(2011/10) Oct 2011

Actually, I also didn't get much effect (lochia and weight-wise) from postnatal massage, probably because I had mine done about 7-8 weeks post-CS. I skipped postnatal massage the second pregnancy. This time, I'm also planning to do massage about 6 weeks post-CS. After all, this will be my last pregnancy, so indulge in the massage even no effect [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



if you found someone not bad please recommend to me...

I am also looking for ML

Many thanks..

by the way, i am also looking for infant care till date. i passed by 2 but both stating they do not have, but why they appeared on the list posted online. AMK ave 5 around block 643 is there any ? >,<


anyone having constipation problem? i'm having it since i enter 2nd tri. i'm eating papaya everyday. yet still having problem. pass motion one time in 2-3 days and stool very hard. sometimes even got blood stain(sorry). any suggetion not to get constipated other than eating papaya?


good that your baby sucked well! i hope this second one will be good at sucking too. haha! then can 100% latch and save time on pumping all the while. really not easy, pump 5-6 times a day. very siong.


i've also become a bargain hunter! need to save more for the kids. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: post natal massage

i did mine on the 4th week after birth as i had csect. could really see the difference! i lost 1kg just after 2 sessions of massage + binding. if start on the 1st week even better but i had to wait till wound recovers first. this time round will see if i can massage slightly earlier or not. 'cos actually the ML will not touch the wound at all throughout the massaging.


me too having constipation. quite bad, like yours also. maybe you try prune juice?? it is very effective for some. not for me though. if not ask gynae for mild laxative (safe for pregnancy) to take on alternate days?

angeline su,

try drinking yoghurt beverages, yakult.

every morning, i auto go toilet for business meetings :p

papaya wise don't eat too much as old ppl say might cause bb skin to be yellow/jaundice.

and also try not to strain yourself during toilet break.

take care hope it helps.


Me too! I went to c doctor cos like u i have blood stain. Plus a piece of "meat" stuck on my butt making me so uncomfortable cos is itchy too.

Doctor gave me medicine to eat including this fibergol (forgotten the spelling).


i heard of this before, used to advertise on TV too.

office no ppl liao.. my head asked me go home...

muahahahaahha Happy man..


i've constipation at times too.. but i realise after taking in more fruits n yogurt it does help e next day morn. i heard prune juice helps too, u can get in in supermarket [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] n yes not too much papaya as it may cause jundice


tks for suggestion. i'm eating papaya everyday until so sick of it. now it's time for me to stop eating papaya. yakult will also help? i didn't know that. my husband has it everyday because he likes the taste. i don't like the taste. but now i should try it too.

angeline su,

yakult aids in digestion, huh you don't like. it's my favorite drink since young. how i wish Sg yakult has bigger version ones.. :p

Ya you should try, maybe for a start you try orange or grape or milk.

or you can blend yakult with apples.

nice !!!


look like your constipation is worse than mine. i want to take laxative as last resort. now will try for yogurt and prune juice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


tks. tonight, i will ask hubby to buy prune juice from ntuc.

Snuppy, OK! Will PM 2 contact number to you later on. You call them directly to check their availability and charges.

Starry, yaloh, nowadays $$ not enough, so must try to save $$$..haa..haa..i need $$$ to pay for my girl’s childcare fees after she start childcare next mth + continue to pay some allowances for my mil for taking care for her and after #2 come out.

Angeline, me too, constipation problem very bad for the past few days after I drink the Bird’s nest + Ginseng and 冬虫草+black chicken on last weekend. Maybe too heaty??? Until I drink yakult + eat papaya yesterday then finally all “release” at night. But it’s very hard type and got blood too, felling painful too (sorry). Today I eat papaya again during lunch time, see whether will be better later or not.

Constipation... Can try fybogel. I drank that and it is safe cos it is natural fibre. I bought too many packs and I have 36 sachets left (of which 30 sachets are from an unopened pack and 6 sachets leftover from an opened pack. Anyone keen to buy from me? Pickup location jurong west. Selling @ $20 for all 36 sachets. Keen, pls email me at [email protected] Thanks!


ouch!! sounds painful. piles are very common during pregnancy. usually will go away after delivery. cannot imagine after give birth still must poo big stone out.


everything is pay and pay now.. very hard to save $$, much less stay home be SAHM.

hi mummies,

back from Robinsons Expo...so tired walking around and grab big size bras. haha not much ppl as I went there in the afternoon, so can try in the fitting room many times for the bras. satisfied trip down as I bought many bras and some pyjamas [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bb clothes quite cheap.. some 2for$5, 4for$10... Giordano ladies Tshirt $6...

