(2011/10) Oct 2011


I got some preloved bestsellers pregnancy, parenting and nursing books for cheap sale.

1) What to expect when you're expecting (3rd edition) by Heidi Murkoff, Arlene Eisenberg and Sandee Hathaway

2) Conception, Pregnancy & Birth by Dr Miriam Stoppard

3) The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems by Tracy Hogg

4) The No-Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley

5) The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp

6) Secrets of the Baby Whisperer: How to Calm, Connect, and Communicate with Your Baby by Tracy Hogg

7) What to Expect The First year by Heidi Murkoff, Arlene Eisenberg and Sandee Hathaway

8)The Nursing Mother's Companion by Kathleen Huggins

Pls see these links for pics and condition of books:-




Thanks in advance for looking!

Pls PM me if interested.


lol - yea - sometimes its like u want the priviledge attention but when they overdo it its like leave me alone.

browsing thru G market for BB stuff...

I'm looking tru Naraya's bag in Gmarket too... My sisters, BIL & cousins are gg BKK tml...so i wan them to help me get a diaper bag from Naraya... I cant go with my big tummy.. so sad..

my MIL ask who's going to take care of the baby after I gave birth. I asked her back, do you want to take care, she said nope. haha.. so all's happy, my mum will do confinement n take care of baby in the morning after my ML ends and I will be working part time only in the morning and go back n look after baby myself in the noon.

minidiary: should be cannot ba, but you should check with yr parents to be safe. my mum dun even let me attend my frenz's baby full month celebration.

baby's kicks are getting more n more violent, read somemwhere, baby are most active during 9pm to 1am, so is pretty normal that you feel more movement during that time.

i also nv go for babymoon.... haiz

3more weeks reach 3rd tri already then lagi cannot go anywhere

dunno wat to have for lunch...

Ginn Cai, I’m also looking for NARAYA bag. If you happened to found something nice one, hope you don’t mind to share with me cos I also thinking to get my friend to buy it for me from BKK. Thk you! :)


ya lor, i also duno whether my hubby can attend or not. i will be at home for confinement surely. then hubby alone attend wedding dinner dunno can or not

Gilera & Roxanne

For me I am hoping my in-law can be more involved in my pregnancy. Not that I want to depend on them, but like what roxanne said, no one else other than our own parents will be seriously taking care of our baby. But somehow, my hubby and myself dont have much people to depend on due to some circumstances. My MIL also dont wish to commit for my confinement. So sad, got to pay for CL. Seriously, I dont feel like having another person to be in my house. It does not make me feel good at all. But being a first time mummy I think CL is the best option now.

And when it comes to taking care of baby, we have to place the baby at infant care. Sadly, we bought a flat, in a mature estate near my IL at high price, yet we are expected to depend on ourselves most of the time.. Kinda of sad about this facts and wonder why my IL is so different from others whom are more willing to commit. I truly envy those MIL whom likes to be involved. How I wish I can get more advice and concern from them.

As for my own mum, she is not in good shape to help out with my confinement. All she could do is to provide some advices.

pofy (pofy)

I am down with flu and cough + sore throat. I didnt take antibitioics thou I was prescribe with it, hence still down with sore throat. Took only cough syrup. Like u I am also very gulity taking all this medication. Anyone know if such medication is truly ok for the bb?

happymomo: a few months back, I had cough. and the doctor mentioned something abt the cough syrup, saying after how many weeks(20+,30+) can not take the cough syrup cuz it will make the baby drowsy too and apparently, is not good if the baby is drowsy. You might want to check with your doctor to be safe.

pofy (pofy)

When I first got into relationship with my hubby, my MIL and SIL, secretly use nickname in dialet such as "fat girl". I got to overhead it when at doorstep. Nearly brokeup from the relationshiop, cos I feel is a very disrespect way to address people. I am indeed big size, but u dont have to use it as a nick on me isnt it. I think my relationship with SIL is not good. Kinda of dislike her so much cos she black face everyday and the way she speaks is like I owe her millions.

Ginn: Opps! I see.. I haven touched e bb journal yet, been busy reading other bb books.. heh.. I loan my fren the Parenting book before i manage to read it.. if i find it useful, will post it online.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i bought a Naraya diaper bag fr BKK 2 years back (KS i know) but dunno if I will use it cos I saw some other diaper bags looked more durable.. main concern now that it's floral & hubby's not willing to carry it.. haha~

pofy: glad that all is well! keep a happy mood! yeh ^5, i also cant exercise cos gynae advised not to.. quite sad cos am quite an active ger and heard that can have a smoother delivery..

minidiary: same as Ginn, am not pantang about xi shi one.. i already attended 2 weddings so far.. there's another 4 more to go before i deliver.. haha.. will be attending all cos are gd frens.. for the last one (2 wks before my EDD), all my besties dun allow me to be jie mei cos they are worried, only can attend wedding nia.. sianzzz.. yeh, best is check w parents/PIL if they are the pantang type..

