(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

juliana: It's quite cramp at the Isetan Gap Sale, so not too advisable to bring kiddo in carrier. Swollen eye? There's always sunglasses! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yurieve: No worries about the domperidone. Drop by drop, I'm just trying to pump and store enough milk for her cereal till she's 6mths old. Right now, I've enough for her till 5.75mths old. Haha... Once 6mths, I think I would stop.

re: food puree

Maid gave liz sweet potato yday and she ate 10spoonfuls before she gave up. Not too bad compared to apple and pumpkin.

Anyway, we store the balance into 1oz-sticks so that it's easy to use for subsequent feeds.

Re: Gap sale

I'm going down this weekend again. Want to get more jeans.

Mommies, I'm tempted to send Liz to GUG for playclasses when she turns 8mths. The curriculum is rather good and I just want her to play and socialise. Is anyone interested?


Muddy: ok thanks. So can't go today. Maybe over the weekend then. Hope still got nice designs n sizes for boys.

DBaby: nice buys.. Think better than the last sales got rollers mostly for boys n some thick thick sweaters. Now got jeans, tshirts n it that a shirt at the back? I saw the dresses u bought for klitz too, so cute.. Think I wanna get tt for my future niece.

Will catch up some of the other posts, I haven't replied.

Ops boy awake..sigh


U might wan to see who is goin down and help u buy? Perhaps like hw i buy for Klitz. She told me dresses and 1yr up so as i dig if gt dresses tt sizes, i jus put in my bag first. Then i slowly take pic n use the iphone app-watsapp(free MMS-like) to send her for confirmation.. Hahah..


If u goin tis weekend, gt nice jeans for boys 6-18 months onwards(any sizes in between), can help me grab 1? I forget to buy 1 la.. Hahahha.. Jus managed a green shorts for him...

And frm my FB, i gt a grey checkered shirt for my boy. If gt bigger size like 18-24M, can take 1 more for me? Tot of using it as a shirt dress for #1. If cant find, its OK..

Crystal/All mummies

I am a shopping queen.. Btw those mummies keen on Old Navy, i am ordering some clothings n sendin to Yesmin so she can ship back to SGP for us. Free shipping to US above $50USD... If u wan, do update me by tonite with all the orders cos nw gt promo for shorts cheap...

any mummies have a cheap PIS to let go? can PM me? asking on behalf of my col. Her second kid so she's not keen to spend too much. TIA.

dbaby, thanks for the update. I bought 9 bottoms yesterday haha i tink its enough to last Ethan for a long time hahhaa.. wan to ask u if u noe where to buy nice tops. I dun wan to buy rompers anymore.

dbaby: thats too bad ;(

juliana: bring in carrier loh. hehe... im sure your boy will enjoy the gai gai outside. let me know.

but you have never been allergic to seafood right? i think its not seafood allergy. did you see a doctor?

muddypaws: im interested. let me know okok?? hehe..

eon: Just called GUG. They have class for babies 8-18mths. Want me to email you the brochure? I'm on wait list now for the bilingual class (haha, else liz would only know english and tagalog!).

crystal: Try Cotton On Kids at Anchorpoint. Haha, I sound like I work for Cotton On, but gosh, I love their stuff! They had a mega sale last time and I bought 10 pieces for $50!

muddypaws: okok, send me the brochure. still must waitlist de arh? does that means we might not be in the same class?

wildcherry: u dont accept pm le ... give me your email address?

enrichment class

I wait list my son into JGC Playnest .. long queue for the timing i request for

Anymoms babies on growth spurt.

I never experience major growth spurt with no1. But no2 is seriously having growth spurt. She usually sleeps a stretch of 7,to8hrs but have cut short to 6,waking up for milk.

Night time she is usually satisfied with latching on but few days ago, she has gone to e usual max 80ml to 140ml yest! And still wakes up 6hrs later to latch. And usually wakes at about 7ish 8 but the past 2,3days she has been waking up around 6am genuinely hungry and finished up 125,130ml.

And an hr later still want to latch on.

