(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Hello mummies.. have a nice lunch!

Stefie: I had claypot curry chicken rice today.. :p what are you tempting me with today? :-D Your canteen sell really cheap food.. so envious! though my JTC canteen here also not too ex la..

Eon: good that you are feeling better.. recover in time for the long break.. thanks again for the recipe.. had fun last nite making it..

crystal: i'm not sure abt clip fan, have to wait alluring to comment.. eh, you felt emo too ya abt bubs growing up so fast? Haiz.. so so so emo!

Amelia: Thanks! Will let you know..

Sam: great that Belle's fever has subsided.. mummy sure heart pain when the little one is not well.. consider taking flu jab?

OK.. i'm going out soon.. talk to you mummies again.. hmm.. I'm making it sound like I'll be gone for long..


Good afternoon mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bubbly[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I just sent my lunch pics today via Line[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Fish without chips lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yummy.... Will send more... stay tune hoh. Ha!!! ha!!!

Really cheap and nice lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] $4 only. Actually that sis wanted to charge me $3.50 (usual price). I just don't take my $0.50 change. She gave me huge mountain of coleslaw lor. Very full now. want to puke liao. Ha!@! ha!!!

samantha: ic.. i think you told us but i forgot about it. sorry lah, my memory cells are decreasing. keep forgetting. i think maybe we are not getting enough rest, a lot of us are falling sick more frequently than before. thats the case for me at least.

hope belle belle recovers soon. its really heartaching to see our little bubs sick/suffering.

bubbly: haha, you and stefie are really trying to tempt each other with your lunch.

thanks, i hope to recover in time for the long break but seems like hubby is falling sick. faint! no worries. its a healthy snack for us and our bubs. glad you enjoy making it.

stefie: lol... you make me recall the morning sickness episode.. hehe

Time to grouse: Working at Harborfront is no fun. My wallet now feels so harassed... Started work here on Monday. Tues, I bought a beanie, gloves and knitting stuff to make a scarf from Liz, Wed I bought more wool. Today I bought a pair of shoes for her. Arrggghhhhh........

Oh, Stefanie Sun's husband works in my office!!!

Eon: Hope you and hubs get well soon. Drink more water, take Vit C!

stefie, ur pics hor always make me hungry le. i had a good lunch but now i feel hungry hahaha... i went to Ah seah porridge haha.. maybe cos its porridge? hahah

bubbly, hahhaa ya so emo hahah... bonkers liao haha

muddypaws, that's teh downside to working in a shopping place but but its so much better then a bird dont lay eggs place rite?


You mean flu jab for me or her??? Anyway, thought flu jab not a one time thing. Must do yearly? Hate needles la...

Eon eon, trying to make myself happy from makan lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ha!! Ha!!!!

Crystal, no choice lah. Only 2 stalls in my office, chinese or Muslim stall plus 1 drink stall niah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Started catching Secret Garden already? I buay tahan, want to finish asap. Super nice lor,. Hyun Bin my Oppa, even he is younger than me leh. I must see more of his pics when trying for no. 2, imagine my son looks like him, wow..... Even girl looks like him also nice....

Sorry mommies who see my FB, please bear with me. I siao Secret Garden, Hyun Bin and the OST, That man sang by Hyun Bin. Super talented leh.

Roz, I guess your workplace is better than mine. Mine is besides Changi Prison (My CEO joked, we may have some new "colleagues" who just join us without knowing - He meant the inmates from Prison lah), Army camp and Air base. bird don't even fly here only can see air planes flying up or landing. Ha!!! ha!!!

Hello mummies!

