(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

PSH: Gonna try feed her tonight. MIL scare to feed her with avocado.

NATAS fair is coming. You should be able to get good deals from it. Provided you know which date you are travelling.


Stefie: hahaha.. that's such a good excuse to bring Alexis to Osaka.. "Promised her to bring her to winter holiday".. :p I should have made one! hahaha.. I have had 2 times hokkien mee this trip.. :p I also missed it when I am back in SG.. can't find one that can produce near, if you have recommendations, let me know.. ;-) I don't know about few hours fireworks here manz.. but few hours!!! that's like all the people's money burning! :-S thanks for your well-wish, I hope the same for my dad.. at times like this, guilt gets the better side of me, who has been away since uni time.. I have not done enough.. so sad..

muddypaws: nice nice! enjoy your HK trip!

Hi..... Long time no post. Was too sianz over my dog.


I also planning to go overseas with baby. Thinking of going HK + Macau. But won't be this year. Most likely next Feb/Mar.


By the way, can I ask how many scoops of cereal to give ah? I dont know how to judge if i giving too little or what cos feeding belle is like war. I give about 2.5 tbsp with 60ml milk. Is she eating too little?

stefie: alexis sooo xin fu!! must really bring lots of winter clothes for her.. okies, shall on the dragonfruit..

bubbly: not to worry abt yr dad.. everything will be fine.. now accompany also the same ma.. do as much as possible if time permits [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

leelee: based on the existing exchange rate, it's S$177/night. We decided to spend a bit more on a hotel as we have a baby tagging along.

psh: For HK, we normally have our usual hang-out spots, so it's a default cos we're too lazy to plan. As for winter clothings, I got Liz' coats during the last zara sale. Do check out H&M opening soon, they have really cute baby clothes!!!!!!!!

My boy harassed my hubby for his dragonfruit the other night. We didnt even know it was red when we bought it but anyways, yup, i was actually quite shocked to see that his poo was red, coz he just had that viral fever thing i assumed the worst and that he was pooping blood >.< then my hubs reminded me about the dragonfruit. Heng.

My girl really wants to go HK Disneyland...but i dont want to in dec coz it'll be winter, right? Not enthu about going somewhere cold with 2 young kids.

My boy didnt like avocado, so recently i mashed it with banana and he tolerated it better. In fact I couldnt taste that it was avocado at all...


let her try a bit n see she like it or nt...if she like it she will auto open her mouth, juz like my ger, feed her papaya she close her mouth vy tight but avocado she will lean forward n open her mouth big big.

NATAS is tis Fri - Sat...i ardy gt e dates i wan to travel nw see gt wat packages tat suits us.


i think H&M gg to open an outlet @ 313 lei...i can go n shop shop le...i aso bought a thick jacket for my gal so tat she can wear in Dec.

Bubbly, hubby bought from 1 stall in Geylang. Not back, but of course not as good as KUL one. You must eat more okay, so you are so slim.

Oh the fireworks is International competition. So individual country pay for it lah. I think maybe this event die of natural death liao, as usual, Malaysia Boleh hoh (Sorry no offence to Malaysians) Now no more Malaysia 2020, Cyberjaya, but all the nice slogan hoh.

I wanted to bring her to USA disney, maybe when she is bigger bah, that is another promise. Ha!! ha!! No wonder she so happy cos Mommy give her alot of credit to see the world[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Need to pay her back 1 by 1. Anyway now only 1 baby still easy to travel, next time have 2, wau lau, can't imagine.

Just do what you can lah for daddy. Like for me, I never do anything for my daddy when he was still around. If he is still around, he would have buy alot of stuff for Alexia and sayang her, after all I am his fav[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Leelee, I promised Alexis one, plus She is lucky that daddy loves to travel, if depended on me, even go JB also difficult. Her tickets very cheap niah, $166 only. Before 2 years old 90% discount on adult fare. She don't know how to spend $$$ or eat Japanese food leh. So good time to bring babies for Holiday.

stefie: you promised alexis so many trips! Liz has gone with me to France and Finland when I was pregnant so her quota to faraway places is max-ed out. We screwed up her chances of getting a present from Santa cos I ate one of Santa's reindeer in Finland! Haha.......

samantha: i give 2 scoops (the big scoop in the FM tin)... and pour FM to get the texture i want then feed. I think as long as belle can eat, u can just give. I think i read somewhere is that for full servings, its 8tbsp.

muddy: yeah i understand.. must be kids friendly since bb is gg.. if I were u, i also dun mind to pay abit more.. sooo branded winter clothes? I guess they must be very pretty [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] got boys winter? though i not gg any holidays.. haha..

roz: yeah, winter quite cooling unless ur kids can tahan.. some of my friends mash with apple or pear.. nice too!!

stefie: so sweet of u to fulfil your promise to her.. oh, i thought its free for kids below 2 years old. didnt know its 90% discount on kids fare..

