(2011/10) Oct 2011

mine is neurogain PB, 250mg DHA,20mg EPA. i think is 30 plus.

the fish oil we only need to take for another one to two months ba. my gynae said can stop after 32 weeks or is it 34 weeks, couldnt remember. but have to continue with the multi vitamins.

i think i used up my MC entitlement long ago. haha.. got appt, juz go n c gynae, no MC or leave since is relative's company.


Any rec for comfy bras now? Underwires are killing me. Non wired ones r like so shapeless. Cup side nv increase only chest length. End up look like Madonna pointed boobs with non wired bras. Help!!!

Hi gilera. I am taking Dhaxtra too. Yep very ex!

Just went for my checkup. Baby about 1kg at 27week 5 days. Doc says 50% percentile. Oh but she doesn't need me to do the GD test leh, says no history plus first one no GD. Strep B only during last month.

Are any of you mummies doing the 3D scan? TMC charges $200 for pictures and almost $300 for video. I am keen but hesitant because of the price. Do you think it is worth it?


keyboard fixed aredi, can update the table liao. just tat sometimes in FB only and seldom drop by here. Brands got caramel, same with New Moon..that's why the chicken essence darker lo.. EYS chicken essense looks more pure...taste wise the same leh... haha Caramel is sugar i think [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my diet is quite ok leh... i dn't really take much snacks or sweets, at most I will have a semi sweet drink after lunch or a diluted fruit juice before dinner. I hardly do snacks/ice cream/chocs. Even my weekend snack is home popped popcorn with a pinch of salt! So I was pretty surprised. I also swim 40min once a week. Maybe its the age...


Yes was quite surprised too, but it was in the diabetic handbook the dietician gave me! She's from Mt.E and assured me that its fine, but must be small pieces. She said grapes are ok but only 5pc. Anyway My blood sugar level was not very high, it was 8.4.

Oh yes yesterday's bfast was really nice and also very filling. This morning had 1 1/2 pc Weetbix with Pauls yogurt + milk and an egg. Also nice.

gilera > I'm only taking the DHA - Brand: Solaray, Price:$43. They say even after delivery can continue to take coz bb drinking breast milk can also take in the nutrients.

I got my bra (nursing bra) from one of the shop in Suntec, shop name: Perfect Mum (near toys r us). You may wanna try.

Hi Gilera,

I'm also delivering at TMC. Just received a pre-registration form from TMC and mailed out le. The booklet never mentioned abt marriage cert le, only both parents' IC. I haven't gone for the tour nor the class. Shd be doing it next weekend when I go for my checkup

I also haven't buy nursing bra... dunno wat size to buy...

Current size?

Or pre-maternity size?

Or a size bigger than current size in case engorgement?

Think e 3d scan too ex. Will they ensure to retake till got good shot?

Karen: will look out in mailbox. Hv u booked ward? I book ward le. Also unsure wat size bra. Like never grow lei.

Will try look out for the tube bra. Not many places carry p Cardin brand?

P Cardin bra shd b able to find at departmental stores...my cup is definitely bigger than my pre-pregnancy size. Hv been surviving on extensions on previous bras... So really hv no idea wat size I shd buy.

3d scan - NUH charge 100+, was telling hb n he said baby will be out soon, dun waste that money.. oh well.. haha. so not doing it.

bra size - mine used to be cannot fill up the A cup, now can feel up so juz nice, i also dun c it getting much bigger.

taka having baby sale, maybe they will sell nursing bra n stuff too.

Hi all, only just realised that the blur me was posting in Nov thread instead of Oct thread.

Just wanna ask - Are you ladies buying clothes for 0-3mths or 3-6mths? Cos my gynae told me my bb's kinda overweight now and I'm just worried if I buy 0-3mths, might be too small?

Even for diapers, I'm not sure if buying Newborn is ok or should I buy Small?

TIA! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinkmeowmeow: I am buying 3-6 months .. babies grow very fast .. as for diapers, I am planning to buy after delivery since diapers is provided in hospital ..

Hello Mummies,

Remember the latido playpen i just bought $99 at kiddypalace.... i realised after putting in my room (the small upgraded room after the kitchen),

i have not much space left, whole room seems so cramp and stuffy, besides my room has a super single bed and some side cabinets. this afternoon we set up the playpen and realised this problem. now feeling very stress [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hais..

keep or sell? seems like i made an impulse buying or rather my room too small to accommodate everything.

i need advice. many thanks

tamms, your 8.4 reading isn't v bad. Mine's slightly worse at 9.1. Canola omega 3 isn't healthy? I spent a long time reading all the labels of margarine, butter and cheese spread at Giant and realised it's the healthiest of the lot. I get gd readings as well. But I'll try your pita wrap after finishing the canola without the Milo tho Milo is my biggest temptation :p Thks for your sharing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

I repierced my belly button abt a yr ago, but the piercing still seems quite raw. Now that I'm pregnant, it feels v sensitive.

Do u think I Shld remove the piercing? But once removed, the hole will surely close

snuppy, just some suggestions... try moving the side cabinets to the area where most of the bb things are there? The super single bed can b dismantled and put in storeroom until your #1 is old enough to use it?

sweetsnow, I think it's best to check with your piercer on how to soothe your sensitive skin. But I'd take the jewellery out myself cos there is a chance the belly button will pop out esp during the last trimester and the jewellery may not stay in.

