(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

stefie: hahaha.. ya lor.. other depts looking for staff... u should stick to ur job [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Leelee, not for me lah. I love my co and bosses to death leh (Not forgetting, big fat bonus - this year maybe can forget about it lah, eat myself liao)[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I ask for my sis lah. I PM you for more details.

roz, muddypaws, leelee, bubbly,

Tks for the encouragement!! I think there're also a few mommies here who're still bfg too, so jiayou to them too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I hope my boy will learn to accept fm too though, taking fm is also the same lah.

Stefie, yah I know u siao abt hyun bin now... Always see ur fb posts abt him, haha!! He's like ur ultimate crush now lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Feeling so tired n hungry now... Rushing home now cos hubby is working nite shift... Gonna bring kids to pd tmr morning, hope dun hv to wait too long :x

Enjoy ur weekend mommies!!


I also haven't gave belle fm. Don't know which one to give or how to start. Then scared constipate, scared reject....etc. Some more now she not stable on solids and seem to drink lesser milk (4x a day + mix in cereal + extra feed with ebm with spoon) really worry if I force fm she don't drink at all. So if can will drag till a year old. Hope by then she will eat solids well then not so stress over her not enough nutrition if not drinking enough.

Yurieve, samantha, Jiayou jiayou! I'm still bfing too. But recently i am thinking of how to start FM as the next few months i'll be working full time. Scared supply drop. So i started trying FM. Samantha, i tried Friso on my boy. Some people say it doesn't cause a lot of constipation. I think Nan Pro also is good to prevent constipation. However, now i manage to intro half a feed of FM to my boy, he already constipate a bit. Like 2 days poo once. So now, still pumping regularly. I think i will only stop bfing totally if my boy can adapt well to FM.


Ya man, constipation is my biggest worry. But your boy poo is still soft kind? If still soft think not constipation? You can make barley water for him to drink. It helps with the poo

Hihi Mummies,

Long time no pop in. My girl was sick last week. Spotted her with fever on last Wed night, and brought her to pd on Thurs... her fever climbed to 39 degree, gave us a scare and she refused to 'co-operate' during med-feeding. Clam her mouth hard once she saw the medicine, refused to turn her head no matter how we play with her, end up got to force and she cried hard. Really heartache for us, cant bear to see her cry but still got to force as her fever is too high, we're so worried.

Then Sun, her fever subsided abit and she started popping red spots, starting from her head, then neck... body... hands.. gave us another shock. Luckily the pd pre-empted my hb and mum (they went to the pd) that she might spot some red dots on Sun. So we waited and monitor her condition, her spots started to lighten on Tues and Wed. Thank goodness. This was her first time being sick, apart from the usual injection fever. Really got us so worried... Its really very heartaching to see our little one sick. Hope all our little ones stay strong and healthy always!

Debbie, Yurieve, Samantha, Im also still bfing, but my supply had dropped quite alot as I had lengthened the interval. My girl's been on partial fm since her 7mth. Initially she didnt want fm also, we got to dreamfeed her (replaced 1 feed to fm only). After 1-2 weeks of night feeds of fm, she started getting used to the taste. Now she's on 50-50. We gave her S26 as she tried S26 before during her 1st mth when my bm hasn't kick in. We didnt specially went for S26, just happened that we were given free bottled sample of S26 when we discharged from mt a after her birth. So at her 7th mth old, when we need to suppplement, we gave back S26 and she's ok. Another reason we picked S26 was its made in Spore and very old brand (my mum said last time she also fed me S26, so I guess thats how old the brand is.. hee..). And also somehow after the china melamine milk powder episode, we felt that better to trust our own brand, incase of any issue, the recourse is also easier. Just our own opinion and for sharing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wa, like a lot of babies fall sick at the same time. My girl also had fever of 39 degrees couple of days ago. Now still stuffy nose. What's the red spots?

My girl also self lengthen the interval between feeds around 7 months (7am 11am 4pm 9 pm) But I find too like too long no food. So that's how I slotted in her solid meals (9am 1.45pm 6.15pm) That's also when her weight seem to stagnant. Now I think is better.


Just wondering, pd sees kids till what age? Or usually, what age do people stop sending to pd?

Sam> my BIL, who is 28, is still seeing his PD lol!! Family doc...

For me, the last time I brought my boy to the PD was to follow up his jaundice at 1 month. After that, I take him to the nearby GP for his jabs and check ups.