Been busy with month end closing and finally have the time now to log in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie - i love ur lunch pic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the coleslaw is making me drool... u r lucky to have a hb who cooks! so sweet.. the only thing my hb does best is to offer to go tabao for me if i say im hungry *bleh*

Muddypaws - hee.. i feel u! working near shopping places is very hazardous to the wallet! even tho i work at raffles place, its just as bad wf those push carts and sale going on at the atrium and MRT basement.. HB says i can save more money if i work at jurong industrial park :S

Rena - how is ur e3 now? so heartpain to see hsi pic wf the swollen eyelid.. dare not look at it another time, feel so sad for him.. hope he's much better today...

klitz - dun worry, once the rashes break out, si en will be well v soon! its always a HUGE relief to see the spots appearing aft the days of fever.. wf all the 'bu' food u r feeding her, she will soon pile on the weight again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amelia - the PD at GlenE is horrid! wrong diagnosis!?! thank god you brot ur boy to another PD. antibiotics shouldnt be dispensed wfout proper diagnosis :S

on a lighter note, im reali looking fwd and counting down to my first family trip with lil chloe next sat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope she will be guai on the flight and stay happy in the carrier :D

God's child, ha!! ha!! Thanks, I am very easily contented, just food from my canteen can make me happy liao. I make do of whatever situtation I am in and be positive[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I requested for upsize coleslaw, I love and hugs it so much[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yeah, my hubby cooks quite well. Just that he has been travelling very often now. I miss his cooking[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Everything will be soon soon heng heng for your family trip lah.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

god's child: Yah, I've been buying and buying, and this place has all my favorite shops. The person benefiting is Liz! How I wish I'm stuck in some god-forsaken place with no shopping.

Amelia: Yeah, totally agree that GlenE A&E is bad. I was running a very very high fever previously (and almost epileptic), and my then-bf rushed me to GlenE A&E. We waited that for about an hour plus, till I fell asleep there, and my fever went down. The Doc just gave me Panadol and told me to go home.

Stefie: I love the toys you post.. Fisher-Price Sesame Street Silly Sounds Remote.. cuz j loves remotes... I bought him a toy phone but he don’t like leh... He prefers my hp lor... wow... talk abt melben... lao nua liao... I just went uncle leong at Punggol promenade... I abit disappointed though.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] (sorry for melben fans at punggol promenade.. yes, the place not bad, parking abit difficult to find but i think the place its fine to chill.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]... But i can go again... hahaha.. My fav for sea hum too!!! I just got my health screening report, asking me to jab hep A... but i very lazy to jab.. hahaha..

Eon: don’t worry abt chey... Jovan also small size... just went to see PD... he’s 10.5months and only weigh 7.8kg... we already did our best liao.. so dun blame urself ok... cheer up dear.. btw, i also took lotsss of chilis during pregnancy.. my colleagues, mum, relatives all ask me to stop but i continue leh... Then when J got enzema, they say its becuz i eat too much chilli... dunno how true leh...

Klitz: hope si en gets better... till she gets well, she will gain back her weight.. give her more when she recovers.. guess when she’s well, she will eat more.. dun worry ya..

Muddy: not fat la... aiyoooo... just nice ma.. Btw, so fast hor,.. hows ur new job? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bubbly: yeah yeah come harbourfront.. we can meet eon, muddy and myself.. anyone whos interested can join [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cherrry: aly is a very smart and fast baby... Well done.. feel so happy for both of you...  thanks for the pic.. I like the idea of the cot beside the bed. But i think J cannot sleep so openly.. he flips and turns like a tornado... he sleeps like me!!! Hahhaa.. can u imagine i can turn 360 degree.. hhahaa.. i also dunno how i sleep..

Samantha: hope belle is well.. poor gal.. and yeaps, shes tall.. Jovan also hits 74cm...

leelee, thanks! she's recovering well.. though she's ok.. just very whiney and sai nai..

jovan's same height as si en... haha.. so she's not tt tall after all... same height.. safe...

too tall i scared she got lesser "candidates" ...

god's child, thanks for your concern..

enjoy ur trip.. she'll be fine.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

even my office building so ulu at Ubi also have atrium sales.. haha..

i psycho bubbly to come down and shop.. haha!!!

amelia, yup. let me know the time ya?

crystal, yes!! the price went up.. last time i go with my ILs there for dinner no nid to queue.. cos know the lao ban.. but now.. no more priority queue liao.. haha!!!!

bubbly, isit? the parking there become horrible ?? mayb i went tt time just open. the bar was opened by ILs fren. so have to go there "give face".. den now with bb.. and not driving.. i dun go there le.. cos not so accessible..though its a short drive from our place..

god's child: Yah, I've been buying and buying, and this place has all my favorite shops. The person benefiting is Liz! How I wish I'm stuck in some god-forsaken place with no shopping.

