(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

klitz: Haha, like the way you describe Si En. Liz behaves like we haven't fed her for a week... she would be banging on the table till we feed her, and she gobbles food so fast we have to continuously stuff food into her mouth. She's a dustbin, cos she would eat everything you give her.

I still have 8kg of the preggers weight, and she and her relatives all say I'm FAT. So sad...........

Is Si En having viral fever?


Samantha, haha... ya.. this lil mouse just eat watever u give her.. but she's turning a bit fussy now, she's starting to learn how to reject food le.. Tastebud spoilt.. haha

Stefie, me too.. cos i had c-sect, my mum forbide me to eat for 3months... after 3months i went melben to have all my crab cravings.. haha!!

muddypaws, haha... mine's the mouse.. u'rs the bin.. ya.. sometimes si en cannot wait she'll snatch the spoon and spill her food.. haiz..

but cannot see the 8kg lei... aiya... healthy more impt.. fat or skinny not healthy also no use ma..

yup, si en's having viral fever. broke out in rashes last night.. hopefully she gets well real soon...

Eon: sure weekdays, we can considering doing lunch at Keppel.. was so tempted after seeing klitz's taitai life the other day..

Roz: haha.. ya, either your mom looks super young or ehem, you look super haggard.. :p think the former is better, make you and your mom feel better.. hahaha..

Neko: Erin is so clever, know how to switch on ipad.. what do you play on ipad normally? Am looking for interesting things for them to do..

Klitz: let me know after you check the sales.. hahaha.. I need to jio my colleague who drives, to lunch there, need to have the "theme" before convince them to go over.. hahahaa.. but shoes at $10 sounds tempting! hahaha... hope Si En recovers fully, in time for her holiday!

Sam: hope your bub recover soon.. I'm just like you, will force zaizai to eat whatever we made, even if he doesn't like. Don't waste food I'll tell him. Sometimes, he will make the "uwek" sound and action, but still need to make him eat! I'm so mean..

stefie: good that you are better today.. :)

muddypaws: forget those remarks.. :) you started new job yesterday?

Klitz: aiyo...rush from TMC to KKC, must be extremely tiring. I thought TMC docs should be more professional especially paying so much.

What? She can finish the 2 big slices in 2 meals? That's a lot! I still have a little bit left in freezer. I only give a small cube each meal as she doesn't take much fish.

Muddy paws, haha, seems like little Liz is also burning a hole in your pocket.

Bubbly, she would press the button on iPad and somehow learnt to slide to switch it on. Sometimes I let her watch sesame street but she's not too interested. She prefers to touch everything on the screen instead of watching podcasts. I try not to let her play with iPad too long (at most 5 min) as I don't want her to always look for iPhone or iPad to play next time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Samantha, hmm...fussy eater....maybe you should always pretend to eat and show a 'yummy' look on the face. Like the Japanese , everything is "oishii!" maybe show the "oishii!" expression to babe? Hehe

bubbly: Yup, started new job yesterday. Come meet me for lunch at Harborfront!

Neko: Liz knows my meal schedule, such that in the mornings, when she sees me going to the kitchen, she would crawl (and go 'ahhhhhhhhhh') to the kitchen to wait for me to do the nutella spread on bread so that she can share. She sees me drinking from cup or eating something in the living room, she would drop whatever she's doing and rush to me to share! She would smile sweetly at me and open her mouth for me to drop food in. Hubs laughs and says Liz very 'yao gui'...

Klitz: Now that the rash is out, then she's ok already. Appetite would be bad for a few days, so all would be ok. You try to get some rest too okie?

Neko, ya lor... I didn't know tmc so substandard. Dismiss me off saying ur bb can play so not sick. Alamak...

Ohz I forgot there's two slices. She eat half a slice a meal, den plus two diff veggies. So her porridge very sweet.

Such a slow and quiet afternoon..

Neko: hahaha.. Erin's so smart.. I let Issac plays on everything, last night playing the poking balloon, he kinda got the hang of it, but coz he likes to place both hands on the screen, he was not able to poke most of the time.. eyes chasing after the balloon and finger must be co-ordinated.. hahaha..

