(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

happy mother's day babes ^_^

yugal, next month will be your turn liao ^_^

dewdew: dont like your hubby's sulk spoil your first mother's day. cheers! i will experience that from time to time too. haha... talking about menopause for men! keke... oops!


What an eventful weekend! Voting plus mothers day.

Brought my gal for her haircut today at babyspa Plaza Singapura. Went smoothly, she was really happy. Then let her tried swimming. She loved it so ended up signing a 10 times package. Hope she continues to enjoy it man!


Happy Belated Mothers' Day!!!

It was an 'eventful' day for me as my shopping trip to Tampines Mall was cut short by HB who suddenly feel giddy and super uncomfy.. Ended waitin for him with BB in car at carpark of CGH.. I end up took a cab as he need to be kept for observations for some tests..

HB been havin tis 'giddy+gastric+left shoulder til arm ache' a few weeks back. He was worried its heart prbs and went to Mount A, TTSH & nw CGH but all said normal. I wonder if its anxiety n stress.. Tml going to a pre-arranged appt prior to today's episode with cardiologist. And also in midst of arranging a gastro scoping.. I praying hard nothings wrong!! Both kids young and he is sole breadwinner =(


Me glad tt Aljunied won by WP but sad tt Potong Pasir goes to PAP.. And tt TPL, hw can she be a MP?!?!?

Rompers & clothings

Anyway mummies, finally got time to load some rompers for BB & also clothings for tod.. Do give me ur support and i try to give best price k... Still got somemore BB clothings but have yet to post up.. Tired liao.. Zzzzz...



hope your hubby is ok, good that he recognise and went to consult doc when he does not feel well, take care ya.


same sentiment...sad that we lost such fine men like CST, GY...as to TPL she single handedly brought MP % down from 75% to 56% this round!


Your gal will like it! my gal swims in tub very often and she loves it everytime!


is there any polyclinic in the East? I thought there is one in Tampines but cant find from the website?

2mimi> hv...Tampines polyclinic is near the library there, opp Tampines Nth CC

DBaby> yes hope that ur hubby will be alright, do take care, OK?

GE> GY is a victim of the GRC system...LKY still cheesed off that WP made it. TPL has big shoes to fill and a lot of ppl are going to be looking out for her to make mistakes.

I didn't know much abbot CST before this but reading all the notes and stories that went around this GE, I hv nothing but respect for him.

2 Mimi, how often does your gal swim in the tub?

Btw mommies, anyone bottle feed your baby while she's lying down in the cot? Is it ok?

We lose a good minister and have a bimbo in parliament instead. The irony of it... Its the grc system that PAP devised and it backfired on them.

good morning mummies!

littlemay, very well said! and yes, GY is the casualty of a PAP device... it's sad to know a capable and well-liked minister is out while a well-hated bimbo is on her way in. sigh... such a tragedy!

anyway, the GE is over and while the results are far from satisfactory, i just hope the PAP will take action for its people finally, and not just pay lip-service.

Eon, menopause for men! wahahhahahha! i like that description!

Dbaby, hope your hb is ok. if the hospitals can't find out what's wrong, maybe shd go to a private one to do more extensive tests? otherwise try to get him to do yoga or something like that... it might be due to stress like u mentioned.

hope everyone enjoyed their mother's day! i had a feast back at my parents'. everyone came together and brought lots of food and it was such fun. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My gal is having cough n having phlegm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Brought her to see GP cos PD not open on public holiday.

Gp give cough medicine. I fed her 2times nia. Cos she is still young (5mths) not good to take medicine right? Cos now monitor. She also cough during her slp. She her cough n got phlegm like very Xin ku [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

liling, if your gal is ill, it's better to give medicine. as long as your GP provided medicine that's safe for babies, it's ok. if you're worried, u can bring your gal to the PD today. or maybe u can call your PD and ask her if the cine is ok for your gal to take.


I doubt its heart prbs cos all doc at hosp and even GP says not... I suspect his gastric acting up due to stress and anxiety ba.. Lately very stressful & hectic work.. Wat to do?!?


Ya, he went Mount A twice but they said nothing wrong and also med doesnt help. So went TTSH n GP also nothing wrong. Then yday at Tampines like tt, nearest is CGH so went there. Again, nothing.. Haiz.. Hope the cardio can provide some insight later...


