(2011/10) Oct 2011

lol - my grandma neighbour uncle use to call me LENG LUI (cantonese) also felt he old pervert man. but also abit happy la... dunno he now still ard or not.

hai ya - my hb sure annoys me. i jotting down in BB journal of each checkup/ progress so i have asked HB anything he wanna add to tell BB.

he goes "what are u doing BB"

next month i asked him anything to pen down he goes "u inside doing wat" ITS THE SAME LOR

so he changed to "you are growing rapidly"

i think he dunno what to talk to BB. he think he teacher write those one line remarks in our report card. wah lau.

and then, he holds a pen and asks me back "what would you say to a pen"?

*faint* no link one lor, he thinks its a game.


Luckily my mum and in laws in kl... So no one can snatch away bb from me. Hahaha

Got time, they asked me to let the bb stays with them in kl and I go find for job and continues working in sg. That's sounds crazy...

royal: infant care can send in from 2 months onwards .. i pm you on the maternity clothings ..

vivi: gosh, why is your fil like this? be it a boy or girl, still his grandchildren lehz ..

roxanne: currently still staying with my in-laws, so should not be a problem for now .. not sure of the situation when i move out at a later stage ..

gilera: your hubby is cute; think he is still getting used to being a daddy .. i kept telling me hubby to talk to baby and he replied, 'baby can hear mehz?' =.=

im staying wif my in-laws so most likely my MIL will be doing my confinement n take care of BB in future... In a way i think quite heng thou i dunno how does it works later on as it can save us some cost haha!! Initially i was worried dunno who to take care of my bb cos my mum is rather scared of babies n would rather work n my MIL is taking care of my hb's nephew but since im staying wif them they've no choice n hb is worried to let someone else take care he thinks parents r e best person..

so far my hb has been 'controlling' me more than my MIL... my MIL say abit of pineapple, clams (harms in char kway toew) is ok la but hb say better not anyway i dun really eat these 2 so it's my preference rather than can or cannot.. but if my MIL really thinks cannot eat or have cold drink then she'll tell my hb n let my hb convey e msg to me... so my hb nags more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Even thou my MIL thinks not right also wont say in front of me (as of now) so my hb is e middleman haha!! sometimes i jus cant be bothered n do things behind his back haha!!

fantastar - think they may be shy to talk to bb. sometimes when they say "can hear meh" etc. feelabit sad.

plus size clothes

can try OG carry one maternity line FIMI - cheap and good.

fantastar, thanks. will check my PM. As for IFC, i know 2 mths onwards can send..but thinking I want to strengthen my BB immune sys before she enters..cos i heard lots of stories abt bb being frequently sick at IFC..that's why initially wanted to take no pay leave and take care until 6mths then put her there. But boss advise against it..so no choice, come back after 3mths of ML and let MIL take care for 3 mths then put in IFC lor.

have mentioned before but surely in forumn will miss out,,, if we can categorise by topics better, thats y ppl imgrate to the secret FB , but then not forumn group liao..

u can also try for Maternity clothing


BLK 185 #01-334

TELl 2523791

bought 11 pcs in May for $290.30

but pants size not very generous. now wear abit tight le. thier tops are still ok - buy those loose loose kind. lady also not very keen give disc. u can go see la.

coz compared to Spring, EGG at Vivo etc, these are cheaper alternatives.

Uniqlo XL size also can wear. Gmarket for sell maternity tops that has a slit at boobs for nursing LOL.

try to max out your wardrobe - since only left 3 more months, no need buy so many. else we can improvise sarong?

I seems to have problem logging into my PM..wonder wat happen. Anyway, Fantaster, thanks..i read ur msg via my email alert. Will check them out. I am wearling my pre preg tops too...out growing them very soon..

IFC - my neigbour sent her boy to infant care at ard 3 mths, then withiin 1 mth kena HFMD.. so heart pain.. must get used to baby falling sick..

gilera, i think baby can hear at 6 mths liao.. some websites say ard 5 mths they can hear mummy.. sometimes i feel that my baby reacts to my gal's voice and will keep kicking when my gal is talking...

Hi Ladies,

Have been a slient reader all the time in the forum. Because of my age, was ask to go straight to amnio and detail scan. So thought after I get a all OK from the gynae before joining the forum.

Can someone update my information.

Nick : Yoji

Bb : #2

EDD : 31st October

Gender : Boy

Gynae : Dr Chan K.H

Hospital : Gleneages

Can I join the secret facebook group as well? Will send minidiary my information. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyone of u have constipation issues? What sort of fruits (other than papaya ) do u all eat? Was told not to eat too much papaya, scare bb has Jaundice

royal: no point buying pregnancy clothings like what gilera was saying - another few more months to go .. Might as well buy those clothings that are elastic or 1-2 sizes bigger so that you can still wear them post-pregnancy .. Me ordering mostly tops this time round; for bottoms, will rely on my pants with elastic band for now .. Planning to explore this store at Tampines central as their sizings and pricings are to my likings - update you again ..

welcome yoji!

eat papaya baby will not kena jaundice one.. jaundice is due to baby's inability of liver to breakdown bilirubin in the blood

u can try banana (not the big ones), kiwi, some ppl says apples help..

