(2011/10) Oct 2011

oh no... all the fruits your gynae said are my fav....I still eat durian, lychee & mango... that time after lunch, i still buy lychees from the supermarket & eat in office. but i only buy lesss than 20 pieces. Mango so far i only eat 5 but usually share with my hubby after I cut... n durian so far ate thrice times...

but i know durian high in sugar so i limit myself from taking during pregnancy. I'll eat another time in my 7th month to "bu" the baby.... cos the elderly say durian is good for bb...


Sleeping on right

There is a article that said if pregnant lady sleep on the right or on the back, there is high chance of giving birth to still baby. It's in Oct if fun FB.

However, i told my mom abt this news article. She said it's not true. Through her 3 pregnancy, she sleep on her right side. Guess, we hv been stressing ourself to slp on the left side that cause us to have bad sleep for the past few nights...

Maternity leave

which week are you all planning to start ML?

dunno how to continue working till Oct, already very tired now.

intend to take all one shot - at teh expense of missing 4 public holidays (Oct 2011 - Jan 2012)

HB say should return work and can take PH and plan ML after PH etc. but the thought of going back to work irregularly also cannot fully catch up on work. like dragging the take-back position, dun u think?


I'm planning to work till I pop if possible.. or maybe take 1 week b4 EDD 01/11/2011. taking one shot 4 months, but will return one or 2 days a month to help out.

no wonder they said being pregnant is tiring.. now i truly understand..


Gd to hear that yr baby is growing well and has double his size… now I’m wondering how heavy is my little one now and also myself? heee..heee.. We almost have a same appt. time every month :)

I’ll be going to see my little one tonight :)


I used mybrestfriend pillow, but in the end, the most comfortable position I found was propping 1 leg up and resting my arm on that leg when I bf...

As for taking leave, I intend to be on leave 1 week before EDD nothing earlier. If baby really doesn't come out till edd you'd have wasted all this leave just waiting around for nothing.

can sleep on the sides, both sides.. but left is preferred... occassionally on the back is okie.. but not on the tummy... this is what i have read.. we are humans leh, how to maintain only 1 single position and make ourselves so miserable n suffer from aches..

Sometimes it is hard to practise those perfect theories from books one... when ur baby is out, there will be even more such cases..

Gilera: My mummy colleagues advised that we take minimal leave before birth so that we can max out our time with our babies after birth... I think I will take their advise...

Ya agree that one week before Edd should be ok else too free will be gancheong at home. Walking ard freaking out when will hv signs.

gilera, for ur ML.. the last 8 weeks is by working days, so that u wont miss ur PH... like that can lengthen ML by a few days due to PH.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya do update on your appt tonight. Wondering how s ur prince growing stage too.. Seems like our appt so quite near. Next will be 16 july. So long... You?

Nowadays I love to drink super cold root beer but have cut down Liao cos I put on almost 1kg every 2 weeks.. Scare unhealthy.. So if I feel like snacking I will snack on nuts n yogurt..

Yeah I eat lots ice cream, cold drinks, soda... Why gain weigh so fast one? Last time eat so much also won't feel put on weight. Now I'm feeling hungry again...


my baby is only 500gm+, luckily gynae said its normal,not big not small :)

I only put on 1kg in one mth..my next appt.is on 20/07..

minidiary, i read in total 7.5pounds is baby's weight, 3.5 pounds, is extra blood, 4 pounds goes to breasts, 3 pounds goes to extra fluid, 2 pounds to the expanded uterus... 6 pounds are fats...

Guess now the weight is to the extra fluids, expanding uterus n baby... haha, self deceiving......