If doc gives, i think shld be safe ba. Cos usu will give a milder one than normal.. Speedy recovery..


hope yr hubby is fine after e chk up


if GP giv u e medicine i tink its ok to giv yr gal...if u dun giv yr gal n she keep coughing middle of e nite will b vy xin ku for her...giv her e med till she is better den stop tat wat GP told me...hope yr gal can recovery fast.

morning mommies!

my first day back in office after 5 months... have almost 1000 emails to clear...

and so tired cause last night 12.30am, my elder girl coughed and threw up all over her bed (thankfully the main bed is spared)... but gotta wash her, and the bedlinen and mattress, settle her back in... by time i slept is 2am.. then little one woke to feed, dunno how many times (i don't keep count liao), woke at 6 ish to prepare for work. siong!

hope you all had a good mommy's day yesterday. we don't have the practice of celebrating on acutal day for both sides, cause it's crazy to rush with the crowd, so usually we have meals on seaparate days. didn't do anything much, was a non-event for me. oh well..

Dew - first mothers' day! how did it go in the end? i remember my first mothers day was also a non event. i think i also had an argument with my hubby and was too cheesed off than anything! my second one was last yr, also nothing much i recall.. so in all, 3 mothers' day all quite non events.... :S if my girl had attended school last friday, she might have had a card for me, but she was sick so no school... so no card for mommy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hubby said he tried to get something for me from the mall but i called him to rush him to get back to fetch me and the girls so he had no time to find anything. oh well, guess it's the thought that counts. he was half thinking of ipad! but it's crazy to pay so much for it i feel...

Dbaby - wow eventful. how's your hubby now? oh did you sign the petition re: TPL?

GE - guess it's common sentiments about GY and TPL. even the ASEAN leaders are saddened by the loss. he's such a fine minister it's a shame to lose him.

littlemay: my gal swims almost daily so far unless is raining, 5-15min. after this will be once or twice a week as I am going back to work on Thur.

Dbaby:maybe not the heart but something else? ya stress is terrible...

note down every little symptons and let the doc knows

Hello all!!

Feeling abit sad now. Today first day my boy went to IFC. Wanna cry dy...

I was there whole morning but now back home for lunch. Not sure whether I shd go there again in the afternoon or am I being a hindrance to the teachers.

Anyway, morning when he reach, he was ok. He managed to fall aslp for his nap despite all the noise. He was on a bouncing net that rolls instead of bounce. Gave him pacifier and roll, he fell aslp. Then he pooped, they took awhile to clean him, by then the poo has already spread to his front. Sigh... Scared coz he had UTI. so the teacher went to chg him and bathe at the same time. He cried n cried, the teacher just ignored him and continued. He cried so hard till he was having like hiccups kind, dunno how to explain. Then becoz he cried didn't put moisturizer. Anyway I told the teacher abt his eczema, need to moisturize alot. I hope they will rmb n make sure he is moisturized well. Then they fed him while he was on bouncing net, he cried. Teacher asked me to feed him first, she will feed the next feed. Then short while after that I left, he was on an activity mat happily playing. The teacher told me, the other bbs the mums just leave them there on the 1st day, so easier for them to make the bbs adapt. But I Thot parents r encouraged to b there whole day for 1st day, then 2nd day just half day.

So is it me too anxious wanna be there whole day? I dun mind coz I can volunteer to help look after the other bbs, simple things like rock them or distract them if they cry, which was Wat I did in the am coz the teachers were bz with other things. Then afew of the toddlers even came up to me to 'talk' to me, so cute!! Got only 2 girls out of 11 babies n tots.

2 things I was worried abt, them not cleaning the poo fast enuff and the moisturizing part. And of coz I was bait scared when he cried badly during the bath. Other than that, he was doing ok didn't cry or whine. Felt like crying abit.

Funny thing is when she cleaned his poo, she took 3 wetwipes at 1 go, hold them together n wipe. Then took afew more together n wipe again. Hmm.. Since u gonna just lump them together why need to take 3 at a go? Then still didn't clean properly coz got some more just below his penis and on his thighs. I know she gonna bathe him immediately after that but then when bathe also, just pour water only wor..

Sigh.. Really abit not happy with the bathing process and the cleaning part. Then ESP now since he got abit of nappy rash. Dunno why recently he is prone to nappy rash. Mummies which nappy rash is good? Previously use agent and Pureen. Yst I bought drapolene to pass to them with avert as prevention.

Do I think I Shd let him b or Shd I go over in pm to observe? Sigh.. So sad leh..

dbaby, hope the cardiologist can shed some light on ur hubby's symptoms. have faith okie? everything will be fine. Dun worry too much. you have us here to support you. take care.

yvaine, O dear your first day at work sounds horrible. hope you can get some rest today.

