(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

dbaby: If necessary, arrange for hubs to do an ECG to check.

CC: Liz is going on to 5.5mths.

yvaine: I was super surprised about her tooth... we check her gums every other day and there's nothing, and today, suddenly a tooth! Putting teething gel for her, but apart from mushy stools, she's ok.

I realised that the more gan-cheong i am about her reaching developmental milestones, she would drag reaching it, but if I'm relaxed about it, she's super fast. Eg. She's teething and she's sucking on her toes now! And now, she's even trying to crawl using her knees! Faint... gosh, my little one is growing up so fast!

cherry: Your girl has two teeth now? ARe you still bf-ing? Now that liz has teeth, I fear letting her suckle!

mango: I won't be surprised if she can walk before 12mths. The jumperoo has strengthened her legs significantly. She can stand very well when we hold her by her armpits.

Yvaine: You can go to the meadjohnson website to request for free Enfa sample. Go to nestle website too. I just received the nestle goodie bag.

Mommies, please do not blame me for tempting you to shop but Kidzloft is having a sale... all stuff 30-70% off. Bumbos are going cheap too. Potties looking like jackpot machine is going for $20!


Thanks mummies for the advice, I was at Causeway Point reading your posts and felt like tearing up while queing to pay. Even now I feel like tearing up. Gosh!

Anyway, I took a short nap after my lunch, then I popped by the IFC ard 3pm before I went to CP. He was on the bouncing net, playing with his blanket and this plastic donut they gave him. Seems ok, so I left feeling pretty ok.

So, I went for retail theraphy but buying only his stuff. Wanted to shop for myself but ended up in Kiddy palace longer than expected. Haha.

Then I went to fetch him at ard 6pm. He was on bouncing net but his face was super red. His eye area and cheek area was red. I guess he must have rubbed and cheeks prob from drooling? Plus, both his ears were bleeding. Sigh.. He must have scratched his ears alot from frustration. I suspect he didn't sleep enough that's why he was rubbing his eyes and prob scratched his ears too coz he was frustrated. I asked the teacher when he scratched, she said, maybe when he was sleeping but I checked his bedsheet, no blood. If while sleeping, got blood surely will stain the bedsheet coz it was quite alot of blood. He was changed twice and 2 of the tops had blood stains. Sigh.. Usually he naps for 2-3hrs in the afternoon but he will wake up in btw, doesn't mean that he is not sleepy, just need to pat him back to sleep.

So I'm feeling super super sad now. I mean it's smthing that I shd expect from IFC coz they got alot of bbs to take care, so I don't really blame them but i feel sad that I have no choice but to send him there. Same time I also dun have confidence in the teachers there. Just a snapshot of the educarers' profiles. There are currently 4 educarers they work in shifts, I didn't know this (7-4pm, 10-7pm) and 1 is on long leave. So there's 6 hrs in the day that there was only 2 educarers caring for 11 babies. The one that was mostly handling my queries was a Malay lady, prob late 20s early 30s, she seems ok, like really sayang the kids there. Then there's another chinese lady prob in her early 40s, she's seems ok too and has kids of her own, so prob knows how to handle kids but she also teaches some other class not sure for how long and when she told me, she didn't look too happy with the arrangement (she was away from 10+am and was still away by the time i left ard 12+). Then there's a young Malay girl, ard early-mid 20s, think she hasn't gotten her cert, still in training I think. I dun think she does the bathing or chging of nappies, just help to feed and play with the bbs. Lastly, a chinese aunty who is the oldest of the bunch, she's abit unfriendly. She didn't greet me or anything, initially I thot she was a cleaner coz she was always at the kitchen area. It was her and the young girl who did the 2nd shift. There was some mix up with the bottle teats (S and M), she seems defensive like not her fault. I wasn't even blaming, I was just trying to check the bottles coz my boy didn't drink his last feed, I suspect they wrongly put the S teats to feed milk and I was right. Anyway I decided to just chg to M size even for water, so no confusion there. Some confusion also, the young girl told me he didn't finish his milk, I saw the bottle still full. Then the aunty show me his book, say he finished his last feed and timing was wrong. Ok no biggy. Then on the scratching, she seems like not aware of it, she said I need to cut his fingernails. Hmm.. i just cut the day before and it's really short lor. So that means, she didn't check his extent of injury and didn't check his nails before she made that comment. She just assumed.