Yakult can prevent constipation ah.. But I find that it is too sweet for me, really dun like sweet stuff now and I already skipped all the soft drinks... Maybe I shd get the low sugar one.. I dont think papaya will cause jaundice... Jaunice is cos the baby's liver still unable to break down bile or something like that, not related to food we eat... My gynae said that those who carried until full term to ard 39-40 weeks, their babies have lesser jaundice problems.. Normally premature babies got serious case...

I got piles after I gave birth, gynae told me during the labour session say I pushed my piles out.. So scary leh, but luckily it is small small de.. One way to deal with piles is not to wipe with paper but clean with water.. After a while, it will disappear...

Massage is really very good! The first day after massage, I found back my ankle cos all water retention gone... The 2nd day morning, 2 very big blood clots dropped down into the toilet bowl!

starry, i got no pics to share... my gynae scanned so fast leh, we saw the genitals in maybe 2 seconds n then he said baby changed position... Cannot take that moment anymore..

My hubby insisted that it was the gynae who shifted... sigh.. Jasmine, u got such problem with the gynae or not? His scanning is really really reallly very fast!

hello mummies,

finally tmr i can get to see bb.. gg tmc for 3rd appt.. i'm in my 15 weeks..

hope this time round the u/s will be slower. cos everytime Dr Paul scans i will be staring at him instead of the monitor.. lol..

he has this "old handsome" look..


okay today's finally friday .. yes

btw where can we buy the bamboo cotton clothing? does the chinatown store has such ?

Hi hi, am a silent reader.

Am expecting my #2 EDD 28/10/2011.. It's a Boy.

#1 is a boy too.

Am 16weeks this week but dun seems to feel much movements..


maybe you can try to blend a bot of yakult/vitagen(less sweet) with apples and add fresh milk.. copy this recipe from fruit stalls


nice .. not too sweet if too sweet add water.


Hi! Mummies,

Last night I have booked Mdm Ida for my post-natal massage in Oct liao. I think it’s better that we make the booking earlier in case their slot is fully booked. Her charges is S$50 per session, no need to pay any deposit too.

Starry, are you going to use Babyplus?? I just read some comments about this product from other thread, is it good or not har? Did you used for your #1? How much is it?

snuppy, yuppie! Infact at week 10, gynae already told me "there is a white spot in between but i wont confirm with u now and he was laughing away" Keke. Last visit at week 15 day 6 it was 100% confirm. Gynae check the blood flow to ensure it is not umbilical cord.

emilybaby, u know me.. i am in yr FB.. kekeke.. Mdm Ida is good.. i had her massage during #1.

maggie & emily,

Just to double confirm that mdm ida's no last 5 digits are 49829??


Maggie, i now praying hard and hope bb will be good and let me know the gender. hubby & I alwys pass by baby stuff, when i wanted to buy, he insisted to wait till we know the gender..

Wow! I see u guys already started booking for confinement nanny and massage lady liao... and I still havent do anything leh! The most I have done was went thru the old bb clothes my sis-in-law passed to me.


are the bras cheap? sounds like very good deal! wanna chiong the fair but don't think can tahan the crowds.


congrats! so fast can spot boy? my gynae couldn't tell during my last visit at 13weeks+. he thought he saw a white spot but couldn't confirm.


yeah, gonna start using babyplus soon. i personally feel that it is good! used on my girl and she is a very alert baby. picks up things very fast too. show her once or twice she knows already. i don't know if this is from using babyplus though. anyway no harm trying. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you can buy from kiddy palace. and buy during sales, more worth it. not sure if chinatown has.

emily, bingo!! I am still thinking cos i had bad rashes due to the wrap when i had #1... too hot for me to tahan but her massage is really good.

snuppy, yup! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Talk to yr baby, they will listen. I brought #1 along for the scan, i told bb Kor Kor is coming along, so can you pls show us your gender. And wala, he open his legs big big that you cant miss it.

starry, yes, actually in the oscars report, the "birdie" was capture too! white thing protuding. Babyplus, no offence i did not use for #1 cos i lazy.. but i went to Wong BB class and she says it is not recommended to use.


thankssss [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

this is my #1..