I've already changed the jewelley to plastic so it's more flexible to my growing tummy. Dunno if the piercer will bother with me if I go back to ask him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I've already changed the jewelley to plastic so it's more flexible to my growing tummy. Dunno if the piercer will bother with me if I go back to ask him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I pierced my belly button years ago, but during my first pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, the area around the piercing started to itch and became weepy and smelly. I ended up with a dark circle around my navel from the itchy rash. Thankfully it faded away after baby was born. If your piercing is still raw, think its best to take it out.

Good morning mummies.....

havnt login to this thread for a long time.....

Monday blues, i didnt hv a good nite slp last nite....I really hate the weather, whenever i on the air con at nite, it'll rain... n last nite it rains so heavily at 3am. And i off the air con & on teh fan & depend on the cooling weather. But at 5am, i was sweating... the rain has stopped & my fan has stopped too.... *angry*

I had two cups of tea yesterday afternoon during high tea so i couldnt slp well last nite...


that super single bed is where my hubby and i are sleeping [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].. cannot dismantle.. plus the side cabinets are essential for putting bb stuff [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] haiss..

that time my hubby shift the bed a bit.. my parents were so shocked.. cos they said cannot anyhw shift bed will "affect" the bb.. sian..

somemore i'm staying at parents house, bto nt ready yet.. and no storeroom also..

a big headache isnt it, i kept thinking last night and didnt sleep well lol..

Morning gals!!! I too blur post in Nov thread.. hehe.. no wonder I was like eh how come so many newcomers...

Nursing Bras:

During my #1, I bought before delivery and the cup size is wrong coz of engorgement. So would recommend to buy after delivery. in TMC, there is a brand of nursing bra which provide very good support, however the price is also quite steep. If you deliver in TMC, u can consider visiting parentcraft.

ginn cai: me also monday blues .. went for 3d scan but baby was uncooperative .. woke up in the middle of the night - hungry, blocked nose, restless .. this morning looked like a panda =(

snuppy: you need to step out of the house if there is any shifting .. got space in the living room? place the cabinets outside .. you can place those essential baby items in the hooked type organizer at the side of the play pen ..



over the weekends, hubby and i were like "jia jia 9" trying to figure how to squeeze the playpen in .. but still failed...

i guess i am gg to say bye bye to it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif],

any interested mummies, please pm me

thank you very much in advance

Nursing Bras:

During my #1, I bought before delivery and the cup size is wrong coz of engorgement. So would recommend to buy after delivery. in TMC, there is a brand of nursing bra which provide very good support, however the price is also quite steep. If you deliver in TMC, u can consider visiting parentcraft.

was with kkh, gyn just inform that he will go private practice in early oct. can still follow him & deliver elsewhere else another gyn will be delivering. think TMC is the cheapest among other private hospital right?

what do they provide if you are staying there & for the baby gift any idea.

is yr tummy slanted when baby is on one side? sometimes the baby tends to keep to one side n my tummy will be slanted n the shape looks very weird to me.

Me too... dunno wake up how many donkey times. I have blood in nose also. Only in left nostril. Everytime I clear there's blood. Wet and dry.

snuppy: if not, re-arrange the furnitures in your room? or put the playpen in the living room?

jinnous: me too!! got blood in the right nostril =(


yes my tummy is slanted to 1 side n sometimes i can feel his head kinda 'protruing' out of my tummy initially tot im e only 1 but my fren say theirs also n sometimes can c fist..

hi fanastar, so did you get any good photos? Did the sonographer wait till the baby is well positioned? where did you take your 3D scans?

leeoh: me got to go back for re-scan on wed =( baby refused to cooperate!! initially facing his back to me then i went for a walk -> came back and he was covering his face with his hands, as if telling to tell us not to disturb him =( was telling his daddy that he is not cooperative as he knew daddy was not present .. going to see if baby is in a good position when his daddy is present this wednesday ..

me did at kkh .. done 2d today, but free of charge ..

see fist ah.. next time muz keep a lookout.. hehe.. i everytime will stoke him n asked him to spread out, cuz abit uncomfortable if he is on one side only.

juz completed pre-registration at NUH. Dr warned me abt my weight. currently, I m in my 30 weeks n gained 10kg and she said max can gain 2 more kg. haha. how is it possible to only gain 2kg in the last 10 weeks.

got a goodies bag for pre-registration too. baby shampoo, nappy cream, door stopper, pigeon disposable breast pad, baby wipes n a very samll bottle of liquid cleanser, huggies newborn diapers n advert n discount vouchers from sweetest moment, advent n mothercare.

winter_bluey: you are fast!! me was still thinking of doing the pre-registration in sep =p

anyone knows if sheng kwan trading co (opposite kwan yin temple) sells baby caps?? forgot to buy when I went there this morning =(

snuppy: I am so going to kill myself!! was still reminding myself to buy when I was on the way =.= only left that one, and baby clothing range is complete .. going to taka fair and buy the remaining items (hopefully they have the stroller model I want) .. you going on wed?

Genesis: why will nose bleed huh? I also got slight but I tot is Coz I dig my nose to hard. Haha

Creamdonut: so exciting! I heard abt it from my frens n I cant wait to feel it too

Winter_bluey: oh no. I'm only 27wks n I alrdy put on 12kg! But my gynae say it's ok during my last visit leh.

And pre-registration for wat huh?


Recieved pre registration for TMC too. It was not postage paid return envelope though.

1st tri already had dried blood nose mucous. Then stopped then now again hv. It's normal.