Muddypaws: Harbourfront is far de! unless if on leaves.. hahahaha...

roz: i also take it that my mum looks very young, which is also the fact lah!

no choice, have to do whatever i can to let her absorb the nutrients. so its milk, porridge/pasta, fruit puree, bread/biscuit, milk, porridge/pasta, fruit puree, fruit smoothie then milk..

neko & klitz: fruit puree i will make a week supply and freeze so that she can have it daily, we call it 水果冰. as for the fruit smoothie, am trying to let her drink daily but must depend on how much food she took for the whole day. its for her to drink at night. she will drink from her tiny cup and straw.

klitz: how is si en today? rashes broke out means recovering soon liao. jia you!

samantha: my case is opposite. hubby is a fussy eater and chey takes after him. lol... i tried forcing her to eat too but if i manage to force into her mouth, she will spit out. so nowadays we will stop feeding once she starts her stunts of head turning, face hiding or pushing of food away.

theres medicine already if im not wrong. how long it takes to recover will depend on the kiddo though.

muddy: aiyoyo... so bad hor. but forget it lah. so long hubby is ok, then who cares. you are already in such nice shape le, they can still comment. haiz... 人言可畏(hope i got it right)..

oh, we do that too! initially it works but hardly works nowadays. thats ny chey!

bubbly: you referring to the keppel near psa? i went there before. i tried the western food and i swore not to go back. hope its not the same one.

aiyoh... I'm not so super lah... My 'quota' is 2 only! I only hv 2 precious, like many mommies here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Roz, wah if it's me, sure v sad lah! Lucky so far nobody has said my mom n me looks like sisters, if not i sure cry! But 1 gd thing is I'd managed to lose 15kg frm bfg... If not I'll be a fat, balding, haggard makcik!

Neko, i think i'll take chicken essense like wat klitz suggest.

hope the teething phase pass soon for ur girl...

Bubbly, yah... I only got 2 precious, Kieren n Kayden... If u consider my hubby as the 3rd one?? Haha... He's a big baby cos I've to take care of everything for him.

Oh btw, I dun mind ur maid contact! TIA!

Stefie, some more poison?! I like..... Hahahahaha... Same lah I also like the remote control toy, its sold in sg??

Btw, hope u get well soon!!

Klitz, thks for the info!! Now I must go search for it n hope my fussy boy will like it.

Thks for the chicken essense suggestion btw... I nvr thought of it till u mentioned! Need it badly to 提神.

Eon, ur chey dun look tat small size leh... At least frm the photos cos i've not seen her in real life... Yah as long as they're growing up healthy n happy n active can liao.

U take care too n drink more water.alot of ppl are falling sick, all thks to the erratic weather

Muddypaws, I'm also at harbourfront! I'm at tower 2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ok, gtg liao... pumping now in the stuffy ofc storeroom n I'm feeling so warm... Argh.

klitz, do you have any recipes written down or something that you can share with me? i am running out of ideas what to cook for ethan on weekends. I've tried almost everything and i am a seafood fanatic and cos our bubs cant eat seafood right? so i'm so lost hahahah nothing left to cook hee.

stephie, u and your posion hor.. going to ban u


sure, i'll go home to get the address of the PD and PM u.. but if u dun hear from me by tonite, can u PM me to remind? I very forgetful nowadays..

I usually go on weekdays afternoon or mornings, not very crowded...

unlike the one both my kiddos first went to at Gleneagles, wah wait 2 hrs each time, can vomit blood..


u very on in feeding chey too, she's so lucky!

my gal also v small eater.. but i v lazy to try so many varieties to tempt her..

i guess after trying all ways and means to make no 1 eat more (and still not succeeding), i have sort of given up and resigned to the fact tat both of them will be skinny...

too bad i do not have chubby cute kids.. sigh.. every time let relatives comment how skinny my girl is quite sian but i'm kind of used to it cos all my life ppl also comment why i so skinny la, must eat more blah blah..

but i will tell my MIL sometimes when she keep saying my gal so skinny to not say in front of her.. cos i think i grew up being very conscious of my weight and i dun think its good to have tat kind of issues.. rather be jus happy with whatever size we are..

Bubbly, I just had steam carrot cake + Steam tapioca + Kopi O kosong for my lunch cum teabreak. Yummy.. Ha!! ha!!! I am going to put on more weight cos the new canteen operator sis likes me so much, my makan all upsize. My hubby said I like eating siao, every canteen aunty see me will upsize for me (Since the previous aunties). Ha!! ha!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eve, Crystal[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] See good stuff must share mah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal, really??[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I guess you can't bear to ban me one bah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Cos I have good lobangs mah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eve, I will kpo this weekend and update. Today 1st time I saw that remote control in Amazon[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oshgosh, I don't mind being skinny. I was skinny until after 21 years old, every year will put on weight until my relative cannot recognise me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Alexis will be naturally big size... Now she has huge thighs and chubby cheeks. When baby is cute, when teenage or adult not cute liao. So I guess both your princesses will thanks you in future for their size and Alexis is going to "love" me and hubby for her size[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Klitz, Crystal, Seems like we have Sea hum siao (Dewdew, Deon, myself, IIRC) and seafood siao here. Maybe can organise makan at Mellben Seafood bah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ha!! ha!!!