Amelia: Yeah, totally agree that GlenE A&E is bad. I was running a very very high fever previously (and almost epileptic), and my then-bf rushed me to GlenE A&E. We waited that for about an hour plus, till I fell asleep there, and my fever went down. The Doc just gave me Panadol and told me to go home.

Stefie> ok changi prison is pretty much as ulu as it gets...^.^

Crystal> haiyah I don't even hv proper lunch breaks lor...haha! I think that's why on the rare occasions I do go shopping, can be like siao woman lor..

Muddy> you knit, too??!! Cook, bake, knit...muddy boleh!

Hello mommies!!

Stefie, ur lunch time pic really make me drool lor... I was pumping when i saw it, make me super lao nua!! Looks so yums yums...!

Muddypaws, I'm totally opp frm u... I wish I had time for shopping during lunchtime but I've NEVER gone out for lunch cos I make use of my lunchtime to pump... I dun even get to choose wat to eat cos I'll just eat watever my colleague dabao for me... So enjoy the shopping even though its hurting u financially, heehee...

Esquare, I dun hv u on my fb but i hope ur e3 will get well soon!! Sound like quite serious?? Sayang sayang...

Klitz, okie sure, I pm u later k? Cos i'm using my lao pok hp to post now... Later reach hm then slowly type n send u. Thks for ur help!

Leelee, r u also working in harbourfront??

Flu jab

Just to share tat it doesnt really work for everyone... I let my #1 took flu jab but he still kena flu a few times after tat... Not effective for him at all.

roz: yes, I'm actually rather housewifey... Haha!

Yurieve: i admire your determination to continue pumping milk for kiddo. If i can, i would gladly give up shopping!

Klitz: yeah, i don't bat an eyelid when buying things for liz. For myself, i would think and reconsider.

Ok, i am so happy that i rushed home earlier today. Liz decided to take her first official steps today. She has taken steps before, but not long distances like today. Gosh, seeing her walk just made me soooooo emo. So proud of that girl! I have to give my helper due credits as she spent a lot of time walking liz along the Hdb corridors.

Bubbly: The clip-on fan is plug into wall, use electricity one. Not those that moms normally clips onto pram. Go by electricity so much stronger. I buy from those neighbourhood electrical appliances store kind. The thing is white then the fan plastic blade is blue. Actually not long enough, but the uncle extended the wire for me using the old school cut, connect and tape up. Oh... And I asked him to might as well change the plug to 3 pin cos i absolutely hate 2 pin (original).

Flu jab

Cos my gal goes to IFC, I gave her flu jab already. But her PD says flu jab doesnt prevent common cold and running nose that kind of "flu". Is more of like influenza, H1N1 kind.

So yapz, she is still having her what-I-call IFC running nose. Can never go away one. Once, her PD instructed me to take 2 weeks leave and quarantine her at home to get rid of the prolonged cold, cough, running nose. And wah lah, she was perfect. Sent back to IFC for abt 1 week, back to the usual. Give up!

Yurieve, God's child,

E3 is slightly but eyes still swollen .. Now 2 eyes also kena.. So poor thing coz he accidentally pick up e1's tissue and I think he rub his eyes after that.. We didn't notice.. Haiz..

Looking at him screaming and crying when we force the medication into his eyes really break my heart..

God's child..

E1 is active and talkative kind.. Suddenly for the whole week, he can't see.. And eyes super pain.. So whole week he only lie down on the sofa.. So poor thing.. It's a pain that no mom would ever want to experience..


I think u are in my fb right? My email is [email protected].

Within 6 months.. I am doing my flooring again as my maid flooded my laminated flooring.. And it was also thru this incident I realize my friend who lent a hand during my pop tiles incident cheated me.. Gave me lousy laminates and charge me the high end prices.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

When I confronted her.. She tell tales to other friends and they decided to unfriend me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] .. Well it's ok for me , just that I trusted her so much but got conned ..;(

These two weeks is really super stress..


