(2011/10) Oct 2011

The ru yi oil is to put some on our palms, rub until hot then put on bb's tummy one.. becareful, dont pour directly to the baby's tummy.. if not they sure cry out in pain!

snuppy, 10 mins okie.. mine less than 5 mins.. haha.. i also not much qns to ask, maybe this is my 2nd time le...


anyone has experience any difficulities in passing motion? last wk i had diarrhea for 2 days but nthg serious jus once on these 2 days then nthg for e next 3 days.. then this mon when passing motion it hurt my anus quite bad tat it bleed, ytd nthg n tdy pass motion same thing happen agn... it's rather painful so scare tat i might kana piles [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


gynae said my baby weight is within normal. he is hoping my baby to be around 2.5 to 2.8 kg. because i'm a small size person. if the baby is bigger than 3 kg, i may need c-sect. but i don't know why. i still want my baby to be big.

good afternoon!

happymomo, i think because chicken essence contains honey which is too sweet for diabetics. i'm going to ask later whether i can eat cookies and chocolates suitable for diabetics as i saw some selling at Guardian. 2 bowls of rice (esp if white) per meal will spike the blood sugar. if you are looking for snacks, i'd suggest fruits. the sugar content isn't as high as white rice.


constipation common. tried fybogel, fruits, papaya etc.

seems yakult / vitagen will turn constipation into LS. at least LS not pain and faster.

had been spending 30 min plus in toilet when constipated and sweating, hurting, worried push too hard will hurt BB.

wonder if childbirth is really like passing motion.

how many weeks are u all now?

i am in my 29th week... wondering what else needs to be done. feel like packing hospital bag - still need bring original marriage certificate...

heard can pre-register at TMC, anyone tried that before actual delivery day?

when walking thru TMC hospital tour, there is flight of stairs leading to the birthing rooms... how are we expected to climb them?

when do we need to start drinking coconut water (for cleaning BB)? any kind in particular? does it really work?

was also told to drink chicken essence to give us strength - like red bull? when to drink this?

alot of other mummies swear by raspberry leaf tea to induce labour.... who wanna purposely start labour!!!!!!


thanks. haha cos im worried tat it might be piles but lucky doc say it's a tear phew.. she gave me fibre drink n cream to apply.. ya i eat kiwi able to remove my bowels but bleed lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] yakult/vitagen dun seems to help leh.. sometimes i feel tat i havent remove my bowel for some time alr then i'll sit there for 1/2 hr too but i do it in office so got air con not so sweaty haha!

think my mum ever told me giving birth is somewhat similiar to pass motion but only more painful!

Yup my fren also mention need to bring along photocopy of marriage cert. Read from somewhere can only drink coconut water ard 8mth mth onwards..

gilera: drink young coconut 1 month prior EDD .. as for chicken essence, I am drinking it twice a week now .. you can pack a bottle in hospital bag; to drink before delivery so you got strength to push during delivery .. if possible, drink a bottle everyday after delivery so as to gain back the strength ..

me going to pack my hospital bag the weekend before national day - in week 30 as I am seeing my

gynae on 5th, took leave on 8th and ph on 9th .. going to

wash baby clothings as well .. going to buy the remaining stuffs next week at the baby fair ..

Just seen the obgyn today at 27 weeks. Baby put on 750 gm in the last one mth and is now 1.2kg !! And I put on 10kg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] she says I must watch my weight... Hmm less ice cream for me now..

And baby has turned head down too but she said sometimes they dun stay that way..

hey happymomo, i'm just back from the doctor. he said i can try chicken essence but if blood sugar spike, then i better stop. he wants me to test 3 days in a week, 3 times each day and see him 3 weeks later. no insulin as of now. funny thing he has cleared me to eat chicken chop without the sauce, no coleslaw and minimal amount of fries/mashed potatoes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning!!!

Ya drinking coconut will be after 32 weeks. Coconut will have to be those very big green color type not Thai coconut. On top of that I will also take bird nest which will also be after 32 weeks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fantastar > baby fair coming?? Where?? When??

morning mummies..

long time no post.. super busy with work and the 2 kiddos at home...

Ya, when is the next baby fair? I have not gotten ANYTHING for the bb yet.. Need to get moving now....

