(2010/12) December 2010 MTB


i've tried not dreamfeeding her, then she'll wake up at 1am crying for milk, then 4am again..

So i rather feed her at 12 midnite so i can go to sleep.. then wake up at 3 or 4am.. if not, i hv to wake up extra times, v groggy..


My baby sleeps around 9pm and he drinks 180 before he sleeps. Wakes up at 1am and 5 am to drink milk. In between wakes up and whine or cry. I will need to give him pacifier or water or both to make him sleep.

Daytime he naps twice. Normally he can't nap by himself. We will keep waking up for pacifier or water.

He does not like his bolster. I havent try soft toy.

Tonight I'm thinking of trying to mix plain rice cereal onto his milk to see if he can sleep longer.

I hope he can sleep through the night. Then i want to tcc no.3!

mrs ang

u try e soft toy n see its works or nt...i remember i read sm whr tat e temp of e rm aso a reason y bb cant slp thru...u can try massage for yr bb aso

My baby doesn't sleep through too.. He wakes up ard 12 to 1am for milk. Then sometimes, ard 4am for another feed..

He wakes up ard 645am every morning!

Very tiring and sleep deprived!

My colik commented 730-8pm bedtime too early, tats y bb wakes up middle of nite.. Any comment?

my boy developed a stubborn 38.8 fever since afternoon.. Poor boy! Sigh

hope to get to know more mummies here as my bb so far no friends yet! hee~~~


my boy will go bed at 7pm everyday. at times he will fuss at 11pm, 1am, 3am or 5am. each day he will wake up at 5am and refuse to sleep. then on, he will start to scream for attention because his cot is in the living room. seriously hope that he can sleep through the night soon.

these few days he seems to be better, waking up at 5+ in the morning after his bedtime at 7pm the previous night.

I tried rice cereal into the milk last night, still the same. I think it is just his habit to wake up.

I will try the soft toy method this weekend.

Mrs Ang, I added cereal to his milk also no improvement. These 2-3 nights slightly better... About 3-4 hrs interval rather than 2... Hopefully, will drag longer...


Thanks for the links. But it is very difficult for me to implement some of the tips as I have meddlesome ILs that will come running in if baby starts crying in the middle of the night. They are the very-against-not-feeding-baby type (their first thoughts will be 'Baby is hungry that's why cry'), so it is really a pain to live with them as alot of our ideas contradict.

So does your baby sleep through the night? How did you do it? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mrs ang & rainbow

look like its a habit yr boys will wake up at tis timing ardy...it will take sm times to gt used to e new habits...try e massage n soft toy n see hw


ya...living wif in-laws is realli difficult,they will always think their ways r correct, they will say tis hw they bring up yr hubby...blah blah blah...

my gal slp thru e nite...initally she aso dun slp thru so i follow e instruction in e link...set a routine for her, its take sm times for her to gt used to it nw she will slp ard tat timing.

mommies, reading about babies who cannot sleep through the night. My girl used to wake up a few times as well, and that left us wondering why. From birth, she doesn't use pacifier, bolster, blanket, pillow and stuffed toys. After reading some research about TV keeping babies over-stimulated, we now stopped TV totally, and she is now able to sleep through on most nights. Bedtime is 8pm and she wakes up once (or none), and then up by 630am. For mommies whose babies watch TV, maybe you can try to reduce the TV?

Hi muddypaws, does Liz cries in the middle of night? Mine sleeps through but she often cries in the middle of the nIght. It's disturbing my sleep though she often goes back to sleep. Hee hee

littlemay: yes, when she was watching TV, she would wake up with screaming or crying (even during naps). Now she's ok.

TenQ: According to research, the sounds and visual from the TV over-stimulates the baby. I guess it would be the same effect from playing too much.

Hi Mummies,

My son does cry once in a while as well. Nowadays much better but he wakes really early like at 5am then calls out papa papa in the dark hoping someone will carry him. Sometimes he's good and will sit quiet in his cot and try papa every 5 mins or so sometime he just goes into a frenzy and wants to be carried.

muddypaws, Keira is easily scared by loud noises. Brought her to the playground and a gal was just being friendly to her and said BYE very loudly. She ended up crying. Think she will have nightmare tonight too!

