(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Hi Alluring, I've been sleeping with my boy in the Haenim play yard for the past few months, it work for us. We placed a super single mattress, booster, 2 pillows and few small pillows.

He banged here and there but since is plastic, not too bad. ;-)

But whenever I placed him there, one of us will be there with him.


crystal: haha.. yes! countdown together.. oh, i let her tried our adult porridge around 2 months back (i was telling you ladies, remember?). i love to put a lot of pepper into my porridge de. she loves my peppery porridge as compared to her own porridge. i have to put a stop to it, else scare her tummy cannot take it.

muddy: oh, i thought i read somewhere you said she shared her food with the dog? hehe...

stefie: aiyoyo.. really arh? must spank butt butt liao. chey has already been trying her luck. attempted to bite us a couple of times. lol! our tigeress..

stefie: oh, i thought you were referring to cooked tomato. haha.. paiseh! sotong me again.

alluring: yes, im still putting her to sleep in the cot. chey will try to turn 360 degree but will get stuck once she is horizontal to the cot as head and legs stuck. how about sleeping on mattress?

klitz: eh, i have no sense of direction. i only know the keppel club i went to with my colleague near my workplace cannot make it. its not keppel club, right?

oh, i did feed tomato to chey. i thought stefie was referring to feeding cooked tomato only when alexis is 1 year old. haha...

chey's weight went down a few hundred grams on the 2nd day of the viral fever. so i think its really very tough for the kiddos.

eoneon, oOOO ya i remember reading bot ur peppery porridge hahah so far all my food for ethan is zero seasoning. but i do put garlic and onions.

klitz, i've pm u heee..

alluring dec, yup slp thru the night in the playyard. i put the seahorse brand mattress into the play yard. so she's slping on a mattress as well as its gd for cushioning falls as well.

i didnt use pillow, but cos i co slp with her. she likes to sort of "climb" up my pillow and slp there..

ya... i've tasted something like ur grandma's recipe.. made by my aunt.. also lost recipe le.. so she passed away before anyone learnt it.

muddypaws, seems like viral fever can cause our bbs to lose weight quite fast.. hopefully she recovers fast and continue with her solids soon.

eoneon, i think its the same place.. haha!! but dunno if its the same restaurant though.. cos i think they have 3 f&b outlets there.

crystal, ok... will send u the link when i get home.. cos i bookmarked it.. haha!!!

Klitz, Eon Eon yeah Alexis is chia beh beh lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Klitz, next gathering, we plan at Mellben. Ha!!! ha!!! My boss said Uncle Leong's coffee shop now change to Boon Tong Kee Chicken rice liao. So no alternative should the queue at Mellben is horrible.

Eon eon, no worries lah. I prefer to feed raw rather than cook lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal, yeah. I need to go for my Hep jabs before I can start my "humful" session. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Long long time never eat 1/2 cooked hum liao.

crystal: yes, chey's food also no seasoning at all. i also add onion to increase the sweetness..

klitz: oh, i know there is one western & one eastern f&b.. the western one sucks big time!

stefie: me too need to go for my hep jabs. not looking forward. lol

Hello mummies! After a busy morning, just came back from super long lunch..

Klitz: paiseh, is it bec I was going over for lunch and you didn't get to go home to see Si En, made you worried only.. :-( are you able to contact your mom yet? but it was nice meeting you for lunch and short shopping.. hahaha.. after that, we went to Frontier, the men were looking for tailor-made shirts.. so, I had such a long lunch.. :p ya, I do have nice colleagues around, especially the lady who went to 6mths bash with me, and went over just now. She's a very nice person, but she tendered, and leaving end of the month.. haha..

Eon: how you feeling today? some people just like to play office politics huh.. thanks for your encouragement :)

Amelia: I can't see the s/s, is there any outcome so far?

Stefie: hahaha.. little tigress in Alexis.. good! we do not encourage our kid to fight, but cannot be bullied all the time, they have to learn to stand up for themselves.. this is something i'm not good in, hopefully can teach zaizai to be.. :-D there is an Uncle Leong seafood at punggol end eh?