So I'm not really impressed by the educarers, prob the 1st batch still ok. Think the prob started with the 2nd batch, when there were only 1 old aunty and a young inexperienced girl.

I'm thinking of switching him now to the other IFC under My First Skool. I dropped by on the way home and I saw 3 educarers at 6+. I rmb they had 5, not sure if also shift based and full time IFC and max babies 14. My current one PCF is 5 educarers and max 20 babies (based on MOE guidelines). So My first skool better right?

Its slighly nearer and I saw the educarers, seem like alot more experience and more educated.

Ok that's all.. need to take my dinner.

Sorry for the long long story.

DBaby: Hope everything ok with yur hubby.


sad to hear what happen to yr son...is his ear ok ardy?? mayb u may wan to speak to e principle but if u dun feel like toking to them mayb u gt to consider switching him to other IFC but in such a short period will other IFC gt available plc for yr son??

Juliana, seriously i think that infant care you just described sounds like they lack a lot of professional manpower. They seem very unattentive to your boy's needs, which is a no no thing! especially since your boy's skin is sensitive so need more care and attention. I think you should change to the My First Skool IFC and see if it's better. In the meantime, if got no space in My First Skool, you can do what PSH say, talk to the principal.

Rainbow, u funny lor. Haa! I didn't knw teething and poo is link. No wonder usually she poos every 3 days now she poo everyday!

Dbaby, if it's convenient for u, u can join us too? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muddypaws, ya she has two teeth out of sudden too. Haa! I didn't realise anything with her screaming and silly me didn't suspect teething. Feel so bad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] when I food out, tat 2 teeth alrdy cut thru. I was scare too but I still let her latch, she didn't bite. Hee! My only worry now is she Still sucking her thumb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] any mummies hav suggestion for me??

Think like u say v soon, Liz will crawl and can stand and walk! U gotta get ready all the milestones. Hee! My bb can't even control her head when I put her in sitting position. Lol.

Juliana, think u find other solution? Try other IFC?

Hi mummies.. The few of us are really keen in knowing more mummies and join in u'll activites.. Can we join you all in the facebook group??

Muddy> oh yeah when they bite oh god it's like white blinding pain but it usually happens when they're bored or flow is slow...I remember that happened with my girl -_- then she can still give me this wide grin, so amused to see mummy yelping

DoubleU> I think our FB also not much action, hor? It's only happening in here!

Peanut butter> Someone said peanut butter. Am hungry now.


Tks.. He did ECG a few times when he went A&E and it shows norhing. Nw jus praying hard tt its nothing with blocked arteries or heart issues.. Hope jus some stubborn gastric prb..


I think i wld haf chng to another IFC if they gt places.. My First Skool sounds nt bad and actually i also intend to drop my gal there for CC(half day) but too bad the one near my plc dun haf.. Cos tot of having a half day to concentrate on Bb & housework.. Seems cant..

Maybe u shld ask n clarify abt the shift part and also enquire at My First Skool..

Poor boy, ears bleeding frm scratching.. My boy also like to scratch and need to be 'pat pat' a bit when he wakes up frm his nap so tt he can slp back.. Guess u must be so heart pain..


Wld love to join but need send my gal to PG frm 11-1pm and fetch her so i cant go too far.. 1 of the days u all come my hse la?? Hahahaa =)

Hi angel, our fb grp not much update. Haa! Cos we met up quite a few times before so our personal fb is where we update each other. Sure u can join us. Pm me ur email address?