Hi lovebyte, my daughter is also like your son. Wakes up damn early at 5 plus. Sometimes she keeps quiet by herself, sometimes she cries but doesn't want to be carried out of the cot.. I wonder what she wants.

My baby once she wakes up, her crying n yelling starts. Only 1% of the time she will wake up without creating a ruckus. Asking her to play quietly alone or self-entertain works for maybe, 30seconds. So me & maid very bo-eng. If I go out, then I pity my poor maid.

How many of your babies are so hard to handle?!?! Oops!

Hihi Mummies,

My girl also wake up once or twice at night for milk. She normally goes back to sleep after milk. Sometime she also wake up very early like 5-6am+ and refuse to sleep, we guessed it cause she slept early the previous night.

For afternoon, she naps around 1.5-2hours after her morning cereal and noon milk.

By the way, any mummies want mamil gold / enfapro / frisco. I got these samples previously for after 6mth babies, but my girl's on S26. My place's at Serangoon North, any mummies want?

Muddypaws/ Melissa, I think you also stayed at Serangoon North. Any of your babies taking mamil gold/ enfapro / frisco ?

Oh no!!! My boy has shown his climbing skill on the sofa at my parent's home and now managed to climb over the play yard to our bed next to it... ... have to be even more careful now.

Hi there,

I have a preloved carseat maxi cosi priori XP, it is fr bb from 9 mths to 4 yrs old. bought it abt a yr ago this is a spare carseat in my fil's car but he seldom let me boy sit on it. Now it is placed in my spare room. I bought it from taka at $349, now selling at $200. Pls pm me if interested.

Excursion to underwater world

Sorry to those that plan to go with me tommorrow. I cant go oledi because my son is having high fever. Sorry.

New, unopened Happy Baby Organice Puffs and Melts. Bought last month from iherb and baby outgrow .. Self collection at bukit panjang or buyer to pay for postage please


Expiry date: February 2013

S$5.50 per bottle (exclude postage)

- Apple x 5 bottles

- Banana x 8 bottles

- Strawberry x 8 bottles

- Sweet Potatoes x 6 bottles


Expiry date: February 2013

- Banana Mango $4.60

Please PM me if interested. Thank you.

Hi Muddypaws, Sorry, I initially thought no mummies want my samples or will come down to my place, so thinking of bringing over to you. But got a mummy pmed me on Enfapro and came down to my place. Sorry, I have passed to that mummy.

Milk Samples:

Mummies, I still got Mamil and Similac for babies > 6months old. Anyone wants and can drop by my place to pick up, let me know. Thanks.

Hi Mummies

Been really occupied for the past 2 weeks due to helper going back for home leave.. counting down another week before she's back and i return to sanity!

update on my HK trip - i had the MOST traumatising flight ever in my life! Chloe was almost near to a perfect score for the trip wf her good behaviour and all, BUT on the flight home she got cranky and cried non stop uncontrollably.. :S she started crying after flight took off, we let her stand on the space between us and she started to poo.. so we thot ok, maybe tummyache.. cleaned her up and thot its ok now.. then her cries started again and getting really out of hand.. tried to bribe her wf food, showed her videos etc but didn't help... carried her to the back of the cabin also no use... people were going tsk tsk at us and even had a woman turning back to look at me.. i tsk back at them and even glared back at that woman! ( very nottie! haha )anyway, i ended up in the toilet so as to maintain peace in the cabin.. -.-' was stuck there for an hour letting her crawl n stand on the baby changing table til she slept... argh!

HB has banned flights for chloe til she is at least 3yo -.-' and he said we can only go for cruise next year. well, i suppose cruise is a much safer bet, can just cheong back to the room to let her cry for all she want hee...

overall, hk was ok.. my elder ger enjoyed her disneyland trip v much, leaving the parents super shacked.. the gers were pretty well behaved and tho elder one was down wf throat infection ( started just a day before the flight),younger one was spared! thank god! oh, must compliment the hotel for providing us wf baby bathtub, hi-chair and steriliser.. the hi-chair came in v useful during mealtime. they also had strollers etc but subj to availability. the see through glass at the bath area was perfect for my gers who can soak in the tub and watch cartoon network at the same time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies going HK to note- weather v dry! must reali put moisturiser even for the bubs. my nephew who has sensitive skin had some red spots the second day, and chloe had abit of rash on her forehead too... sis's heels even cracked :S

God's child, poor mine. Not easy with 2 kiddos lor alone without helper.

