(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

sharon, now i know why your FB comment was that. i think u better hv a serious talk with your hb. it's definitely not good to shout into bb's ears and really, he is too young to be disciplined like that. he doesn't know why daddy is shouting at him and of course, he'll cry harder. a short fuse is not an excuse, this is a baby we're talking about. i dunno, i cannot condone what yr hb did. i also try to discipline my gal, but it's usually with a firm voice or with a light smack to her hand or bottom. if he cannot control his temper, then please just walk away, dun traumatise your boy.


Amelia J: Hee. Paiseh... I think can liao.. can try again. Btw, is the milk for your kids? How many packs do you need? I have quite a few packs of extras in my chest freezer. Quite sayang to throw away if I keep if for too long. Got 20 plus packs... I stay at Toa Payoh Central. Do let me know if you want and what time you wanna pop by kay?

Hi Sharon,

Yes, baby at this age is too young to be disciplined and like what dewdew said should speak FIRMLY but not shout or scold. Baby cries can be quite annoying so if cant stand it, good to walk away after ensuring baby is safe or let another person handle.

maybe you get some links and let your hubby read, may work. Should be "teach" not "disciplined" anyway [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]




sharon: poor baby darius, ur hb so strict.. Tell ur hb darius is too young to be disciplined, they won't know 'NO' till months later. It's not good to shout at him at close range and it'll definitely do him no good for future bonding. My hb tried scolding Issac once for being cranky in his earlier months. Issac ends up crying, my hb went gancheong. I was already furious. Issac then cried louder till i took over then hb try to pacify but issac refused. 2 times he carried, issac still cry, and he had to keep pacifiying... Now, he dare not do it.. Thks for ur words abt work, staying home may be short term plan, but seriously, i really rather work.. Peifu sahm..


when bb can sit up well, u can just bath bb in the tub sitting up. when they can stand, no need bath tub already, just stand and shower. if yr toilet floor is clean, can even sit on the toilet floor and bath.

good morning mummies and daddies ^_^

the baby gap sale was crowded but i saw mummies with pram & mummies with babies in carriers. the selection wise i think not as good as the first 2 days bah. cause a lot of super small sizes and super big sizes... i.e 0-3 months and for a few years old kiddos. and i see more clothes for boys then girls. rest are rompers which are not really nice. i managed to get 10 pieces after digging in those piles for 2 hours. that is definitely my achievement as i have never done that before. am never a fan of GSS until last year also. so you see the perserverance i had yesterday. from what i see, they will keep topping up. so what i saw yesterday might be gone and "new" stock being replenish. i saw a very cute swim wear but only one piece left and its for 0-3 months. sigh!

juliana: if you eyes have not recovered, better go see a doctor. must take care of your eyes.

littlemay: we might have bumped into each other there without knowing. i was there from 1-3pm. wahaha...

yvaine: oh dear. must have been super tough on you the past couple of days. hope your gals recover soon. jia you!

cc: me too! i hardly spend my hubby's money. so sometimes he will volunteer to split my shopping loots half. but thus far, i never take the money from him. wahaha... i just love being financially independent. some of my friends said im stupid. hubby's money is rightfully for us to spend. keke...

sharon: my hubby will attempt to raise his voice hoping that my gal will stop crying. so funny loh! but luckily he never shout, else i will sure make him super guilty for doing that.

littlepigpig: nowadays i let my girl practises sitting in the bath tub. dont need to get a bigger bath tub as they will outgrow the bath tub thing soon. when my gal can stand, i will bath her in the shower instead of bath tub le.

crystal: you remind me of those good old days when my mum would order for us. but nowadays we will just get from fairprice cause the consumption for us is lower liao. last time for a whole family of 6 now only 2 of us.

crystal, the yakult aunty, there's one working at my block so should still have. maybe u can try contacting yakult and see if they have a list of aunties operating around your area?

re: baby clothes sale

mummies in the east might wish to check out Tampines Mall Fox. they have moving out sale and kids clothes are going at $6 a piece. quite a bargain! but must dig lah...

sometimes when bbs cry, consoling doesn't help but if u bring a toy to him/her, it might serve as a distraction and bb'll stop crying. or clap your hands and speak in a higher pitch voice. it sometimes work for mine.

crystal: i still see the aunties leh. maybe if i catch one, i will ask her?

dewdew: aiyoyo.. faint! another sale? hubby will kill me.. haha

i will hug my girl real tightly and try to reassure her that im there for her. works at times too.. hehe. else i will bring her out of the house for gai gai... she will stop crying quite fast too.