Hope all mommies had a great mommy's day yesterday. We have "tradition" to celebrate mummy's day so yesterday had lunch with in laws at paragon. bought my mil flowers and gave her ang bao. Guess she must like the flowers haha she was happily posing with it hahaha.. hb got flowers delivered to me yesterday my first bouquet for mommy's day. err somehow felt a lil old. O nooo its like gosh i'm a mom hahaha... a bit of surreal feeling hahaha...

Juliana, I didnt put Ethan in IFC but I went 3 whole days to his nanny then to observe i was there from 645am till 4pm hahaha... I dun tink they will chase you away but I will still go in esp if there are areas that you are concern over.


1st day i stay wif my ger for half day, see hw they bath her n feed her den left den, 2nd day i juz send her in stay awhile den left le but if u feel uncomfortable e way they do i think u shld let them lor.

hi mommies, happy mommies day!!!!!!!!! Nothing special for me, but liz gave me a 'prezzie'... Her tooth is out!!!!!!!!! I was so happy when I touched her gum and felt her tooth. Surprisingly she's not fussing.

Hi Juliana

Ya u should let them know your concern. Teachers have many to take care may not have special attention so will be good you remind them what to look out for.

I feel that drapolene is not very useful, use desitin. I think some mums suggested some others too.

thanks crystal... thankfully first day back is leisurely. went for 2 hour lunch, hehehe.. now down to 300 emails.. no lah, u r not old, just promoted to mommy status ;) it's a proud moment!

Juliana - can feel your worry and sadness. it's really unsettling having to leave your hands in the care of people whom you've never had contact with before, even though you know they've done this day in day out. your boy sounds like he should be able to adapt well, at least he could fall asleep and also play happily. though i have no experience with ifc, i think it's only fair that you ask to stay a little bit more if you're not comfortable with the way they handle your boy as yet. don't feel bad, and don't feel like you're a hindrance. it's your right as a mommy. and more importantly, you're there to make sure things r ok for your boy, and to shield and protect him from unintentional mishandling. do let us know how things go in the afternoon ya.

muddy - liz is fast! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i recall with my no.1 i was also very thrilled with all the firsts... now too though alittle less, but i think like what amuro shared previously, fast is good, but slow is not a bad thing either. once they start crawling, cruising, walking, wah it's a lot of work for us to do catching them! hahaha... have fun and take lots of pics of the toothless grin before they erupt in full!

dbaby: hey, ur hb is gonna be fine, don wory. i used to haf chest pain quite often and i tot it was heart-related prob. done many ECG, n even went for treadmill test n they said no prob ( i hope so too!)but i told my hb,if 1 day i died of heart prob, must take out the test i did n sued the doc n clinic...LOL! btw, stress does cause gastric prob. tat's wat my gp told me. i haf gastric prob too. so get ur hb to relax a bit when he's back home,play some soothing music n maybe a paper mask mite help him to relax when music is on too. ask him to watch his diet during this stress-out period. less spicy n fried stuff, less acidic food too.

juliana: so far, many experienced mums told me desitin is the best for nappy rash, n i use it for my boy. my bro is using a stronger version of desitin (purple colour ) and he swear by it. maybe u can try?

muddypaw: how many mths( + weeks) old is ur gal? so fast her tooth is out! but glad since she has no fussy symptons.

White spots on gum: my boy has some tiny white spots on his gums..funny..definitely not tooth but wonder wat r those spots. anyone bb has tat too?

yvaine: wow..1000 mails..will faint rite? me going back work in 3 weeks time...engine stalled n kinda refuse to start..duno how. thinkin of the projects awaiting for me to go back..feeling even more sian.

Juliana, can understand ur anxiety during 1st day in IFC, if I will you, will pop over in afternoon to chk on ur boy, or give them a cal 1st before u gng down cos you are entitle to stay there full day on the 1st day mah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dbaby, hope ur hb will be alright, ya think stress cause his gastric problem? Just follow doc instruction after chkup, update us yeah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muddypaws, Liz is very fast for everything! Think she will walk before 1 yr old too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

GE results:

Hiaz feel so unsettled as Mr George Yeo is out, now MFA and all the foreign affairs seems like having a headless fly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I rather MBT out than him and of cos cant swallow that kate spade missy getting 15K salary!

CC - ya lor... most r not irrelevant so can delete but still gotta sieve through for the important mails. just finished! only 40 emails that need to be attended to. kekeke... oh u also extended your leave ah? ya lor, rusty oredi, now back in office need to revise my work...

Jul - ya i agree desitin is good. have u tried that one yet?