All ur appts so fast.. Mine 24th week appt is on 08 July.. it will be on my almost 25th week already... but i going to shift it earlier cos starting work that week.. duno how i am going to work man

Hopefully, can really slim back to normal weight after delivers my bb. Today I saw lots preggie women with so big bump... I see also bit scare... Will grow till how many inches normally? Or depends on the bb position?

minidiary, got a few factors one.. maybe cos ur tummy muscles are toned, that is why u nvr expand fast... also depends on whether u got long or short body.. i saw a mummy with long torso, her tummy very low and small but she was already in her last month of pregnancy...

Based on my first pregnancy ah, my waist 28inchs before preggie, 24th week was 34.5inch... 40th week got hit ard 45 i think...

how many inches is ur tummy now


Grandmother in law fren have decency to tell me that I should move into mil house for confinement n that it's rightful for bb to be in mil care. mil did ask if I want her do confinement for me on condition that I MUST eat whatever she cooks.

Aye, u might as well tell me that once bb born my job over n that the child belongs to them. Pregnancy pains, checkup fees, etc all nowhere to be seen now all mouth moving to claim the bb.

Since preg I distant myself with mil, esp after that comment that I must eat whatever she cooks. It just pulls on the wrong thread. Seems she know also n only find out updates from my hb. Nv contact me directly anymore. Good la. Family dinner also nv ask how I doing only comment shouldn't drink cold drink. Dun care I still eat crab in her face.

Is it just me. Dun like feeling she is put to steal n claim my bb. Will not ask her for anything hereon. Hb nv notice I din talk to mil. so far it's Only those see already acknowledge greetings. Dun like she make me do things kneel to pray when preg! KNN I also not nun!!!

Gilera, what's ur initial plan for confinement n bb?

My mil says pregnant lady cannot kneel down to pray.. Just stand n pray cam already..


I guess pregnancy do make us more emotionally sensitive to comments, words and action in some way or another... At least for me it's like that.

My MIL also tell me that it's only right for the paternal side to take care of the child. I think she said tat to me to let me know it's alright for me to impose on her becos I hv been trying to send the message across to both sides (MIL and my own mum) tat I dun want to "Ma fun" them so I decided to get CL. My MIL wasn't very happy initially when I told her we engaged a CL cos I tink she's looking forward to look after the baby herself.

I admit when I first heard this fr my MIL (abt how it's only right for paternal side to take care of baby), I felt offended becos I tink baby shd remain neutral ground when it's comes to grandparents, shdn't hv a heavier weightage on paternal. But after that, my husband & I came to agreement that it might b spoken out due to insecurity cos we hv been behaving quite independently since I was pregnant. Maybe she's afraid that I will be inexperienced. Oh maybe she feels

that she cannot be too involved with the CL around. So mu hubby and I hv been trying to think of ways how we can engage both mummies to make them feel that they r not redundant in this pregnancy...

Maybe your MIL also feel insecure, dunno wat she can do.

Ya I know.. It's so tiring that we still need to care for so many other pple's feelings when we ourselves are alr so tired and preparing so many things. But I think it's only beneficial to us if we can sit down & talk to our husband abt our anxieties of not breaking into any unneccessary conflicts with our parents, esp during 1st mth confinement. Tat's how my hubby came to agree that a CL (neutral ground) is neccessary to reduce direct confrontation. Just continue to honor them lo.. I believe they can feel it one if we show that we still respect them and that we are not trying to kick them out of the picture.

Regarding Maternal Leave:

Thank God that I'm working in Prudential as a Financial Consultant so I guess the nature of my job still allow me to work and stay home as and when I need to during the four month confinement.

Anyway I have been working many years in Prud already so my boss very nice to let me go as and when I need to. In fact he just asks me to go service my customers from now till Sep. He dun expect me to work much in my last month. So touch to hv a understanding boss...

minidiary, i measure my weight and tummy in the morning after wake up n pee.. like that can be consistent..

got heartburn last night and cant zz well.. luckily nvr vomit

After hearing your exp I guess hb insistence on cl is better. I also did drum in idea that I wouldn't be patient n unable to tolerate mil if she annoys me if she do confinement for me. My mom dun want offend mil that's why keep telling me to ask paternal side on bb care which irks me as if she dun care.