Baby Kicks

my ger also kicks more at night.. hubby's worried she's nocturnal after delivery.. haha~

winter_bluey (winter_bluey)

Thanks winter! I will check with gynea this wed. Like what u say the baby dont kick when I took cough syrup leh.. goodness...

came back from the doctors, baby boy is now 850g at 25 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

minidiary> so far I attended 2 relative wedding dinner since preg and one more in 2 weeks time for my BIL. So far only once my cousin "An chuan" i went but my mom ask me not to go into their room.

Re: IL/Confinement

my MIL say will do for me but I have my reservation, my MIL is quite bo chap one so I guess I have to relies on myself alot during the confinement, cos MIL so also dun dare to ask her do this do that.

Happy momo

how big are u. I uk 18 n tipping scales liao. Ur hb nv demean u can le. Mine will pass remark n get knocked in e head.


Urs big bb. Gynae got say it's acceptable?

My Gynae said first 2 months after bb born will be norturnal same as now night time active. Oh no. But as it is, unable to sleep well esp after wake up to pee

grass is always greener on the other side. Same case with in laws. Just hv to sit back n count our blessings.


I asked her today she said he's fine, about 50th percentile... but according to babycentre he seems big right? She mentioned he might be about 3.3kg at birth. Hopefully he will be around 3kg when born, otherwise I'll burst! My #1 was only 2.8kg. but my bil was around 4kg so maybe big size runs in his family...? I am taking iron pills daily and have a good appetite. So far have put on 7kg. During #1 I put on total 11kg. Weight gain now seems similar to first pregnancy.

Happymomo- dun be too upset. Personally, my PILs also Bo chup kind. Give me good excuse to keep some distance from thiem. Got good n bad news about having in laws to help during confinement. Ideas of how to handle bb differs. Can happen even to my own parents who are taking care of yr kid.

Enjoy d journey- too much worrying would not help. Must stay cheerful for your own sanity and bb ya?

thanks snuppy, hope i can survive..

poffy, even if plump right, now pregnant also not the time to exercise and lose weight mah... ya i agree some pple like that one, if u keep quiet, they will continue to say non stop... no la, cos i am doing confinement on my own in my house cos i want to bathe daily, that is why he says must eat better.. to him, his mother or my mother cook is the best... but my MIL gotta take care of my gal and my mother gotta do confinement for my sister...

i am like morninghugs, i will go google or ask doc n tell them about scientific facts one.. bobian, cos they were brought up this way holding that kind of beliefs, so no wonder they will tell us what they believe in.. so just find out the fact and correct them.. like i eat pineapple i also tell her a few pcs wont die one and pineapple alot of good vitamins.. now she see me eat, she also keep quiet.. I think next time when we grow old, we will also tell our DILs/daughers such things one...

haiyah, to me is..just let them nag lor.. this is one way they show their concern mah... only get pregnant a few times in a lifetime, they cant nag for too long also...

recently i was angry with my parents for siding my sister in an arguement, i finally went back home to visit them after 2-3 months.. they were so happy that they stood at the door welcome us.. though they nvr say much cos they are not used to showing concern/care through words, but i can see they r very happy... i looked at them, they are old liao.. those wrinkled skin n old age spots... i looked at myself, my fine lines also come out liao... forget it la.. i really cant afford to lose my parents or my parents-in-law... close one eye, one ear or both to keep everyone happy for the rest of the short lifetime, that is more important to me..

Ya happymomo, got helper is a happy problem sometimes... not all parents or PIL are willing to help.. maybe next time if my daughter ask me, I will not help too lor.. haha

Thank you Wish0uponstar. Good in a way, cos like some of them I seldom visit my IL nowaday, cos dont want to feel sad. LOL kinda of like an excuse. Mainly cos I dont wana to see my SIL!

gilera, I am Size XL and also abt UK size 18. That is why most people dont realise I am pregnant, cos I am big enough to contain the enlarged tummy.

happymomo, after this pregnancy then u can lose weight liao.. let ur SIL drop eyes n jaws... ignore them la, healthy n happy is most impt.. alot of ppl just like to verbally attack ppl to make themselves feel n look better...


now it's my hubby who is saying i'm plump... since 2/3mths back he keep saying i've put on a lot of weight & my face is rounder. he also said i sld go exercise.