PSH: Thanks for the advice. Will try a bit and see how. Go get good deals at NATAS. I hope to travel soon for holiday too.

ROZ: heard that avo is tasteless. haha so it's good to mix with something else too.

Muddypaws: is it troublesome to bring ur kid for a holiday? scare so many logistics to do. Haven been to holiday for so long.sigh

Stefie: Ur girl so fortuate can go USA disney some day. hee. I'm sure she will pay you back even more when she grows up.

Ng: It would be my first time bringing liz for a trip. The last 2 times she travelled with me, she was a little jelly bean in my tummy! :D

I think logistics-wise, it should be ok as by Dec, she would be 13months. She can eat normal food (she has 6teeth now) by then, so I only need to bring milk and diapers.

leelee: I normally get Liz clothes during the Zara sale. Bought 2 coats - a woollen peacoat (S$29.90!) and a hooded parka (only S$19.90!). Got her sneakers from zara too. Hubs always teases me about dressing Liz up in 'branded stuff'. They have a cool boys' range too... I sometimes would look at the boys' range to see if there's anything for liz.

wow Shivan - thanks for the tips... my K is tanned too... but i think she's really tanned, hahaha... been tanned all the while even when she's on full BM... hmmm..

muddy - when when? u only free on weekends right? u be going to the gathering at dewdew's place in sept? gosh your Liz has so many teeth... she's obviously taking in al lthe nutrients! ;)

stefie - your alexis really gets to travel alot, jetsetting at such a young age! cool

bubbly - sorry, i missed the previous conversations. what happened with your daddy?

Roz - oooooh HK disney... i'm sure your girl will love it! and she's big enough for most of the rides too... Dec - isn't it nice to have it cold then hot? it's a more pleasant experience compared to a hot sweaty outing, say at Universal Studios singapore.... but yah lah, too cold also lay chey, maybe when it's cool but not cold? ;)

PSH - where u planning to go??

hmm NATAS... so tempting...


planning to go HK in Dec tats y wan to gi NATAS n take a look see gt any attractive package or nt...u leh?? planning to go any whr??


my gal nw aso gt 6 teeth...by e time she go HK she can eat normal food too...but mayb i will stl bring cereal along.


Bring ur kid to Osaka? Nice place.. But there may be no hot springs around.. Maybe close due to the radiation thingy..

Osaka is my favorite place.. I stayed there for half a year due to work.. Winter not very cold so still nice and ok for kids.. I brought my kids when they were 6mths..

Hi all,

Sorry to interupt

I have the following to let go

1) Friso Gold 2 (900g)( 4 tins )

New Advanced Growing Up Milk with P2 Dual System

Packed in Malaysia (6-18 months)

1 tin = $28

If get all 4 = $100

2) Nan 2 Probiotics - (400g) ( 6 tins)

Premium Hypoallergenic Follow Up Formula (after 6mths)

Manufactured in Switzerland

1 tin = $15

If get all 6 = $80

3) S26 Promil Gold Stage 2 (400g) 4 tins

Wyeth Milk Formula (Manufactured in Singapore)

Latest Version - New with Lutien

Follow Up Formula (6-12mths)

1 tin = $13

If get all 4 = $45

Kindly PM me if keen.

Meet up at AMK / Bishan / Raffles Place / Harbourfront

Thank you!

Morning Mummies,

It's just so funny how at one stage we blamed everything on growth spurt and now we are blaming everything on teething.

Little R finally has 2 teeth sticking out at the bottom. He's chewing and yanking at everything. Very sticky these days. Even in his sleep he wake and seem very uncomfortable unless i pop something into this mouth to chew on. If i carry him on my shoulders i can feel his jaw moving about. So no choice I pop in the pacifier to soothe him to sleep.