My hb also said I was too independent ownself find Gynae n handled things ourslef. Our wedding also we ownself settle, when walk tables only we 2. Only later then tealise how come our patents nv walk tables w us. Lol.

I make sure I nv offend in laws I just unsocialble when I annoyed lor. Also now they nv think we need save money always ask hb for allowance n when treat them eat out mv say thank u n still wanna invite auntie ah ma join us eat. Talk easy only, who pay.

V selfish of me right but they do take things for granted n expect hb to fetch them ard.

Dun care la. Will handle the best I can.

Last night 2.30 wake up then can't sleep.

Urgh it's only Tuesday!

Good morning mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

There's a foc pre birth kit that u can collect @ any NLB.. Just need to give them ur IC.. Can't upload a photo of e stuffs cos am using my mobile now..

Btw, do check if u have e blue parenting book inside cos my fren didn't manage to get that..

Gosh! Guess I have alot of readings to catch up this weekend!! Haven been reading much from here these days!!!

gilera, karen.. it is common for grandparents-in-laws in wanting to take care of grandchild.. But there is no such thing like which side should take care of grandson la.. I only know we as parents must be responsible for our child..

For my case, i choose the better caregiver between my mum and MIL... Whenever I go checkup, baby go checkup, or during whatever occassion, my gal was always in the arms of my MIL... I mean, if she likes to carry or take care, just let her be lor..

Sometimes she also did alot of old wives' theories in taking care of my gal.. That is why I keep saying it is hard to practise perfect theories from books one... My philosophy is, as long as my gal nvr fall sick or become unhappy, whatever she does i will close one eye la... My gal is now strong and healthy and happy!

Comparing CL to MIL, I will prefer MIL to take care of me during confinement because CL can really be a headache if u get a lousy one and I saw a few encounters with lousy CL who only care about sleeping at night and anyhow feed the baby with bottle, ended up the baby kena colic... No one will take better care of the baby as compared to yourself and own PILs/Parents one... Own parents/PILs u can get ur hubby or urself to correct them mah.. If u anyhow correct CL, dont know what they will do to ur baby lor.. wanting to take care of mummy and child during confinement is no joke, should be happy that own parents/PIL volunteer.. Maybe u can just specify what u dont eat to her so that she will avoid cooking.

Just my few cents worth.. Life is too short to be unhappy over such things.. There are still many years to come living with in-laws or parents.. And must always keep in mind, Family = Father and Mother I love you... No one will treat us better than our parents just like us to our own children...


I did get the pre birth kit from NLB. i didnt have the blue book inside. and i muz say the baby journal is very outdated. The voucher inside expired in 2007.... n there is very little information in the bb journal (yellow book)

Hi mummies to-be, I have a used (but in great condition) Graco Lite Rider travel system to give away.

Full set.

Olive green/navy blue checks design.

Suitable for someone about to have a baby and has a car.

It consists of a stroller with a matching infant car seat and a stay-in-car base. Infant car seat snaps onto the stroller so you don't have to wake your sleeping baby after a car ride.

7 years old. My kids don't need it anymore.

I'll clean and wash all parts before passing it on.

Got it in the USA as a baby shower present (but I think it's made in China anyway).

Please PM me if you want it or know someone who will make good use of it. It has sentimental value, but I have no space in my home to keep it.

Hello mummies,

I finally get back to work and can start posting on forum!

Hope all mummies are doing well.

Have been sick for almost a full month. Finish up 3 courses of antibitioics, 5 bottles of cough mixture and still coughing away. Doctor say pregnancy may have worsen the cough and now I may have asthma. Very sad and feel very guilty as I ate so much medication and worried that it will affect baby.

have been saving money and trying to buy second hand items off the forum.

confinement I have decided that i will follow the suggestions by some mummies here. I cater for food and do it myself to save the money. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Very happy when i came to that final decision. Thank you mummies for the advice.

pofy, me too! but i havent decide on which confinement food company to go with... which one u going for?