I never had such with no1. Totally new.

teething and drooling is also new to me as no1 never drools at all.

No2 drools like crazy and apparently her little teeth is forming below her gums and she kept using her tongue to rub her itchy gums.

Anyone staying in the east wants to join me for babygym at jwt? Its located at eastgate along eastcoast road near to paramount hotel.

I am keen on signing up end of next mth when my no2 is 6mths plus.

but those whom are keen to sign up now-Heres the link- http://www.jwtkids-singapore.com/

They ll set up a new class as long as you have 3interested moms.

Just give em a call.

Ok my boy taking his 2nd nap. Hope he can nap for 2-3hrs. Just now only half hr.

Eon: Hmm.. since muddy and Dbaby said it's cramped, dun think i will go.. :-(

Do u think they will re-stock daily? Sigh.. hope got some more nice ones when I go tis weekend but think prob will be gone by then. :-(

Re: Fever after vaccine

Thanks for the advice all. I will now increase the window period after each jab to 3 days.

DBaby: Re Milk allergy. I decided to stop Similac first. Let the rash recover, which currently it is slowly going away, left his usual eczema redness. Once it goes away totally, I will try Similac again, see if he got reaction again. If dun have means, it was the vaccination. If really the jab, then how ar? still have to go for the 3nd and final one, which is 6-in-1. Scary to think, he got reaction for 3in1 and 5in1, then 6in1 will it be worst? I think better let the PD know. Sigh..

Roz: I used iphone, so dunno why got error first time i posted, so i click again. Then double posting. Oh, so my boy not only one.. sigh.. very frustrating for us. Me so tired dy, then he cry like that, inconsolable..

Lena/Dew/Sharon: No changes in environment recently. Only thing is he had fever last week fr his jab and my in laws are here but they r mostly out during the day, back only in the evenings. I dun think it's my hb now coz yst he woke up crying afew times ard 10+ and 12+, and i was the one who made him sleep. Its like he has nightmares and wake up crying, inconsolable. BUT, yst, he tried giving him milk, he actually drank it in.. he just drank 120ml at ard 8, then 10+ he woke up crying, then we gave him 90ml, he finished. 12mn woke up again, we didn't think he was hungry coz he drank 2x oredi but after awhile, he can't stop crying, we gave him some more milk, 60ml, he finished it. Then he finally slept all the way till 5am. So difficult to console him, wail and wail.. I hear so much of it that sometimes when he is not crying, I think he is crying and I will wake up when he starts to fidget a little, quickly pat him. My bro also asked me, what happened, why he cried so loud.

So far, it has happened 3x in the last roughly 2 weeks. I hope it goes away soon coz it's draining us.. makes us feel like bad parents coz we don't know how to soothe him and we will scold him. Sigh.. I feel my patience really gone out the window esp at night. Day time, if he naughty i can still tahan. Night time, I'm too tired, so I get angry with him easily. Sigh...next day I will feel bad.

Paging for Stefi:

My boy going IFC next week. I will be going to transition him in, anything I need to look out for or what things I can let the educarers know?

Do u change Alexis pyjamas before sending her over or just wear same pyjamas, then they will chg her after her bath? Also, u let Alexis wear long sleeve top and pants there? Think I need to go and buy more long tops and bottoms for my boy, he doesn't have alot. Home clothes all short sleeve and pyjamas not alot.

just lugged home a bag of toys from this lady's house..at first I only meant to buy a few, meet at MRT station but she said she had a lot more at home, come and see..hahahaha. Got nice wooden toys, I like [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

amuro> maybe no.2 is ready for solids? coz not sleeping thru the night, not full after milk feeds?

muddy> next time cotton on got mega sale, must tell meeeeee hahahah!

Amuro: Hmm..since u mentioned it, i wonder now if my boy is also having growth spurt, that's why he has been crying alot and taking in more milk but only at night. Last time, last feed ard 8-9pm, then he can last till ard 3am, then next feed can last 5hrs later. But recently, he has been waking up 2-3 hrs at times for milk after his last feed.

