fancy of the boss.


Good luck wif the balloting!


yes my workplace is getting worse too n i think becos of preg im kinda 'bar' from promotion, suddenly got extra portfolio to handle and by right this shldnt be directed at me n my direct supr/HOD wash their hands of it! Really have to 'ren' for 2 mths n hopefully can find sthg else aft my ML! to make things worse my being told off by HB tat he's fed up wif me complianing cos he's got his work stress too.. tears jus flow last nite.... getting v emo nowadays...

National issuse

im one of them facing prob wif it too.. esp HDB, COV sky high n BTO didnt ease it, ballot also cant get real sian..


I've got my fren who pop at wk 37-38 so i've myself earlier in case i'll be so lost...


do u still have any stocks for Medela freestyle?

bubblygeekypig -

dun emo - sometimes HB might just be qually sick of hearing all our complaints and worry to fed coming BB etc. men have alot of commitments too and they will hide in cave to think about it instead of bitching out loud like us.. .. so chill...

singaporean workplaces not that faimly oreintated and understanding. just keep low profile, do you job, go home and another day has passed and another day closer to meet your precious little one comes closer. be strong. ;)

my back ache at work is annoying too.

theres one mom i read that went for check up then doc tell her to check in next day for induce labour. she super not ready for it and wanted to put it off - like theres no turning back liao. i hope she has a safe and smooth delivery. cant wait for her to share her experience.... if its me, i suppose i will freak out too like, reality sets in and dammit - this is it.. do or d**. (choy)

very anxious about birthing part. v scared i cannot take it... sob sob.

next week onwards will have check up every 2 weeks... wonder how heavy my BB now at 31 week.


Thanx! yes i also realise workplaces esp in non-ang mo co really not tat family oriented n i dun pin much hope next yr for increment/promotion. wanted to leave so much n this bb came unexpectedly.. now i jus hope my bb to be a healthy 1.. also v scare cant take it cos till now my maternal instinct havent kick in yet...

Hi mummies,

I am still having cravings for instant noodles...I know I shouldn't eat so much... but just couldn't help it. Anyone have the same craving?


I bought a very affordable beansprout pillow from the chinatown shop leh. I think 10 buck or so. U know the shop? I get to know from people in this forum too

Ben Ben

I love instant noodle, esp when in second tri, I was eating like 4am in the morning, partly I was super hungry and that was the most delicious thing I think off. I bought so many different kinds of instant noodle. I have a frd whom has given birth, also had the same curving.

But these two weeks I am controlling the food intake ler. Got GD, hence trying hard to resist the temptation


pofy, u got experience any cramps? recently i feel some menstrual cramps like feeling and gynae said maybe due to UTI.. did a urine test.. he said he wont gimme medication for strep b liao.. he will take it as i am a carrier for "whole lifetime"... so gotta put me on antibiotics when i give birth...

i asked him for inserts to put into vagina.. then he said i dont have yeast, only strep B.. i thought strep B is also yeast.. so conflicting..

ignore ur boss bah, he cannot find, his business!!