Amelia: The position is like admin/ finance in a Finance dept... we work in a shared services environment. U can let me know if u interested and i can send u the JD [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies,

back from our short but lovely break at Club Med bintan..

The weather was perfect and we had a great time there.. i think Club med is very suitable for families with kids..

quite a few ppl have asked me whether its baby friendly so tot shall post here some of the nice things abt club med i liked [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

- For a family of 4 (2 adults and 2 kids), they gave us 2 adjoining rooms which i tot was great so we had lots of space and the option to put the kiddos in one room while we parents had another room. No need to pay extra afterall the price at club med is based on per pax. For 4 nites, each adult paid $936 my 2.5 yr paid $168 and my 10mth old paid $58.

- In one of the rooms, there was a playpen for the baby to sleep on. A bottle warmer and sterilizer was provided too. I was pleasantly surprised by the sterilizer cos it made it so much more convenient to sterilizer the milk bottles.

- At the restaurant, there is a small baby section where Heinz food jars, yoghurt and plain water are provided. There is also a microwave, bottle warmer and sterilizer in the restaurant. Because my baby hates jar food (and I was too lazy to cook porridge myself), I asked the chef to prepare porridge esp for my baby. You can tell the chef what you want to be included (eg fish, chicken, veg) and he'll get it ready for lunch and dinner. However my gal didnt eat much cos the porridge wasn't very tasty, totally no seasoning and unlike our porridge at home where we add ikan bilis or scallops, it was really quite plain..

- Because the resort is very family focused, everyone was just very accommodating to our requests. And no one batted an eye lid when my 2.5 yr old ran around wildly, in fact the staff loved to play and talk to the kiddos...

The only downside is there are lots of stairs there, so we couldn't use our stroller..

But all in all, i think its a super laid-back and easy holiday for families with kids who don't want to do much... I think i would try another club med when leah is slightly older so she can enjoy it better. This time round, it was my no1 who had lots of fun.. no 2 too young still although she enjoyed swimming but hated the sand.. the beach was really nice though

oh ya.. because it was all you can eat/drink.. we drank quite a bit (would hv been more if the kids were not ard).. and ate quite a lot!

ok, tats my review of club med bintan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shall wait another 2 yrs and we'll hit Club Med sapporo for skiing!


I think if you can find a GP nearby who is good with kids, you can bring your baby to see him/her if she's just having the common cold..

for me, I don't have any good GP nearby.. and my family dr is super far away.. so i still bring my 2.5 yr old to a PD cos she's used to her so easier also..

mommies, I have a baby cot that can be converted into a toddler's bed. Anyone knows when I can convert the cot into a toddler's bed? Liz stopped sleeping in the cot already as she sleeps through the night when she sleeps on the mattress on the floor (in the cot, she would wake up every hour).

Good morning mummies! Hope everyone had a nice weekend..

Oshgosh: OMG.. Club Med sounds havenly! I've heard they are baby friendly, but I didn't know they are THIS friendly! Hehehe.. so glad you enjoyed the trip.. hmmm.. and I'm seriously tempted by all your pics.. waha!

re: sick

Wish all babies and mommies who are sick speedy recovery..

Good Morning Mummies!

Samantha, Im also not sure what are those red spots. They look like rashes. And 2nd day, its really loads of them appearing. Almost covered my girl's face, gave me a fright when I returned home from work. I think the pd called its fake measles.

Hee.. I lengthen my pumping interval, but my girl feeding still as per normal. She takes around 120-150ml every 2-3hours. Morning 1 cereal, night 1 porridge. Her weight used to be around 8.6kg, but after her fever last week, she was at 8.3kg when we weighed her over the wkends. So sad, hope she put on back soon.

oshgosh_baby, Waa.. club med sounds fun to bring kiddo along. Hee.. thanks for sharing.

muddypaws, we had a hand-me-down playpen/cot. My girl only slept in it for the 1st month. At around her 3-4weeks old, she wanted to sleep with us. Initially we slept with her on a single bed, then we realised she tends to turn and turn, hardly any space for us/ my mum to sleep there. End up, we bought 2 single mattress and placed them side-by-side on the ground (king size now.. hee). Since then, she's been on it until now and still turn around the whole place. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The mattresses have 12 years warranty, so we've been joking that she can sleep on them until her 12th yr old. Hee..

raspy: That's exactly what liz is doing too! A tornado on the mattress. But thought of converting the existing cot to a toddler bed for her.