Last nite dunno wat happen, my boy woke up every hr!! Thought he wanted milk but he only drank 60ml then dun wan to suck... Dun look in pain too... Dunno is it just being notti n dun let me slp. zzZzZzz...

Then #1 is down wz fever n cough... #2 is not even fully recovered frm his cough (its been more than 1wk!) n now its #1's turn... Sigh.

muddypaws, 1 of the motivating factors for me to cont pumping even till now cos I've been losing weight n I'm finally back to my pre #1 size... n I'm hoping I can lose more weight. See? I hv selfish reasons too... :p

But the main reason is cos my boy has been on tbm all along n he's been rejecting the fm we tried so far... Headache too...

Esquare, aiyoh poor thing.... Really must sayang sayang lots lots... Must be tough on u too. U take care too! Speedy recovery to ur boys!

This type of frd who will con their own frds, I'll say gd riddance! Its their lost to unfriend u lor... But u still hv all the jiemeis here! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw, i dun hv u on my fb leh... Neh minds, I add u now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, wat iphone game r u playing now?? I see u always have 好介绍 so thought can ask u for some suggestions [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning everyone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] TGIF

yurieve: Im working at mapletree building (pasir panjang).. I have free shuttle to vivo/ harbourfront.. we can meet for lunch with muddy, eon, bubbly and other mummies if they wana join [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muddy: Liz is fast too!! clever girl..

alluring: My boy too!! constantly coughing and flu-ing. I gave up too.. Have been feeding him medicines every now and then.. hate it.. sighh.. but no choice..

E square,

Firstly, u can dun use ur fren when she wanna lend a hand.

Secondly, did u check out in other places abt the flooring? All u did was depend on others

Thirdly, u choose to use laminate flooring. Wat u pay is wat u get. The amout u paid for e flooring is even cheaper den ppl do up a new house which DO NOT NEED TO HACK ANY TILES.

Hope ur sons r fine.

And also, if u choose to believe n trust ur fren to let her help u n things turn out like this now. Think clearly, who is the silly one at first. If u feel t she cheated u, please reflect y r u being cheated.

Yes, is our lost tt we unfriend u on our FB. It was not a happy things to unfriend a friend in FB. but 5 of us did it together to just u. Have u ever wonder why? Yes, all of us have something wrong. Maybe?

Hi mummies,

Sorry to intrude into this thread but I really feel for my frd who was wronged by Esq...

1. the frd whose help was seeked just intro a contractor and didnt earn a single cent... I can vouch for her...

2. Esq did not compare prices and claim that pple cheated her... but whose fault isit?

3. Esq claims to be the victim but I'm really not sure as I have seen what kinda things she said and posted abt others so I'm really not sure if she is the victim or pretending to be one...

4. Esq, I hope you can really reflect on what u had done and repent as pple dun unfriend you because of 1 incident... we r not 3yo kids that unfrd someone coz of a 1-sided story... we had witnessed and heard all the things you say n do which disgusted all of us... that was y u were unfrded by all of us in FB!!!

So mummies, I'm also a fellow mummy and I also treasure my mummy friends as we had been thru thick n thin frm strangers to close pals and so it's up to all of you to judge who is the gd person and who is not!!! Sorry for the long winded post!!! Have a great Friday, gals!!! ;)

stefie, not yet i'm still stuck on my bu bu jing xin hahaha i am also still loadng the eps into my phone haha almost there le hahah i will start soon. then we can siao together hahah

klitz, wah priority q somemore hahha.. but got disc then worth la haha if not so exp eat also heartpain. so its not me that is blur didnt notice pricing haha its the $ did go up hahha...

roz, oo u dun have fix lunch time arh.. poor u

holly, are u e square's friend? i guess she just need an outlet to vent cos her floor been giving her a lot of prob for quite long liao.

Muddy> congrats! So does that mean Liz is officially a toddler?

Yurieve> yes, good job with persisting to bf your boy and pumping! Nvm the reason :p whatever motivates you!

Esquare> house matters are always v stressful...renovating is always such a headache.


actually, me, holly, Esq n the frd whom she claimed cheated her are fellow forum mummy friends... I can understand her fustration but she cant go ard telling tales abt other pple and saying she was cheated... needing an outlet to vent n lying is 2 different things... hope u get what i mean...

yurieve: Agree with Roz that regardless the reason, it's good to continue to bf your kiddo. I truly admire your perserverance!