Dbaby, I so wanna go. Lol. We arrange ok! Hee!

Roz: Thanks for replying.. I see.. We are quite active in FB thou.. Hmm.. I shall let them know then.. Btw, mummies here are mostly dec 2010 mum or mix?

Last week My First Skool called to say they have vacancies for 2nd week of Jun. Before this they told me they r full for the whole yr and long long waitlist. Funny suddenly got plc. Maybe they want bb my boy's age to replc another to maintain the right mix of age grps. This is the only reason I can think of. This was my first choice coz they've been ard for quite some years. The license issued to them is 2yrs which shows they r doing well. PCF just opened last Dec. Anyways, I'm going to MFS tom to enquire again n hopefully speak to the IFC teachers to have a feel. After yst, I know wat to ask.

Debbie: Is that how they work usually, in shifts? Then the educarer can also be attached to another class? When I went back at 3pm, I didn't see that Chinese teacher also, so seems like she only works part time at IFC section.

Can I also ask Wat kind of things I can request for the teachers? Dunno, I feel abit like my son really needs alot more care than the others becoz of eczema n UTI, so whether is he even entitled to that or it's just unfair?

After today's session, makes me feel like wanna chg line coz dunno is it my face the kiddos like or wat but they seem to like me. 2 of the girls who were the most well behaved of the bunch, so they were released to roam free, came over to me. The 2 other bbs ard 7-12m were crying, I talk to them they

stop crying and smiled. I dun rmb seeing the kids smile to the teachers except the Chinese lady. My boy was an exception, anybody smile also he will smile if he's in a good mood. He would prob smile to Justice Bao!! This is one thing Stefie told me to look out for, whether the kids look happy. Hmm... They were either crying or doing their own things. Not clingy to teachers. Good or bad? Last time I went to MFS to recce, I rmb the teacher was reading to the bb. Here, they just pass the book to the kids, end up wif torn pages.

Debbie: for IFC and toddlers below 18m, is there some syllabus or structure for learning or it's really just eat sleep n entertain yrself?

Juliana, I think MFS my suddenly have vacancy again in June as some babies on the waiting list continue to be put on waiting list or some babies change branch? It's possible. My nephew was on the waiting list for MFS infantcare too but when his turn came his mum decided to put that on hold let nanny take care for a while more cos he has bronchitis. Anyway I've not worked in an IFC yet cos my experience is the 18 months and above kind. But I can tell you my views based on what an IFC trainer told me on what a good IFC should be. Many IFC teachers are busy with chores so 100% 1 on 1 attetion to your boy is difficult. But they should lay attention to conditions like eczema and UTI. I think your request of putting moisturizer and changing nappy fast once your boy poo is not demanding. You can remind the teachers again and observe. Maybe there are very busy times but you can observe how they handle your boy during normal times. Feedback to principal too. Maybe the principal can assure you. Different schools got different types of staff operating hours. But got shifts. usually 7am-4pm or 8am-5pm or 10am-7pm type of shifts.

It's ok if babies are not clingly to teachers. What's most important is that the teachers show love and care to the babies despite being busy. They must show interaction too by talking and smiling to babies often. By right, as baby gets older, they got more activities planned for them. Those that crawl should not be mixed with those who are immobile during play time. Older babies do have more things planned for them like story telling etc. But the thing is sometimes IFC teachers are very busy and the toddlers just end up eat sleep and entertain themselves.