At least you make it back and blessing it is the flight coming back. If it is the flight going HKG will spoilt everyone's mood from the start of the trip[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I foresee we will have the same problem for our Dec Osaka trip. Cos Alexis will be 1 year old then, know more things, more vocal, more damanding not like when she was 5 months old/ 9 months old. Will have to prepare more treats for her this time round. Praying hard. Will have a pre-test to Ho chi Minh before our Osaka trip.

Hope your hubby change his mind about banning Chloe till 3 years old.

Hello.. MIA for super long.. hehe.. bz bz at work. once I started work, really never come in here. FB also neglected.. hahah..

Just read this page. It seems like I'm not the only one who has a almost 1 year old that still wakes up at night for feedings..

Very strange, there's times where he will sleep thru at least fr 11-12 to 6-7am but that's like quite some time back already.

Dinner at ard 7pm, then milk 8+ and if i'm lucky he will fall asleep while drinking. If not, then usually ard 9/10+ he will drink again. Then he will wake up ard 12-1+am and then again ard 3+am and sometimes 6+am. He will wake up ard 7+am. The thing is he doesn't take in much each time. Max 120ml. We got used to this but I'm lucky that my hb usually handles the late night feeds coz he can fall back aslp very easily whereas, i usually will take awhile to slp back again.

On travelling, wanted to go BKK this month but then now flood, cannot go.. sian.. So thinking of staycation only but no time to plan. I wanna test drive short distance first to see how he copes inflight.

gc> OH no now i'm nervous about my HK trip, esp now that my boy is starting to walk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] the hotel you were referring to, is HK Disneyland or another hotel? So good that they provide all that!

Will be sure to pack my vaseline for the trip!

Stefie- I also hope hb can change his mind before tat else my poor elder gal can't take flight for 2years!? She has aldy conveyed her wish list of places to go- oz, Korea n china.. What kids ask for now r sooo diff fr wat we ask for last time!

Ur alexis is a well behaved travel bb shld b ok! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] traveling is in her genes hee... Get plentyof treats n videos ready.. I finali got Chloe to sleep aft hb came in wf the videos n by the second song , she was fast asleep.. *really cold sweat*

Roz- the hotel I stayed at was langham place.. Din stay at Disney.. Wf the kids learning to walk , trying to constrain them is indeed a huge task! I surrender!

Dear mummies, pls help to like this page if you wish to sell/buy 2nd hand baby items here. We need more likers in order for this platform to work. I believe most of you sell used items in forum before. This is just an another platform to serve buyers and sellers for this purpose. Please LIKE the page and read more http://www.facebook.com/2ndhandmarketplace


It's so nice to see postings on the forum now. It was so quiet the last few days.

God's Child: I can totally understand how you feel about Chloe being cranky on the flight. Hope your hubby changes his mind about the flight moratorium!

Roz: Same here. I'm keeping my fingers crossed Liz is ok on the flight. I suspect she might want to walk up and down the aisle during the flight, but if the flight attendants are friendly enough, she might just entertain them instead. She's at the phase now where she loves to imitate people's expressions. My dad brings her downstairs for walks, and when she sees uncle/aunties with weird faces (eg. pouty lips), she would purposely screw her face up to imitate their looks, they take offence and my dad had to apologise to these uncles/aunties for liz' behaviour.

Ok, just hv to stay calm and think positive thoughts. Gonna pack lots of snacks to entertain my son on-board. Hope my BM supply holds out till then!

The whol family was hit by the stomach flu this week! Last weekend my girl had a mild case, we didnt think anything of it, then my boy started vomitting on Monday, then Tues both hubby and I were ill. I was dealing with a lot of vomit and poo from my boy...then my period decided to visit after what, 20 months???? So heavy somemore. Damn sian!

Read some terrible and disturbing news on ST http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_730124.html

This sicko pedophile broke into childcare centres to vandalise and 'pleasure' himself as he fantasised about the little girls there! Clearly he is mentally disturbed! I cannot help but be alarmed about the fact that he was only given 6 months jail! What is going to stop him from doing it again or worse still, doing something worse when he gets out???

Just wondering, will you be sending your baby for pre-nursey? Was talking to a friend then realize, alamak, next year must register for school Liao. So fast.