Last time i tried natal essentials... this time maybe try newbaby.. or mixed.. or.. i cant decide.. sigh..

Hello Roxanne,

I haven't decided too. Natal essentials seems to be the most expensive of them all. But I read up on a few that mummies have recommended, all have discounts if we book 1 month before. So I plan to book 1 month before.

I was thinking maybe not taking up confinment food, just normal tingkat. One mummy recommended Empirefood?

The price difference is very huge between confinement food and normal food.

I plan to breastfeed, so I am wondering if the herbs and ginger in the confinement food is ok for breastfeeding?

Some of the companies website say after eating the food can only feed baby 2 hrs later??? I am confused. How to control such things? If the food come and I want to eat but its near feeding time, that means i can't eat. Then the food will be left standing for a while right?

newbaby seems not bad. chilli padi also but i worry theirs very nonya? i only know of these 3 companies. are there others?

But I read in the forum, one mummy catered and found sponge in her food. I was horrified leh. Of cos she didn't reveal which company so now i also worry. sigh

i am also searching for a 2nd hand stearliser. One daddy selling pigeon one but he doesn't have the wire cord. Another mummy selling nuk, but i have asked if can fit pigeon bottles.

Pigeon bottles the most economical after I research so I will try pigeon bottles. Is it ok to use 2nd hand bottles? My office got a lady, she gave me a set of old bottles. : )

Morning Mummies,

Yesterday is the first time i feel my baby movements that is so obvious that i couldnt sleep properly.

ytd during work and school no movements at all make me worried, then i faster rushed home to eat abit and bathe n try to sleep..suddenly he started kicking non-stop till 1am plus ....

is it normal for bb to be active at night and not by the day??

snuppy.. i dunno if its normal.. but my bb also kick more at night.. hehe.. but i wonder if this will mean after bb is out, bb will be more active at night leh... if yes then die.. cos have to entertain bb until he zz (which is like midnight already).. how to rest !! haha

snupy,hs.. cos in the daytime we got alot of things to distract us and we are always on the move.. the movements creates rocking motion that soothes the baby, so baby tends to sleep in day.. at night when we are not moving, nothing to soothe them then they will be awake and kick..

this is why babies sleep well in moving vehicles n on the roads.. as well as sarong or when we are rocking them when they are out..

Poffy, ya.. the empirefood looks good too.. i want to mix normal and confinement but my hubby dont allow leh.. but then i dont want to eat the same thing every week...

It is not advisable to use used bottles.. Bacteria will stay in the bottles one.. I changed my bottles every 6 months leh.. Teats maybe ard 3 months i will change new one.. Last time when the baby was younger, i changed more frequent..

Morning ladies...

Gilera: I can understand how sian you are hearing things like that. I think I am also similar to you, rather independent when it came to doing things e.g. wedding... daily living also... (my hubby went overseas to work for a year and I chose to stay in SG in that one year all by myself, though my ILs were worried about my safety etc).

Came to this pregnancy I also told them quite late (after 3 months when hubby and I were quite clear that baby was healthy and cleared from DS and thalessemia). I get a tad pissed when I get bothered around by others, including my ILs on food... travel... daily living. It's like, "Hello??? I am only pregnant. I am still capable of functioning like you, you and you lor!"

And I tend to rebel the more you nag haha.. like last weekend my FIL said something about some food (along the line of I should not eat Food X... not good for baby... now I pregnant already, must be careful with food). Straightaway I shot him a "Oh, I don't care one. I still eat. I don't eat everyday, 3 meals a day what. So, yah, Food X I still eat." Lol...


thank you Roxanne & good luck to you in July. now rest more cos soon you will be returning to the workforce.. welcome back!!!!