Mango - the ministers will be able to hold the title in office til nov... so i think GY will still be around to settle thigns before he leaves. so sad.

seems like mommies have been bz lately? the thread moving slower these few days...

i'm a little slow on this, i know you ladies were talking about getting free milk samples. does anyone still have the list? my gal turns 6 months on the 29th... will introduce fm after that. and cereals... yippee for my gal who's been drooling whenever she sees us eat, kekekek

yvaine: ya..took additional 2 mths to stay with bb. initially wanna go back to work quickly when bb was out..now, wish i can jus stay home , be with bb and not wory abt work. but no $$ le..means less shoppin..think better work la. lol

Hihi Mummies,

Happy Belated Mummy Day~!

We just had a simple dim sum lunch yesterday. But my girl was fussy around, so we got to chop chop and took turns to bring her walk around.

I was hoping that my girl can call me mama yesterday as mama's day prezzie, but she didnt. Hee.. got to wait further for her to call mama.

My inlaws came over to my place on Sat and my girl cried so badly once my mil carried her. We had never seen her cried so badly when carried by others. She's crying so badly that my mil faster pass her back to me. After I took over to pacify her, she start sniffing again when my inlaws appeared infront of her to touch/ talk to her. After she calmed down, they still want to try and each time, she cried and scream the house down. This goes on for several attempts and my inlaws still don't give up, tell my hb to pass my girl over to her, without letting my girl 'see' the person who carry her (change carry style to hold my girl facing the front).

Gosh.. she was never like that. Even when we dined out with my bro and wifey who didnt visit since 3month ago, she was ok when they carried her. My inlaws didnt see her for 2months only. Hee.. I wondered if this is the mama's day prezzie that she planned for me.

Julianna: Cheer up. I guess for 1st day, still alot of adapting for you, baby and the staff. Things will improves. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] By the way, we're using drapolene for my girl. I read that drapolene is not really strong, its more for moisturing instead of fixing diaper rash. We put the cream each time we change her diaper, so far ok. Her bottom skin now look better than her face cause she kept rubbing her saliva on her cheeks. Hee..

hahahaha.... ya, shopping is an ESSENTIAL part to a woman's life... i've been spending a fair bit on the different expo sales, always gives me a sense of satisfaction to be able to get good deals :D

Went swimming with my kids and my sis today at Tampines Swimming complex, my boy really enjoyed it. Well, more like he didn't object lah, just sat and floated in the water. Even took him down the water slide twice, haha!

Juls> can feel your anxiety...I think you'll hv to let go a little bit, but at the same time also voice your concerns with ur IFC teachers.

Elections> poor TPL. Even her "mentor" GCT blamed her for the dip in PAP's vote %

raspy - stranger anxiety usually begins around 6 months, but nowadays babies are getting smarter and smarter, so i'm not surprised your little one was displaying stranger anxiety! 2 months is a long time for a baby. if you think about it, if a baby is 5 months, 2 months essentially means 40% of their lifetime!! that's like asking me to remember people from about 15 yrs ago! heh...

oh btw, it's been stated that stranger anxiety is not a bad thing in itself. in fact, it is an indicator of the child's growing intelligence in detecting danger in strange/unfamiliar situations

Juliana, I also suggest you get the purple desitin which is maximum strength. Previously my girl got rash and it helped heal it fast. I use it overnight. Ever since that episode, her skin became pretty sensitive I guess. Easily prone to rash. Even when I put the blue desitin for going out also not powerful barrier enough. Sometimes will get a few bumps. Now I only use the purple one. But it's difficult to remove. Anyway, not suppose to remove at every diaper change la.

Roz - that's real good! i wanna bring my little one too but scared she might violently object if she doesn't like it... she's LOUD...

re: TPL - it'll be a shame if the govt does not respond to pressure from the petition and choose to ignore.. even if cannot remove her, must at least address it satisfactorily to the electorate

hi mummies, happy mother's day to all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

no celebration for me, hubby ask me to ask my girl instead zzz

GE, results were not too satisfactory haha..

wrong ppl got in and wrong ppl got out of MP positions zzz

juliana, for nappy rash, i just used the blue desitin on my girl until it healed, now back to using drapolene, works good for her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

raspy, haha my girl dun have the stranger anxiety, like i always tell hub, anyone can carry her away and she doesnt cry..

duno to be happy or sad haha!

Re stranger anxiety, my girl very funny one, whenever my fil carry or rock her, she will cry. My fil conclude that maybe she find him too dark. But she very cute, sometime when I bring her out using public transport. She will keep looking at strangers n even try to smile at them to attract their attention.

