(2011/10) Oct 2011


sorry need to also find out if e suction is adjustable for PIS.. still dunno whether to get freestyle or PIS... do u've an online shop can gimme e webbie here thanx!

Hi bubblygeekypig

PIS is heavier than freestyle. However, I personally like PIS as the suction is stronger than Freestyle. Both suction can be adjusted.

I have placed the order yesterday. But the stock is limited. If more people want it, I will order again.

You can check out at my webby.. www.prettymums.com

Is the pre registration form the one included in the mailer from TMC? I received a booklet introducing the services at TMC, inside included a form. The form states the type of hospital room reserved, and we are to fill in husband n wife's details.

Prettymum: So far the reviews I've heard abt medela is quite gd. But some mummies say costly when need to buy spare parts n it does not fully empty the breast.

Avent I've Oso heard of gd review. Only thing is that the bottles must b avent bottles.

Y do u not like avent?

Hi sweetsnow

You do not need to buy spare parts as it comes in full set. Unless you would to have extra set so that you do not need to sterilize so frequently.

Hi bubblygeekypig

PIS do not have rechargable batt, though it comes with battery pack (need around 8-10 batteries). But I do not recommend you to use that as it's not powerful enough.

For PIS, you need to get a local adapter that suits local voltage.

For FS, you just need to have the travel adapter to change the pin.

Sweetsnow: yes tat's the form

gilera: i'm delivering at TMC.

I hv already placed a deposit of $600+ cash for doctor's fee side. On top of that I need to place a deposit of $1,900 upon admission as I hv selected Single bedded. Also hv to bring along antenatal receipts so that they will claim the rest of the bill fr our medisave up to a limit of $1,400 (hospital side) + $700 (doctor's fee) = $2,100.

If there's anything left from $1,900 deposit they will return back tobackda after claims. Of cos if delivery becomes more complicated eg. C-sect, then I might hv to top-up more after billing.

anyone can share how u all are planning out your BB room / nursery?

intend to let new maid sleep in BB room but heard that must position in such a way that BB cannot see maid else will think she is the mother.

intially wanted cot in our master bedroom but if put in, must dismantle if need to shift out.cannot walk and will affect HB sleep.also might as well park it int h room with the changing table and all of BB stuff. always need bring small bowl of water with cotton balls to wipe after poo poo?

anyway- its just a few steps to next room. no big deal. it will also reinstate that its my BB room, not maid room.

how are u mommies planning to bathe the BB? everyday or after how many days then can bathe BB. bathe in master bedroom toilet with the BB tub on floor? like very low ont he floor - then we also cannot squat down... can just have the water tub on our bed.. BB still small just wipe wipe good enough?

just imagining how things to be done now....

karen - haven t placed any deposit yet. mandatory before delivery?

so in summary - medisave can claim total of $2,100 ?

i had a super cramp on my right calf few nights ago, that my toes pointed down for a few minutes and i was at lost as so difficult to get up from lying down + the cramp. then it finally loosened up n tried to flex them back.

days later, now the calf muscles still hurt as if after marathon run.like kenah over stretch like that....

Hi bubblygeekypig

I tried using both before and I don't find it powerful enough. But you can use if you want to.

I normally use the adapter instead of battery.


No the baby won't think that the maid is her mother, anyway vision is very limited in the first month, can only see near objects. Don't worry, as long as you spend quality time with your baby, she won't be confused about who mama is.

My cot is going to be in the spare room with CL. After CL leaves, will dismantle the cot and move to my room. Yup when baby pees and poops, we will moisten the area with water and dry with tissue, air dry, followed by diaper cream.

Will bathe baby everyday from day 1. Night time, just wipe with cotton balls and cloth. I put my baby tub on top of my toilet bowl with the lid closed. Will push a chair into the toilet so I can sit to wash baby. Best to give baby a proper bath, their skin is very sensitive, if you do not clean well baby will end up with a rash.