Alluring: same as Klitz, I've downgraded to sleep in the play yard with zaizai too.. originally started when hb was away for biz trips, but I grow to like it, the secured feeling is there. Even when he wakes up middle of the night, I'm not worried he'll fall off the bed etc.. and banging on the play yard is not painful, he doesn't even realise he bangs on the yard all the time, he just like the corners I guess.. sleep crawl till knock then stop and sleep, from one end to the other.. hahaha.. and we can sleep at ease.. :) we put our quilt on the playmat and sleep on the quilt.. not hard, not cold, just nice.. and zaizai doesn't like to sleep on his pillow, he will normally sleep with his face down though..

Eon eon, after the jabs, then can eat hum lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bubbly, yes lor, that is how I feel also. They will have to learn lor.

At least I know she don't have low self-esteem lor, cos she very quiet and low self-esteem baby will not stand up for themselves and will suffer in silent. I am one of them, I have to give her all the confidence she needs.

I guess Zai zai will learn when he starts school, cos together with other kiddos lor. Alexis starts early, I find it is a good skill to learn, but not too much also

I will teach her to empathise, cos it is very important skill to learn, not all people knows this skill. I guess will have to start from young. Being parents really not easy, want to protect also cannot too much.

Bubbly, Yeah. Alexis also likes to sleep in the corner. Wow I may need to get the playard as her bed soon also, alamek. More temptation[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, other alt would be boon tong kee liao.. haha... but we can go early to queue.. hehe..

eoneon, i think i went to the western one. mayb breakfast set was ok. hehe!!!

bubbly, nah!! its ok.. wasnt really worried abt si en.. cos tt gal sick still can shake butt in front of tv. tt video was taken the night she went hospital. so u know y TMC doc dismissed me off saying bb dun look sick.. haha!!!

wow so many babies sleeping in play yard here! wont they get confused cos its their play area and then instead of sleeping, they want to play and play how?

i still put mine in her cot although like the rest, she turns all over, bang head and hit legs until she's finally horizontal and has her head jammed up against the side and her legs sticking out..

i guess as long as she doesnt cry means not painful... and i realise the more space we give our kiddos to sleep, the more they will roll all over.. so for now, i will jus confine her to the cot till she is big enough to sleep w jie jie on the floor (think at least another 6 more mths).

Stefie: teaching kids really not easy.. kudos to all parents! hahaha.. temptation ha! I really think we fully utilised the play yard..

klitz: hahahaha! she's such a strong gal! really enjoyed watching her shake her butt.. and she has grown alot since I last saw her, really!

oshgosh: hahaha.. you are right! Initially, he'll wake up middle of the night and play on the activity panel! but now no more.. hehehehe

Stefie, u mean the uncle Leong seafood at AMK has closed? I love their Jin sha xie! I got craving for crab after hearing you all talked about seafood, but now uncle Leong has closed...

Klitz: no wonder doc didn't think si en was sick. So cute to shake butt

oshgosh, hahaha mine is like ur gal. sleep horizontal hah. dunno how he "squeeze" into the breadth of the cot but he does hee so i jsut leave it.

admire all teh wei da mummies here that will sleep with ur bubs in play yard etc. never cross my mind to do this with ethan haha...

stefie, melben have another outlet in TPY. equally good not that many ppl. hahaha.. aiyoh... hep b arghhh dun remind me hahah

aiyoh canot get the hum dish out of my mind hahaha

Klitz, Crystal, Neko, wau lau. Must plan a session soon liao lor. Ha!! ha!! I like the cheese crab[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Neko, yeah, my boss just told me last week. Don't know where Uncle leong shift too leh.

Crystal, Ethan likes to be cozy, so cute lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yeah, TPY branch also quite crowded leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Later eat laksa or fried kway teow cos both have hum[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bubbly, my hubby is going to scold me if I buy the play yard cos the cot will be useless liao. Another white elephant lor.

crystal: we can't put him in the cot, his legs always get stucked and cry for help.. And my hb didn't want to install the ceiling fan in our room coz he hasn't found how to re-wire our lights.. Duhz, so we can't use bumper either, otherwise, he'll perspire like crazy.. :p

stefie: hehehe.. Our cot is one white elephant, we bought the ex one somemore, but I'm consoling myself, he'll sleep in it eventually when he's bigger... Hahaha...