stefie & crystal: me also super into seafood. slurps! how i wish i can cook prawns and etc for chey. more variety. lol! im mad..

yurieve: haha, thats the comment i got when people look at her photos. but she is in fact petite lah. hehe.. i even encountered a very exaggerating incident once. when she was around 8 months old, a middle-aged lady said she looks like 2 months old. that was really eyeballs dropping!

oshgosh: thanks. maybe because im a first time mum so im more onz.. if im like you, a second time mum, maybe i will not be so onz too.

your girls take after you so i think skinny is in their genes liao. yah, i agree on the part about commenting they are skinny/fat in front of them. will sure grow up very weight conscious which is not healthy.

stefie: good mah! shows you have 人缘...

Eon Eon, I have ren yuan also means I will put on weight hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chey can join in your prawn makan soon...... I already told hubby Alexis will eat our food soon lah. So no need to keep puree for her. She will eat some of the stuff we are eating[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie: that is 福气... so ok de. lol

yah, i will feed chey out food too. so long its not too salty or too overly seasoned. like last sunday day when we ate out, she ate my fish, mashed potato and baked beans. then i ended up finishing her pasta cause she was too full from my food and her 水果冰 to eat her own pasta dinner. faint!

Eon Eon, don't take those remarks seriously. Chey will catch up very fast eventually. You are super handworking for your Princess lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eon Eon, yeah as long as we are happy can liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ha!! ha!!! An wei myself lor,

Lucky Chey lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] She really what is nicer lor, Clever girl[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eon/stefie, yes le hahah i cant wait for the day when we can cook seafood for our bubs haha.. crabs, prawns, lala, cockles, gong gong, all these i can hahaha.. u ask me keep cooking meat and fish... i quite lost haha somemore no seasoning soo sian hehee..

adult food: last sunday we went to nan xiang xiao long bao at plaza sing, they have a mushroom xiao long bao.. i fed that to ethan haha he loves it.. he finish 1 whole xiao long bao on his own hehee.. u can try. there isnt a lot of taste to it haha quite bland hee.

Crystal, very soon lah, another few months to go[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Clever Ethan[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Will try that 1 day[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, yup yup hahaa.. i wonder if he can take chili ahaha i ate TONS of chili when i was preggie and so far his eating habits reallie reflect mine during preggie haha..

Crystal, I guess so. Then I will try tomatoes on Alexis after 1 years old[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

adult food: I think it's ok to start adult food on the babies now. We had lunch at Roadhouse a few weekends ago, and Liz finished half of the Roasted Potatoes Salad herself for lunch. During family lunch on Sunday, the maids gave her 2 cheese crackers, 1 quail egg, 2 slices of boiled carrots, 1 floret of cauliflower. She ate it all and even tried to share her food with the dog, and then after that, she had her fish porridge for lunch.

Agree with Eon that as long as there is little seasoning, it's ok.

Stefie!!! Yummy! Ya, all the canteen aunty love you so much.. hahaha.. I'm on the contrary.. :-( Before preggie, I've always ordered and tell them "lesser, lesser, lesser".. then pregnant "more, more, more".. then bf-ing "MORE, MORE, MORE".. and now, they give me ALOT I can't finish.. now back to less less less.. :-D

re: seafood

I love seafood too!! super love prawns, crabs, fish, COCKLES!!!!!!!!!!! Omg.. salivating.. hahaha..

Bubbly, I guess will tell the sis, less less, less liao.

Ha!! Ha!!! Another Sea hum siao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Wow can have party liao, and have 1/2 cook sea hum plus chilli yummy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My hubby thinking of cooking laksa plus sea hum, yummy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie: hahaha.. less is more.. seafood party huh..

I have a super B**ch in our office. After sending her dwgs, specs for the past 2 weeks, she is still writing email, ding dong ding dong, purposely make life difficult, and cc to a string of bosses. I'm super sianz with this infamous B in the company. SUPER SIANZ!! And finally my PO is coming in, I wonder what she'll play next. I wonder why got such people in the world. For everything you have related to her, she sure make life difficult, and will be very sarca. Some colleagues laughed and say I kana only once in a while, whereas the rest, almost everyday. Want to play politics, go for GE la!