Samantha, yup, will be sending #2 to playgroup when he turns 18 months. Probably the same one my girl went to, Talentplus. 2 hour sessions only. Actually want to enrol my boy at the same school my girl is attending now but they are not taking in N1 till they move to new premises, which is not going to happen to soon, I think.

Samantha- yup got to register our kids for nursery come next yr march/April aldy.. I suppose I will let her try it out first to see if her immune system can adapt to the plentiful viruses in Sch.. My elder gal had 3 rounds of antibiotics within 6mths at nursery1. One ger even withdrew fr Sch for a yr per the pd's advice.. If all's well, I tink Sch will b gd for social development!


Where is talentplus? How much a month?

God's child

The falling sick is my greatest fear. That's why in dilemma whether to send or not. My girl just recover from a viral fever and she was so cranky during that period. Really scared to go through sick times again.

Sam, Talentplus runs a lot of playgroups at the RC centres. I think it was $130/mth? 2 hrs, 5 days a week.

Once they start school, will inevitably fall sick coz they are exposed to a lot. It will be quite rough for the first few months, but that's how the body builds up immunity. My girl also fell ill when she started school but as she got older, it happened less frequently.

hello mummies,

i remember one mummy had a staycation at RWS, hard rock hotel or was it festive hotel?? can share how was the experience like? we thinking of spending new year eve over there. But thinking if it will be fun for baby?

Anything interesting there, besides casino and the disneyland?


izzit e same as playgroup?? currently my gal is @ IFC ardy but dun i tend to let her go to playground at e current sch, will enrol her to e nearer childcare nxt to my block...easlier for me to bring n fetch her hm


my family stay at Hard Rock Hotel in Jul...over stay is ok for us...staff is friendly, rm r nice n clean, we gt request for a bb cot for my gal...overall stay is more enjoyable for e adults...for my gal i think she enjoy crawling ard e rm bah...hehe


is the cot clean? so where did u shower yr gal then? i don't think i can bathe my boy in the sink like some mummies suggested earlier cos he will be too big by then. But the tub still big for him.

Did u bring yr girl go swimming there? Hows the pool? Iam thinking if i shld get a swim suit for for him so that at least he can do something over there. But then need to get swim diapers n swim suit just for that one time use only.


ooh...e cot quite clean, its cm wif a mattress wif cover but no pillow n blanket...hard rock dun hv bath tub, onli suite den gt so we shower my gal in e sink...my gal is small size so stl ok but if yr boy is big den nt suitable le...i think their shower head cannt detach one so mayb one of u gt to hold n gt wet together wif yr boy...

ya...we gt bring her to the pool...e pool is quite big...other guests frm other hotels aso go to e pool at Hard Rock

u can bring yr boy to public pool for a swim aso den it wldnt waste it...for swim diaper its nt a must...if yr boy poo b4 e swim den shld b ok...i gt buy swim diaper...end up didnt wear...tat time she stl quite small so didnt stay in e water too long...

may i kw wat is yr boy weight??

PSH, my boy is 9.5 kg last month, nw maybe a few hundred grams more?

Oh, why swim diapers not a must leh? Wouldn't normal diapers disintegrate in water? Did u bring yr own water or use

the water there to make milk? Hope u don't mind Mr asking so many questions, I never bring him out for holiday before so a bit at loss what to bring.

PSH, playgroup is N1, I think. But if your girl is in full-day cc, then no need to enrol in nursery separately. Altho my girl has a 1 classmate who goes to N2 at her preschool, then the mum will fetch to send to cc for the rest of the day. but she works nearby so it's convenient for her.

swim diapers are not a must. swim diapers only catch poo, not pee. so as long as your baby poo before swimming, or you know your baby's poo 'signals', then is OK [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] or you can try buying loose pieces online? normal diapers will just swell lah...some pools won't allow babies with diapers in the pool though.

as for water...sentosa = singapore also leh. HAHA! you are not far from home if anything happens :p



if yr boy dun reach 12kg by CNY mayb i can spare sm for u...dun think my gal will use tat much...

if my gal poo ardy den i didnt let her wear anyting except her swim suit...for water i juz boil water in e rm n put into e flask...


ic...i intend to change sch for my gal so nd to kw izzit e same