It's worse for me then. i even told him then i dun give birth & gg to abort this bb so i'll not b fat...

gynae was saying no household work for us & ask hubby to do it instead. While doing the housework, he was grumbling as well. say i'm getting fatter & fatter if i nv help to do & my tummy getting bigger & bigger. feel so much like killing him.... *haha*

Then my mom came over on weekend to help me with the housework. Then he say he is very pai seh that my mom came over & help us do housework. I rplied him, then it's either u doing or my mom doing i cant do. Then it shut him out... I love my mom, my family as they R always there. outsider who has different lifestyle juz cant accept out way of life. even my hubby whom i've date for 10years & married for coming to 2 years also cant accept me. so in-laws are worse. ignore wat they say... just listen & forget.

My mom alwyas say i cant eat this or that. I juz say ok in front of her but behind her, i juz eat.

ginn, my hubby also tell me go exercise leh.. cos he see me "nua" in the house n always lie down.. i still got help out in housework, hang clothes, sweep n mop floor.. and i am still carrying my 13kg toddler, dance n run with her in the house... life is really so tired at home.. when my hubby nag, i will tell him this " i hope u will become a pig next time, one time give birth to many piglets, if not elephant, pregnant for 2 years.. see how u feel it is like being pregnant "

old folks say cannot say dont want baby, some will hear it one and auto give up their life... but is myth la.. but then, my eldest sis last time pregnant 2nd time and say dun want that baby.. the baby really stop growing during 5th week, she really regret it for saying it...

ya, if not overboard, just ignore them...

i going to get a part time maid for weekends already.. i think our toddler n housework are dragging us both down...

Pofy your MIL is she trying to be smart??? siao one. so long you are walking also consider an exercise..

Pofy & Happymomo

maybe u should be garang tell ur mil instead to look at the mirror.. she has all sagging muscles n boobs..she should go for botox or liposuction as exercise won help her !!!

irritating woman.. hmmp...

thought as a mil should be understanding twds woman during pregnancy and not spike us..

Ohhh... Good to hear that we need to say ok ok in front of parents haha. Think about my confinement issue, I also must said ok ok for now.. Then during that day, if really can't tahan then I'll bath...

My mum still insist me not to bath and wash hair. Even wear long sleeve pj. Today the weather is so hot... I can't imagine if I wear long sleeves and so sweaty during confinement. Tat time argue with her, she don even bother me for few days until I called her up and said I will try to tahan. Haha

Tomolo she's coming to sg.. So I gotta said ok for everything... Rules of confinement..

HI all,

been vomiting after meals and still feel weird weird after vomitting. Hope its not stomach flu..

am going korea tml. hope to enjoy n not to be a burden.

sucks ;(

wow- my gynae was spot on to pre-epmt me on all these older generation issues.

also told me all the scientific that everything also can eat, but in front of the mothers just KEEP THE PEACE

good that she told us all these with HB ard, coz HB also quite dense one. typical mommy's boy *roll eyes*

hb and i still do housework and i still bathe dog etc.

also still carry heavy things - groceries shopping w/o hb. can really feel the strain on womb when carry heavy things, now preg everything is linked together.

was trying to wear nicer clothes to show off my bump - but hb said still look like fats.


am reading current birth stories - so far noone have horror stories lei - all like so happy and proud after delivery


ya after getting pregnant really can feel the strain and tension. then i really stopped touching heavy items.. cos very scare..

you must take care .. try not to carry too heavy items for long .. but sometimes it's still unavoidable...

my school textbook is the killer !!

ermm can share share the link for happy birth stories!!! hehehe

re: in-laws

me alright with either my in-laws or my parents .. similar with other mummies, my mum do not want to 'cross the line' and thus want my mil to take care of my confinement and baby .. but my mil is having second thoughts on babysitting, citing reasons on her poor health, anxious character, etc .. when my hubby told her that we are going to let my mum babysit, she is worried that baby might not be close to my in-laws =.= felt a bit sianz, so going to just register at infant care first and see what she really wants at a later stage ..

gilera, scold ur hb! the only person i feel can bully is my hb.. if i bully my daughter, she will cry out loud then must spend time pacify her..

i only carry my gal for a while cos no energy but i try not to lift her up from the floor, i will ask my hb lift up and pass to me, esp recently my backside painful....