All the talk about travelling. I can't wait for my trip in Sept. Booked it since March! Gonna be celebrating my birthday in Australia with Hubby, Baby and my parents! Exciting yet headache cos seems like got to pack alot for Baby. =)

Morning mummies and daddies

muddy: its so dirt cheap! if i were u, i will buy more!! love all the kids wear.. soo cute! only bought woollen peacoat, hooded parka and sneakers. so little :p are they still having sales?

lovebyte: at least R still takes his pacifier.. JOvan also have 2 teeth but takes everything that appears in his face.. tissue, hanky, paper, toy cars, teether, remote controller, etc etc.. he is also v sticky nowadays... I just step out of the room and he will wail and wail..

good morning mummies!

was on mc y'day cos woke up feeling giddy and was coughing the whole night before that. haiz... went to see doc, he said it's sensitive nose. huh? but that was the verdict of 3 different docs so i guess i just need to use my nasal spray regularly and hope for the best. anyway, boiled my chuan pei pear soup to drink and the cough did lessen. dunno if it's the work of the nasal spray or the soup. :p

i hate my job today. i'm still feeling tired but hv to rush so many things, and i'm still feeling grouchy 'cos of the remark passed by my director a month back (yes, i totally bear grudges!). i can't believe he still thinks my job is easy to do when NO ONE else in this company can do it. fine, if it's that easy, his "capable" assistants shall handle it when i'm away most of october. let's see how they fare.

i see all of you talking about holidays with your bub and i'm kinda envious that your bubs are easy to bring out! for mine, going out is fine but man, she sure makes a lot of noise when she's grouchy. come to think of it, she resembles me! OMG! lol!

my gal still hasn't shown any pearly whites, so i'll wait patiently for it. recently she's learnt to high-five and wave bye bye. so cute! haha... my source of joy and frustration every day. but at least she gives me unconditional love, unlike some people i work for. LOL! yes, it's back to "i hate my job". hahaha...

ok, back to work, hv a good day people!

dew: hope u get well soon ya.. some pple at work just dont appreaciate and think our job is real easy.. sometimes i do think i work for the money unstead of passion.. becuz of family, we have to slog.. Gwen is such a darling.. learning all the new things.. my boy seems to know high five.. but he grabs my hand.. so dunno if thats considered..

no worries on their pearlies... the later the better... else, she will be even more grouchy..

PSH: ooooh HK in dec... disneyland too?? it'll be a winter wonderland then, heheh

Lovebyte: sept is not too far away, enjoy your trip ya! whereabout in aust? yes packing for babies is like packing the entire household into the luggage... but i'm sure it'll be fun ;)

leelee - hahah yes they grab eveything and try to dismember them isn't it... talk about tissue, mine also likes to tear them to pieces... like dewdew's gwen!

dew - aiyo take care... sensitive nose - the Raycop not working ah? or you r too bz to use? cause i find them after using the raycop on my bed my sinus problems improved tremendously. was using nasonex for years but was able to stop using since i started using raycop. if your problems occur in the mornings, then it might possibly be dustmite allergy. or, since it's your new place, could it be all the chemicals from the furniture, paint etc that's also contributing to the sensitivity/allergy? mine is dustmites... i found out a few yrs ago after seeing the ENT n doing skin prick test. and reading up all about dustmite allergies that time was enlightening and helped me to make sense of my very bad sinus problems that i had since young. anyways hope you'll be bale to sort things out at work and go back home to your gwen gwen! smile!

yvaine, u r right, i bought the raycop but it's still in its box! i hvn't had time to use it but will definitely open ceremony this weekend. then see how it goes. hopefully it'll improve & resolve the sinus problems! yay!


yup...cfm will go there, intend to stay one nite there...ya...dec is winter so gt to prepare thicker clothes for my ger...realli looking forward...hehe


hope u r better...drink more water hor...


My #1 is in marymount kindergarten. Wat mcys subsidy r u referring to? Those working mothers subsidy? Only childcare get those subsidies. Kindergarten no subsidy.

Hi mummies,

Day 2 of being back to sahm (starting pt work tom)...

Soooo tiring so far!! Partly cos no 1 was sick so was home yest, hub away plus bz training new maid, i feel so drained..

But everytime i feel tired, i think abt amuro, mangogal n dbaby who hv 2 young kids n no maid, i tell myself must not complain.. Kudos to them for being able to manage

The 2 kids hv been taking turns to keep me up all nite, thank goodness i dun hv to b at work.


So sad to hear abt ur relatives.. Life is so transient, we really hv to treasure every moment of it, sigh..


So nice to see so many of u planning trips w ur bubs.. I cant quite imagine 2 of them on a plane ride now... No 2 still ok, can always soothe w pacifier. No 1 is the problematic one so we can only go club med bintan in oct, no flying for now..