Did I hear "Tampines"? "Sale"? LOOL

eoneon> don't anyhow 'catch' auntie, give her a scare...lol. I think they still exist bah..

Also, I read that actually daddy's lower pitch voice can be soothing to baby. Can ask him to carry and put baby near his voicebox and just hum or sing or talk...

Roz, lol! Yes, Tampines! Sale! Go go go!

as for lower pitch voice, it doesn't work for my bb, she likes higher pitch, i dunno why. lol! so even my hb has to speak in higher pitch to her.

Hello Mummies

"Disappeared" for a long time cuz was bz with my bro and his family down in Sg (on the day of our GWP high tea was the Japan earthquake, and cuz of the nuclear scare, he and family took opportunity to come back to Sg for some weeks)plus after that we took turns to get sick in the family.

I have been reading the posts sometimes while I pump milk and saw some interest in Schchida and Kindermusik.

Just would like to share some tots:


My no 1 has been attending Schchida since 1 year 5 mths, and I can see that she has improved quite a lot from their program. But must be persistent and try to do the home program (like flashcards) daily. Initially she could not concentrate in the class, kept walking ard and cannot sit at the table. I wanted to withdraw but my hubby was persistent. Slowly her concentration has improved and she now wnjoys her classes. I must say the activities at Schichida are pretty good, but some I feel are beyond their age. For my second child, I will also put her in Schchida but perhaps only when she's 1 year plus.


She has been attending since 8 mths just stopped last week as I want her to attend Berries as her Chinese cannot make it. This is good too, she enjoys a lot and she has grown to like music quite a bit. I tried trial class at Gymboree before but somehow I prefer Kindermusik - this is just wat I feel nia yah..

dewdew/eoneon, thanks both for your help hahaa if u manage to "catch" one hahah help me ask them oki? hehe meantime i'll check out yakult webby hehee..

dewdew, i agree high pitch works for ethan too. is ur gal afraid of loud voice? yesterday hb called out to me and ethan wailed. jialat.. he must be tinking daddy scolding him or something haha

crystal, lol! ok, if i see the aunty, i'll ask her. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and yes, my gal is not fond of loud voices. my MIL tends to talk quite loudly, and sometimes just next to her ear and she'll wail. i managed to get my hb to tell her once when she did that and after she stopped, my bb also stopped wailing after a while.

crystal: ya.. my eyes are widely opened for new opportunities.. :-D die la.. I really don't feel like going to work.. took leave yesterday for zaizai's jab, today taking urgent leave coz I seriously do not feel like going to work.. :-(

Mummies, my friend called the elections dept to ask- young babies like ours are allowed in the polling station. Cos they can't tell people who we voted for or what we did.

roz: haha.. i make sure i will not scare her.. keke

bubbly: i know what you meant. i was framed and maligned before so i know how it feels. super helpless... no mood to work. felt indignant but cant do much about it. jia you ok.. dont be discourage. there are better companies out there.

chuck: thanks! can go queue with hubby and gal liao... dont need to take turn, else super sianz!

bubbly: Do think about your own sanity. Remember my stupid boss in my previous company? He made me so upset about work that I freaked out each time my celphone rings and i refused to check emails. I decided that it wasn't worth my while and had the MC to rest. I guess if the reluctance to work is getting into you, then just leave.

mommies, liz has been coughing since April 14. She's almost done with 1 bottle of prospan and still coughing. Not bad cough, just the occasional 'cough cough', but she's happy, eating and sleeping fine. Should I bring her to the PD or wait till the next apt on May 25?


thks!! tats a gd news!! i'm like eoneon so happy to Q up wif my HB n gal no nd to take turn.


my gal aso cough but PD didnt giv any med say let it cure by its own. when yr gal cough gt phlegm??

muddypaws, some babies know how to fake cough to attract attention... u can do a google n u can see its quite common. Yes! babies so young alrdy know little tricks like this to attract ur attention [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so Liz maybe just trying to get ur attention when she coughs n is not really sick [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eon eon, I probably left already when you arrived. I didn't see you. I remember how you look like from mrs wong's class! I only got 4 pieces. Can't find any nice dresses. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Crystal, where do you stay? There's a yakult lady that comes to my blOck every week. I stay at Serangoon. If I see her, I can tell you.