Dbaby, hope ur hb will be ok soon eh. Really these days weather is crazy. Could be the hotness and stress? U take care too ah!

Juliana, prob go over again tmr and sit in to see if the teacher do everything as u highlighted?

Muddypaws, Liz really v fast and furious eh. Haa! Im a kan cheong mummy v scare of teething le. On GE day feel her 2 teeth le. Yest it's alrdy v sharp to touch. Mothers day was v cranky for her and I carry her most of the time. I think my good days of her sleeping thru will be over le. Good eh, Liz didn't fuss. Brave and good girl! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My girl is one the older one here. Haa.. She's 5.5 mths already.

Littlemay, I hav let bb drink while lying down since ard 4mths old.

Hi mummies!!!

Re: GE

I feel very sad about GY's exit. I'm in aljunied area too. Oh well. We have lost a capable person.

Juliana, I use desitin blue colour version for nappy rash prevention. If your boy prone to nappy rash, get ready the purple colour desitin. That's very strong. Anyway, I'm in the preschool line so I kind of know what to expect out of an infant care. I think you have the right to give feedback to the teachers there. Do tell them that they have to try to

change his nappy fast due to his UTI and eczema and make sure they do it. If you feel unsettled about him in infant care, do pop in more to check on him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddypaws, Liz so fast! And good thing she didn't fuss about the tooth! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dec mom - hahaha maybe your fil was right!!

cherry - your gal also very advanced. can call u mama!!! saw the clip, must have melted your heart +++++! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: GE /aljunied : agree, so sad. unfortunately MM's remarks probably cost GY quite a few votes with a significant swing towards opposition. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Muddypaws> Liz is growing fast!! Wah!!

Stranger anxiety> I think my boy will go with anyone who is willing to carry him, till he wants to be fed. Then it's mummy!

He's also been wanting to stand a lot, lately! I hv to hold him up...wish they hv kickstands like those on bicycles for babies, lol!!

haha.. yvaine, tat explaination is good. 5months old, 2mths means 40% of their lifetime. lol! ya, guess mummies now all v busy with babies flipping, go back to work and bonding with them le. our fb more happening. hee!

yeah, her call out on mama really freeze and shock me. its really her first word. so cute! didnt expected it at all. and now, she actually called papa too.

any other mummies at east side free to meet? amuro, oshgosh and myself meet up w other mummies every wk. pm me ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddypaw/cherrry, my boy's gum starting to itch! He seems to show tat he's suck sour plum by his lips action.. He loves to chew his set of toy keys and especially 1 teether of his. Hie poo is like mustard with abit of sandy look. My mum says he's teething soon.. Hopefully no crankiness..

Today brought him for his 3rd 6-1 and pnuemococcal jab. Pd's says he's length is 90percentile at 69.3cm and weight is ard 50-60 percentile at 7.7kg.

yvaine, hope yr elder recovers soon. I can feel the tiredness in you.. You gotta take care of yr health too.

My hub is hving flu and cough again. Nw keeping a distance away from bb.. Can tell he's so sad lei cannot get close to bb.

Tonight gotta bunk in together with mum cos scare bb got fever..

tmr's my 3 yrs wed anni, hopefully can go out to for a quick dinner..

oh yes le rainbow, amuro shared with me tat u can see them use their tongue to push the gum. i didnt even knw abt all these till she told me tat baby A is doing it. let me know the jin feng shan works for reyes anot. hee!

cherrry, he's on jin feng san since 3mths.. daily after bathe.. i'll use e rubbing method to apply on his lower and upper gums (softly). Reyes is pooing chunky peanut butter poo few times a day!! My mum says is teething poo.. Now i'm so turn off when i sees peanut butter. lol

Now he developing slight fever but still screaming..lol


Tats fast... Hee =) Reminds me to frequently check of theres any signs for my lil boy.. He's been biting and biting everything and stuffing everything into his mouth...


So nice.. I think mangogal & yurieve(did i rem correctly), we shld do tt too.. And also for mummies in Sengkang...


Tks for all the concern. HB came back and the verdict was: symptons sounds like heart attack but no traces of it. So cld be a very mild one if really haf, + gastric. So hes going for tt 'thing' tt they insert to see if any arteries blocked and if there is, straight do for him. Then 27th to do scoping for gastric.. *stress*

Dewdew: I will call n check with my PD if the medicine is ok to take. Thanks =)

Dbaby: thx =) hope she will get well soon

PSH: ok will give her medicine.

I today cant see my gal cos I having fever =(

She is at my mum’s hse. Onli fri I will bring her back to my own hse till sun. Kind of miss her even if one day nia =(