Gin Cai:

Same same....I also know my husband for 10 years le, & married for 2 yrs. NThank God that he's more sensitive and understanding after I'm pregnant. Otherwise he's the Bo chap type.

Happymomo: we hv the same EDD on 18oct! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Snuppy: y do u carry textbook? Teacher?

Hi Roxanne, I think it's the IRON multi-vitmin pills given by gynae that cause all these constipation issues for me. For #1, I only take multi vitamin 2-3 times a week but for this #2, I tried taking it everyday. Constipation triggers piles (only got it after giving birth to #1) for me too. Sian. I spent 2 hours in the toilet this morning. U have constipation issues?

Hi minidiary, was reading from the thread that your parents and in laws are from KL. Planning to go KL this weekend. Any place you can recommend for bb good buys?


bb/kids that attend school or childcare sure get sick offen. mine girl, 2yrs old attending 2 hrs lesson on weekday, almost sick every mth thou she get breastmilk for 1 1/2 yr. partly bec she eat biscuit everyday & did not drink alot of water.

YoJi,: welcome! I'm having my #1 and I also dun take DHA and multi vits everyday.. One reason lazy. Another reason I also tend to go toilet less if I take everyday. So I alternate between the pills and Prune Juice

karen, cos snuppy got night classes, studying...

yoji, once in a while constipated.. sometimes i a few days then poo... but normally the poo is quite okie.. u can ask ur gynae for stool softener.. it helps..

Hi yogi...

I'm not too sure the good buy in kl. I always ask my mum to go buy in jusco store for the brands like anakku, pureen... My mum insists wana to use traditions cloth diaper, so she bought it there and cheaper plus free 5pcs pampers. Think jusco store got sales nw. I heard mother care store in kl cheaper price than sg too. Maybe u wanna have a look.

Good buy for mum is the cordyceps, lhk concentrate bird nest... Haha

I've added u in fb, pls accept my request. I'm ck

Hi yoji,

I find kiwi is good.... really helps in constipation.... i used to be suffering from consipation when i started eating the iron multi vitamins, calcium & fish oil.... then i had constpation for 2days. My stomach was so painful then. I had apple daily but it did not hv much fibre so doesnt help much. Kiwi is good. one kiwi & it helps me.... *haha*

Or else u eat more green vege, cherry tomato.

Maternity wear,

So far haven't buy any... Just bought elastic pants n some cheap tops. Hopefully I can save money and dun need to buy. Another 3months to go. Maybe can just wear my maxi dress if the bump grows in size. So far, still so small..

Roxanne, Yes. I got the stool softener but didn't think the attack was that great until today. I usually don't poo everyday that kind. When having difficulties this morning, I was drinking my stool softener in the toilet and guess this medication don't have immediate effect. This sort of experience is almost like early contraction. Sit down also cannot, stand up also cannot. Sounds scary and gross. Sorry

karen : do u both take DHA fish oil daily now? I didn't take fish oil for #1 and now with #2. I feel Nausea after taking it. The nurses also shaking their head whenever they ask if I finish my fish oil (which is more expensive) every visit. Sounds like almost all gynae's patient buy DHA every month and only me this naughty patient bought the DHA once since week 6 until now. Btw, how old is your #1 now?

Ginn cai,

I only clean my room and do some laundry. Others part of the house, I didnt clean also because staying with bil. If my own house, sure I will hire part timers and clean it. Tomolo my mum is coming over, think she will help to polish the whole house every little corner haha...

haha, yoji.. the feeling sux hor, like something stuck inside cannot come out..

i take my dha and multivits before i sleep, i put my dha in fridge so that when i pop the pills, there's no smell at all.. sleeping time seldom burp too...

Pray & love,

I don't tink u need to buy maternity wear... juz wear those loose baby doll dress will do...

For me, i only bought a few tops& pants....currently i can wear those dresses that i used to put a belt over when i'm not pregnant. now that i'm pregnant, i dun put a belt over. but the dresses are a little short with the tummy protruding so i'll wear shorts inside my dress.....

Now I always wear those shirts that last time pair with leggings... Now I use to pair with shorts haha... Wanna save money la... Every time I browse asos maternity website or motherhood website, tot wanna get maternity wear then I see my bump... Like not big. So lastly decide don buy la.

Minidiary, I used diaper for #1 cause I was overseas then. Now with #2 (in Singapore), my mom insist I use the tradition cloth diaper because of the weather in Singapore. How m any pieces of cloth diaper are you planning to buy Mothercare cheaper than SIN. Will go see see look look. I must search where Jusco is. hehehe . U drinking cordyceps, bird nest everyday kind? WOW...

What brand of DHA fish oil is that? My gynae's DHA is from SOlaRay.

Accepted your request in fb. Thanks

Hi Ginn, kiwi sounds yum yum. Will try that fruit first. Prune jucie doesn't work for me. Maybe I am not drinking enough. Apple also cannot.