Yurieve: Haha, why am I not surprised? Liz would sometimes cry or fuss and when we walk towards her, she would stop her fussing, smiles sweetly, shifts her butt to get into the "I'm-ready-to-be-carried" position! Faint...

For mothers who are robinsons card members, 11 and 12 may, spend $30nett and get $5 off. In case you didn't receive the mailer. I usually take this opportunity to stock up on baby's essentials. Break my purchases in $30 each and get more coupons from the service counter. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

littlemay, i stay in tiong bahru le. maybe u see her can ask her if she knows of anyone that ply my area? hahaha...

OOO the robinson sale sounds good.. so its next wed and thur huh... will go and look see. wat's good to get from robinsons?

sharon n rachel: my hb oso.. no patience when boy cries non-stop. n he oso scold him n whack his backside. i was so angry n told him don carry bb if he cant manage his anger. bb so young, he thinks bb can understnad? in the end bb wailed even louder! sometimes i was pumpin milk so in the end my mil will save my bb away. sigh...men...*shake head*

VOting: my area LKY...walkover..no voting option at all.sian...

eon:Hi5! i got a colleague lagi good! she is finance minister @ home! her hb credit card oso supp card from her main card! she said men no $$ cannot be funny,so she controls his $$...so rare nowadays..but i told her if men haf change of heart...no need $$ oso can..nowadays oso got many women supporting men.

Hi Crystal, nice to meet you yesterday. Was busy last nite with my girl as i brought her home last nite, so sorry never reply to your sms.

BB clothes

Wow, all tis sales not helping le.. I'm doing a venture into bringing in BB & Toddler up clothings and aldy buying more than i am selling. And now, Gap sales, Fox sales i also cant resist.. Damm... And i also spending a lot on my own online shopping on clothings frm BP... =( No good, No good... Tsk tsk.. And last nite i jus ordered Old Navy...


I think if nt serious and she is happy, playig and drinkin as per norm, can wait til 25th ba..

Yes, i agree tt they will smile and shift to a 'carry me' position when u walk towards or near them.. BBs, too smart liao.. We, as an adult always kanna bluff... Hahahhaa =)


I think nw if u wan to find a woman pulling the purse string at hm = TOUGH!! But my younger sis is la.. Jus newly wed and they do tt since couple days.. But as to hw much, i nt sure. But her ex, she control 100% of his finances.. End of the day she is the one who 'pi tui'... =( Her current HB needs to fly sometimes too, so i doubt its 100% control le.. And he seems more 'streetsmart' than the ex!!

muddypaws, psh & yurieve: haha.... my gal also like to fake cough de. i thought its because whenever she choke on her milk, i will make those 'clear throat' kind of sound and so from there she learns... haha, all the dha wonders!

littlemay: ya... not many dresses. i really dig and dig leh. salute to myself for the hard work yesterday and finally managed to get 3 dresses.

cc: yes, i have a finance minister friend also. she was telling me the same thing. she is even smarter. all the assets is in her name. liabilities in her hubby's name. she said must learn to protect oneself. yes, true that man can have a change of heart despite being penniless but i must say with money it is easier to stray!

CC/Dbaby: My hubby keeps just enough money in his account for giro expenses and his daily expenses. He gives the rest to me to pay the rest of the bills/household expenses and to save. On top of that, he pays for all makan when we go out on weekends.

dbaby: It's always a losing battle when it comes to shopping....

So many sales going on, how to go all.. fr Sembawang to Tampines and Orchard and I wanna go Anchorpoint too coz I think my poor boy doesn't have enuff clothes. There are some new GAP ones but I feel it's abit too thick to wear.

Eon: Same here. I also prefer using my own money altho I'm not working now but I've been abit thrifty for that reason. Can't wait to go back to work to earn money so I can spend more! hahaha.. Hb wants to give me pocket $$ but I dun feel like taking..I think I'm like my mum, financially independent and hate to depend on others. I guess it's just different ppl different habits.

Hi mummies!

How do chk if our little ones are drinking enuff?

I rem someone shared a little formula?

Can let me know again?

My girl is drinking abt 130ml/every 3hrs for 6 feeds per day.

Oh she is 21wk now! 4.5mths old.

Ops, I missed the gap sales!

it's wonderful to hv u gals sharing sales info here!