Roz: Liz is in limbo stage now. She can walk around, but would also crawl or hold on to furniture to move around too. Maybe she forgot that she can walk, or that crawling is faster. Is that normal?


Hi. Sry to have intrude. I do know tt she needs to vent but i guess some of her words are way over the truth. She din make it up. But her imagination is running abit wild. I dun care if she is venting here with the truth. But apparently something did went wrong in her explaination to u mummies. Who will wanna make a scene on other ppl's thread?

I m a july08 n nov10 mummy. We r mummies of multiples. I think we r mature enuff to handle all this matters other den venting and saying out loud an imagination.

JSP, i only saw ur post after i posted. I wont comment further as it would be unfair to all parties. but i understand what you are saying. You have a good friday too.

Muddy> yah, i think sometimes they are not quite confident yet so they go back to the ground. Just let them be..we try to bait and lure my boy into taking steps but 2 out of 3 times he will crawl. But am wondering if he will start walking by the time we go HK...is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember to drink more water and eat more fruits[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Leelee, thanks hoh, I share "poisons", mommies like it mah. Ha!! ha!!

Btw the Blk 18 Bedok South Market got nice 1/2 cooked sea hum at the cuttlefish, kang kong stall. Nice, wow long long time never eat liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] This stall queue very horrible lor.

Go for the jab lah, so can eat sea hum. Drooling liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eve, ha!!! ha!!!! Humble food from my small office canteen lah. Ku Zhong zhuo le lor. Heng the chinese stall sis is very good cook. Being fed very well by her and her kuehs, soupy stuff and fish & chips.

Now I busy with Korean series on Letv app. Maybe you can download this Korean series from Letv, Secret Garden. Wow superb and nice. Can watch when pumping. Hyun bin very handsome leh. I crazy in my FB about him also. My hubby rolled his eyes yesterday when he saw me and dewdew's comments on hyun bin. Ha!! ha!!! Sorry I drool liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have not check up on the games yet. You can try Gear and Gear 2. Very good and nice game. Was free, now need to pay USD0.99, unless yours is JB phone then can get it free.

If I play any nice games, I will update here[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal, I am left with 4.5 part to go now. Ha!! ha!!! dewdew also siao on Hyun Bin. We siao together okay after you are done with bu bu jing xin. I will d/l bu bu jing xin after I am done with Secret Garden.

My galfriend was crazy about Hyun Bin in My lovely samsoon. I wondered why?? Now I also siao lor on Secret Garden. Ha!! ha!!!

Roz: Adam is confident cruising already right? And is able to stand on his own? It should be soon already... hmmm, i can't imagine flights now with liz, whether she would insist on walking up and down the aisle. Faint...

yurieve: yeah jiayou in your bf.. u have gone that far... well done! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie: i know which stall u saying... My hubs loveeee the fishball noodles there... usually when i got the time, i will Q for the cuttlefish bee hoon stall.. u saying their sell sea hum in that stall? i didnt know that.... blurrr again.. lol.. even i haven go jab, i still eating sea hum and all seafood :p

Holly, Jsp,

If u think I am telling tales.. It's fine with me coz 1 day the truth will show..

Yes indeed the friend was sincere in helping the moment she knows my tiles pop.. And did offer her help.. It was my mistake too for not checking the prices coz I trusted her.. I did tell her , I want something cheaper but that doesn't mean in comprising in quality.. Plus it was not even cheaper for the quality I was being charged..


U mention that the thing I say and do disgusted u.. Let me ask u this..

1) I am seldom in contact with u..

2) u only hear all stories from her

3) I am not her where she will call everyone and complain about everyone.. ( but it not for me to judge or say 1 day u guys will know the truth)

4) talking about being unfair to her.. How about to me? I dun call all of u to complain about her.. Or say things that she says about all..I simply Bo chap..


U are right! I am really venting my anger.. If u really know what I am going thru now .. I guess u can never be gracious too.. I dun go around to be nice to pp and pretend to be their good friend and yet behind their back talk bad about them. I am those that.. If I feel.. I cannot accept the friends behavior.. I will just distance my self..