Bubbly, haha before preggie I was weight conscious. So I eat food always less less less too! Then preggy is more and when breastfeeding is more more more also! Haha. My hubby say it's super weird cos I eat a lot after giving birth while others cut down on food after giving birth.

Muddypaws, ytd when i was out, my MIL feed my boy fried rice. Is that ok? She fed about a small bowl of it to my boy. Adult food is ok for them now? Thankfully the fried rice was not salty. Quite bland. Anyway my MIL likes to add soya sauce to my boy's porridge also. Last time I used to object to that but now close two eyes cause maid only add a small bit of soya sauce.

Regarding comments on your weight, ignore those blunt people. I have ppl who constantly say I'm fat lor. When I lost my preggy weight already. And they say it right in front of my face. I'm immune to it already. Haha.

oshgosh, littlemay, eon, my baby is so small too. Saw a baby on mrt the other day, chatted with the mum and realised her baby was bornt jan 2011. We were both surprised cos we both tot her baby is older than my son initially!

My son is also very active too. Maybe that's where all his food go.

Bubbly, I used to go to 3 PDs near my place. The one at Rivermall is super crowded. You can try to get number in morning but still end up with evening clinic. The 2nd clinic also crowded which led me to source a 3rd one. Can you believe if I tell you that all 3 clinics were not opened for evening clinic that day and I ended up at abc? Business so good lor, can afford not to open one.

Wow, Roz, your mum must have maintained herself very well to be mistaken as your sis.

muddy, ignore what your relatives said. I had someone told me something similiar too. Dun know where's their EQ.

re: seafood

I love seafood too, except fish.

Bubbly, my theory about these B**ch is create balance the yin & yang. These people just make us feel like, Heng i am not b**ch. They make us feel more clever[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So forgive these b**ch since they are not as clever as we are[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Then you will feel better. We da ren will forgive these xiao ren.

Ha!! ha!!! Feel better liao right[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie> wise words of wisdom, indeed!

Bubbly> ppl like ur colleague just makes life a bit more interesting. Sure, it sucks to hv to work with her, but it's probably worse to be her?

Fortunately i hv been blessed with nice colleagues, those I don't like, I just siam lor.

Bboy> yes when i look at my parents i don't feel like they are in their mid-50s. My hubby will never forget the day my dad carried this heavy box of tiles that my hubby could not, and he's about half my hubby's size??

Actually, come to think of it, my mum's eldest sis is almost 80, so it's not THAT bad to be mistaken for a sister, right? Hahahahah!

Roz, life is short, why bother with people that is causing pain and making you upset. Enjoy everyday, just ignore and ignore them and enjoy lor.

Klitz, she lost 0.9kg??? that's ridiculous. So xin tong leh... hope she really gets better. was it due to the pneumococcal jab ah?

muddypaws, you still have 8kg? When i saw you like erm... was it 6 mths ago at Nex Swensons u seem rather slim already leh. Maybe you were super skinny pre-pregnancy.

Neko, now i have this mental image of you doing the "Oishii" expression when feeding Erin. hahaha funny!

Muddypaws: Wah, little liz really know how to enjoy, she really can eat!

Bubbly: forget about that b****, some people just like to make things difficult for others. It's 6pm now, go back and see zaizai, I miss his seductive smile.

TenQ: haha, I really do that to her sometimes just to make her eat! :D

Hi mommies, i've came back from my holiday with my baby. All goes well especially onboard the plane. Phew...

Was intending to bring my gal for studio photoshoot. Any recommendations?

debbie: just like muddypaws, both of you are not fat at all..

Stefie: like the way you put it.. Hahaha.. Feels better, actually as long as I get the PO in, I'll feel ok, do not want to lose business due to some stupid B!

Roz: you are lucky.. Get to siam, I am in Sales, need to be in contact with almost every dept, B's included unfortunately...

Neko: ahaha... Thanks, Another one misses issac's "seductive" smile.. I wanna see Erin again, this time, want to make her smile like the pic, so sweet! Is she any better now? Hope you'll get a good sleep tonight...

morning mummies ^_^

stefie: thanks... have to be hardworking for her else seeing her rejecting her food and/or eating so little, really xin teng loh.

crystal: haha, yes! waiting for the day to have a sit down seafood meal with chey too!

wow! good that ethan likes mushroom. i hug mushrooms too...

chey can take quite spicy stuff leh, i realised. i also took a lot of chilli padi during preggie days. until i was told to stop! lol...

stefie: how come try tomato only after 1 year old?

muddy: good that liz is learning how to share now. good job!