Hee! But a hole in the pocket lo!!

Oh I read abt some babies hvg difficulties sleeping?

Apparently it works if I cover my girl forehead with either a softie (mothercare bedtime bear) or a bean sprout pillow or a folded hand towel!

Then I just let her hold her bean sprout bear n blanket n pat her lightly to sleep!

Works abt every time! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But my girl gets startled very easily so the bean sprout bear was really handy!

LOL @ finance minister. At home I'm the Finance director but I don't control my hb's money lah but I do the financial planning like track inflow and outflow, budget for stuff like the delivery/bb expenses and try to make sure we stick to it, and I also encourage my hb to track his money too so that he knows what's going on, rather than just spend spend spend. These days, if he wants to buy big ticket items he will ask me first. LOL! I will ask him, if it is necessity or luxury but frankly I dun really tell him not to buy since it is his money. But he does appreciate my reminders coz at times he does regret his buys.

Littleredsg: The amt your girl drinks seems ok. Better than my boy's intake. He takes in about 90-120 6 feeds a day. Total ard 600+, at times 500+. I can't force him to take more anyway coz recently I tried to up to 130ml but he cannot finish, so i just let it be. Anyway, PD said his growth is ok, just that he is a lightweight bb at 10th percentile. Am still trying to up his intake. Hopefully the educarers at IFC can do better.

sharon: i think our hb shares the same name + surname. haha~~ my hb also like that.. like to shout at baby. baby sure cry if hungry or tired de mah.. remember tues i was on leave and at home, baby was sleepy so i trying to coax him to sleep. but i guess baby too tired so kept on crying. he was trying to listen to some thing which i dunno what's that. he said: i can't hear the thing. i said: but he cry mah.. what can i do? he said: bring to the room la. i said: seem like u dun like us to be around at home and walked into the room. as nw i stay tog with my dad during weekday and weekend back to our own hse. he always said miss us but when we are at home, he dun bother to sayang baby when he cry lo. but shouted instead. after that he got apologise. but what's the point. he always like that. tell him liao also no use lei.

chuck: really? then i dun need to bother my MIL liao. my hb very sian.. cos he was being appointed to be at the polling station.. need to report at 5.30am and can only leave when everythings over.. like midnight... hai~~ the only weekend that he can be with baby is being taken away by this election.

crystal: why not try vitagen? online can send request. yakult dun have webby to state abt delivery service? mine is vitagen. i went online to request de.

pauline!! my hub too.. wah rau i damn sian lo.. gigantic arrow. thankfully i got nanny so i can still put ethan there for the day. my hub somemore got to report at 4am damn sian. somemore we are walkover le.. wah rau.. SIAN X 1000. so i plan my shopping day for tomolo.

i dun like vitagen haha..

Btw, anyone here voted before? Do u know how long it might take? coz after hb go voting, I wanna go shopping but if too late then maybe change plans..

Ok thanks Muddy.. then Isetan Scotts here I come! (Fingers crossed) Have to bring him along w hb coz scared to leave him alone with hb, dun think he can manage.

Juliana, its v fast de. i rem last time i voted, no queue, after show IC, verify, jus go in mark the cross and tats it! haa!

muddypaws, psh, yurieve, eoneon, my girl loves to fake cough whenever she drinks water! and i thought she's really having cough when she first started doing it.

after my girl says mama, she keeps mama mama the whole day. lol! daddy super jealous!

cherry: That's a Mother's Day prezzie for you! I tried getting liz to say Mama... she did it once or twice then stopped [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Now whenever I say Mama to her, she smiles at me. Oh, I always do the 'Pok-Pok-Pok' sound with my lips, and she's trying to follow. Quite funny as she keeps opening and closing her mouth like goldfish.

Jul> The polling centre is open till 8pm, don't go in the morning if you want to avoid the queue.

Robinsons sale> think their sale always quite worth it, after u throw in all the discounts! I know some ppl go and stock up on wipes. Might make a trip down coz need to get new mattress and pillow protectors, and been looking for a nice pair of cooking tongs. Nice clothing for kids as well if willing to dig. Hmmm...like this must jio my sis down so she can drive hahahah


oh yes muddyaws! the 'pok-pok-pok' haha!! so cute! so i jus tell her its 'kiss kiss' when she do the 'pok-pok' le. i think when they finally get to say the word, they happy le, and will stop trying to say much of it afterwards. haa!