Roxanne, Sux big time indeed! That was also how I spent 2 hours in the toilet. HAHAHAHA. Sounds a good idea. Change daytime DHA to night time as from tonight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hopefully, can start taking SOME DHA.

i'm getting used to the DHA fish oil now... used to hate the fishy smell & i'll vomit if i burp. sometime all the pills come out when i vomit. as i duno how to swallow pill. my first pill swallowed at 16year old...

Pray & love,

i used to hire part-time help at hourly $50 for 4-5hour. and i've to stay home on weekend for her to finish her work & also constanly monitor her. Angry if they spend 1hour in my toilet & using the water. I don't know what she is doing inside. after hiring for 2 months, i dont engage them. and try to do myself.

now my mom say she'll help me with my housework so i can save $$$...

yoji, remember to put it in fridge first.. it will get rid of the smell..

cloth diaper need ard 25-30 pcs i think, just in case rainy days hard to dry...

so far, i only drink brew cordyceps with chicken once. this sat my mom gg to brew again for 2nd time... mom say drink once a month will do... and once black chicken with herbal.... for birdnest, i havnt drink brew de... only bottle or concentrated one...


The tradition cloth diaper, my mum bought at jusco. Bought two packs, I think each packs got 12pieces. So 24pieces... Just let her be, as she keeps insisting to use that. I have no choice even after convinced her.. Haha

So far I've taken two bottles concentrate bird nest but all finished in mid may. Now waiting for the raw bird nest to come, I order from my fern in Sabah.. It will come tomorrow then I can start trying the double boiled bird nest. Never try before..

Cordyscep so far, drink twice only... Haha tat time bought 10pcs in sg also costs $25. So exp! boiled it with black chicken. My mum said kl is cheaper, so she will get that for me.

My dha is natal care triplus

Ginn cai,

Ya my mum asks me don do anything... Just wait her to come over and do the housework. Haha funny la, all over from kl come here do housework. Sometimes I will order hubby to clean up the living room, dining room and kitchen if really dirty... Hope we can manage to buy own house soon... Don really like to stay with bil...

Golden kiwi very nice... I can't take green kiwi...dunno why. After I eat, my tongue will feel like being cut... Haha

that time yu ren seng selling a box of cordyceps at $378 to $1000 or $2000 over. then i wanted to get as i've a $20 voucher from mother day promo but she say she can get cheaper. in the end she my mom bought from those traditional medical hall that she frequent for $350 for a box...

if buy from yu ren seng, its $358 & i can earn points to exchange for vouchers.... mom r mom... they always tink they r right....

Ya no choice lo. Let them be. My mum was here in April and we asked the medical hall... Then she compares here and there, found out there cheaper and rm720 one box can boil upto 10times. So she wanna get from kl and bring over. Haha

Ya I'm also thinking to drink once a month! And drink till 32weeks then have to stop. So I think only left 3times to drink only...

ginn cai: me also got difficulty swallowing pills since young .. i even requested for syrup when i was 20, have to chew my pills (including panadol) - until last year when i started on pre-pregnancy supplements ..

re: housework

do not like those part-time helper as they are not thorough .. rather do it myself, but can be pain in the ass at times when i am really tired .. thankful that i am staying with my in-laws now, as my mil helps with the housework .. cannot rely on hubby as it either gets more dirty/messy than before, or it will be left undone until i threw temper .. cannot imagine after we moved out later =.=

re: tonic

me taking chicken essence twice a week, cordyceps once a week and concentrated bird nest once a week .. too much?

Ginn, Yes. Golden kiwi super nice but it's expensive now. About 5 for 8 dollars comparing to Green kiwi 4 dollars a box. Almost double. Kiwi are rich in vitamin C. Should be really good for bb's growth.

Roxanne, any particular good brand for cloth diaper? I put DHA in air con room most of the time, still got smell leh.

Minidiary, this pregnancy. I super lazy. Everything also didn't follow properly as comparing to #1. I recalled drinking milk everyday, drink bird nest alt day and at least once a week of the cordyscep. Poor #2. Everything don't have. Also, maid went home and I am maid-less for 2 months already and looking after my 4 year old child. Endless thing to do everyday.

Was told by Gynae not to take multi vit, dha n iron all at same time Will cause constipation.

rec to take iron seperately hours later.

So far I nv take iron pills. Keep forgetting plus multi vit should hv already ma.

Prune juice no work for me. Papaya makes poo smell.

Still softener dun dare take Bought fybogel hv nt start take.

I always buy nv use. As if buy = consumed.

Mornings take dha n vit. Some morning I forgotnif I hv taken or not. Bad memory.

how much prune juice u gals drink? for me, i keep it in fridge, alt days take abt half a cup..works wonders..within hour can go toilet le.

If still cant work, i recommend Lactus syrup. It's a stool softener. Works for me too.

Eat plenty of fruits.

Btw, karen, we share same EDD too..18th Oct.

Iron must take separately n with vit c is possible for good absorbsion... Calcium in multivit will prevent iron from being absorb..

Minidiary my dha same brand as urs.. But got fishy smell if I nvr put in fridge