Hi all mummies who are back to work force and still breast feeding their bbs,

I am from April 11 thread. I am currently breast feeding my 4 wks old gal. I am now doing my 'homework' as in how should I go about breast feeding and expressing when I go back to work in 3 months time, hence, I hope to get some advice from mummies in Dec 10 thread. May I know how many times do you express in office and do you express at night too (in order to store up more bm for the next day? I know it is around 8-12 feeds for new born, how about a 5 months old bb? And do you still latch on at nite when you reach home?

morning mummies and daddies ^_^

wow! it finally rained! so happy about it that i dont mind being wet.

dbaby: hope your hubby is fine. he may want to start yoga as it helps in relieving stress.

littlemay: i feed my gal when she is lying down at times too. but i will make sure i elevate her pillow by adding something beneath so that she is not lying flat.

dewdew: i really think so. my hubby has been in his menopause-driven cranky mood much too often recently le. just had a bad quarrel with him over sesame stuff last night. i cant believe he is getting all so defensive over a normal comment.

liling & yvaine: hope your gals are better liao. must take care as all sorts of bugs are up and active recently.

yvaine: its a non-event for me too. hubby & dad were out of town then and so i spent a quiet one with mummy and my gal.

juliana: gosh, i think the bleeding part should kind of scary. seems like a lot to me. i would drop by and monitor often and at the same time keep a lookout for other ifc liao. cause i know i will worry too much to work if i have to place my gal in that kind of environment.

angel: our group page is not very active. we are more active in our own personal facebook page. add me add me.. [email protected]

muddypaws & cherrry: your gals are super fast leh. i showed my mum the video on your gal's mama speech and she was huh?! haha.. her expression was so funny.

dbaby, hope your hb will be ok, keeping my fingers crossed for u!

juliana, reading about your experience with the IFC... i think like what some mummies hv already said, they are short on manpower and perhaps not as attentive. i think 2 teachers to 11 babies is too overwhelming. they shd have at least 3 adults to take care of them. i also think u shd go try MFS. they might have sudden vacancies becos ppl already enrolled their bbs in another school.

muddypaws, Liz already has a tooth, wow! that will be so cute to see. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cherrry, your gal can now say papa? amazing!!!! mine is still shrieking away (or singing, as i like to call it) but sometimes try to hold conversations with me. very kaypoh, that one.

so envious u gals are meeting up every week! ok, when i hv the chance to get leave, i shall meet u all too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yvaine, so have u managed to clear all your mails? haha... 1000 down to 300, u work fast!

btw, june gathering, who'd be interested? let's arrange something for the bbs to play with each other. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dbaby, hope your hubby get well soon. Sayang Sayang.

Juliana, Poor mine. Maybe you just make a trip down to MFS and see how are they operating. The current ratio in Alexis IFC is 4 teachers to 10 babies, now it seems like 3 more babies going to be upgraded to CC. So even better. MCYS guideline is 1 teacher to 5 babies.

Btw my friend who put her baby in PCF, was given steam man tou for breakfast, it really rolled my eyes. That's why I ask you to see what do PCF feed their babies, cos in months to come your boy will be eating the same stuff. MFS feed their babies, carrot pan cakes for breakfast and teabreak was egg sandwich, at least better than steam man tou. Pardon me for not telling you earlier cos I don't want to say too much if you are okay with PCF.

Babies never lie, I think the chinese teacher sayang the babies more that's why they smile to her back. Can see from babies body language whether the teachers are good.

It is normal to have 2 teachers during 7 - 9.30am and 4 - 7 pm cos they need to go for their classes (in Alexis IFC case), if not enough manpower (teachers on MC or leave), they will ask the Part time teacher to come. So far so good.

I only being to this IFC only so can't compare with others. What I see is MFS does have systems in place, from what to play with the babies, what to feed the babies (Menu), what recommendation on amount of milk. These are pasted on their board, so the parents can see.

Alexis has been in MFS for almost 2 months I would say she is very well taken care of, she put on weight, no nappy rashes, happy, sleeping and eating very well. When I bring her to her IFC she will smile when her teachers carry her and talk to her. These are good signs of she is happy.

The bigger babies will help the teachers to fetch their classmates bottles if asked. I find this will help them in developing some social skills. And the teacher will let them play with each other, how to sayang smaller babies. (of course with teacher around to guide them)

Btw I will feedback to the teachers about my concerns via the communication book, and will tell them in person.