Any idea when is the taka bb fair coming up? Only know of JL expo sale starting today..

re: baby fair

there are 1 current baby fair at BHG, ending this weekend .. 20% storewide ..

there are 2 baby fairs next week - isetan & takashimaya ..


ya i didnt had yogurt/yogurt drink for quite some time alr probably i shld stock up too thanx!


i read tat have to drink those young coconut but i dunno which r e 'young' n which r e 'old' haha!

during my last chk up my gynae ask to cut down n not to eat so much too but mentioned lucky in e initial stage i didnt put on a lot of weight.. but e prob is my bb still consider small.. hopefully e next chk up in 2 wks time bb will catch up..

Hihi Mummies/MTB,

Anyone need Glutinous Rice Wine for yr Confinement 糯米酒? also can use for normal cooking... Pls PM me if you interested. thank you.

during my last visit, my gynae asked "r u taking a lot of carbohydrates?" i think thats a subtle way of telling me to watch my diet.. haha

I have piles before n it was horrible removing it so now I take 2 kinds of fruits everyday to prevent constipation n piles.

Raspberry tea leaf

it is not to induce labour but to tone the muscle so that it works better during labour. u can read more here. http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/labourandbirth/planningyourbabysbirth/raspberryteaeaselabourexpert/

There's bb sale at Isetan ongoing.

one mom had Raspberry leaf tea N delivered 2 wks before Edd

It's a natural motherly instinct. When feeling to spring clean n tidy up in prep for bb arrival. Animals do that too

constipation: papaya, prune juice, yogurt didn't really help me. so i stopped taking all these and try drink one glass of plain water every morning before breakfast. it works for me. since then i pass motion regularly even though the stool is not so soft.

Has anyone been losing sleep? I can't sleep at nite! Like keep waking up a few times then can't find the rite position to go back to sleep... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


You're not alone,

My dark circles is bigger than my eyes..

Have to apply abit concealor b4 gg for work.

if not i look really tired...

i also cannot find the right position to sleep, cos cannot move or adjust as what we normally do during sleeping.. sometime sleep in wrong position might the skin around the bump might feel taut, tight or stretched..

jinnous > yours 3 days very good compare to mine, I had constipation for 5 days lor.. Stomach super bloated, told my HB I'm FOS. Feel so super terrible.. I still whack fruits everyday leh.. Me too have been losing slp, esp when need to turn the body suddenly feels so 'inflexible'.

Bubblygeekypig > no leh I didn't go and find out whether 'young' or 'old', I juz drink as long as it's coconut. But wat I know is 'old' coconut will be sweeter compare to 'young' one and the flesh is harder most probably can't even get to eat the flesh. U may try to ask the stall to help you choose think they shld be able to differentiate.

Me too during last checkup doc said my weight increase abit more than average, so ask me to cut down on rice intake and take more meat instead.

Haiz how to mooncake festival coming and now durian season..

luv (luvagape)

Wow so good, even tell u what to eat ah. Are you seeing your usual gynea for GD? Chicken essense is my favourite leh. I shall ask them in my next visit

luv (luvagape)

Wow so good, even tell u what to eat ah. Are you seeing your usual gynea for GD? Chicken essense is my favourite leh. I shall ask them in my next visit

Sleeping is difficult

j can't just roll right or left coz share w hb need to shift right or left side while on the same spot. N lower half of body so heavy plus I hv pubic pain hv to keep legs together like a mermaid how to shift. Lift up butt then slowly turn bit by bit.

Bb kicks more when lie on my right. He is not comfortable?

Back from Dr, now 29w bb is 1.37kg, he was 850g at 25w, so weight gain was 520g. I did not put on much weight from the last visit, now total weight gain is almost 8kg. Previous pregnancy weight gain was 11kg total. scaled back on my fried food the last 2 weeks, guess that's a good thing...

Got a monitoring kit for GD, I only need to monitor 2x a week for 3 meals. Took 2 readings today, both well within normal range. Visit to dietician was interesting yesterday. She says I CAN eat durian, but limit to 4 small pcs. Basically just hv to reduce some carbs and combine carb with protein for all meals. And hv a fruit instead of a sweet drink at the end of the meal instead of my usual teh si ping siu dai. not too restrictive thankfully, just watch how much and how I combine the carbs. Looks like the GD diet is not too tough to follow.

today's bfast:

1 wholemeal pita wrap w ham, cheese, olives and lettuce. NICE! Next time can pack this to work for lunch too, just vary the meat and maybe add tomatoes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Oct Mummies

I'm from the April 2011 Mummies Thread.