Thanks and that's all I want to say.. And I am very sure that 1 day pp will see the truth..

Leelee, the fishball noodles so-so niah, your hubby still bother to queue. IIRC last time the bee hoon stall got sell, not sure now. I remembered I eat until so bloody and messy at the hawker centre lor. The cuttle fish bee hoon portion quite big hoh, the sauce also very nice[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also still eats hum and seafood without my jabs. Only try to cut down. What is laksa and fried Kway teow without hum, might as well don't eat lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh ya holly..

I did hack my tiles.. And my living room and dining area not very big as I tot.. Only 499sqf.. I guess u have not been to my place after the floor incident.. Friends who have came will know how badly the workmanship was..

Plus it's not that I depend on pp .. I trust her..and she is a ID so she is better in this area than me..

Recently I called many companies and for this type of flooring I was given.. I only need to pay 2 third of the price and they still make a profit..

If 1 company tell me .. I dun believe but 3..

stefie: hahahha.. ya lor.. confirm must eat the hums... last time i dun eat de lor... now i super love... dunno why.. I also feel the fishball noodles normal nia.. but my hub loveeeee.. sometimes, i rather eat char kway teow, prawn noodles or the cuttlefish bee oon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

E square,

Everyone has their bad times. Life has ups n downs. We dunno ur trouble tt u r going thru n u will not know what we all going thru also.

U seldom contact with me is coz the first time i went out with u i ald feel tt icant click with u. U r way to high up for me to reach. I m a nobody. No money, no luxury. I sour grapes tt u keep telling everyone abt ur rolex, ur branded n luxury. Tts the reason why i seldom contact u or rather dun wish to contact u.

N things abt u, i dun just hear from her. Too many n i just keep quiet.

N ur tiles.. If u were a business woman n someone ask u to tk a look at ur competitors' work, will u say is good when things ald went wrong? Will u tell ur customer tt u wun be able to do better? If there is a chance to earn, will u let it go?

I might not have listen to ur part of story n might have wronged u. But knowin both of u, i think i know wat i am choosing. N if the so called truth is out n i really wrong u, i will definately apologies to u.

Holly ..

Posted wrongly.. Should be for JSP..

My apologies .. Read wrongly..

Just to add.. My roles and luxury .. Is not me who mention first..And I do post on fb on things my hb buy .. Everyone is doing it.. Btw.. I dun friend a friend or dun friend them coz they are rich or poor.. ..btw u are not poor .. It's just that u want to spend money to get those things or not.

Btw u guys are closer as a group so I shall not comment further..

It's ok.. I am tired.. And just want to get on with life.

hello mummies!

Stefie: hahaha.. Line enable you to tempt me immediately huh.. :p must thank Klitz for recommending..

Eon: how's the spots on chey? Subsided?

Sam: i meant flu jab for ourselves.. Small jab, not painful.. :) Maybe bec I have to take it for I need to go on biz trips, and on comp expense.. I didn't take the jab last year due to pregnancy n then bf-ing.. I find that I'm more prone to having flu, prob just coincidence, that right after gave birth, bb woke up many times a nite, lack of sleep, etc...

God's child: have a nice trip!

Yurieve: ya, i admire your determination to cont pumping too.. And other mummies who continue to do the same.. Kudos.,

Muddypaws: i heartpain to spend money on big items for zaizai but i always get little little things.. If i were to work in a mall, i guess my pocket will burn big time..

Klitz: we went to the punggol end side just now... Thought of taking a stroll.. Omg... Smack flies.. They only do evening biz? It was so crowded when we went thr in the evening, but not even 5 people there in the morn.. Hahaha? Right place at the wrong time...

btw mummies, anyone looking for perm job do lemme know? boss is very very good.. Location: pasir Panjang mapletree.. PM if interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Bubbly, today no temptation for you lah. I am munching Bin bin Senbei lah and had milo and cream cracker diet again. No appetite. Hubby tonight want to eat AMK chicken rice. So maybe later I take and line to you lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Leelee, Slow And Painful looking for staff? Oh your HR hoh.