Btw I am so touched by the skool (Other IFC or CC may do the same), was given hand made roses (by the teachers) with Alexis palm print for Mother's Day.

I am not trying to hard sell MFS, just that you must be comfortable in whatever IFC you send your boy to. Trust your instinct if you are comfortable or not with the centre. Hope things will gets better for you. Anything just whatapps me. Take care my dear.

stefie, i saw the card the teachers helped Alexis make and i must say, i'd be very touched too if i received one! i can't wait for the day my little gal makes a card for me... hehe... come to think of it, i think i shall start on a project to make a card for father's day! my hb will be so psyched if he gets one. hehehe...

eon, yay! it's been a loooong time since i met u! ok, let's get the ball rolling. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Subject: June Gathering

Date: TBA

Venue: TBA


1) Dew

2) Eon

muddy - thanks for the tip off once again! re: kidzloft: the last time i went to get the bumbo you told us about, i also was tempted to get the jackpot potty (for my elder one, now too early for 5month olds heh) but didn't... now it's so cheap??? i want to go buy liao! but, usually got slight defects right? hope the music n jackpot works, hehehe... sounds like the jumperoo is great workout for liz!

Jul - poor thing, sayang sayang. must be very helpless and heart pain to see the blood. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

cherry - where do u all meet? i'm not in east, but if i happen to have car then maybe can join. but has to be wed pm or thur/fri cause i work mon, tues, and wed morning.

Dbaby - me too in SK /punggol! i'm free from wed 1pm to friday ... but i think mango and yuri are working full time? other SK mommies?

Eon - ya so happy for the rain. hope it lasts, not the short short 'constipated' sort of rain. hhaah..

Dew - cleared to 30 mails that i need to properly attend to. too many spam mails to clear!!! even if it's all to be deleted, i had to click 1000 times... phew! how's the new house reno planning coming along? yes my little one squeals too, and loves it! when the daddy squeals with her, they can hold a squealing symphony! and then the elder sister joins in, and i have 3-men chorus!!! pity for me, i can't 'squeal'. just can't seem to reach such a high pitch... hahaha

stefie - wow reall yso sweet, the school. hand print mothers day pressie, so nice!!! very personal touch [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh ya, dew- june gathering i want to go too!! but can don't make it 12 june weekend if possible? cause that's my elder gir;'s birthday so we're likely to be holding a small celebration that weekend. :D

dewdew: yes, its been a long time since i last saw some of you gals le. initially dare not agree when dbaby asked cause hubby told me he might be travelling more that month but now back to 1 week per month liao. so i think should be fine to join liao.

hmm... you are a good wifey! can i steal your idea too? i am thinking a card from my gal will definitely take some of my hubby's menopause symptoms away. hehe

dewdew, Yvaine yes yes. Especially when alot of people are pretty against me putting Alexis in IFC. All the worries and being "alone" really pays off[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eon Eon, dewdew, that is good idea. Your hubbies will be super touch[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie: wow! Yr centre sounds very good! I dun see that here. I think they r really short of manpower. I'm now in the IFC. I wanna observe the bathing again since yst he cried. Here I dun think they have an action plan or system here for the kids, seems free n easy but I guess it's becoz they short of manpower.

Too bad I sent him after mothers day, it'll b nice to get smthing fr him but dunno if this centre has such things. But I do rmb when I went to check out MFS, they mentioned that they r coming out with a syllabus for IFC.

Well today seems better. Somehow the little bbs including my boy is napping, so 2 teachers r playing with the bigger kids. Will just continue to observe, maybe I just caught them on a wrong day yst?

Later I will go to the other IFC to check out.