I have Brand new Pigeon Breast Pads > Bought at discount of $8.90 (36pcs + 6pcs free)

Willing to let go at $8, PM pls if interested.

Strictly by post or collect at SengKang Mrt.

As I have a 3mth old baby to take care of at home.

Thanks for understanding.



me too. i can't drink normal water until now. can only drink very cold water or ice water. last wk, couldn't find cold water when i was outside. so drink normal water and almost vomited out my lunch.

Chicken essence,

I found out brands and new moon got added with caramel! Eu yan sang is pure chicken essence. Maybe can opt for that...

Jinnous: yup me having very very interrupted sleep. Baby kicks I wake up and have difficulty going back to sleep.... And the night peeing has restarted[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I am also nauseous today dunno whether it's cos of poor sleep and being too tired from work.... Today was a bad day...

Hv u all been consuming Medical leave? When unwell I just call in sick. V diff to drag myself from North to harbourfront for work.

I will take all my mc. Our entitlement wat. Boss make noise but legally no wrong.

Gynae checkup will issue mc so sone take mc some apply leave.

I dun think I can work till pop.

happymomo, eh you can ask your doc what foods you can eat or not eat. Mine gave me a list of foods I can take. Surprising I can eat mangoes n watermelon slice. 1 slice per meal.

Red apples should be cut in half. Green apples can eat in whole. But I think green apples is too heaty for me so I think I'll go back to papaya and honeydew s they r my fav.

He said I can try those chocolates n cookies suitable for diabetics but these tend 2b ex n they r not filling. No my gynae isn't an expert in this so I got a referral 2c a diabetic specialist at Mt E. I've seen him when kena GD for #1 so cos I'm a repeat patient I pay $60 to chit chat with him for 30min I think.

tamms, huh can eat durians? The doc I see says totally no durians nor Milo. Maybe the way they decide is on case by case basis. Your bfast looks so tempting :p Mine's just low GI wholemeal bread spread with canola butter n Milo kosong 4 teaspoons.

gilera, not necessary diet will lead to GD. Cos mine is strong family history of diabetes n I kena GD when preg with #1 so that makes me a strong carrier. I try not to use my medical leave s I still got last year's leave not cleared.

minidiary, thks for recommending EYS chicken essence. Will most prob buy maybe 2moro.

Jinnous, sleeping thru the night is now out of the question ever since I was in 3rd tri with #1. Guess that's the sacrifice I've to make but good thing I fall back sleep quite fast provided hb doesn't snore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Good night mummies. TGIF tomorrow!

How do you ask ur gynae for mc? I feel ok just getting more n more tired. Somemore I'm in sales line, so boss keep presurring me since I only have another 3mths to run for sales.

The stress and the tireness is making me v moody/emotional

Sweetsnow, totally understand wat u have been going thru! Bcoz it's the same thing Wat's happening to me too... Then it juz happen tat my sales number sucks at the same time when I'm pregnant.... Haizzz.... Dun want to create the impression tat bcoz I'm pregnant n it's affecting my work which is not true.... But then my numbers didn't pick up no matter how hard i try Also feel very stress, demoralize n pressured.....

Genesis: yes yes! It's not pregnancy that's causing the low sales. But boss dun understand and she is making life v tough for me. She's v micro manage. I Oso can't Tk no pay leave so I'm wondering if gynae can issue like 1-2 wk mc

Sweet snow, just ask the gynae for it. Tell her u r stressed with work.usually they will understand. My gynae is good n understanding, always ask if I need mc. Ask how many days I want somemore. But bcos my job not stressful, I always only ask him to cover my checkup days. He actually encourages that I take more to rest...how nice right?

Royal: your gynae is so nice. My gynae is nice, v friendly, just that neva ask me ifi need mc. My work buddy is going on long reservist so I think I need to endure til at least when my buddy is back.

But I think sure get "marked" by boss even more if I do Tk long mc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yes we need the job n money but if company mark us just coz of mc then I dun think they r worth our time.

so long as got produce mc n nv violate rules from MOM it's truly our right n entitlement.

Boss show displeasure so? Preg lei, unwell lei, I faint u carry me ah?


anyone can share their fish oil content and price?

my doc charge $60 for one month supply saying the content better than GNC. quite costly lei. finding alternative.

Dhaxtra Softgel

DHA 430mg

EPA 90mg