Www.uncleleongseafood.com - have in tpy n punggol... There's nice chilling place at the punggol, a bistro..

stefie, i've not tried the cheese crab before le hahah.. i've only eaten the chili, black pepper and the crab bee hoon before hahah...

the TPY one quite okie le hahah not as bad as the AMK one.

bubbly, hahahah i ahev 2 fans blowing at ethan at nite too. his legs will get stuck but somehow he can unstuck himself haha.. so maybe it comes with training? hahah.. i also did away with the bumper cos its not useful now for their age.

hi mummies, v long didnt come in here to chat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HA: muddypaws, Aly will also climb up table, into tunnel, up stairs and everywhere other babies dont. She is also so happily playing tat she can dont want to nap and dont seems to need any sleep till i force her to. Dont worry, i think from the way all other babies play together during playdates, they r all super hyper and active playing which is good. Jus like wat u described abt liz, there are some similarities among other babies during playing too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jus happen to read abt baby sleeping place and i actually removed the cot bed rail and push it to our king bed. i dont knw hw to search from google, but it looks something like this:


Aly is so into "ball" now tat everything is round, she will shout ball. Haa! and everything tat she drops or see things drop, she will keep saying "drop" her fav word now. she also started her 2 syllable words like mummy, byebye, hello. so catch her on saying byebye to u all nxt time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Haa.. and she's not into walking. totally not interested at all. Tats all for the little update! catch up with u all mummies again! muacks!

cherry: Good to hear from you, and it's always nice to see postings by you on FB of Aly's playdates.

Yeah, it was worrisome at first, but reading about the symptoms from Klitz, and reading from some of you mommies about your babies' behaviour, I'm feeling better now.

Aly is doing very well in her speech development! Good job Mummy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oshgosh, well the gd thing is, if i'm tired i can just slp... she'll occupy herself and i need not worry she'll be injured or touch hazardous stuff. sometimes she'll wake up in the middle of the night to play den go back slp herself after a while.

bubbly, haha!!! and hopefully u can see her soon.. i also want to see zaizai.. there's so many bb's and mummies tt i miss...

i dunno if its the same uncle leong seafood at punggol.

neko, ya lor.. even the doc at kk hosp say. bbs are only sick when they cry inconsolably. hmmm... i think if si en reach tt stage i'll probably have panicked..

cherry, if u remove the rail. will aly crawl to slp with you?

aly so smart.. so cute.. she's another bb tt i miss. and i havent seen her for so long!! and zel too!!!

bubbly, I know ponggol branch, very cozy. At night super crowded lor. No parking lots, need to park along the small road.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks, Alexis hates her cot now. Only time in it is when she Knoz off. Ha!! ha!!!

Cherrry, MIA so long[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks for the pics, I can do it tonight cos hubby out of town, so no worries Alexis will fall off our bed.

Crystal, Maybe you can try it? Yummy. Now drooling liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Alexis still have her bumper. I guess I can keep now.

cherrry>> oooh you removed the whole rail entirely? the cot is still stable? I also sidecar the cot to our bed, but I just lowered the rail, and coz my bed is quite high, it's just nice.

we just bought a tower fan to put near the cot, coz otherwise he would be sweating buckets too. On hindsight, should have just installed a tower fan in the bedroom, but currently I really like my bedroom ceiling light, so v heartpain to install a fan!

my boy still sleeps in the cot, he alternates between the cot and the bed. Trying to get him to sleep more in the cot, coz the bed is getting very very crowded.

Speaking of cots, I came across this article about the US banning the drop-side cots from 2010 onwards, because of safety concerns. Never heard of such concerns here!


hee.. yes muddypaws, thankful for the playdates and playgrd or not i dont knw wat i can do at home with bb everyday. haa!

klitz, she will move ard our bed till she fall asleep. and will bring her back to the cot and i will use a bolster to put inbwtn cot and my bed. so far, she stays inside her cot all night. haa! yessss missing u and si en soooo much!

haa, ya stefie, its a long time since i came in forum le. rem to remove the wheels ya.

roz, i removed all the wheels. yup the entire piece of the rail (the gate).

talking about KK hospital, i think i didn't share my experience here... so far i've been to their A&E only twice (thank God) and both times I didn't quite like the experience...

With no 2, she had the stomach flu so had to be warded. Before that she was seen by this super junior and blur looking dr... he didnt do much, just look at her and asked me what were her symptoms.. still nvr mind.