Subject: June Gathering

Date: TBA

Venue: TBA


1) Dew

2) Eon

3) yvaine

must have space for mommies and babies to mingle. any suggestions??

yvaine, lol, a squealing symphony! your hb can squeal too? that's so cute! when my hb talks in a high pitch i already found it very funny. i doubt he can squeal.. i shall get him to try. lol!

re: the house reno

finally, finally we've got the design set, the oclours set and bought almost all of the essentials (ie. washing machine, kitchen stove etc). i used to think it's all very exciting but man, it's a headache! i'm glad it's mostly over and now the renovating will start. i'm still targeting to move in by august, just hope my uncle can finish the renos by then!

re: june gathering

i'm planning for a saturday gathering, maybe late morning or early afternoon? shd be 4th, 11th, 18th or 25th june. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Subject: June Gathering

Date: 11th, 18th or 25th June

Venue: TBA


1) Dew

2) Eon

3) yvaine

yvaine: The pottys are really cheap. They even have one with wheels, and you can attached a toilet roll to it! So tempted to buy, but still too early for liz.

Dew: Count me in for June gathering, but I won't be able to make it 4-9th june as I would be travelling for work then.

dew: Liz squeals as well. Sounds like a super high kitty, squealing away. Not fun when she squeals at 5am in the morning...

eon/dew: my hubs is also menopausal. He 'eat-soft-don't-eat-hard' so i know not to scream or get upset with him if anything goes wrong. I would normally keep quiet or apologise first if things go wrong, then when he cools down, he would apologise and make it up to me. It sucks having to swallow my pride/ego but at least it keeps the peace in the household.

eon, pls go ahead, you're not stealing my idea at all, since i'm stealing the idea from the IFC! lol... and as for the card taking away the male menopause, I LIKE! hahahhahhahaha!!!

Re: Gathering

If weekend and include babies, I'm keen! Then my boy can meet so many pretty princesses. LOL! Reyes will have a boy buddy too if he goes.

Juliana, I am just lucky, cos I only visit this IFC, then feel that this skool is good. Use your gut feel. Yes maybe yesterday was a bad day. Just observe and see. Maybe just keep your options open and visit other IFC.

I think any wet paint are safe, just clean your boy hand well after that. I can check with the IFC teachers what water colour they use and let you know[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

count me in...till nw i hvnt attend any garthering yet!!!

Subject: June Gathering 

Date: 11th, 18th or 25th June 

Venue: TBA 


1) Dew 

2) Eon 

3) yvaine

4) PSH


i so envy u...i dun hv any mother's day gift frm e IFC...hehe

PSH, no envy lah. Having healthy little ones in our arms are already happiness leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Is your gal better?

hehe.. dewdew.. i think papa is easier to say. cos daddy too jealous when he heard bb say mama and keep repeating papa to her and she can say out too. yeah yeah, tats the time when they r singing away, when they look at ur mouth moment, tats the chance to keep repeating "mama" and they will learn to say it out! yes yes!! gathering pls. miss u girls!

stefie, i love the handprint artwork too!! v sweet eh! i will ask my hb to do one for me. lol!! so glad tat alexis is in good care at MFS [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yvaine, normally we meet for breakfast hee.. i PM u ok. might arrange one at my place one of the day in noon time.

Subject: June Gathering

Date: TBA

Venue: TBA


1) Dew

2) Eon

3) yvaine

4) muddypaws

5) Juliana

6) cherry

Subject: June Gathering

Date: TBA

Venue: TBA


1) Dew

2) Eon

3) yvaine

4) muddypaws

5) Juliana

6) cherry

7) PSH

muddy - potty on wheels with toilet roll holder? sounds interesting. i'll go after i knock off tomoro at 1pm, heee... thanks again, i LOVE to shop....

Jul - glad to hear it's a better day today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] do check out all options and decide on what you think is best for your boy ya.

dew - yes, i have a family of squealers here, hahahah.... my hubby can reach higher notes than me!! glad to hear that the reno is taking place soon! it is exciting, IF you don't have a little baby to worry about. it is very time-consuming, however, if your priority now is to tend to a baby who's ever soooo cute and always needing and catching your attention. august sounds realistic, hope it works out!