Still no sign of any teeth...but enjoying her gummy smiles, so cute la... Really hope when the teeth starts coming it will not b too painful for her...

does any mummy know of this cartoon called dinosaur train? i hv no idea what this is and even when i go search on the internet, what i saw doesn't ring any bell. :p

i need to buy some toys / educational stuff on this for a gift. any idea where has it?

grumpus, i see.. i see. i keen to put ethan there but then its onli 4 hours rite?

oshgosh, no la its a transition rite? if u feel tired or washed out just holler lo.. u are not superwoman. i guess everyone works differently ma.


i haven't heard of dinosaur train leh... the only dinosaur cartoon i know of is Dibo the dinosaur on Disney junior...


i think i quite lousy in handling my kids lor.. not superwoman at all.. till now poor leah hasnt started on porridge cos i no time/too lazy to do anything abt it... she quite poor thing, she had plain porridge w a little spinach yest cos i wanted to see if she could eat tat kind of texture..thinking back i feel so bad for giving her plain porridge!

ya, only childcare has subsidy... kindy dun hv..

o dear oshgosh, dun say that.. i tink SAHMs have the toughest job in the world. i'm sure leah without solids is still growing well rite? as long as she's not malnutrition or anything its fine. dun need to compare..

Good afternoon mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommmies remember to drink more water and eat more fruits[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Alexis is now in the "velcro babies" club. Maybe cos of teething also, she will fake cries to get my attention (Until like very poor thing, I wonder where she learns it from?) and need me to carry her wherever I go. She don't even want to sit on her high chair. So no choice I used Ergo carrier to carry her in the house, from hanging her cloths - wash her bottles - packing her barang barang for our Thailand trip. She seems to enjoy being "part of me" now. Worst thing is hubby is away till tomorrow, hope things will get better. Yesterday night she co-sleep with me, I can't even remember whether she is asleep besides me or not, really tired. At least both of us gets some sleep.

dewdew, hope you are feeling better. Poor thing your health is more important, do what you can lah.

The toys for how old. I find Leap frog stuff quite good.

If 2 years old and above, I like Leapfrog Leaptop:-



OSH> DIBO IS A GIFT DRAGON..not dinousaur..LOL! anyways we are also planning a holiday..trying to decide b/w HK and Gold Coast..I think since my girl is older she will be able to manage the flight alright.

worst case scenario, go staycation lor..hahahaha! sad man...

dew> I've watched dinosaur train before on OKTO. I remember it was partly made in Singapore. I did not find it very interesting but imagine if the kid is very enthu on dinosaurs, it's a great show. But err..havent seen any merchandise leh. If got time, go amazon to see..if not. err. GG. lol!

crystal> yah kindy no subsidy...already planning?? wah!

Oshgosh, you not bad mommy lah. We are just doing what we can. As long as we tried our best can liao. I depended on IFC alot in teaching Alexis her development and porridge. At home the most I gave cereals and fruit purees only.

At this stage is more of teaching them how to eat from spoon and preparing them to start on full solid at 1 year old. Milk is still their main diet lah. Don't take it too hard lah. Some mommies here are super hardworking, good for them lor, there are others who are also taking it slow, so you are not alone. Alexis classmate mommy only fed her baby bottle jar food, she said okay lah, cos it is not easy for us to prepare food. So take it easy lah.

Hubby not around, with or without helper also very poor thing. Like we have to do 2 roles, as daddy and mommy. Jia you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Marymount only accepts kids from the yr they turn 3 for N1. There r 2 sessions, morn session 8.15-11.15 n afternoon session 11.30-2.30. It functions like a regular school, so no sch during sch holidays.

If u send Ethan there, u must hv ppl to take care of him outside of sch hrs n during sch hols.

If u r able to hv tat kind of arrangment, marymount is an excellent sch. They r not very academic focused but focus a lot on morals n character building. My girl is very happy there n looks forward to going to sch everyday.


It's not fast. It seems fast cos yr kiddo is a dec bb. But he turns 1 this yr, 2011. 2012 he will be 2 n will start pre-N or N1 in 2013.

By mar-jun 2012, u would need to hv registered for kindy already!


Looking for:

1) Pregnant women from age 18 to 40, stage of pregnancy is 13 to 36 weeks,Singaporean or PRs, Chinese, Malays and Indians.