I didn't go for any weddings. My cousin got married in March and I even bot my dinner dress in Dec but end up nvr wear.... sob... I dunno if I'll ever fit into the dress again....

fantastar, my MIL insisted my gal sleeps with her for some nights in the week cos like that the baby will be close to her.. so since 2 months old, she is sleeping there for 2-3 nights then the rest with us.. like that we can rest well too.. true enuff, now my gal close to her and us, we dont bring her home she also okie.. she is the apple in everyone's eyes.. my FIL will ask for her if nvr see her at home... my gal has become their companion unknowingly.. but i realised that my MIL seem abit tired nowadays, maybe age catchign up or my toddler is expectign too much of her attn... going to put her in half day then full day cc already

snuppy (bighungrybear), true lor, I am planning for weight reduction leh, loss all the weight to pre-married size. I have been asking around, when can we start jogging after delivery? Anyone has any idea?

gilera, I think my tummy looks like fat more than pregnant. But I think ur hubby trying to make fun of u, not really seriously saying u. Over the weekend, I took some photos, my hubby also say I look rounder. But for the sake of BB, we have to endure!

roxanne: my mum is staying in the west whereas we are in the east .. thus, we are not planning to bring baby back home every night, if my mum is babysitting -> will become 'weekend parents' .. my mil is worried on the close-ness between maternal and paternal grandparents ..

All parents meant well..just that sometimes our views are different. So, mummies, take it easy and not let those rude remarks affect us. My MIL got to know about my pregnancy 2 weeks ago, she also warn me this and that, purposely called my hubby up and tell him not to let me eat this and that. Whatever is good, I will listen, whatever is of no scientic proof, I'll just keep quiet. Just dont eat infront of her can liao.;-)

On confinement, I am getting CL. Though my Inlaw can help if I ask. But if she helps, sure to have conflicts given my kind of temper. So, I'd rather stick to have CL.

After maternity leave, I have no choice but to pass my ger to In law to take care for another 3 mths before i send her to IFC cos I need to get back to work right after my 3rd mth of ML.

By the way, anyone know where can I get plus size maternity Tops? I am out growing my usual tops and it's hard to find sizes that fits me as I am quite big too. Size 18-20. Thanks.


my mil almost same pattern as u.

initially preg then say normally the maternal side will take care of the bb de. BUT come to delivery le , she say she wanna take care. after take care, she regretted le. then when my boy was 7mths old, i trf him to my mum to take care.

damnz piss

gilera.. i try not to do housework le.. except simple tasks. cos all the bending will make my back ache..

being fat:

im really glad my hubby understands that all these fats are for the bb's good and dun mind them at all.. i was commenting that i look like a big truck but he consoled me that its cos im preggy not really fat... but sometimes really dun feel good abt the body size and my swollen legs...


im half glad that my MIL say she dun wan to be in charged of confinement and she wun b taking care of bb after me going back to work (heng ah!). my mummy will be doing confinement for me but she might not b able to quit her job in time to take care of us. so she asked my MIL to help out in the morning. but my MIL say she confirm cant wake up so early lah blah blah blah.. i understand that she is old already so actually wat she said is valid.. but somehow on the other hand, i feel like she is jus giving excuses loh.. this is her first grandson leh... cannot sacrifice meh... bleh...


i still go weddings but confirm not funerals. im forbidden to go temples too... good also, cos when my hubby's family go temple, their praying ritual very long one (for my late FIL).. so now i got excuse not to go there and shake leg at home hehe.. not that i not filial, but their ritual is so long until i cannot accept it.

then my FIL also one of a kind. Say if im carrying a gal gal, then he will ask my MIL to take care.

crazy! If i got gal, i also die die wont let them take care de.

vivi, like that ur FIL is too much leh... why gender discriminate..

taking care of a child is really very tiring leh, i am only 30 and i feel tired liao, i cannot imagine how the old folks feel... loss of freedom and tiring...

roxanne - cos my fil has been drooling for grand daughters.

he himself no daughter so has been drooling for grand daughters.

me angry with hb for giving me 3 boys cos i got no chance to get back at them.

try for a 4th one?

my neighbours also like that.. all my neigbours children are sons leh, they very envy that we have a gal.. then the old couple beside us always give my gal alot of goodies.. and when the uncle see my gal, he will call "xiao mei mei..." sounds a bit pervert sometimes... makes me worried...

vivi,i am thinking about a 3rd one but i m really sick of all the vomiting... if next year, i can sell my house here and live nearer to my PILs, then i will consider a 3rd one..

i find that 2 is just nice for kids, but as siblings, 3 is a better number...