When she was warded, she had to be put on drip. Both times the resident dr or house dr tried and failed. She was screaming like mad already, end up had to call and wait for a senior dr to come.

And cos we were there over the weekend, the whole day no senior dr came to check on her. When i asked the nurse why, they said oh senior dr only comes once in the morning cos its the weekend.

i was thinking, when a child is sick, can wait one meh.. shouldn't there be a rostered senior dr on duty at the hospital?

So after this experience, i am not going back to KK already.. i rather pay more for gleneagles..

Osh> i hv no personal experience but hv heard many scary stories abt KKH A&E. Told my hubby that in the event of anything, to drive to Parkway East coz that's closer to home...Better to pay more than to endure hours of waiting..


From what i gather from excel form, 4 people (Esquare,Dewdew, Leelee n me) would like to go on 30th October. 3 out of 4, would like to go to Underwater World. Other days only 3 people each. So, we are confirmed going to Underwater World on 30th October 2011. Could mummies give me your mobile number? Mine is 92343419


A&E experience

I m nt going to Gleangles A&E anymore. I had a very bad experience there. My son was having high fever n some spots on his limbs n diarhhoe. The doc simply diagnosed maybe chicken pox n must take antibiotics n sent us back. The doc n nurses gave us an unprofessional impression n comment. My son's fever nt even come down n very restless. So, we decided to bring him to NUH. Luckily we did. Coz it was actually it was HFMD not Chicken pox. So, the doc at Gleangles was wrongly diagnosed and gave the wrong medicine to my son. Arrghhh ~~~ The customer service personel from Gleangles still dare to call me to rate their service !

I brought belle to see pd today. She had fever of 39 degrees yesterday evening. Scare me man. First time fall sick. Pd gave flu medi. Hope can recover soon. Really poor thing seeing her difficulty in breathing.

Wanted to know how tall she is but, she outgrew the measuring table at the clinic. Clinic one max 74cm. Duhz.....


Hmmm, then if kkh no good, which other hospital is reliable? Mt A? Good to know cos I don't like govt hospital. Always wait very long.

Stef: cheese crab, haven't try before..yah, we should have a crab feast *drooling already*

Bubbly: my cot is white elephant too! She only slept in cot for 1 month. Thereafter slept with me on bed and now we 'downgraded' to the floor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I go to mt A but wat I do is page for my pd who has a clinc at the medical centre there. She will actually come down and see my girls at the A&E as outpatient. Although slightly more ex, I feel more reassured cos it's one of our regular pd and is also easier for subsequent follow up.

I also go to raffles hospital, can also page for the pd to come down and see my girls.

Thanks mommies for replying my queries.

I also feel you all very wei da to be co-sleeping in the play yard. I think I will get backache all over. I tried sleeping on the foldable seahorse mattress and ganna neck and shoulder pain.

Oshgosh, I guess sama sama. Mine also like that. Sleep horizontal. Hand, leg stick out here and there. Through the night usually can hear banging sounds, esp in the morning. She never cry lah. So I guess is fine. Then last weekend, my mom commented that she has a lot of bruises and asked me how I take care of baby one.

Bubbly, we also dont have ceiling fan, but what I did was to buy those clip-on fan and clip onto a nearby cupboard so my gal will be more comfy.

cherrry, I'm always so amazed at wat aly has learnt, she's really a v fast learner, the fastest I've seen so far, gd job mommy!!

Baby cot

My boy is also still slping in his cot n same thing, will always hear him banging here n there whenever he's not asleep... But cos my the bedrm in my new place is small, I think I'll just let him slp on mattress on the floor when we move there...

I'm also a hum-lover!!! Yum yums.... But everytime eat alrdy, my fingernails will be chipped frm opening the cockles... -_-

Klitz, saw si en butt shaking video n she really dun look sick leh. Glad she's recovering

Bubbly, its really true tat ofc politics exist in every company. Last time I used to quit cos of politics but now, I 看开了- no point quitting cos of some bitch cos there'll surely be another bitch even if I join another company...


I also hv v bad experience in kkh during #1 baby time... Wont advise anyone to go there unless absolutely no choice.

Samantha, hope belle get well soon... Wah she's so tall, next time can be model liao :p

Grumpus, but if non-office hours pd is still at the hospital?