Sigh.. my boy woke up crying after 15mins. Had to carry him back to sleep. Now I put him behind me on the sofa bed in the study, so that I can use PC and pat him if he fidgets.

Eon: Haven't see dr for my eye. Now slightly better. Anyway, enjoy your shopping ok? I wish I can join u now. Help me to see if got alot more nice ones for boys or all gone dy.

Amelia, I'm at Blk 203A Compassvale Rd... Have abt 20-30 bags dated frm mid-feb to mar11. I keep all my fbm in a chest freezer so expiry date is abt 6mths.

Crystal, can ask your colleague to get from here[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


It is new USA set, needs a converter.



U r opp me!!! Hahahha =) I'm 271A...


Hope the rash recover soon...


I also haf a smooth 'growing up' period for #1. tis noti #2 is driving me crazy at times... Jia You!!

Just rushed to the baby gap fair during lunch... Can't find dresses leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ended up on bought 3 bodysuits and a pair of jeans. But for $8 each, ok lah.

I'm interested in growing up gifted. Interested in gymboree too. Interested in shichida too! Haha!! Kiasu mom! Need to waitlist already? I havent done any research!

anyone know when can i get 24 mm SoftFit™ breastshields under Pump in Style in good deal? recently i found my brestshields worn off and cant use cos affect pumping power..

muddypaw: hey,ur hb's fren wont know unless he bf lo..how would guys understand/. esp for mummies who have low ss already..every drop precious like hell. sometimes i told my hb tat i m tired, but still gotta be'cow',then he asked me dont express lo,zzzz la. Aiyo...so easy to say huh? Dont express n expect his son to haf bm to drink...he shd buy a real cow man. sigh. these men...headache! btw, u stay near anchorpoint? i m at strathmore area. =D

oh ya,abt the GUG, i mite be interested, email me can ? ( [email protected]) thanks!

juliana: when my boy is angry,he also scratch his face! so violent kind! so gotta keep cuttin his nails! but i oso stress whnever i cut nails,cos cut his finger twice!!!! my mil n mother said i older than them,eyes *huay huay* liao.lol!

cherry: cannot bring bb to bettin station too! cos i kanna 'shoot' by the auntie. my bb was in carrier when i went to buy 4D(hee..sound so auntie rite? now seldom buy la..tat time was buying his BC no),then the auntie said '小姐,不可以带baby hor!" aiyo..so paisay, machiam i m such a 爱赌老妈!

Yurieve: I hv to knw is my hubby in town to drive me there on Saturday morning .. let u knw tomorrow, ok? I m from Clementi .. so hv to think of a way to transport the milk as well ..

Roz: my boy is active as usual but still having diarhoe . He is getting more n more geram, i think partly becuase of teething n so wanted to crawl n sit up . One thing i notice is nowaday, he sleep frequent but short . The stomach flu trigger the rashes on his body . since no medication can be given to him other than the rehydration salt n cream for the rashes. so, hv to wait his system to fight . anyway, i m back to work ..

muddypaws, thanks for the cotton on info. i shop at the outlet in anchorpt too but its definitely more gal stuff then boys which is normal. i bought pj sets recently for $5 each which was a pretty good deal too but that's bot all i got. their socks shrunk after washing so sad. onli wore twice.

stefie, thanks for the PIS lobang will send to my col.

CC: I'm staying at Serangoon North, works at depot road and loves to shop at Anchorpoint! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just emailed you the GUG stuff.

muddypaw:eek:ic!tot u stay nearby! lol. ya. got the stuff, replied u too.

BB's clothing: aiyo..me also in out cotton on many times...so tempted to buy but keep tellin myself tat ah boy got many clothing liao..gotta resist...so in the end, i finaly just bought 1 sleeveless top for him! quickly wash n let him wear nx day! lol! HB was asking how come i m spendin long time inside n only came out with 1 top...hee. he awas say ' buy la' then i will tell him, aiya..no need la.. see see only.

thanks Roz for the website. really v useful. hee!!