bubbly: such people do exists! just ignore them as much as you can. i have in my office too! this one is a b..t..d! he will try all sorts to get into the bosses' good books. he uses different tones to different people based on their seniority! he will also backstabbed people. bosses believe him as he appears as a diligent goody 2 shoes to them. can you imagine he was only a sales rep when he was working with our partner but now he is the regional product manager liao, within 1 1/2 years of joining us!

debbie: fried rice should be ok so long its not overly seasoned and salty. i fed chey our fried rice when she asked for it.

bboy: i think our babies will be mistaken for being younger as they are smaller in size. but ok lah.. hehe, so long they are healthy and happy.

roz: not kidding? your dad is so strong and healthy..

michelle: great! more trips down the road..

eon: Liz is not sharing... she's expecting me to share my food with her! Haha...

Just taught her the word 'Throw' today. So when I left for work this morning, she was happily throwing her toys on the floor, shouting 'Throw!'...

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember to drink more water and eat more fruits[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Alexis teacher just feedback that she snatched food and toy from her classmate and she bites. I guess I have no worries, she being bullied and she has self- confidence. Now need to guide her properly. She is really quiet tiger lor (looks guai, but notti inside), will bite when needed, mu lao hu.....


Eon EOn, cooked tomatoes can, raw one have to wait after 1 year old, cos of baby tummy may not be able to take the acid from tomatoes.


I think this weekend I can made tomatoes pasta for Alexis liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mommies,

Are you still putting your babies in the cot for night sleeping?

My gal seems to be banging ard the cot a lot especially in the morning when waking up and sometimes in the middle of the night. And she has several bruises on forehead, cheek and arms.

I can see that she is out growing the cot but I dont know where else that is safe for her to sleep unsupervised also.

Sniff Sniff... Heartpain to see my gal like this.

Morn gals!!!

stefie, wah... alexis really quiet on the outside.. didnt know she so fierce.. haha!!

gd idea!! lets go melben seafood and satisfy our craving!!!

Crystal, i send you a link with many yummy recipes.. most of my recipes are taken from annabel karmel or first foods puree. just chanced upon this website with many bb recipes and they will tell u when to cook this ingredient, what's the nutrients..

Eoneon, muddypaws, she seems much better today.. the rashes seem to have started fading off.

Eoneon, keepel by the bay. the alfresco cafe called "Prive" the breakfast seems nice... else we can go "Prive" for coffee.

Feeding tomatoes, i've fed si en tomatoes very early. but i remove skin, remove seeds. then boil it with porridge. So her complexion will be as gd as me in future.. hehe

muddypaws, wahaha... Liz show you that she really understand what you teach through her actions..

TenQ, ya... 0.9kg tt's a lot. i tink cos i stopped her solids after she got fever.. but tt's still a big diff.. either clinic must have some problem with the weighing scale.

debbie, i only feed some outside food to si en just to let her taste. dun really feed her as main diet. partly bcos i've got some kidney problems so PD advised more home cooked food for her before 1yo.

bubbly, haha!!! dun bother abt the B. u still have nice colleagues.. like the one coming down with you for sales.!!! Wahaha...

my diet is still more more more!! i'm forever hungry... except when i'm busy at work.. den i can totally forget to eat.. i'm a workaholic.

Stefie, i love to just boil cockles and dip in sambal chilli~ wah!! nice... missed it so much...

alluring_dec, i'm co sleeping with my gal in the Haenim play yard. Mayb u can put her to slp there if u have one at home. cos its plastic so she wun get the bruises from the banging

Hi Klitz,

Like sleep through the night in the Haenim play yard?

I have it at home but seems uncomfortable cos it is only plastic, not proper mattress. Can use for long term sleeping?

Do u use pillow then? Cos until now I still didnt put pillow in her cot cos i scare she face down and have accident if unsupervised.

i am quite paranoid, apparently.

On the cockles:

My grandma used to have a recipe (or not). The cockles, she put in an urn raw and put in like dark soya sauce, garlic, lime, chilli etc... and just like the cockles "cook" by the juices. Super yummy....

But now she passed on already. And it is a lost recipe cos we dont know how long to "marinate". Now just like Klitz, boil then create that sauce to dip in. But different, the taste.


alluring: Liz wakes up intermittently when sleeping in the cot, so we put her on the mattress on the floor, surrounded by cushions etc. On the mattress, she is able to sleep through the night.

We put her on the Parklon playmat for naps and she's ok with it too.

Klitz: Liz lost about 0.8kg after her bout of viral fever too. We stuffed her with food thereafter and she's now back to her original weight.