Re: fakes measles

these are the spots that appear when the viral fever subsides.

Oshgosh: Your Club Med trip sounds really good. Good to know that the girls enjoyed themselves. Club Med should have you as their spokesperson! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hmmm..., i think I will convert when the child can walk and get out of bed on their own.

Serangoon nex ntuc

Anyone knows if they sell happy bellies baby cereal? Anyone stay near there or going there can help me check pls?


Lol, your bro is big baby. It's good to have a family doc leh. So far never stick to 1. Maybe cos never find one really good and all rounder.

Osh kosh

Guess I also stuck to sending her to pd. No good dr here leh. But kids clinic walk in is..... Troublesome.


Your baby better Liao ma? My girl still a bit stuffy nose. But should be very much better already since she stop sleeping through again yesterday. Wa, when she sick, so shiok, sleep through. Thought finally she stop her nonsense coS she start night waking at 7 mths.... Spoke too soon.

Muddypaws, is the space in the toddler bed big enough for her to turn? Maybe you want to wait for her to be big enough to sleep 'proper'? Otherwise, I scare she might bump herself or fall from the bed.

Samantha, Yes, she's better now. All the rashes/spots were gone on Thursday. And she's been jumping and crawling around in her usual self since. But we noticed that she seems to be having slight cough on Fri, we suspected that its from the rock melon that she's been eating in the noon. So we stopped it since Sat and her cough went off. Hee.. she kinda love eating the rock melon, cant stop spoon by spoon that my dad told my mum to stop and keep the balance in the fridge.

samantha, Happy Bellies cereal...is it in a tin? I think they have it at the organic/international row.

Oshgosh, Yes club med sounds great! but looks like you guys didn't get to use much of the facilities with 2 kids to bring around.

Infantino At Baby Expo Singapore 2011

Infantino will be participating in this year’s Baby Expo 2011. Details as below

Event: Baby Expo 2011 Singapore

Venue : Singapore Expo Hall 5BA

Unit : Booth A3-A4

Dates : 21-23 Oct 2011

Time : 11am-9pm

Cost: Public - Free Admission

Infantino represents major brands of infant products such as Evenflo, Munchkin, Kidstools, Sunshine Kids, Bonbebe & Babycraft.

hello mommies! bz bz...

just dropping in a quick while. Mommies using the Raycop, do you want to get the extra replacement filters and HEPA filters? Mine's due to be changed so I've contacted the supplier who's giving me a discount off rack rate. I'm getting it from him probably tomoro. If anyone is interested to get it too, can PM me... or, you can call the sales person and arrange to get it from him too. PM for contact if interested.

have a great day ahead everyone!

Hi Mummies,

I'm planning to sign my 2 girls up for Julia Gabriel holiday programmes.

There is a 20% group discount if 4 or more children register at the same time. It can be a different programme and venue.

If anyone is interested too, please PM me so that we can all enjoy the group discount.

Information for the holiday programmes. http://www.juliagabriel.com/pdfviewermm1ab.html

Hi mummies

I havent posted in a long while. but I do come in to read once in a while.

My bb is already 10 mths old yet still can't sleep through the night! Anyone is going through this too? Anyone can offer me some tips/help/advice?

Mrs Ang, rainbow & Oshgosh,

My baby also doesn't sleep through the night. My definition of sleeping through is from 9pm-7pm. She will still wake up 1-2 times in the middle of the night for milk feeds. My other frens' babies either can be patted back to sleep or just drink some water. But mine won't.

I blame the ILs for spoiling market by giving in to her every whim & fancy. The MIL in turn blame the confinement lady. I tell the MIL's precious son (aka my husband) that I am washing my hands off liao. Next time if baby cannot wean off the night feeds by the time she is 2 or 3 years old, HE gotta drive out to buy her supper.

Oh my why this thread so quiet suddenly!?!

Stefie, where are you? Miss you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Ang, rainbow, cheercat. My boy will also wake up at least once for water and pacifier at night. Zzz. so he's not sleeping thru either. Tiring~

PSH, you mean day time sleeping routine?

My boy wakes up at around 7am

naps again at 9am to 10.30am

then he naps again from 1.30pm to around 3.30pm.

If he does not nap continously in the afternoon, he will take a short nap at around 3.30 for 30mins.

Then he will play till 8.40pm drink last feed and sleep till around 5 plus for milk. He still wakes up at least once for water. So not sleeping thru yet.