Rachel, u can buy breastshields from here: http://megababystore.wordpress.com

cc: cos i always carrier bb downstair to buy food, and the betting station jus there leh. i wanna bring in to buy too! i also not du gui, jus once in blue moon thought of buying only. haa.. didnt know bb cannot. cos those ah-ma always bring kids although they r not in the queue. hehee..

muddypaws, GUG is at square2? is there trial class?

littlemay, i'm interested in gymboree too. jus talked to amuro this morning. i wanna join the stage 1 (0-6mths) class. cos i think stage 2 (6-10mths), most babies shld be able to crawl le. i was told by another mummy tat stage 1 is more interesting. any mummies interested? i will go call up and let u all know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amelia> good to know that your boy is his usual self, heehee.

I went to my mum's house for dinner yest..mentioned to her how my #2 haven't rolled over yet then she started getting on my case about how I should not be letting him sit in the exersaucer, she says his legs are not strong enough, it's bad for his spine etc etc..@_@ then what, I'm supposed to just let him lie down all the time ah..not tired meh.

Just to prove her wrong I propped him up to sit up on his own...3 secs later tip over lol

Muddypaw and eoneon, me so tempted to go again.

Dbaby, saw your pic in fb, think they do top up, I dun remember seeing the blue and white dress when I am there on the 1st day. I also have the pink polka dress in 3-6 mth, fitting my girl nicely now.

Aiyo, just now I went out for lunch without knowing my period came, almost stain my dress. Luckily I went toilet, if not I won't know it.

Amelia, no problem... pls PM me in case I dun come online to chk.

Dbaby, yah we're VERY near each other! kekekeke...

Dec mum, wah lucky u went to toilet if not later stained ur dress n it'll be so embarrassing!

Speaking of Medela, anyone here use both Freestyle and PISA? Which one is better? I'm asking for my SIL. I may pass her my Freestyle which I used for 1 month only. Is it ok to share the pump? I was planning to sell off anyway.

Dec mum: Phew.. close call. Talking abt period, there's once, i saw this lady on the mrt. Her period came and it has already seeped thru her pants/skirt. So, when she got up, got quite alot of blood on the seat. Not sure if she realized it or not. Maybe she did, that's why she rushed out of the train. Poor thing.. what would u guys do if this happened? Rush out and pretend the blood stains has nothing to do with u? Roz, i'm sure u can think of smthing witty here.. hahah.


They haf PJs at $5 ah?? *evil grin* I must get HB to bring me 1 day.. I am shopping queen...


If ur HB haf an uncontrollable wife like me, he wont say 'Buy La'.... Sure regret lo... Hahahhaha =) But i smart cos i shop in small amt so its nt scary....


Ya.. I also gotten Eon to help me see the clothes liao.. No more!! =( Apparently when i took the shirt aldy a few pcs nia...


Yup... So if gathering, u can jus walk over.. Mangogal also near... I'm in between u both... Hhahahhaha =)


I haf added a lot of rompers for our lil ones in FB.. If you are keen, i can give special prices...

[email protected]

Juls> weeiii...what me...hahaha...nothin witty to say about having a large bloody stain on ur clothes lor. Maybe I was on the same train as you coz I can still recall seeing a bloodied mrt seat a few years back. But also can't expect her to stay and clean up the seat right? I just wonder if got any hardcore aunties who will still chiong the seat or not.

hi mommies... so siong, my elder girl's fever has lasted the past 5 days, spiked to over 40 yest... needed to keep spongeing. and little one kept waking in the night cause of her cough and blocked/runny nose. tiring.. and supposed to return to work yest but end up took childcare leave

tomoro got dept retreat, all the way at sentosa!! grrr.... very sian, gotta pack extra stuff and need to pump at least twice (don't even know where i can pump) and lug all the way there n back.

mommies who usually take early morning train from Sengkang to city, can i ask, are there usually seats at 7-7.15am?