11th june i may be holding BD celebration for my no.1, other weekends should be ok. since muddy cannot make it 4th, how about we narrow down to 18th or 25th? but if the other dates better, do go ahead [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Cherrry[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I was so worries about Alexis when i put her there for the 1st month. Heng everything turns out well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Your hubby do one for you, that will be super sweet[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cherry ok ok u pm me let me know the address and date/time. if i have car and i'm actually lucid that morning i'll join u ;)

Not say I anti-social, actually is I shy :p but if I can join you all, I will!

But 11th am going up to KL, 25th is weekend before I need to go back to work so will need to mope a bit at home feeling sorry for myself so am only available on the 18th.

Re: gathering

I want to go!! Haven't seen you girls since the sengkang gathering!! count me in for the June gathering! I want to see all the babies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Subject: June Gathering

Date: TBA

Venue: TBA


1) Dew

2) Eon

3) yvaine

4) muddypaws

5) Juliana

6) cherry

7) PSH

8) Debbie

cherry, so good leh your girl can say papa and mama! Alyssa is a bright girl!! You got keep repeating the word "mama" to her for her to learn issit? My boy is talkative but talk and shriek in baby language only. haha. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Today really seem like a total turn ard, like as if they read all my comments yst and did things differently today. The old aunty is very involved today, feeding the bbs and interacting with them, teaching them at the same time while feeding.

Then they had a playtime session with the toddlers and I see them instilling some discipline. And this time the tots and babes r being divided into groups and surrounded by a teacher so were given some attention. Yst really everyone roam free, free n easy time.

Sorry to spoil u gals mood. Can check with u all, anyone clear abt divorce proceedings? Cos he's pretty insistent on a divorce.

Debbie! haven see u for so loooong le. must come ok! ya, i keep repeating "mama" to her when she's in the mood to "talk" gotta catch the right moment. and she will keep staring at my mouth and try to move her lips to "talk" usually its in the morning when she jus wake up when she's happy, she will keep singing away. and tat one fine day, at least expected when we are out for the usual weekly meetup with amuro, she just say it out! ur boy also talks alot now, so jus keep repeating to him. me crazy mummy, keep chanting "mama" for v long till her attention died down, then i strike conversation with her. hee..

Juliana, good for you. Just observe another day see how. Maybe can just pop by once a while after the 3rd day. Slowly adjust him to full day[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mean time can go for some ME time ok. Take care, anything just sms or whatsapp me.

Jul - good to hear that!!maybe you did catch them on a wrong day after all. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'm sure you're feeling much better now. just continue to monitor and assess the situation til you're comfortble. it's better to be overly cautious than not.

Dew - re: gathering, i think from our past experiences, it's better to narrow down the choices of date/time/venue, or to decide on something, and than see who can attend, cause if too many choices, end up usually it wont happen, hahaha

klitz - my friend just went through the proceedings recently. will you like me to link you up with her and she can share what she knows?

I am interested. I live at sengkang near buangkok mrt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

First time join gathering here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]       

Subject: June Gathering

Date: TBA

Venue: TBA


1) Dew

2) Eon

3) yvaine

4) muddypaws

5) Juliana

6) cherry

7) PSH

8) liling


klitz, i think muddypaws was saying her fren's a lawyer or something, can help to ask. i think u shdn't wait for your hb to be insistent on the divorce. he's the one who did wrong and yet he's acting like that? anyway, if u need help with finding a lawyer, i can also ask my fren. she's not practicing family law but i'm sure she'll know someone who is. lemme know.

yvaine, u are right, it's better to shortlist. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

here's the update then:

Subject: June Gathering

Date: 18-Jun, Saturday, 2pm onwards?

Venue: TBA (anyone can offer their house? or suggest some playground place that our babies can roll around at?)


1) Dew

2) Eon

3) yvaine

4) muddypaws

5) Juliana

6) cherry

7) PSH

8) Debbie