Yurieve, I also hope she can recover soon. Really stress and tiring to look after them when sick. Ha ha, be model must have that x-factor look de leh.

yurieve, thanx... she seems to start recovering.. i hope she gets well soon.

neko, u slping on the floor with erin? or u wanna get bed rails?

samantha, wah!! she's pretty tall!!

Amelia, i shld be able to go... count me in ok?

stefie, bubbly, there's a nice place to chill. at the place where sing see soon is. at punggol. i think friends bistro or something liddat. there's also popoyes chicken there.. nice place to chill out


Non office hr pd will be at home. But they r on call so can request the hospital page them to go to the a&e


i post here in case the other mummies want:

The Children's Medical Centre

Blk 508 Bishan St 11, #01-386

Spore (570508)

Tel: 63538050

Look for Dr Shermela Appan, the other dr CMI

Good morning mummies! It's last working day for this week for me, taking leave tomorrow.. and I'll be at clients' in the afternoon.. hehehehehe.. short short day..

Crystal: hehehe.. can imagine 2 fans blowing at Ethan.. :p Our room really cramp, I'll bug hubby to install the baby fan.. ;-)

Cherry: really long time didn't see your post.. really happy each time I see Aly and her developments, you've done a good job! Thanks for the link, we now get a new idea..

Klitz: we shall meet after your trip, wanna see Si En..

Amelia: what a pity zaizai's class is on Sun. Although we are allowed to have 2 make-up classes, we already took one to attend my colleague daughter's wedding. Hmmm... I'll see if we can arrange, if can, I'll join in last min, can?

Sam: hope belle is feeling better by now.. she's so tall!

Neko: it's ok, we self-console, there'll be a day when we can upgrade again? Hehehe.. or what about Cherry's way? push the cot against yours?

Alluring: clip-on fan? which type?

Yurieve: do you mind pm me what you expect from your helper, your routine etc? my helper's cousin and sis coming to find job, she asked me if you can tell more details.. :)

Klitz: yes, there is a nice bistro there to chill, Frienzie.. it's windy and cosy.. there is Popeye, a jap, chinese rest nearby.. but like Stefie says, parking there in the evening is horrendous.. it's PAID parking somemore! maybe they didn't expect such a crowd?

good morning mummies ^_^

bubbly: thanks for asking. im much better except for a little bit of night cough. yes, some people are just so into office politics. pathetic!

its very contradicting de. as much as we dont want to teach our kids to fight, we still need to teach them to protect themselves.

muddy: haha, chey also expects us to share our food with her. its just in them to wana share what we are having.

stefie: huh?! then have to wait liao. i heard that the jab is now combined into 1 instead of 3, is it?

yes, a lot of people are not aware of the existence of empathy! look at the younger generation and we have an answer to it liao.

i thought melben can make reservation de? cannot mey? i usually will try to go early. thus far only tried their crab bee hoon & chilli crab. slurps!

klitz: maybe bah... didnt have a good dining experience there. lol

cherry: you really mia from this forum for a long time. aly is super fast learner leh. you have done a good job!

samantha: aiyoyo.. did doc says what causes the fever? wow! belle is so tall!!!

amelai: we might be able to make it too. but have to check with my hubby first. let you know nearer to the date.

bubbly, i see.. but i'm not sure how strong/useful a clip on fan is? but maybe there are more then 1 kind in the market which I am not aware of. I didnt put antyhing on his cot becos he tend to wake up earlier then us and he will start pulling them off. Dont wan him to hit himself.

eoneon, hope u get well soon. not sure if melben can take reservations le... but i tink their price went up again... i bought take away last week for 1 crab bee hoon and it was 49.50. reallie eat gold haha...

eoneon, i tink it went up again... cos i dont tink i paid so much the last time i went le. or maybe cos its jsut 1 item haha so i can "see" the cost now ahahah.. its onli 1 crab. hahah

Klizt: I will count u in for the excursion.

Bubbly: my son class also on Sunday. I just let him missed the class .. let him play outside of the classroom .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You are welcome to join us anytime [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eoneon: You do your arrangement then let me know then .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any other mummies or daddies want to join us for the excursion to Underwater World on 30th October??



Belle better le. No more fever..... I hope. But nose still stuffy. Can hear the mucus. Sound so irritating but can't clear for her leh.


I pass the flu bug to her lo. I keep getting flu this year. Terrible