now tryingt o decide whether to stay home tonight (ie take train from Punggol) or go to my parents place for tonight )train from Sengkang). cause now both of them sick, i need my mom around to help, so if i stay home i gotta trouble my mom to come over later. little one so far no fever thank God, so we r trying to separate the 2 girls as much as we can, so must be one caregiver to one child and kee p it that way

Dbaby: haha! actually cos i seldom spend my hb's $$ so sometimes he still gotta beg me to buy sthg for myself.maybe i m like my mum,don like to spend other pple $$.btw, i m the one who ordered the 2 bibs from u =D

yvaine: muz be very tiring for u..hope ur lil ones recover soon! how long is ur retreat? so u r gonna keep ur EBM in cooler bag? can last how long huh?

thanks CC... thankfully just one day but need to leave house 6+am and lasts the whole day only end 6+pm... so siong.. i think i'll aks the staff there whether i can borrow their fridge... anothr colleague of mine also need to pump so we'll probably pump together hahahah...

Hi mummies,

Haven log in for a while and the thread moving so fast. Been busy with work n my baby simply refuse to sleep through d night. Was so envious when both my colleagues whose babies are youngwe than mine slept thru at 2 mth! everyday been going to work with a headache cos lack of sleep. And this week down with cold n cough n actually had a high fever but I didn't realize till doc told me cos it just felt like my usual headache from lackof sleep!

Can I ask u mummies if your babies liked to kick alot during bath time? Cos my likes to kick n always hit againstd bathtub.

W hat shld I do? Buy a biggertub where will u bathe yr babies as they grow bigger? Im thinking if I need to buy those soft inflatable tub.

CC, Cherrry, actually don't see why cannot bring bb to buy 4D, toto. Don't bring kids is cos you do not want to be bad influence , expose them to gambling' at young age but baby, what will they know ? Same thing for polling station. Cannot bring bb? Not as if they will know and tell who we vote for. Was still thinking of bringing bb there this Sat, now think got to go on shift already.

Lena, I only bring Darius back on thur nite and back to my mum's place on Sun nite

Bubbly, since your hubby also support your decision to quit, then I think you should go ahead, why suffer ? Think the problems will just continue...quit already also got more time with Issac ;)

Juliana, since last weekend, Darius has been waking up more often during the nite, at times less than 3 hrs. So is it a growth spurt?

Anyway mummies, was very upset earlier. Darius was crying earlier after we fetch him home from my mum's place. I left him on the bed to take his pacifier. Hubby was in the room so ask him to pacify bb. To my horror when I return to the room, hubby was shouting at bb at close range. This made bb cry even louder and there was tears in his eyes! I quickly carried him and before hubby left, he still shouted into bb's ear which caused him to cry non-stop, I think he was scared. Helper came to feed bb and I went to kitchen to talk to hubby. Told him I don't understand why he has to do that, he said I always spoil Darius. I told him if he cannot stand Darius crying then next time I rather he leave Darius alone to cry than try to pacify him, cos he always get impatient and angry when Darius does not stop crying and shout at him. I asked him how does this help in stopping him from crying? He said its to 'educate' him. So angry with him. I have even told my helper before , dun leave bb with Sir alone when he is crying.. Hubby has a really short fuse but he thinks that he is 'discplining' his son. What can I do?

Sharon - my hubby also raise his voice a bit higher to discipline his son cos bb don wan to sleep n keep fusing around n crying.. And guess wat.. My mil carry him out of bed To comfort him .. And then my hubby try to play with him by clapping but bb just turn his head away Fr his daddy.. So funny.. Bb seEms unhappy w daddy n refuse to look at him


Sharon, yalor thought for both stations also can bring bb leh. They don't knw anything ma. Not toddler. Anyway, sigh no wonder ur post on fb. Bb will cry ma, cos that's the only way they know how to express. How to discipline now when they don't understand anything? Like they don't understand why night time le must sleep even when they aren't sleepy? Something like tat.. And they cry cos they can't say if they r hungry, scare, cold, bored, or watever. Men r like tat de. They aren't tat sensitive like women and will just think is we mummies spoilt the babies. Try talk to him tmr again?