I have been talking to bb.. telling him/her to open legs big big so we can buy him/her toys, clothing etc.

hope tmr can know.. muahaha..

Yo! Morning mummies!

Today is a lazy day at work.... nua nua!

I am going for my checkup tmr! Hopefully can see the gender! Yippee! Hope baby not sleeping since its at 930am.... *faints*

Hi Everyone,

I'm having constipation too.. Feeling so uncomfortable.. So diffcult to force it out... Also dare not exert too much strength...

Starry, she says it is too loud for the baby and not good for

their developing ear drum. But however many pple are using it too. So depends on individual bah.

Winnie, done!

Mag, Congrats to you! How I wish I can confirm my baby gender soon too :)

Bad rashes is it due to the oil that she used for you? For my case, it was due to the special oil that the massage auntie used so I also had those red red color rashes after my 1st massage. Do you knw wat kind of massage oil that she use?

esther ,

same here mine @ 9am .. hope to know gender as well.. good luck to both of us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hope able to know the gender so that I can go baby shopping! Haha! So excited! I wanna get some cute baby clothes though I am only abt 15 weeks plus... hahahaha

Anyways, anyone of u here drinking brands chicken essence? I googled and found this!

Question: My daughter-in-law is 13 weeks pregnant. I have bought her 2 dozens of Brand's but she is not sure if it is advisable to drink it during her pregnancy. Kindly advise. Thank you.

Answer: Congratulations ! We'll be glad to recommend that you consume BRAND'S® Essence of Chicken as it is an ideal food supplement for pregnant and post-delivery mothers, not only for physical and mental health during pregnancy but also blood restoration as well as for breast feeding after giving birth.

In addition, BEC is 100% natural made from wholesome chicken and contains no fat, no cholesterol, no preservatives, no added msg, no stimulants, no artificial colouring and flavouring. It is also sugar free and low in sodium.

The recommended intake of BRAND'S® Essence of Chicken for pregnant lady is 1-2 bottle(s) daily. You may take it on regular basis for long term benefit as BRAND'S® Essence of Chicken is safe to be consumed.

BRAND'S® Essence Of Chicken (BEC) has been scientifically proven and especially beneficial for pregnancy:

1. Enhance iron absorption and utilization. Iron is very crucial for healthy blood formation.

2. Increase energy and relieve fatigue

3. Help to keep blood sugar level and blood pressure under control to prevent from pregnancy complication.

Besides, it also benefits women during confinement:

1. Stimulates the restoration of blood.

2. Promote early milk secretion, improve milk production and maintain good quality of mother's milk

3. Reduce physical and mental fatigue

Nevertheless, please consult your health professional if you are in doubt or have certain medical condition

Source from: Brands website

hihi, can share the ML's contacts in fb's secret group? I duno I want to use back my previous massage lady or not, she costs 70/session... then she kept talking non stop leh, i cannot rest well.. hahaha

snuppy, i will try to blend it.. Hehe..

Anyone knows if i can take medicine with honey? My sorethroat full bloomed already... Cough is on the way

Jinnous! NOOOOOOO!

I remembered last week there was a Hock Hua fair and I bought Manuka honey for my dad and hubby. So, hubby asked the salesman is it ok to drink honey during pregnancy, he said PREFERABLY NO!

He said since pregnancy, ladies will usually take in tonics, so they usually advise pregnant woman NOT to take honey during this period of time.

I was in shocked so I did'nt ask y.... (Because I had a teaspoon of the manuka honey to try)


thanks for sharing! yeah i heard that before also. but i will still use lah. :p my gf's twin girls were born premature at 29 weeks. she used babyplus from week 18 onwards too and her babes were very alert by premie standards from birth. they hardly fussed for milk and both developed very well, reached certain milestones earlier than other kids. saw the positive effects on my girl too, so won't stop using. hee!! but cannot be lazy, which i tend to be on some days.


drinking chic essence 3-4 times a week! i like the taste too. never sick of it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope you find out the gender tmr. update us k?


you too, update us tmr! finding out gender is so exciting! my neck long long liao, still waiting. lol!


i dunno whether can take or not. ask gynae? 'cos heard some ppl say can, some say cannot.


Luckily I nvr take!!! My hubby asked the salegirl at the OG, she said pregnant women can take! Good for them! Wah liao eh!!!!

