(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Ooo.thx ladies.. till 8pm? Dunno why my hb said till midnight! Lol! then maybe i ask him to go in the evening.. I'm itcing to SHOP!

I need to shop for myself too..

hee saw my name being mentioned :p

Cherry, I was suggesting littlegym

Hey gymboree is good too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I signed for my gal and she likes it but when I preggie for #2, I stop liao cos no energy :p

I like gymboree and kindermusic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dbaby: wow..ur sis power le!haha. talkkin abt buyin stuffs, ever since i m at home..i oso spend on those BP stuffs..jialat..addicted too. cant rem who intro the bookdepository link, wow,tell u huh, i bought many books for my boy .... hmm..but edu stuffs so ok to spend rite? lol! btw, ur supplier for those kiddy clothes is local or overseas one? curious to know. cos i oso see my fren sellin on her FB.

juliana: ya..think don go in morning cos the crowd sure in in the morning.go do shoppin then vote in the evening. ur hb diff la,cos on duty ma,gotta clear stuff etc, so wont be able to leave so early. me on no pay leave,if not also kanna duty one. many of my colleagues got arrowed for duty.

muddypaw: ur case diff la, for my fren,she requested her hb to hand over $$, well since he's willing too,ok lo.lol! i told my hb, indirectly hinting to him tat he is lucky i m not like dat, n i oso seldom spend his $$,tat's y he's more willing to ask me use his credit card whenever i buy things. but me stupid la..never use one.hee

ooh ok, at which month u wanna do it? I heard tat 0-6mths is better than stage 2?

yeah, dbaby v power le. haha.. bring in adult clothes ok. im stuck at home and i dont knw hw to bring bb out to shop for clothes. hee!


I bring in frm overseas... Local i find very ex.. Hee =)


I try try k.. Settle the children one liao do adult.. Need time...

Pauline: yep that's what my friend said- she called the elections dept to ask! Anyway I'm just gonna bring baby together to vote. At worst take turns with hubby, at best we can queue together!

What's the best time to go then to avoid the queue?

Amelia J, I have excess too, am staying at Tiong Bahru, lpm me if you r keen.

Mummies, I'm so excited abt the elections though I'm not voting. Am glad to be able to rest & get additional day of PH too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i read a booklet, they say based on past GE, 8am ~ 11am is peak hr, i ask my HB wan to go n Q early n b e 1st to vote or nt...he say i siao...haha...i think i will ask my HB to go n see hw is e Q, if nt long den i will go dw n vote otherwise i will go after 11am.


Anyone interested in buying mamy poko M size 66pcs at $20. My bb out grown it[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Talking about enrichment, my fren told me he sent his gal to shichida and it is quite Gd but he advised me to send only when Bb is bigger, say 18mths and above. I remember during mrs wong's classes, she also mentioned something to the effect that mummies are the best teachers and if u bring Bb when too young, Bb can't concentrate especially when it's their naptime.

Btw, count me in if mummies are going for other review classes ok?

Just voted, not too bad, hardly any queue but then again my side is SMC not GRC. The WP candidate was there early morning!

Looks like different centre different treatment, think depends on those officers on duty.

Didnt see any baby, Old folks will get to sit and cut q, thoughtful.

Crystal, my hubby same as yours, need to report at 4am, then will be back super late at least 10 pm he say. Really sian right we also walkover so dun need to vote.

My boy today 5 th day already no poo poo n he cry a lot think he wants to poo poi bt painful. don't know if can wait till min to see pd?

morning mummies and daddies ^_^

sianz, gonna go vote alone cause hubby hasnt reach home yet, will only reach sg in the late afternoon. so have to take turns with my mummy to vote.

candycanes: your mamy poko still available?

good morning mummies & daddies.. happy polling day~~


my hubby said he needs to report at 5.45am and will only be back 12midnight.. so sian, right? littlepigpig, your boy no poo, u try massage his stomach? sometimes it help. if u still breastfeeding, drink vitagen.

littlepigpig: if your boy is crying due to poo issue, i think better see pd liao loh if the next pd trip is still far away. like what pauline suggested, try massaging in clockwise direction and also let him do the cycling exercise. may help.