That's what I'll be doing! Hope that helps.

thanks tamms (tamms)

have been trying to picture out what to do, HB thought i getting overly paranoid.

this week been feeling very ZAI - as if ate too much starchy stuff then the heart all cannot breathe and eat... uncomfortable!

hi mummies,

haven't posted here for some time. been busy buying all the baby stuff past few weeks, making use of GSS which is ending. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

are any of you getting those baby bouncers? can't possibly put baby in cot the whole day or carry baby around right....i saw one from fisher-price which can be used until toddler age. quite value for money.

where to put baby cot: i am also having trouble re: baby cot. putting it in master bed room but i think my hubby will have very bad sleep and go to work very tired but he wants baby to sleep with us instead of my mom (i am not intending to have CL....too many people, too many opinions not good i think) but i have to rethink where to put my bed and side tables....mine only arriving early sept.

re: medela PISA. i bought mine from US where my brother is studying, my dad bringing it back in august when he visits my bro. oh no i din noe need to change the whole adapter? i thought can just use travel adapter. hmmm seems like then can only use AA batteries...

Hi mummycoccyx

Re: Medela PISA

Yes. You cannot use that adapter in Singapore as the voltage is different. But AA batteries not powerful enough.


sorry im v being mountain turtoise... does it mean tat even wif e adapter i'll need a socket source to plug it in? as i'll be taking my breastpump to work n i need to pump in toilet n there's no socket source so im looking for some portable aka rechargable batt for me to pump in toliet but PIS doesnt seem to be able to do tat w/o a socket.. Pls correct me if im wrong..

Hi bubblygeekypig

Yes. You need a socket to plug in. In this case since you do not have the socket, I would recommend you to take Freestyle instead of PIS as the battery pack really not much power.

Hi mummycoccyx

You would need to buy the adapter that can be used in Singapore. You need to check what voltage is the pump you have. I do sell the adapter (but not medela brand). If you want medela brand, I can order for you.

Non-medela adapter is around $20.


so e travel adapter is when u use it when u need to plug in e socket w/o e rechargable batt? n do u recharge e batt using e travel adapter too-as in take a whole motor n leave e rechagable in it for charging?

Hi bubblygeekypig

You definitely need a travel adapter to charge the rechargable batt.

Yes. You need to leave the batt in the motor to charge.

Gilera > for mine baby will be slping in another room with CL and the maid and after the CL is gone he will be moved to the master bedroom and slp with us.

As for shower, will shower baby daily in the late morning and evening just use cloth to wipe. CL will be bathing my baby for the 1st mth so I'm ok subsequently when I'm on my own will

juz sit on a small stool with the tub on the floor.

For cleaning of poo, wat I'll do is soak the cotton ball in water, squeeze dry then put in zip lock bag. On top of that will use

tissue to clean the messy area.

For my elder one he was delivered through emergency c- section. That day after lunch I started to have contraction then have some blood discharge so called up the clinic and was asked to go to the clinic immediately. Once reached, doc checked and said I was 2cm dilate,was so happy becoz I insisted on natural. So immediately was sent down to one room where they will insert something to help clear ur bowels and was hooked to the machine to monitor the baby's heartbeat and the contraction. Then after clearing bowels, I was being pushed to the delivery ward waiting but think I was too gan cheong the baby's heartbeat went up to 160pm so doc was called in and water bag was burst to find out whether the baby distress and true enough he did so was immediately pushed to operation room for c-section. The whole process lasted only for 3hrs.

Mummycoccyx > I got the rocker for my elder one and I find it very useful and till now (he's 21 mths) he's still using it.


I got the rocker too, its good and can use for a long time. However my girl is very active, she liked to climb up all over the rocker. In the end, she tipped it backwards and fell over a few times, so we retired the rocker.

here's a pic of her admiring the animals when she was 2m old.


thats a really good pic. your gal is so sweet....

wats ur birth story - if u havent shared already...


Csec recovery long time? where exactly is bikini line cut? horizontal cut below waist above pubic hair area?

last night i complained to my HB i very tired and want the BB fast come out. he scold me that BB not ready yet - cannot say such things.

i didnt mean it that way la....

esther - why do u "soak the cotton ball in water, squeeze dry then put in zip lock bag"

to use later or wat? non eed to be boiled water right?

Gilera > I forgot how long it took me to recover but by the 3rd day the nurse will request you to get down the bed and walk ard.

Ya, it's horizontal cut below the waist above the pubic area.

The cotton ball is prepared to clean the baby's butt as and when they poop. I use tap water since it's used on the butt.

Ok good idea. Like home made wet wipes?

Wouldn't cotton pads be more useful as in surface area rather than balls? Balls wipe one stroke then can't fold use other side....