I am so saddened by the little girl, Yue Yue's incident in Guangdong. She is only 2 years old and it is so unfortunate.

How can so many people pass by the poor girl, but not help at all. Is the world this heartless? I am shocked!

I can only imagine her parent's pain.

Psh, my boy wakes up at ard 10am and nap at ard 1-2pm woke up at 3plus. Night sleeps at 9-11plus. 2 meals of porridge and plenty of milk!

Psh, I think he takes about 4 times of 180ml.

6am 150ml of milk

7.30am some bread or fruit

9am 180ml of milk

12pm porridge or pasta

1.30pm 180ml of milk

4.30pm 180ml of milk

6pm dinner

8.45pm 200ml of milk mixed with si shen brown rice powder

alluring, I feel very sad about the toddler's case too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] was very shocked and disturbed when I watched the video. Makes me wonder about humanity there. So poor thing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i m on the same boat of having a boy who is not sleeping thru the night ..

My boy schedule

530am wakes up n latch on

800am breakfast (brown rice cereal)

830-915am nap

1100am lunch ( porridge)

130pm 150ml fm

330pm 150ml ebm

345pm nap

430pm snack or fruits

530pm dinner (porridge)

700pm 150 ebm/fm

830pm latch on n sleep

1100pm latch on for 10mins

300am latch on for 5 mins

Super tiring for me, coz in the night he still wakes up almost every 3-4 hours gap .. sigh


i tried formula before for the 11pm feed, soemtime he takes it, sometime not .. when not, he will struggle until he wakes up .. My boy sleeps in his own baby cot beside my bed


u mean e 11pm feed u dream feed him?? i notice yr boy feeding is abt 2hr interval (exclude soild food)...hw abt extend e timing to 3-4hr cos in btw he will eat sm snacks/fruits/porridge/cereals...do u feed on demand??


11pm feed, he wean to hv a feed .. usually latch on is more success to make him back to sleep. FM depends on his mood, if he doesnt stood up, cry n open his eyes, then should be ok to put him back to sleep without patting him .

I feed on demand not on schedule. So far, the longest he can tahan is 3 hours gap no matter is milk or solid that you feed him

my bb really eats v little compared to the rest..

and at nite she not only wakes up for milk every 3-4 hrly but in between also wake up for pacifier.. which means i wake up every other hr or so, and add to tat my no1 also wakes up crying for dunno wat reason, i am averaging less than 4 hrs of interrupted sleep every nite.

no wonder my mum says i look haggard, sigh..

anyway my gal's schedule:

8am: wake up (sometimes will drink milk, sometimes reject, abt 120ml)

8.30am: eat bread

9.00am: bathe

10.00am: 130ml (nowadays drink v little, sometimes 80 or even 60, maybe teething)

10.30 - 12pm: nap

12pm: porridge

2pm: 130ml

2.30-4.30pm: nap

6pm: porridge

8pm: bathe

8.15pm: 130ml

8.30pm: sleep

12midnite: dream feed 130ml

3 or 4am: 130ml

6 or 7am: 130ml

PSH : my boy doesnt like pacifier .. he close his mouth tight the moment the pacifier near his lips no matter is he in deep sleep or nt ..

PSH: other than bean bag, he has nothing on his bed. Maybe i m going to introduce a soft toy for him .. so far, his favourite is a ball but he prefer to throws n see it bounce more than soothing him .. i m cracking my head to think how to wean him off from using latching on to make him to sleep


mayb u try intro soft toy to him den see hw bah...frm e link abv i read tat put e soft toy wif u for a few day to absorb yr smell den plc wif him when he slp so tat at night if he wake up he can sense yr smell.=)



My gal's sleep and drink schedule exactly like yours except that she doesn't wake up to drink at 12am and 3 or 4 am. So she's drinking only 300+ml of milk per day. That's too little but boh bian.

My gals sleeps around 9am and wakes up at 5 plus. Is this considered as sleeping through the night? However in the middle of the night, she will cry out very loudly. Either I ignore her and she goes back to sleep sometimes, or I have to give her a pacifier. She sleeps in her own cot and own room, with a baby monitor.

Sometimes when the baby cries in the middle of the night or wakes up, let her be for a while. I was watching my gal the other day from the monitor. She woke up and stand in the cot and even turned on the cot mobile, but after crawling around, standing, flipping for 30 mins, she went back to sleep. So someimes i just ignore her when she cries and let her learn to go back to sleep on her own.