HS I just hope bb won't be naughty since he is active at night then "POP" during midnight.. then really ... hahaahahahaha

btw I have decided on my stroller will get the COmbi well comfort 4.2kg (lightest that i ever tried on, lazy to bring ad bulky ones plus the orange or blue is nice).. the chinatown store i called up ytd retailing at $319 (but will give $15 voucher to use at their store). but i hope the price will continue to fall. hahaha

Hi all,

Concerning the Graco Travel System, I've had many offers. Thanks for the interest. I should say that it's taken. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. I'm so glad that someone who needs it will get it.

Have a nice day all of you!!

Pray & love:

depend if your & your hubby is pantong or your parents mind anot.... for me, i don't follow the pantang rules... i still attend my frd wedding & my frd attend my wedding when we got married then although the elderly said no attending of each other wedding for 3 months. but marriage is once in a lifetime & if i dun attend my good frd wedding. it's sad...

and in mar11, i was a jie mei to my frd wedding. but i did inform her of my pregnancy & ask if she mind. she said she dun mind but i've to take care of myself... as long as u r comfortable, juz go ahead.....


you v garang lor

i usually dun raise my voice or comment when in dun like. i turn off and dun talk. hb say i attitude when i do that.

i know we are blessed by thier concern but the thing is they just self declare without asking u so i find that very disrespectful.

any online BB shopping to rec... pls post links!!!


Your hubby sayang you so he wants you to have full month confinement food. If budget no issue you can try to mix 2 confinement food company? One for lunch and one for dinner? My side, budget tight so I thought save one meal. Only take one meal as confinement food. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Teats. Oops didn't know about this. I have zero knowledge. I thought as long as no holes the teats can use for very long. I only bought 2 bottles with teats. Did not buy extra. Ok. Then I will buy another set of extra to last me for the 2nd 3-month period. Hmmm. I already took her bottles. Perhaps I can use it for other means then. Would not be nice to return to her. Thanks for the good advice. I thought boil or stearlise will kill all the germs. Silly me.


I am like you. I switch off when I hear nasty remarks. Also been commented to say I was rude because I kept quiet. But i told my hubby. If i reply, the answer would not be nice and it will be more rude. I keep quiet because I am controlling my outburst!

Food restrictions, daily habits etc, i think these are very individual and if we consult doctors and they say are ok, I will follow doctor's advice. I tend to listen to what I want to hear. hahahah. to make life easier for myself.


the one time i outburst was at my mother in law. She said i was fat. and that I should exercise especially now i am pregnant. I control for 15min and she went on and on. Didn't help to be reminded that i am big, overweight, big hips etc. So finally i spoke up to tell her my doctor say cannot exercise unless want to lose baby! That shut her up. I was bleeding on and off throughout the first and even start of the 2nd trimester. She knew it. Yet she pass such irresponsible statements. Sigh.

Gilera: I didn't raise my voice. I just said it in a matter-of-factly manner. In fact, my FIL continued rambling off saying, "Yeah, but still must be careful blah blah blah..." and then I simply repeated what I said. Then I think my MIL got it and she shut my FIL up. Lol...

I know they are concerned. But I hate it when people kick up a big fuss, ILs not the only ones.

I always like to stress that I am just pregnant and that I know better than to eat/ drink/ behave in a manner that puts my baby or me in danger/ bad health. Just like how i told my friends, "Stop telling me to walk carefully. Even when I am not pregnant, I also have to walk carefully what. You mean you (not pregnant) do not walk carefully meh?"

Hahaha... Oh, and hubby knows better than to argue with me over issues like this. :p


pofy: I also use doctor's advice to state a point sometimes haha... Like a month ago, hubby and I booked ourselves for a holiday to Perth (came back last week) after clearing with the gynae.

As expected, my ILs had a stunned look when we told them we are flying off for a trip. Without waiting for them to say anything, I simply said, "Gynae said okay to fly. Safe." and they had no choice but keep quiet about it :p