Any mummies using Avent manual pump? I just found my old set..the pump I already gave away to my friend, so only hv the bag with a spare valve, membrane, sealing discs. Also have a 260 ml bottle but not BPA free.

All never been used..bought in late 2007 with my #1 but my pumping career failed..lol

PM me if you keen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Littlepigpig/Pauline, my hb said he tink he will be able to leave only after the counting is done le so he said most likely will be wee hours in the morning. Earliest is 3am latest can be tomorrow morning 7am. How come urs can come back so soon one. Wail so unfair.

mummies... i think i very blur.. haha~~ guess what.. i left my IC in office.. cos was planning to go bank during lunch time and took it out to put on another pouch. forgot to put it back to my wallet.. zzzz got to go back office and take.. so blur sia.

Mine no q.. Quite fast .. Went ard 2plus.. Didn't bring bb.. Manage to make some arrangement so no need bring bb along... Tonight can watch news Liao.. Yest bb slept at 3am.. I really can't dong.. Tonight if he again same.. At least I got tv to watch.. Chase the voting news!

Pauline, prob too late to tell you this but can bring passport also right? I thought I saw on the poster at my void deck

Anyways I went ard 4, after finish all the laundry and cooking lunch. No queue at all! The policeman very cute, yummy hahahahah.

it went so fast it felt so....weird.

Saw that the queue at the 4D shop very long...HUAT AH! lol..

mother's day> I told my DH I want to go eat steak at Eatzi....I love their chowder and choc lava cake, yum yum. Dunno if the place is considered baby friendly, but it's Mother's Day so they'd better be prepared!

mummies, now it's my turn to rant.

what a crappy saturday to countdown to mother's day. i had to go back to my parents' place to vote, so packed bag and brought baby out, together with hb. just as we stepped into the lift, i asked hb if we need to bring a vendor's quote since we're thinking to make a stop there. he said of course, then i said i never bring. his reply, "then go there for what??" i was so pissed with his reply!!! hello?? i'm the one who woke up early to feed baby, bathe baby, sterilise the bottles, pack the bag, and i just missed out one thing, need to be so sarcastic meh? couldn't he just bring it along rather than expecting me to do everything? i'm VERY sure he forgot about it, and it became MY responsibility? hello???

so anyway, i snapped at him, and he sulked all the way to my place and back. i mentioned a few times that i was hungry but he totally ignored it. when we reached back to his place, i just took the baby bag, carried my gal and walked off to the coffeeshop. turned out the stalls were closed so i had to go further to city square for food.

i just can't STAND men who sulk. in the first place it's not my fault, nor my responsibility. i just innocently asked a question, why must he answer in that way? and to make things worse, he ignored my requests for lunch. UGH! how bl**dy petty is that?! so now i'm at cold war with him. like i said, lovely way to countdown to mother's day. well, i'm sorry i'm not a superwoman that i can rbr everything and do everything by myself. if i could, why would i need him? and anyway, today just proved that i dun even need him. i could bring bb out by myself, feed her and myself, and go shopping even. all without him. i'm just so pissed!!! argh...

ok, just needed somewhere to rant. *breathe in breathe out*

and happy mother's day to all of u, enjoy it with your little ones!


men! am sure we all do encounter such incidents sometime, take care ok, hope you feel better after ranting.

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy mummy day! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dewdew, men r like tat...ignore him and dun spoil ur 1st mother day with ur baby *hugs*

Stuffy nose

All of a sudden, my girl seem to have stuffy nose. Not sure if it's due to the hot weather recently and we've been carrying her in and out of air con or she caught the cough from me.

Anyway, I need to check with moms who have brought their babies to pd due to stuffy nose. Do pd give any medication or they will let baby fight it off on their own? Is there anything i can give her or do to help her fight it? Usually take how long to recover? I stop letting her sleep on air con. Hope it will help speed up recovery.

Sam, there is nose drip from pharmacy .. 2 brands.. But look carefully.. For infants only.. Or u can try the sea salt spray

HAPPY MOTHER's DAY everyone!!!! Yesterday went to have mother's day dinner with my mum, tonight going to have another mother's day dinner with my mil. Just now i was asking my hubby then when is my mother's day meal and present? He say i don't need. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