2) Mothers who is feeding their infants from 0 to 12 months old using infant formula brands currently.

Incentive reward: $30 NTUC Voucher Interested, pls reply:-

Group : 1 or 2

Name :

Hp no :

Mother Age:

Brand consume :

Baby age :

Pregnancy stage in weeks :

Email to [email protected] by 25/8/11.


zzz grumpus, reality check. LOL!

around that time would also hv to start thinking about primary schools for #1...actually should be earlier if need to be parent volunteer...lol!


ooh, roz & esquare, thanks for the info! my fren's from sweden, and her son loves dinosaur train and they don't get their toys over there so she asked me if it's available here since it's created in singapore. oh well, guess i'll have to rely on batman or spiderman toys for him instead! lol...

stefie, thanks for the reco.. wow, i rbr 2yrs ago there was a baby boom for my frens - about 4 of them gave birth in september! and now i hv to come up with gifts for them. what a big headache! just nice 2 boys and 2 girls. oh well, i can buy 2 of each then. hahaha...

are u all talking about kindy already?!?!?! omg!!! i hvn't even register my gal in MFS yet!


hahahaha, as u can probably tell, i don't quite pay attention to whatever is showing on telly... cos i find tat if i do, i end up rolling my eyes half the time! especially barney! hope i'm not offending any barney fans here, but i find the kids in barney super annoying...

but then again, no choice, its one of my girl's fav show.. sigh wish she had better taste..

Toys for toddlers,

i like stuff from early learning centre.. girls especially, i can go crazy there, but have to control control control...

for 2 yr old girls, i would think masak masak kind of toys are fun... cooking, ironing, washing clothes.. ELC has lots of such pretty toys.. i want all their kitchen stuff lor, too bad hub dun let me buy.

sorry i dunno wat to get for boys, always find boys toys v boring.. if not trains, then cars and cement mixers.. or dinosaurs.. boring..


wat is MFS?

oshgosh, i can't stand Barney too!!! i absolutely hate that purple dinosaur but... trust my nephew to pick out a lantern with Barney's face on it. SIGH! wish he had better taste too. lol!

Early learning centre? i shall check that out. MFS is my first skool... there's one near my parents' place and i've been discussing with my mum to put gwen there when she's 18mths old. i hv just registered her online and am placed on waiting list. my gosh! waiting list?!?!

dew: there's a waiting list for MFS????? I just started liz on GUG, and that alone has a waiting list. Still deliberating which pre-school to send liz too. Might just stick to GUG if possible.

Hubs complained that the chinese teacher in GUG is not a native speaker, accent a little funny. Says he prefers if she's a native speaker, or he would have to teach liz himself. Faint...

dew: MFS opposite bedok point?

oshgosh: nothing to buy for boys... save money... :p but different for girls.. so many toys.. but my colleagues say although lesser toys for boys but their toys are more expensive than the toys for girls..

good afternoon mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

talking about school, i intend to enrol mine at 18mths too hehe, but hubby thinks its too early.. zzz

the thought of having some free time on my hand is too tempting haha...

my girl now seems to change her slping habit, takes long naps in the noon and she slps less at night zzz hope this phase will pass soon, hubby and me becoming panda zzz

leelee, i noticed the same for shoes - for men their shoes are lesser variety but more expensive than ladies shoes. lol! same goes for shirts and pants. hahhaha... less variety but more expensive. weird!

nope, i pre-reg for MFS at blk 417, opp. the current St. Anthony's Convent. my mum said she went to check it out and it looked better than the other one that's nearer to her place, so i put her there.

muddy, yep! waiting list hor, amazing right? and it's like.. another 10 months to go? crazy lah, education in singapore - sure make money.


hello mommies, need to check with you something....

recently my baby has been on milk strike. he refuses the bottle or sometimes at most, he will only drink like 50ml to 100ml from his normal serve of 200ml. i tried to switch from his current pigeon bottle to nuk, also didnt help much. we even attempt to add in more formula milk powder to his milk, also didnt help. ended up just now i have to use the balance milk of 100ml to mix with cereal and he managed to finish up his cereal.

not sure if its due to too much porridge he is eating. he is currently eating about 3-4tbl spoons of cooked porridge twice a day. other than that, he is like waking up every hour during the night and i get so mad! my dark eye rings are pretty bad due to his irritating cries at night lol

mommies, do you think i should switch milk powder? my FIL says that gain milk is not sweet enough for his taste after he started solids? my elder gal has got no such problem during her time!

